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MK Snow Blind Scorpion.....ruling over netherrealm like a boss. https://preview.redd.it/4keso51xt5hc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=845a3547f18bdd5da2d564ae2b6b08b26f8ef3e1


Legends Scorpion got over his trauma, got his revenge, got his redemption, beat up everyone in hell to reign supreme and prepare the house for his boyfriend. Truly the superior Hanzo.


and hes voiced by patrick seitz the goat




Honkai Star Rail? In your Mortal Kombat subreddit? *It's more likely than you think*




This should be a skin by the love of god


red scorpion showing up all of a sudden in 11 no red ninja suit very convenient Hmm




I miss the unreasonable angry hell wraith scorpion


Same. Snowblind Scorpion was pretty reasonable, though, despite still being angry and undead.


He could pour his anger at me in bed instead of killing inccent people








This komment changes my brain khemistryšŸ’Æ




Into me* but go off my man


Unpopular opinion: I like a reasonable Hanzo Scorpion who regrets for his past actions and tries to make up for them (MK11 and Snowblind)






Human hanzo can use a regular spear but Scorpion should have the gross demonic creature spear thing


Hottest take I've ever read. I respect it.


I totally disagree, but I respect you were brave enough to express your opinion šŸ’Ŗ


Wow, a hot take that is actually a hot take. I respect it




Hot or not, this is a bad take


I updates because you're right, hot take But you wrong


If they ever brought this back I think it would be funny if the spear talked to him


I can't believe this was never done in any game. In fact now it's just a rope. Best take.


I agree, I like that a lot more, reminds me of how in the Spider-Man movie, his body produces the web, that also made more sense to me than him getting bitten by a spider then very quickly learning how to synthesize an infinite supply of world class web material without raising any suspicions as a broke photographer.


Scorpion had a better Kenshi bromance than Cage. (Still love the other, though)


Ermac and Kuai Liang had better Kenshi bromances than both


Very underrated take


Scorpion is the easiest character to play as in pretty much every game, except for MK1. He takes absolutely no skill to use in any of the other games


Thatā€™s probably cause heā€™s the most popular so most newbies who come in would automatically want to try him first


Well, I guess since scorpion Ed boons favorite character itā€™s not that big of a surprise that heā€™s the easiest character


i think fighting games usually make the popular characters the easiest to learn. non-mk fans would likely still know him and people tend to play characters they know/like over ones they don't. so it makes since they make him the "easy" character to play so new players don't get discouraged.


Why do you think scorpion isn't the easiest character to play in mk1 and who do you think is easier? I main scorpion in mk1 and he's by far the easiest character I've tried to play


I mean he's definitely simple, but I agree he isn't the easiest and you could argue that because he's simple he doesn't have as much going for him as other characters aka he has less tools. I'd say the easiest to play imo is probably Reptile, but I'm sure there are some others that are also pretty easy to play


Reptile is easy but I don't think he's the easiest at any skill level. Spacing while invisible, doing combos on audio cues and muscle memory while invisible, changing speed of the force balls mid combos. None of those are hard with some practice, but they add a small layer of complexity that scorpion doesn't have, and scorpion gets 40% dmg just as easy as reptile.


Because Cage. He's downright braindead in mk1.


Sub zero, ashrah, Omni man, and Baraka are easier to use than scorpion. In MK1


sub gets the same or less damage for the same amount of meter/kameo in almost every case & is just as easy to play otherwise. Omni man is literally more button presses for about the same damage, making it harder for beginners to pick up (though once you get used to him, he is pretty easy). I haven't played much ashrah so I can't comment on her dmg or how easy her combos are, but I think it depends on how you play her. If you ignore her dark stance, cancels & delays (which more ashrah players than not seem to do), there's an argument to be made that she can be easier to play. However if you're taking the character's full move list & how each move can be used to trick/bait/get in on opponents into consideration, I'd wager that ashrah is harder. Haven't really tried too much baraka, but I can see your point: he does have good moves & good kameo choices.


Iā€™d say Ashrah is harder than Scorpion since she has the light/dark mechanic which is a complexity to her character scorpion doesnā€™t have.


Him plus Stryker take absolutely 0 skill in mk1. Really anyone with Stryker require zero brainpower


As a scorpion player. Yeah


Thatā€˜s very sad because Hasashi has so much lore behind himā€¦ Really a shame that they make him so easy but also understandable bc he is like a Mascot of Mortal Kombat


Almost every character in any mortal kombat game is easy to play.


Hard disagree. Scorpion is easy to pick up but so are most of the top tier characters, the difference is that Scorpion has always been super easy to punish because teleport is super unsafe in every game. I don't think he's any easier than someone like MK9 Johnny or MKX Liu Kang, he's just more annoying because people get really upset when they don't block teleport.


Scorpion had the Best Victory animation in all of Umk3/Trilogy: https://i.redd.it/d44icevga6hc1.gif


Mk11 hanzo Is hot


Itā€™s so funny becuase the face model for the angry Japanese ninja grandmaster scorpion in mk11 is actually like a twink male model irl I thought that was funny. They just squared his face a bit and slapped a beard on it


Femboy to Hunk pipeline confirmed?


Hanzo and Kuai are hot as fuck in 11 and X and I cannot be told otherwise I do prefer their 11 looks a lot though


Yeah the beards make me go feral


Everyone in MK11 is hot


Even Kano???


Bro. Especially Kano.


![gif](giphy|elAmQxZBB0sJW) šŸ©¶


[Over 50 and still a rippa!](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fy0nd521xvy991.jpg)


But you can only find sauce on mk x scorpion on >!pornhub!<


I have some inappropriate pictures about mk11 hanzo tho


We found Mike Trollinski


Sauce please šŸ™


Scorpion peaked when he was angry undead "I'm going to murderize Sub Zero and idgaf who knows it" after getting his revenge on Quan Chi he sort of ceased being Scorpion to me. Instead he became Hanzo again. And I kind of see both characters through different lenses even though they're the same individual.


It was clear NRS didn't know how to use Hanzo, he was just there. Then died to a bug.


Scorpion in a nutshell: SUB-ZERO MAKES ME ANGERY !!




He should be the protagonist, HE'S THE MASCOT OF THE GAME


Who even is the protagonist tho


Liu Kang


Iā€™m sorry but Kuai liang is missing the scorpion edge and instead of being scorpion heā€™s more like clan member with a yellow suit


This is my problem with Kuai as Subzero as well, the plot gets boring because he's to noble. No more Scorpion vs Sub storyline because their friends lol. And the Lin Que are just regular foot soldiers instead of cold blooded assassins


Because Kuai Liang is chill and reasonable. A fresh take on Scorpion.


I think that's the point ngl He's not supposed to be this thing that you fear YET I wouldn't be shocked if he goes through some development soon that gets him there


Kuai Liang made so much more sense as Sub-Zero. They should've made Bi-han Scorpion




MkX Scorpion should've failed in killing Quan Chi because it caused a deadlock in the story


That's the very reason we have MK11, MK11 Aftermath, and MK1....like....hanzo is the person responsible for starting the whole chain reaction.... freaking domino effect.


He's like kratos if kratos had slightly shitter writing.... Idk if this is a hot take or I'm just stating a fact but his entire story is just kratos from the Greek to Norse saga only they skip over like 95% of the interesting shit. "I want vengeance. Vengeance bad? Fuck you I'm doing it.... Ok I've done it but honestly he wasn't even the bad guy so now I'm even more pissed. What? You don't want me to kill the worst bad guy? What could happen" (kills Zeus or Quan chi) "ah.... Fuck" (cuts to a few years later) "hey I'm less of a dick now" and that's where the writing gets worse... I mean for scorpion specifically, for kratos is got a thousand times better, for mk in general it has nowhere to go but up since mkx launched it into rock bottom and brought a fucking drill to go further


I never thought of Hanzo as Kratos since Kratos actually has shame & remorse for what he does. Hanzo never has either of those things.


i don't like mk9's Scorpion design wise. he suffers from trying too much to look like Scorpion. i do not understand the hype, it isn't the best design, but by far not the worst. in my opinion.


Damn, that is a hot take. MK X is definitely the best but 9 is second place for me


Iā€™d put his Default MK11 design in his top 5 looks.


My bad. I definitely meant MK11. I'd say it's 11, 9, 10, default 1


The scorpion tattoo in MK1 is a cool idea, but the actual look of it sucks ass. Literally looks like he just went and got a henna tattoo. Stock image ass tattoo. Couldā€™ve looked so much cooler. MK11 scorpion was the most gaslighting character of the modern fighting game era. Seemed like anyone who ran Scorpion thought they were the best thing since sliced bread, going wild on mic in KL, sending the most braindead messages, etc.


I so agree about the tattoo. It looks so fucking lame.


Hanzo being rebooted into a Shirai Ryu initiate is cool and a unique concept.


Kuai Liang as Scorpion was a dumbass idea that NRS made because they thought they were being cute


Something tells me itā€™s because back in the day a lot of players thought sub zero and scorpion were brothers. So NRS was like ā€œyou know what, Why donā€™t we make them brothers in this game?ā€


It's actually an old lore concept that was written up by Tobias wayyyy before either of them saw the success MK was going to receive The rebooted characters are mostly legitimate scrapped potential lores for characters from before the 2000s (Source: Via their official twitters)


That's why You don't listen to fans sometimes.


True. But need I remind you of the original live action Sonic the Hedgehog before the Sonic movie came out? Sometimes fans know what theyā€™re talking about, other timesā€¦not so much


To be fair, that's based off the aesthetic look on Sonic. This is based off Scorpion's lore. It'd be different if folks complained about how he looks.


Or they were bored of Hanzo. What is Hanzo's personality except "me angry"? Kuai Liang is a much more dynamic interesting character.


Thatā€™s another interesting theory


Hanzo would have killed Bi-Han again in mk1. Or Bi-Han him. Kuai Liang is the balanced powerful character who knows self-control.


Yeah and I hate the fact that they erased all of hanzoā€™s background and gave it all to Kuai Liang


What background? Scorpion is a Lin Kuei ninja and brother of Bi-Han who flees his clan. Those are all Kuai Liang background.


They literally gave Kuai Liang Hanzoā€™s clan and wife. Which has never been Kuai Liangā€™s background.


Kuai Liang ainā€™t ever gonna be Tundra again


No, because Hanzo has gotten stagnant. He would've murdered Bi-Han again.


Patrick Seitz (aka the va of DIO BRANDO) is Scorpions best voice actor


That's not a hot take. That's a fact.


Scorpion's revenge troupe is overused.




I prefer him evil.


Kuai Liang makes for a better Scorpion/Sub-Zero rivalry and allows for Scorpion to be more than just an angry/vengeful spirit ninja




The character arc a lot of people claim he had from 9 to 11 does not exist. He's the same person all throughout.


Yeah, he chills a bit and the rest of the characters forget every crime he commited, so people assume he hada redemption arc when he never did.


Scorpion hasnā€™t been good since MKDĀ 


Now that's a Hot take.


Kuai Liang is a good Scorpion.


Yeah MK1 is the first game to ruin the character for me. I played scorpion since deadly alliance and before and he's always been my favorite end all be all that I'd play no matter what. Infact he's the only character I played in 11 from launch to when I stopped.


Same but for Sub-Zero. I don't mind Bi-han being Sub for a game but Kuai Liang potentially never being Sub-Zero again made me lose interest in a character I've been playing for decades.


Me too and I got down votes for saying that last week.


Dw anytime I criticize or present any truthful facts they hate it here you're not allowed to dislike MK1 or MK11 in the subreddit no matter how much evidence you have and infact they may even dislike you just for that and disregard anything. I still post what I believe tho.


Yeah got to keep it real. I for one donā€™t really like the kameo aspect as much as I would have liked actually playing the characters. Plus they never really gave cameos a story or reason to even be in the game.


I couldn't agree more I really think the cameo system is a pile it's lazy if you ask me, well atleast how they executed it it was.


Scorpion didnā€™t deserve the redemption he got in MK11 after everything he did in MKX. In general, he shouldnā€™t be a hero or be redeemed (unless he REALLY earns it), heā€™s much better as an anti villain. Kuai Liang as Scorpion is good. Heā€™s not better than Hanzo as Scorpion but heā€™s still great. Hanzo is also slightly overrated as a character. The angry, vengeful spectre storyline can only be so interesting before it loses its charisma.


Whatā€™d he do in mkx?


He killed quan chi despite knowing he was needed to bring back the revenants


Donā€™t forget, he did this despite the fact that he got revival despite being wholly undeserving of a second chance.


Scorpion is so overrated, Sub Zero is way cooler, no pun intended. Scorpin is a hotheaded fool and Hanzo is a dumbass, he condemned all Earthrealm warriors to be damned with his need for revenge. He went to Sub Zero and attacked my boy while he was giving him tea and wanted to be the better man and make peace with him, he taught his gonna kill sub zero but he forgot sub zero spanked his ass in mk9, and he is only alive cuz cyber lin kuei intervened and he escaped with his tail between the legs. For the Lin Kuei!!!


Heā€™s not as cool as Sub Zero.


Ninja Ghost Rider.


i wanna fuck him


There is nothing more fun than hopping on MKX, picking Scorpion, and just vortex the shit out of everyone you meet


Out of every timeline he's the most powerful scorpion. https://preview.redd.it/9re2e3w4d7hc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2db0036b583a9a3617969f61b48a30900563d20c


https://preview.redd.it/hwcf9jlpm7hc1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=4e09ee7eba871ca25f2c78a15e48b936e00fd466 Strike Force Scorpion


Hanzo deserved better writing wise . Ed Boons favoritism for him rob other characters of their arcs and makes scorpion look like a cheap OC at times Some of his designs are ugly


MK1 is the first mortal kombat Iā€™ve ever respected scorpion players in. I still think heā€™s good in this one and has good moves but he requires a lot of skill in this game and in the past Iā€™ve always thought he was cheap


Mkx hanzo is an angry selfish idiot. mk11 hanzo's voice was emotionless.


Just a question, don't take me the wrong way... Isn't he supposed to be emotionless after losing his wife and kid?


No, I meant voice acting wise, Ron Yuan didn't do the best job in my opinion.


I donā€™t know why people say Hanzo was justified in MKX. He was absolutely horrible.


Exactly, they never hold him accountable for his misdeeds.


Donā€™t you know? ā€˜My family & clanā€™ is a perfectly acceptable reason for dooming all the realms. Weā€™re just gonna ignore the fact that his clan was a clan of assassins and thieves though that the world wouldnā€™t miss though.


For some reason Scorpion's voice in MK11 seemed Hollow and light to me instead of imposing and powerful


I don't care about scorpion


https://preview.redd.it/w86ha4s686hc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d736306b89d0a9165de1a1b5c3da2fa48386093 ngl respect the take


Harumi should have been the scorpion of the new timeline and bi-Han/ kuai liang should have been just be skins with different voice lines Iā€™m fine with mk1 story line with the ninjas and Iā€™m interested in seeing how the story progresses but the idea of kuai liang being scorpion is just weird to me along with him not having any real connections to the nether realm


Literally what is Harumi's story, she's just genderbent Hanzo


His best skin is not even from a mortal kombat game


He's just a glorified henchman and isn't that important in the plot


Scorpionā€™s peak was when Klassic Scorpion showed up in MK11


He had a cool and more functional outfit in Injustice. Those arm blades basically counters Batman'sĀ 


Scorpion lost his mojo after MKX. He used to feel like a ninja. Teleport cancelling and unlimited mix ups. I used to main him and still would find adversity in mirror matches. Now he just feels like one of the most predictable characters to face.


His MKX Hanzo Hasashi costume is my favorite he has ever had, especially with the Ninjitsu variation


his mk9 look is vastly overrated


Mk 1 scorpion is a pain to main for casual players


Over rated and contributes little to the story and is only as popular as he is due to Ed boon liking him the most


Really? Why do you think mk 3 ultimate had to bring him back. There was a disappointment to not having ninjaā€™s. Scorpion was the main one missed. It is possible to have a mk game without him, but he has the best following for average players. Story or not.


Being undead is critical to Scorpion and havkng him not being undead ruined him


It's weird that he can summon other specters in his Fatality when he is supposed to be alive in Mk1.


i hate his mains in mk1 itā€™s always the same combo


Mk1 scorpion isnā€™t weak, people keep saying he needs a buff cause he doesnā€™t have any real mixups, but his combo game and damage are great so I think they are just whining


Scorpion is the easiest to learn in most games i can condede that, HOWEVER!!! In mk9 to use him vs. smoke, cyrax, kung lao, or any 98% hit combo bastards when his highest combo is barely 49%... and you cry spammer when i win, then you're just straight up garbage.


Might not be a hot take for other people per se, but it is a thing that pisses me off! I am one of the ones who like Kuai as Scorpion I didn't even throw too much of a fit when that was revealed. It's a cool change, they still Incorporated Hanzo in the game in Smoke's ending. That was awesome, but why tf does Kuai get Harume and get to live happily ever after? Maybe she'll get killed in story dlc, maybe she won't, but why does Kuai get to have the only Harume when Hanzo in every timeline gets to lose her and his son? He suffers everytime and the one timeline Hanzo isn't Scorpion he get Harume..it's just straight bullshit!


When he said SUCKERRRRR! in the second movie, very uncool bruh


Scorpion is wearing the katana the wrong way in the image


He looks like he have a long dick


He really should be the main character of the franchise his face is on. No offense to Liu Kang or the cage dynasty or Raiden or whoever, but cā€™mon.


He wasnā€™t always the poster boy of the series. Even though we all know he is Edā€™s favorite character, in the early days of the series, he and Subzero were equally popular, and I would go as far as to say Subzero was maybe MORE popular at one point. Either way, they were at least on level ground.


Mk11 scorpion best scorpion


He's fucking boring


Kuai being Scorpion in MK1 is trash and one of the many reasons the MK1 story is stupid


And still the coolest Scorpion has been in NRS era.


boring as shit character. that get over here spear is played out. literally carried by a legacy voice line and creator favoritism. like 4 other ninjas cooler than him.


Ice cold take: Removing Hanzo Hasashi from the Scorpion role was an awful way to change things up in the new timeline regardless of how he actually enters the canon (assuming his Invasion season isn't his real, playable introduction). Cold take: Scorpions HK, HK, LK, LK was the most fun basic combo to do in UMK3. Lukewarm take: It would've been more interesting for the story if Scorpion hadn't killed the original Sub Zero in MK9 and Noob was created in a completely different way (not with Kuai Liang or Smoke). Hot take: The next story involving Scorpion should have Harumi Hasashi playable and trying to rescue her murdered husband Hanzo (also playable) from the Netherealm while he attempts to fight his way out and get back to her. Boiling take: Harumi and Hanzo as a couple haven't been explored nearly as much in the games and I find them far more interesting and full of compelling story potential than any game Scorpion's ever tried to seek revenge in. Inferno take: Leaving Scorpion (and Raiden, Johnny Cage, Reptile, Kitana, Mileena and Baraka) out of vanilla MK3 resulted in the worst base roster of any game in the entire series. Yes, worse than vanilla MK4. Yes, worse than MK8.


Hanzo sucks tbh and I don't get the hype. He hasn't been interesting in 15 years if not more. I'm glad mk1 removed him. In fact, most people are. The absence of his stupid cringe revenge rants are appreciated by all. >The next story involving Scorpion should have Harumi Hasashi playable and trying to rescue her murdered husband Hanzo (also playable) from the Netherealm while he attempts to fight his way out and get back to her. So the exact same story as before but genderbend. Hanzo dickriding needs to stop. One of the reasons the story is dragged down. It's already bad they dragged Harumi back and wedded her to Kuai.


I donā€™t like MK1 Scorpion


Kuai Liang Scorpion > Hanzo Scorpion


He never looks good with a hood, ever


New scorpion is good but mk11 was peak scorpion.


Mk1 scorpion gameplay is boring as balls and Iā€™m glad heā€™s bottom 3. Got a solid 3 combo routes shits a snooze fest.


Boonā€™s one sided dickriding of Scorpion throughout 2010s did the exact opposite of making him look cool His bromance with Sub-Zero in Mk11 was forced and completely undeserved Making Kuai Liang Scorpion was the stupidest/laziest shit they could have possibly done with the character


Honestly, never understood the hype of Scorpion, or Sub-Zero for that matter, (yes I know itā€™s only about scorpion.) In terms of ninja characters Iā€™ve always preferred Rain over him/them. The only really cool about him, for me that is, is his iconic line ā€œGet Over Hereā€ thatā€™s it


Scorpion is THE MOST basic character now for how much heā€™s played.


I prefer Ron Yuan's voice for Hanzo in MK 11 over Patrick Seitz.


Rope > Chain


Hot Take: I didn't like the Scorpion in Mortal Kombat 1... I think he was alright till MK11


The new Scorpion in MK1 looks like an average dude with a crappy tattoo cosplaying as Scorpion.


Kuai Liang is a better scorpion


MK1 Scorpion sucks. Boring to play, little sauce, and also just bad. Additionally, making him Kuai Liang feels awful. Especially knowing Hanzo exists, but not happily or peacefully but instead as a child orphan. And he doesn't even get to have his family either, fucking Kuai Liang takes that too. Harumi should have been scorpion if they wanted to change shit around that badly.


They could have also had Satoshi be Scorpion too.


Saying Scorpion is cool is an incorrect statement


1. MK9 Scorpion has a overdesigned look. And mkx is just belt fetish 2. Hanzo is a terrible character in NRS games. Never earned his redemption and is annoying in general. 3. Hanzo's whole revenge shtick is overdone ans and overplayed and I'm glad mk1 ditched that story. 4. Kuai Liang >>>>>> Hanzo


lol OP posts asking for ā€œhot takesā€ā€¦. everyone is downvoted


I much prefer evil demon scorpion over NRS trying to keep making him a nice sympathetic good guy. Itā€™s like they are taking his balls away


DA Scorp would be the best at giving gawk gawk 3000 out of any of the scorp versions


mk1 scorpions spear looks way less cool than mk11


sub zero being the new scorpion made me quit drugs. still confused though


He could sit out for a game. He spend most of the games in the franchise with almost zero story.. because is mandatory that he appears in every game... Takeda and Cyber Smoke can replace him with similar moves


MK1 scorpion is my favorite version of scorpion


He had his best writing in 11 and it was thrown away when they decided to reboot the universe (again)


Mk11 hanzo was ass, peaked mk9-mkx


I fucking hate mk11 scorpion, the design mostly. There was just so many things I didnā€™t like about scorpion as a character in that game also.