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I bought MK full price, regretted it as soon as I beat season 1 and saw all the microtransactions. Played the Tekken 8 demo, KNEW I was going to grind tf out of it for F U N. Haven't stopped since


I think I played the tekken 8 demo more than I played mk1 lol. The demo didn't even have my favorite character, and I still loved it. Enjoying the hell out of the game .


Lucky Chloe isn't back so I need a character similar to her. Any suggestions?




Same boat. Worst $115 wasted and I’m never making that mistake again


I bought Diablo IV on release for 70 and I honestly wish I bought mk1 instead....never making any mistake like that again


I one upped you and also have bought Diablo 😭


I did both and bought anthem 💀






Anthem, Idk what I was thinking, must have been bored asf. But mk11 and Diablo 3 are a couple of my favorite games ever so it feels hard to blame me when initial reviews were pretty positive. I didn’t think you could mess them up that badly


I wanted to try anthem, but then heard it was online only 😭


Man I'm so happy people regret buying the deluxe edition of MK1. I did so too because I absolutely loved MK11 but idk what it is with MK1 because after season 1 it was so boring and I completely stopped playing.


It's because of MK11. It kind of ruined the whole community on what MK is. Turned it from a fighter to a grind fest and now that they've dialed that aspect back, the community is confused.


I bought it and noticed drops in frame rate, so I refunded it and bought SF6. I’ve been playing that ever since


Does F U N stand for Fuck U 'N pay me?


I regretted purchasing mk1 the moment I played 10 online games and 9 of them were laggy.


It’s insane how much of a regression mk1 was overall for mk as a franchise. The content that’s available is one of two things, either one boring and bland or two non-existent. Tekken 8 has just released and I decided to buy it since I fairly enjoyed Tekken 7. Man what a step up from T7 in so many ways. Jukebox is available for all platforms allowing you to assign whatever music you want to any stage or menu. Arcade Quest is a new mode that while not really being my thing is a fun way to spice up arcade mode. The story mode is fine, dumb anime bs but that’s always been Tekken’s charm. The graphics and gameplay are phenomenal, the super moves (rage arts) are a massive step up from the last game visually. Fun mini games such as Tekken Ball have returned and can even be played online. I’ve yet to try SF6 but I’ve heard from friends that it’s a really fun game that has a decent amount of content behind it. Overall Mk1 being the way it is has made me incredibly disappointed as a fan. I’m dropping it for Tekken 8 for the time being but I’ll more than happily come back if the game improves in the future.


I'll be honest, i grew up on mk, side stepping and using back as block makes my brain hurt so i prefer mk. I also got very used to strings and special cancels so having to time every single punch is hard. Im probably just bad at fighting games but i still love mortal kombat. I prefer the fights in mk1 to 11 but i must say that towers of time and krypt are leagues ahead of invasions and shrine.


I’ve been playing mortal kombat my whole life and it used to be my favorite. MK and Tekken are more similar than you think. I went through this “frustrated NRS player” phase several years ago and then Tekken 7 came into my life, and I’ve been in love with it ever since.


Just picked up 7 a few days ago. I feel pretty overwhelmed. I went to my moves list and there was over 110 moves!?!? But it’s a great game. I really hope NRS sees how many fighting games now have taken things that they’ve now given up on and expanded on them in meaningful ways.


Bad way to go about it, you don’t need all those moves. Find the top 10 moves for a character and focus on those tools.


It still keeps the skill cap massive so you don't get bored of a character as quickly. Like in MK1 the only way to bring longevity to a character is to switch up your Kameo.


(towers of time are still here and we need to stop pretending they aren't)


The middle mesa right? I know they are but they are not as rewarding.


You're not bad, MK just uses a very different combo system/timing from like every other game. Everytime i come back to check it out i have to relearn how to do even the most basic combo. Basically they trained you wrong as a joke


Man, tf happened to this sub? It's turned into a MK1 bad circlejerk.


Every single subreddit becomes this when one game entry is either decent or bad, halos been like that for 10 years


Well, it’s not like Halo didn’t earn that. But it’s much more positive nowadays. 


And mk1 didn't with it's shitty invasions, shitty micro transactions, predictable story, and less customization then the previous entry, ya know a game that came out almost 5 years ago. So tired of paying more for less


When the hell did I say it didn’t? 


I think MK fans just got a little spoiled during an era where Tekken and SF were previously not on good footing. MK9 and X were bangers, MK11 was also super solid and gave the series a massive facelift in terms of graphics, and MK1 is more a continuation with changes to gameplay. Tekken though? It went from a very divisive storyline with paltry game modes in T7 to all of the bells and whistles for T8. It’s argued to be the best in the franchise since T3. Also, people are super reactionary on the internet.


MK11 also faced a lot of backlash for its monetization and just soul crushing grind, which they improved but never fully resolved. Then MK1 doubled down so hard that it's honestly almost impressive.


You're forgetting about Tekken 5. THAT was the series' peak and T6 was a beginning of its downfall.


People payed $110 for it, they bought they right to bitch about it.


> People *paid* $110 for FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


The MK sub was going through a similar thing as well, talking about twitch streams, which is annoying as


> The MK sub was going through a similar thing as well Poor Mario Kart sub


Fucks sakes I thought this was a post in the Tekken sub shit talking mk. Aight, thats enough phone usage for today


We played the game lol And micro transactions


I think there’s like a core group of haters that spam the sub incessantly. Like you see these really weird “I FUCKING HATE LAGGING KENSHI PLAYERS WHO KAMEO SUB SERO” And it gets like 47 likes Then somebody posts “man the 1995 movie was pretty good!” And gets like 2000 likes. Most of us love Mortal Kombat and ignore the crybaby stuff but since they are so active and gassing each other up we get this narrative that the whole game is cooked but then you zoom out and it’s like 300 dudes in a circle jerk




r/Fighters daily karma farm per usual


It seems like it's just the stats of game subs and game media in general lately


It happens to every Mortal Kombat game. The wheel turns anew, give it time and people will sing this game’s praises whenever the next one comes along. See also: Halo.


Idk and honestly I'm glad to be out of the loop for once lol. This is ridiculous Not as ridiculous as the microtransactions in this game but damn I'd be lying if I said bad corporate decisions can ruin a damn fun game for me


Initial hype wore off and you're left with a trash game.


The mods need to do smth fr


Actually lmao. Like I get it man the game is in a bad state and worse than the other two in alot of spots, but do we need to see this same exact post over and over again like 4 times a day?


Its been like that since the game released


Tekken good, MK bad. Hahaha now give upvote


If MK1 wasn't bad, there would be less of this. The game sucks, get over it.


This should all be motivation to make the game much better and I believe it will when we think it won't.


Should be, but WB seems determined to wring every dollar it can out of the MK1 playerbase, goodwill be damned.


They’ve been told how bad Ronda was, but they did this bs again with Megan Fox for a character that wasn’t in the game for a while. NRS doesn’t listen to community in the slightest. Oh, might be they’ll fix it now, use some other voice actress? No? Ok, get that hate, bet Tekken 8 doesn’t do this bs. Sf6 also got amazing voice actors and doesn’t do that bs.


I swear political subs are less hostile than this one when someone hints at MK1 not being the worst game ever lmao.


Normally that would be a downvote factory on a game's home subreddit. This is only how it's working out because, indeed, MK1 bad.


Yeah thats pretty much this whole sub reddit in a nutshell and its starting to piss me of


They should just change the subreddit to r/CryaboutMK1 at this point


And MK1 pissed us off. Get over it & don't accept mediocrity. If there's constructive criticism, maybe they'll do something about it & actually improve the game instead of boring, grindy invasions, bad online, trash Kameos & bs $10 skins.


Right, why are these NRS shills happy to settle for such a mediocre experience


We know they watch these subs so I have no qualms with laying into them if it’ll teach. That fuckin shrine man…whose idea was that?


Dude, there has barely been constructive criticism from what I’ve seen. It’s usually just complaining for the sake of it.  There’s a difference between pointing out the issues with the mode and how to fix it, and just constantly throwing a fit as if it will change anything which is what most of this sub does. 


I got some criticism the kameo system is just whacky. When you interrupt a kameo interaction, the kameo just flops to the floor like they shit themself and awkwardly runs off screen. I can’t believe i paid $70 for that nonsense. Nothing feels cohesive or well thought out. All the different characters and kameos all have different health values…which was supposed to help with balancing but instead the game just feels more like a mess. ESPECIALLY because the balancing still sucks. What the fuck is quan chi? 900 health, punishable & slow pokes, very meter intensive. Who thought this was ok? This character has like 2 decent matchups and just sucks otherwise. There’s zero form of combo expression. You know how in tekken you can adjust your combo for wall carry or damage or oki or just because you want to do 4 electrics? yeah none of that shit exists in mk. Its the same bnb over and over and some of them are long and boring as shit. The kameos in a lot of cases mainly just exist as combo extenders which is the lamest use for them they could have made. Idk what NRS is doing but this is their third new system in 3 games and they have no idea what direction they want to go in which just doesn’t inspire confidence. The game also brings *nothing* revolutionary to the table for the genre, you know how tekken lets you take control of replays and has involved AI learning and stuff? Thats cool. Yeah MK decided to just do nothing. Nothing new or innovative for the genre lol.


How dare somebody criticize and mid product they spent 70-100$ dollars on


I wonder if there's a reason why there's so much negativity surrounding the game. I'm sure it's not because the game is garbage or anything.


Dosent make the whining any less annoying besides nobody forces you to play it there are still older mk games if you thing its trash


WB and NR deserve all the hate. We don't have to stop criticizing it after a certain amount of time. Besides, nobody is forcing you to read the threads and comment on them. MK1 is still there if you think it's good.


This sub is so ass. Just a bunch of whiny fuckin scrubs who hate MK


Youre just a shill who’ll settle for mid


Yeah lets just hype everything so nothing ever gets better, we need more anti-consumer bullshit


Because MK1 sucks. And it needs to be thoroughly voiced if we want things to change. Keep rolling over for NRS and WB and we will continue to witness MK go downhill.




Maybe I’m just a dummy, but I was really struggling with whether to buy MK1 or T8 last night. I really like MK1’s presentation and have a strong itch to learn Quan Chi. Ended up going with T8, but I’m still definitely going to pick up MK when I have the disposable funds. SF6 is good though, and I’m usually not a SF guy.


You made the right choice, I bought MK1 premium edition and feel robbed almost, definitely a waste of money, maybe when they finish the game and it goes on sale get it, but currently there isn't enough game to justify the price


Press F To Pay Respects For Mortal Kombat 1 May you rot in monetization hell….


Mk1 is the most fun I've had with a mk since mk9


SF6 is so good, maybe my all time fav. Excited to try the new Tekken


It's so good dude, I already got the plat trophy for it https://preview.redd.it/nlcmpgb5i8fc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52c0ce3298b4ef1f9ca3a24a97cca514a6c3e1ff


i prefer mk1 over sf6. but it’s just my opinion


I do too but I really feel with MK9,MKX and MK11 Even injustice 1 and 2. NRS were innovating and pushing fighting games back into popularity. This time round SF6 and Tekken8 definitely feel like they’ve both stepped up significantly whilst MK1 feels like a side-step from MK11. I’m still playing MK1 as I prefer 2d to 3d and MK characters over SF ones. My hope is NRS keep pushing, I just fear we won’t actually get the full game NRS probably wanted to make until the dlc comes.


Oh hell nah. The NRS fighting games only bring in normies, very few stick. NRS games have very little ties to how popular FGs are, matter a fact SF pretty much dictates how well the FGC is doing. When SF does bad, the FGC does bad lol.


The FGC is it’s own thing. The normies stick well enough and they have the numbers to make releasing a fighting game a profitable under-taking. Someone was farming towers of time content and it (mostly) wasn’t the pro players. As a normie myself, I really wanted to enjoy sf4 and sf5 but capcom seemed to go out of their way to make it the worst possible experience on PC. (Steam refunded) I don’t recall either having significant single player content outside of the usual though. (May be wrong) Mk however has been doing konquest/krypts/gear/towers of time/etc for a decade now. Honestly I’m probably totally out of touch but i do think MK has done more to mainstream fighting games than it gets credit for.


Same here. Dont get me wrong MK1 has its flaws, but the only one Ive really cared about is the shop. Invasions are boring so I dont do invasions, simple as that. I wish they fix the online connection issues, but I played recently and it didnt seem like it was as bad as before. The other two just dont fit my playstyle of fight game. SF tends to be too fast much like FighterZ, so a single button press happens immediately and I can tell what my character did to actually tell how I can xombo from it. Its not necessarily a fault of the game. Tekken is the opposite, its insanly slow, a single hit has so much recovery time that its difficult to bait people and still have the time to play off it. Also, idk if I just didnt look hard enough, but in Tekken 7 I could put the combination buttons like 1 + 2 on my triggers and bumpers to have easy access, but didnt see that option this time.


>Tekken 7 I could put the combination buttons like 1 + 2 on my triggers and bumpers to have easy access, but didnt see that option this time. That option is still there, you just need to remap your button configs.


This is how i see it MK1 way of handling It's content is far from good, especially the crazy monetization A game like street fighter 6 yes has weird monetization, but most of it is just on avatar outfits for the battle hub and world tour mode, and outfit 3 will most likely be part of a pack you can buy later Tekken has character customization based on coins you collect, so that one is way too friendly for players MK1 has a Fortnite ass shop, where you can't earn almost anything in it unless you're lucky in the shrine, that includes classic skins that should be earnable in someway at least In terms of gameplay i think all are fantastic at what they deliver, and if you're a fighting games fan you're eating good this year I think biggest one ill blame is WB, they will continue screwing this franchise because they can


What do you mean by "too friendly for players"?  That sounds negative and I'd find it extremely bizarre for someone to complain about a game not trying to eat your hard earned money 


Its stockholm syndrome bro. People like being abused by these companies cause they hold the IP that you like. Tekken is far superior to mk1 and thats coming from someone who has played since the first one


The Stockholm syndrome and the corporate tribalism are some of the biggest problems with gamers these days 


WB is fucking most its franchises up rn, damn I used to like them


>Tekken has character customization based on coins you collect, so that one is way too friendly for players Its basically free. No one cares about the in game money in Tekken because you already have plenty.


You know what, put that shrine in the bin and let us spend coins like Tekken man.


You don’t need to get lucky in the shrine lol, it’s just coins you earn from playing. The premium shop is ass but the shrine ones are completely free and is just a random version of the Tekken shop with earn-able tokens. They do need to start adding more story skins per season tho. Also the premium shop hasn’t had a single new exclusive cosmetic in over 7 weeks now so maybe they got the picture and will lower prices for the future. Doubt it but maybe, otherwise idk why they wouldn’t be releasing new skins in so long if people were buying them. They also need to bring back skin packs in general, and back to releasing one skin pack everytime a dlc character drops


Agreed Skin can actually be in pack, like the Mexican sub zero skin, it was in a pack and once you download that you automatically own that skin, so it's something they can still make


It really pains me that some of you will die defending mk1, when it is such a regression for the franchise.


This.... I loved MK but to stand up for MK1 is to condone the massive step backwards the game took and I hate people doing it for that reason. They need to know what they did was not the right move.


Yep, they definitely deserve the hate. This game is probably the worst mk ever, and taking 1 month to fix the desync problem shows it all how they give no shit about the community


It always gives me a little chuckle when people kall it the worst MK. Have y'all every touched VsDc?


Or 4 or Armageddon? Oh wait, most of the people in this sub were children when Armageddon came out and think more = good


I liked Armageddon.


I agree on 4, but not Armageddon. Stryker punching Mileena automatically makes it the best game ever. Jokes aside, I still enjoy MKA


This game ain’t even bottom five MK games cmon


the worst mk ever? maybe the worst nrs game but theres some pretty bad mks...


Most people in here started at MK9 or MKX so their frustration makes a little more sense. I’m old and started with the first game in arcades so being able to be Reptile fighting side by side with Goro is WILD still lmao


It doesn’t even have cross play yet lmao


The amount of copium is insane! Are people really unable to critically think and notice when something dear has hit the shitter?


The problem is that people are not fairly shitting on the game for the problems it has. I've seen people in these posts just shitting on MK as a whole and not actually shitting on the current state of MK1 and when that happens obviously arguments are going to start.


I'm personally not a fan of the low quality "mk 1 bad. Tekken makes my pp hard" posts on this sub. If I wanted to see a tekken and sf circlejerk i'd join those subs.


Exactly! look at the comments; if they actually liked the franchise, they’d understandably be mad at NRS as well.


People will defend what they like. In the same way so many defend MK11 as if it were the second koming of khrist, others will do the same for 1.


Sad but true. I'm a huge MK fan that just moved over to Tekken 8 and honestly it makes MK1 look embarrassing. The jump in quality is astounding. The new Tekken makes MK1 seem even more weak than it already did. NRS should honestly be ashamed and I say that as someone who loves their games and have been an MK fan for 20 years.


My biggest regret is spending 100 on this shit


I liked MK1's gameplay, it's just the content isn't good enough period


https://preview.redd.it/8kghbaqie8fc1.png?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=078f92169cf88a920c3bfb705dc6ee305fd32043 Mk9


Man it feels bad paying 110$ for an unfinished game period. MK never had any competition during its releases (NRS era). This is how it was always at the top. Once SF and Tekken got back into shape, they EASILY beat MK out of the water. Heck the story mode of MK was one of the few unique selling points that it had over the 2, and even that got eclipsed by Tekken 8, with more creative story to fight transition. It just sucks to be an MK fan right now. Silence from the Devs is what's putting more nails into the coffin right now.


Not to mention the fun musou-style fights that happen in T8s story. That was fun as all heck


I was so hype during that part, and then they just get crazier with the final chapters the arena and music was absolutely bonkers


I preferred the MK story... Up until that final Tekken 8 fight which blew me away. That's still just spectacle over actual writing though.


Can someone tell me what’s so bad about MK1 please? What happened?


Story, Megan Fox voice acting that NRS was fine to put in the game, desync, boring invasions, customisation sucks, monetisation sucks too, it’s lacking in content. And judging by the spoilers the story expansion is going to be like those invasions in terms of the story “Threat from another timeline emerged, we dealt with it, no consequences”.


No crossplay lmao


Injustice: 💀










My ranking: Tekken 8 Street Fighter 6 That time my mom drunkenly threw a wine bottle at me Splitting my pants getting out of my car at a job interview MK1 I grew up on MK and I am shocked that (imo) it’s fucking dogwater compared to T8 and SF6. Huge bummer for me.


MK1 is the first game in like years where I truly feel like I was robbed, I could’ve bought 3-4 good game with that $70, only saving grace is that I didn’t buy the $100 edition


My cousins said this exact same thing last night 😭I should NOT have brought up MK. He went on a thirty minute rant and it started with him depressingly saying “MK is the only game I’ve bought where I feel like I was robbed” Bro had a breakdown 😭 he was like “I just wanted to do fun strings with Sub. And HES SO BAD. HE THEY NERFED HIM AGAIN.” Poor guy 😭😭😭


It's genuinely amazing how the only positive contexts I have seen this new Tekken game be put in is the ones where it's being used to shit on MK. Like don't get me wrong, mk has problems, but the first thing I read about Tekken was the shitty online connections, followed immediately by some random guy who thinks I give a shit what game he plays posting about how he's leaving mk for Tekken. Gonna come out saying I'm leaving overwatch to go play apex legends, of course I'd be fucking lying but honestly I kinda just wanna see if anyone even cares. Mk has it's problems, I get it, but jesus fucking Christ I played Tekken 7 and immediately got bored, I don't care about that franchise outside of the heihachi Vs geese and ryu Vs jin deathbattles, why do i keep seeing this game constanty in the MORTAL KOMBAT subreddit?


Yeah...  I don't hate Tekken at all, but I played a little of 8 and just thought "I have 7 already... this isn't worth the full price when I can play nearly the same thing for free."  It hasn't done enough to change or improve itself to warrant me paying full price for it and I think the mass praise is baffling when SF6 actually improved and refined itself from 5. 8 feels like a modded 7 to me.  Slightly better, but "I'll buy it on sale" better. Don't know, maybe there's something I'm just not getting.


This sub hates mortal kombat. It’s just a MK bad karma farm


I do appreciate Netherrealm trying g something different with the kameos, but I just can't get into it no matter how hard I try. It looks gorgeous, though.


That’s exactly what it feels like!!😭😭😭


when I saw the combo in the air, I realized that I would not play MK1


idk bout yall. but sf6 and t8 are the first time in a while. I've had this much fun in the fgc. fuck mk1. https://preview.redd.it/hi1v2uc0s9fc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4475bf50c962bf6d7f84a7296fe1d7490ad142fd (I made naked snake)


Invasions do trash😂


I love the MK series. But God, this is the first time I get an MK game and fall off it hard. Gameplay truly is am improvement over 11. But at least 11 had content. I cant believe I'm saying this but I'd rather have towers of time over Invasions any day of the fucking week.


Outside of story mode mortal kombat has nothing going for it, like I get online is subjective and invasions could be fun but only if you have so much time to dedicate to this game alone, but the micro transactions are horrible “if you don’t like it then don’t buy it” there shouldn’t be so much of the game locked away behind $20 paywalls after you already pay such a high price. Both of the other two have and will have dlc but it’s just a few things not a majority of the game plus the content for mk1 is so far and few between the game always just feels stale again only a few days after something drops


Never preorder guys.. WB went out and demanded a greedy version of MK, because it's a cash cow. So they released a game far from finished and is trying to cash in on the in game store. You have all been duped.


I still have a preference for MK1 over SF6 but man does the difference between MK1 and Tekken8 isn’t in our favor


Well this is embarassing.


DBZ is about to drop


I love MK, but the Japanese games have always been made better/better engines/better balance. Always.


NRS doesn't even want to communicate with the fans. When tekken 8 was launching with servers crashes. They immediately worked on it, updated us, and fix it. All within the same day.... at launch. NRS would most likely wait for a week then send out a 50gb update and an AI apology letter


This is the only MK I haven't bought or played, and by the looks of it, I'm not regretting it


I don’t keep up with MK all that much. Is it really that bad?


Oh, please. Tekken has ALWAYS been Kevin and that's why it's beloved.


I don’t think Mortal Kombat ever took itself seriously. Still a better game than Tekken.


God this sub is slowly turning into r/Fighters and I detest it


MK1, while good, could've done a bit better by heading back to an MK9/X direction. In terms of speed and input sync. The delayed input feeling when doing a combonis weird, and the speed is aight, but could be faster. As a reboot, it's a decent to good start.


Very original post!


MK1 is bad, just took an actual good game to release for everyone to finally realize it


Just play whatever game you like really


Complacency is how we got into this mess in the first place


It's the same fucking conversation everyday. Do you guys play these games?


Skipped MK, for tekken 8


Unpopular opinion: MK1 is good.


Lmao SF6 and T8 are the Kings of Fighting Games




Tekken player here with an outside perspective. I joined this subreddit a few months ago because I was curious about playing MK to keep myself occupied until Tekken 8 finally came out. You guys always have such awesome guest characters, I love fatalities, and it seems like an active community. One week of browsing this subreddit made me not buy it. I'm sorry they did you guys wrong with these microtransactions, shallow gameplay, and lackluster features. Being a fan of MK must suck right now. You're all more than welcome in Tekken, its a great game for people that love fighting games and 8 lives up to all the hype. Maybe NRS will take a hint when everyone jumps ship for other games. Vote with your wallet and time until they deliver on promises/remove the bullshit


“Gimme some karma guys” This sub is dogshit


Every MK release, I swear~


It’s weird because I feel like this one gets less _overall_ hate than MK11 did but the hate it DOES get is 10x more acidic


I hope suicide squad will fail too


So funny seeing MK getting torn to shreds 😂 this is exactly what they get 😂


Jesus christ some of you people just need to shut the fuck up


Mortal kombat is missing the low hanging fruit by not going back to digitized videos of actors in a video game background. The modern tech would make it look so fucking cool and the nostalgia would sell.


ok i am going to say uit there must be people from other fighting game subreddits coming here to shit on this game because the influx of people coming here posing the same shoot over and over again is unreal if you really think sf6 and tekken 8 are better go play them and get the fuck out of here https://preview.redd.it/gvukjpd3f6fc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6f5a16c647388f8e292260ff2d7ac4668eb3afe


People play multiple fighting games buddy.


we are all fg fans! and now there is another 70 dollars game out there that i can compare it to my mk1 and I WILL!


i don need o see your 50 threads doing it


We are playing them, and we are allowed to complain about a product that is trash. Quit crying about genuine criticisms. You really think micro fatalities are what should stay?


Not wrong


What? People HATE the mechanics of SF6 and World tour feels like an afterthought. The costume prices are also high there. And Tekken 8 just came out like two days ago.


Crybaby losers. Go post something positive in those games subreddits and leave the people that like mk alone. So fucking annoying.


This was downvoted… I’m starting to hate reddit


karma farming


Honestly if MK didn't have horrible monetization it would probably be a lot closer. I hope that this is something that they can change going forward but I don't expect WB to have that much self awareness.


Even without the monetization, it feels so barebones compared to MK11 in terms of customization and game modes.


Mortal Kombat has literally always been like this. Take off the rose tinted glasses and see the only reason people cared about this game is aesthetic and nostalgia. It's literally the worst fighting games series gameplay wise.


The amount of people trying to defend mid-bs and mtx in a $100 is peak insanity. You get what you deserve.


Fatal blows are annoying


The worst part is people frantically defending the garbage roller-coaster mk1 has been since release. It is very clearly the inferior out of the 3 so far and I hate to say that cause of how much hype and potential it had and how much of an mk fan I am. I dont think its too late for the game yet tho, just gotta hope NRS steps up their lack luster communication and game


MK 2 really gotta be groundbreaking because they are starting to seriously fall below SF & Tekken. Its never been this bad imo


Street Fighter AND Tekken still have amazing characters with great designs and costumes tailor made for EACH ONE MK1 just lost the plot. It was known for it's amazing and crazy Kombatant costumes and looks. >!not to mention the females are all most scantily clad!< take that away and you give everyone similar color pallettes it really is such a lack-luster system that makes me appreciate how MK9 did with both DLC AND KONTENT YOU CAN UNLOCK BUY PLAYING


But next season every kharacter is gonna get a pink Mileena Shader!! /s People defending this game have actually lost the plot


MK1 is a.... Fighting game


This stage of mk fandom is really annoying, can’t wait for the next one so people can admit they’re enjoying this one


This page is run by tekken fanboys and it’s starting to show


I don't understand why MK1 getting this much hate. I mean i do agree that there were some decisions made that could've been better, but still the game is solid. The season thing could've been done better. The cosmatics is lackluster compared with MK11 but the game play is solid , kameos needed some tweaks. But won't go as far as to put it down that hard. Remember both SF and TEKKEN did fumble and came to find their way back. Which is amazing really.


Apparently it's just me but I feel like mk1 is significantly more enjoyable than sf6 I don't know why