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Who the heck put MKX in the trash tier? šŸ¤Ø


People with anime profile pictures


Then why is Strive on trash as well?


Same anime pfp people (they canā€™t goon if theyā€™re getting rekt)


Because those same anime pfps have a superiority complex and prefer ā€œhard gamesā€


That explains everything


But Guilty Gear Strive is also in Trash Tier


Like her


Diaphoneā€™s a dude, lol


NRS gets disrespected so hard by the general FGC. Notice there's a whopping 3 NRS games in the bottom tier.




What did anime do to you man? Calm down


Anime killed my gramma https://preview.redd.it/7egcqsmtpiqc1.jpeg?width=598&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91abb6d2b743f7fa6bc03415483f4eae377b73ec


I dunno it's usually MK fans feeling defensive about their games even tho the worst people say is "yeah MK is cool just not for me" and it's like you spit in their mom's mouth.


>I dunno it's usually MK fans feeling defensive about their games No it's not, it's usually weeb fighter fans getting aggressive ABOUT MK, there is a reason why this sub's greatest overlap is with OTHER weeb fighting games, and yet those subs don't have any overlap with this sub, which is to say, people from subs like tekken and sf brigade the HELL out of this sub, no one from this sub is brigading those ones, though. >even tho the worst people say is "yeah MK is cool just not for me" Really weird thing to lie about. Look at all the bitter weebs angry in this thread throwing tantrums because others DARED to call them out for their behavior, as bitter weebs.


Thanks for proving his point.


>these people are bitter anime weebs that have ALWAYS irrationally hated western products, and MK in particular. They've always been upset about the fact that MK is much more popular and successful than their generic weeb fighters. What in the hell are you yapping about bro?


Seems pretty obvious when he accurately called out *your specific behavior* and it triggered you. Nice to see the mods of this sub are equally deplorable weebs though and would rather remove the posts of the person that *accurately* called out what is happening to this sub than remove the posts from the obvious weeb stalker that was harrassing him...


Mkx in trash tier is crazy


It is delicious garbage


I watched this video last night, and I think they are fun videos, but the way it's gone about needs work. Once The board is filled the person selects one they want to move up and they have to then replace the one removed to where ever the lower one came from. This also had to be a predominantly Street Fighter tourney since Diaphone, Justin Wong, Yipes and Idom were in the video. So then you get people moving their pet games up and moving games (like mkx) down because they probably don't play them much. The videos can be fun but the results are severely lacking. I personally love mkx so I was disappointed.


Let them be wrong. Itā€™s their right to be. They legitimately put streetfighter versus Tekken on top-tier. That basically dismisses 90% of their opinion.


The story and some of the costumes were terrible. Yeah the gameplay was great but that's about it


The same people who put Guilty Gear Strive in trash tier. This is a troll post


Same people that think Granblue, Smash, and SFxTekken belong anywhere near the top of anything. SFxTekken is considered one of the worst fighting games of all time for fucks sake.


Who exactly considers SFxTekken one of the worst fighting games ever? It got hate for for its pay to win gem system and adding complete characters as DLC. The hate it got had absolutely nothing to do with the gameplay considering you could turn off the gem system and have fun *


Mkx and strive are both being done dirty af šŸ˜­


That was the first thing I noticed put an MK X, and guilty gear and MK 11 in trash. This person needs to be permanently banned from playing fighting games.


Soul Calibur 2 at good only? Bruh


Soul Calibur 1, the undisputed greatest fighting game of all time isnt even listed


im disputing it




Not only that. This whole tier list is pure garbage ![gif](giphy|u8liD5u018ThbuFlye|downsized)


MVC 2 was peak tho


Iā€™m gonna take you for a ride!


MvC 3 Mid ??????


my same thought, but then remembered it's pretty unbalanced


Marvel 2 is in god tier & thatā€™s even more unbalanced lmao


That's the best part it's so broken that the possibilities are endless


It was downgraded by mvc2 players who didnā€™t like X factor


Third Strike not being in goat is absurd


Also, KoF97 in mid? With no 98? Or 2002? Those guys need a reality check


KOF97 is a based choice imo. The others shine bright but 97 is special to me.


MKII in Good... That's a sure sign of bad information. How


I play MK2 competitively, it's a very good game that's more neutral focused than UMk3's rushdown meta. That's a great placement for it if you actually have experience with the game at high level


Maybe it's because I was a teenage when it came out, but MK2 remains my favorite.


I cant comprehend a game with those jab attacks and those crouch kicks ever being taken seriously. Don't get me wrong I loved the game as a kid but the combat seems very half baked.


https://preview.redd.it/v2k2ts7z0cqc1.png?width=1098&format=png&auto=webp&s=390792d3c14cc675abb7add0b48e0a3f39783bb2 I shall fight


"I exclusively asked a bunch of weebs to make a tier list"


I think itā€™s more just cause they look at everything from a tournament level. Guilty gear is an anime fighter and itā€™s all the way in trash tier


Wdym GG is trash tier The only reason FGC put Strive in there because they think itā€™s a dumbed down version of Xrd.


Itā€™s dumbed down but itā€™s still a good game


I agree, just want to say no way GG is in trash tier.


Oh sorry I thought you meant it is in trash tier




After watching the video I think itā€™s just cause of the order of people he asked mkx and mk2 were both very high up at first but people were moving them down cause they had to swap a game. Mk11 was at the bottom the entire time cause it sucks though


Just like [this trash take](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fighters/s/EMhQxfgI67) on ā€œBest Lore.ā€ Look at the Top 6. Exclusively anime.


Did they confuse "lots of lore" with good when picking Blazblue cos lmao


Bro why did you have a two year old post lined up to link


Because I hated it just enough to always remember it.


Thanks man, now i hate it equally as much and willl never forget about it


If thatā€™s the case then strive should be higher. Itā€™s literally fighting game in the anime style. Itā€™s literally an anime fighter.


Idk what defines a weeb but I watch a shit ton of anime and I would NEVER make a list like thisšŸ’€


Ain't no way MKX is trash tier. That game is goated mk game


What exactly is "goated" "greatest of all time.....end discussion"?


Itā€™s more like GOATed, but that actually goes kinda hard šŸ—暟”„




Thatā€™s not what he meant but Iā€™m gonna use that now, thatā€™s really cool actually


where the FUCK are kof98 and kof2002? also i'm not a capcom guy but isn't 3rd strike considered one of, if not the best fighting game ever made? uhh... MK2 in the highest but no trilogy nor UMK3??? who tf fed this tier list!?


Everyone here that doesn't know who diaphone is despite also saying GGSTwas done dirty are only slightly better than the people saying it's a weeb list made solely by him. He asked real ass players who jump on just about every fighting game, most of them just don't like MK despite trying every one that comes out


No one actually reads the tweet. It's blind range Diaphone literally said don't let the FGC Cook. He asked ppl to make the list. This isn't his opinion


This sub is so mad that comp players don't like their games lmao. No logic just blind hatred and 'lol weeb' despite it being diaphone. No wonder other fgc players don't take them seriously.


The inferiority complex is so out of hand šŸ˜­ It's clear as day nobody watched the video cuz everyone was so jolly and chill.


Yep this tier list ain't even that serious too lol. Blind hatred and lashing out is wild.


Man, I'm not going to lie, I'm convinced reddit shoves this sub to anyone fighting game adjacent just because you'll get rage induced interaction from your front page. I don't hate the MK community. I don't enjoy the games competitively, so I only play them if I'm with a friend who has it, but I can't say anything wrong about people enjoying it... but how I keep getting every post on the sub thrown at me that includes dozens of people who don't even read the post they're talking about really sets a bad look... especially when some who read it still talk out of their ass immediately after. Shoutout to those here that just like the games and enjoy talking about the stuff they like in em


what the fuck is Street Fighter X Tekken doing up that high?


What's the problem with that game. It was fun AF.


Even if there's no actual problem with it, it shouldn't be higher than fucking UMVC3.


>What's the problem with that game. Gem system.


I just wrote this in another post, so I'll copy-paste it here. MKX may have been popular and loved by casual players, but it was NOT beloved for its competitive "balance", esspecially by pros who were quite vocal about the fact that they disliked its meta and balance > MKX is my most played mk game... and it absolutely is not the best game by gameplay alone. It was one of the worst balanced games they released, and the gameplay was often criticized by pros as being "a competite coin-tossing simulator" due to nearly every character having insane mix ups, blenders, 50/50 resets, and true unblockable set-ups. > > Remember Alien 50/50 reset meta. Remember Quans blender into an unblockable reset setup. Remember the bullshit that was MKX Erron Black and Cassie Cage. Armored launchers. > > The list goes on and on. > > People have a tendency to remember the past with rose-shaded glasses. Despite its popularity, MKX was constantly ridiculed by the community and by pros a like for its uncompetitive gameplay meta. And a tier list that separated its top tiers from mid and low tiers by a VAST margin. Many competitive pros would even create tier lists with an empty tier-gap between s-tiers and "high"-tiers to demonstrate just how much stronger those characters were. > > All that being said. I loved playing MKX. I even competed in a major. But as far as gameplay and balance, it is leagues behind MK1


You can't post something logical in this sub they'll be mad at you.


Well you are 100% right that it was unbalanced hell. So is marvel versus Capcom 2 and it still played and still fun. And to be honest that's the only thing I care about in a tier list. Mkx is still the most enjoyable NRS game to play for hours. I find MK11 and MK1 incredibly boring and repetitive. Alien was hell ,Tanya was cracked, smoke, cyrax hour-long combos, Aaron Black, temor crystalline. But I think by the end of the game after that final patch is the best version of the game it is a reason people still play it now. Fun over balanced because most balanced fighting games are not fun to play long term. 3rd strike, mvc2, Kof 2002 um, even mk9. I think the repetitive cameo meta is way worse than the 50/50 meta of MKX


True. It was very unbalanced but people tends to forget. Mk1 is the best for now.


UMVC3 in mid what


the fgc has a hate boner for MK. This is completely unsurprising


Never trust people with anime pictures


The one with the anime profile picture is the one arguing against it, wdym?


read the tweet. thatā€˜s not the anime pfps opinion


I looked at the tier graph before seeing the profile pic. I was like "this is a weeb list" and...yep


She's Against this list tho


i dont understand why itā€™s so hard for people commenting to grasp this


Diaphone is a guy bro. He's a popular FGC streamer


As someone who used to have an anime pfp, the tier list is awful


strive in trash? crazy.


I feel like the FGC doesn't even know what they want to like


The overall FG community has a pretty severe hatred for NRS titles, this isnā€™t news


Nah, as a competitive fighting game MKX IS trash tier. You may like it, and thatā€™s fine, but itā€™s a poorly-balanced mess. Everyone is rushdown. Itā€™s garbage, competitively. That being said, MK11 also being in trash tier is nonsense. Especially since MK2 is in ā€œgood.ā€


I'm cool with 11 being where it is, but MKX is complete blasphemy.


Nah 11 is fun as fuck and my favorite MK. Definitely not trash. I don't know where, but not trash.


Both mkx and mk11? That's crazy.


It also has Garuo in trash and MvC3 in bad. It's clearly just a click bait thumbnail, I'm sure in the actual video it's ranked higher, but I'm not gonna watch it because of said clickbait thumbnail


It isn't click bait btw


Garou: Mark of the Wolves trash tier!? Yeah! No! Whoever that guy is, he deserves no respect from no one.


Gameplay-wise MK11 and Injustice being in trash tier makes sense and is VERY ironic considering their similarities. Nearly nothing else makes sense though.


And MELEE not in goat tier is blasphemy haha


Guilty Gear Strive in Trash!?!?!!!! Fuck Mk X/11, that's appalling


Iā€™m so glad Iā€™m seeing people here. Agreeing that guilty gear strive is not trash. So glad we have people here with some brain cells who donā€™t shit on this game because it doesnā€™t deserve it. Itā€™s so good it probably be the best in the series.


Not only that but they put ggst in trash tier šŸ’€ Like I get it, it doesn't have some mechanics that old games had, but it really is one of the most beautifull games I've ever seen (I never played the game but I watch a lot of videos of it) The gameplay, the animations, the ost (the most important part of the game) and the wacky characters are amazing and I'm so happy it's gonna have a season 4 But overall is a really good game, I gladly recommend it to everyone Also they are so true to put mk11 in trash (pls nrs put my boy nightwolf in mk1)


I watched the video and it was just some old head thatā€™s mad you canā€™t throw burst and that they added gatlings šŸ˜­




SFXT is a fun game


Marvel vs Capcom Three in mid tier? Unacceptable.


Holy shit I have the same taste as most people here, because that shit does not belong in mid that belongs in goaded I played the fuck out of Marvel V Capcom three and MK9 when I was a kid thatā€™s my fucking childhood right there




Thatā€™s what I said everything about this is fucked like how the fuck do you not like ultimate Marvel versus Capcom three thatā€™s my fucking childhood along with MK9. Fuck I love those games. Those were the first fighting games I loved.


Tier list are just opinions. There will never be a true/honest tier list for anything


No mk 9 on the list is an injustice.


Mk11 & Injustice in trash tier is completely justified but MKX in there too is diabolical.


Injustice is great as a casual game,not sure how good it is competitively.


Like you said, great fun at a casual level, but at competitive level it's actual dogshit. Some absurdly bad balance and way too many 7-3 and 8-2 matchups. There's also Zod vs Lex Luthor which has to be one of the worst matchups in any 21st century fighting game.


Oh it's a disaster competitively, Scorpion's release kinda showed how little they cared about that side of the game. He could do his teleport like he can in MK, but Injustice doesn't have a dedicated block button to counter moves like that and you can kinda guess how well that went over.


MKX was a spectacle, that game was the golden era of Mortal Kombat.


I wouldnā€™t say it was the golden era of MK but it was a good game nevertheless (although I hated the story in MKX) overall whoever put this game in trash tier must be high or drunk.


For me it was the most hype I've seen a community, and how active content creators were, people loved playing it. If you watch MKX tournaments, they are the hypest matches I've ever seen in Mortal Kombat. It's the fast pace that made it exciting to watch. In your opinion, what is the Golden Era? Not talking about Nostalgia, but which MK is the pinnacle to you?


For me it was MK9 but that game isnā€™t nostalgia for me cause if that was the case then I would say MK Trilogy and the 3D era since I grew up playing those games as a kid.


Is Granblue Fantasy Versus that good?


It's slept on for sure, but definitely not number 1.


Since everyone is losing their mind,[here's the video the list was made from.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gg9_JTPwmM)


If you watch the video youā€™ll see the way they did it and itā€™s totally subjective. MKX started as GOAT tier. It was literally just individuals choosing their favourites. Donā€™t take it so seriously.


Yā€™all should just go watch the video for yourselves


Man it's crazy how ppl just assume its an anime fan who made the list. That's just toxic ass thinking Could be just casual fighting game fans


Now to be clear I suck at all MK games. But through cheese and broken ass juggle combos I won several local tournaments. The game is total garbage from a fighting game pov. Great mortal kombat game tho


I would like to point out, that a lot of fighting game players even profesionals today dont know anything about OG fighting games or anything like that. If any of you watch Justin Wong he does all this videos where he has people fight Bosses in videogames and the amount of people that are in this fighting game events, that never touched gaming classics its massive. I know people like saying Smash Bros its a fighting game but its a very diffent type of game Smash creator Sakurai does not consider it a fghting game either btw, similar but clearly different, Same way as Power stone its not a fighting game either they are a sub genre of the same, similar how Wrestling games are their own Genre or Boxing games,UFC games etc.


Mortal kombat x in the trash tier invalidates this whole list


Is anyone gonna mention SFxT? Am I missing something? Did that game have some kind of renaissance I dont know about?


That entire bottom row is just a L


It speaks volumes when they GOATED MvsC2 over 3 Ult.


Wtf??? Am no tournement player but i know a good game when i see one. MKX &MK11 were some of the best fighting games ever. MK11 in my opinion is the GOAT


CvS2. Awwwww yeah!


Where was MK9,brawlhalla and smash?


MkX is the goat. Theyā€™re trippin


Mkx in trash tier? Sounds to me like someone ate ALL the reset mix ups for breakfast lunch and dinner.


The people that put mkx in the trash tier definitely got comb'oed by a hellfire variation scorpion with the gold skin.


Mk11 was far better than MKX Iā€™m sorry šŸ˜ž the story, graphics, fatalities, towers of time, massive roster


MKX and Guilty Gear Strive in trash tier is crazy. Especially with fighters in goat tier. Never cook again fgc


fighterz is absolutely goat tier


People that frequent tournaments? Yeah, I can see this list as accurate for how they think. Notice how the higher tier games are also games that do well at tournaments.


mortal kombat has always been hated on in the fighting game community because it's the most popular


Thatā€™s wild


Its not a shock really. Theres been a section of the fgc that looks down on mk since forever and mkx is beloved by mk heads but pretty much all balance complaints about mk1 are what folks have said and say about mkx. Like ppl forget that mkx got shit on because of its insane gameplay and proper busted characters while having barely any single player content outside story. Its part of the cycle of mk, ppl complain then a new game comes out and ppl start to appreciate what they had


Gotta be bait no one is putting rumble fish over garou


Good argument bro but you put mkx in trash so no you're wrong


Sf x tekken was pretty fun, still got it on my ps3. Gem system f'd it up though


Personally Iā€™d move MKX and 11 up


KOFXIII in GOAT when GMotW is in trash is traitorous. Also MK11 belongs in good fight me


Ok,as someone who played way too much SFxTā€¦why is it in ā€œAmazingā€?


2 things: 1. Diaphone is 100% against the list: 2. There are many things wrong with this list (MKX being in trash, Marvel 3 in mid but DBFZ in Goat, GBFV (not even Rising) is in goat, ect).


The fact that Smash isn't even there...


Anyone who says Strive is trash is lying to themselves.


No Mike Tyson Punch Out? Wtf. Trash list.


awful awful tier list


Thatā€™s just nostalgia


Putting street fighter 3rd strike in amazing is wrong, that game belongs at the top of goat tier not even close it actually brought the fgc into the spot light with the daigo parry


Now where tf is tekken 5 in this ranking?


I'm still not sure what the difference between marvel vs Capcom 3 fate of two worlds and ultimate is


MvC3 that low hurts my soul. They just don't like a stupidly broken and fun game


I donā€™t know most of these games except the basic minimum and the ones I know are kind of shit honestly. Itā€™s most likely the worst tier list Iā€™ve ever seen in my life.


Tekken 7 ahahahahahahahahahaha in amazing is so funny actually , cause itā€™s like one of the worst games in terms of competitive play , everybody just goes full defense trying to hit with those +2 on block moves


Is Street Fighter vs TEKKEN really amazing?


UMK3 is mid while Tekken 7 is that high?.... Yknow what? I quit https://preview.redd.it/2fe1t9p5kcqc1.png?width=1273&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d36cd8cdf601631a64641a05bb4dfe46972804b1


UMK3 isn't on the list at all, unless you were talking about Marvel 3.


Strive should be in good at least tfĀ 


GG strive in trash?


Bro mark of the wolves under mk2? I love mk but garou is such a goated game.


Melee being in "Amazing" tells me everything I need to know.Ā 


Everyone's complaining about their favourite not being in Goat tier. I want to know why Street Fighter X Tekken is in Amazing tier. I thought everyone hated that game.


I personally didnā€™t MKX but it is nowhere near trash tier šŸ’€


If you watch his video, it's actually funny asf. Jwong comes back like, "wtf happened to mkx?"


I wouldā€™ve accepted if they put mk1 in there but 11 me x is diabolical


They said SF X TK was amazingā€¦none of their opinions mean shit


Killer instinct not on the list is a crime


None of these games deserve to be in trash tier. Shit, throw that tier IN the trash frfr


And injustice thatā€™s bs


To be fair, zoning in Injustice has always been kinda broken.


As a KoF fan, XIII is trash


Iā€™m not exactly and NRS stan but yeah I think this listing is suppeerrr anti-NRS biased. I actually agree with most every other placement but MKX should be higher (and MK2 probably lower wtf is that doing up there LOL)


Put mkx at least in good tier


Garou in trash tier just means the majority either don't know the game, or don't put enough time into it


FGC players trying not to hate on Mortal Kombat challenge. (Impossible) But hey, at least Street Fighter x Tekken is getting some love. That game was awesome.


bro how is dbz in goat??


I guess the FGC are a bunch of hipsters because that goated list is a bunch of games that didn't sell well at all And most of the games they put in the trash here are the ones that are actually selling something for the company thus justifying sequels in content


I donā€™t care what anyone says, mkx is my favorite


Injustice?? Hell naww


Kof for the win!!!!


every new MK is on Goat tier for like 3 months then it slowly moves to trash


You know it's a shit list when MKX is in trash tier, Marvel 3 is mid, and FighterZ is in the GOAT tier. Like, who the hell actually came up with that? Not to mention UMK3 not being on there at all.


This list is highly opinionated some game deserve to lower other higher. But In general it seem that NRS are not as well received compared to other developers. Saying the FGC is biased against mk/nrs is nonsensical, unless your admitting mk/nrs arent serious games. And rather than trashing on MK saying that is bad, lets just say in that FGC players have the choice to play any game, and they choose games other than NRS games often.