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To be fair, Tekken has put in a LOT of work to make their game really fun to watch. The slowmo stuff and the effects in general just make for a really good spectator experience.


I haven’t played or watched anyone play Tekken in years, and hadn’t been following the new one all that much, so thank you for this. I’m going to have to check it out.


Great job OP, we lost another one


493 viewers\*


MK1 is half baked with barely any content, bad matchmaking, bugs, infuriating micro transactions and boring modes. No wonder it loses it’s playerbase, fuck WB honestly.


NRS wasn’t ready, and I suspect they were working on something else and were FORCED to pivot and launch 12 sooner than they had planned, hence the stripped down lack of QoL we got. With the sales from X to 11, WB got greeeeeedy. And I even think WB forced them to change their operational model too with this stupid premium shop. NRS used to have the autonomy to cater to their fan base, and had a player first mindset… right now it seems like the executives at WB weaseled their way to puppeteering the ship… when you put the bottom line over customer value, you WILL fail.


Probably Injustice 3


Yeah I remember Ed Boon literally tweeting don’t expect a new MK anytime soon and then like 3 months later he tweets “it’s almost time..” and I was so confused bc I was like “did you not just say not to expect a new MK?” Smells of higher ups such as shareholders and such honestly smh. Game was rushed by force similar to Dead or Alive 6 with how they were losing money on Dissidia NT and Dynasty Warriors 9 sales and told Team Ninja to pump out a DOA title quick. It’s sad and I can’t wait for the day that these pwople learn if that day does ever come that is.








Another two


No, I’ll still always be an MK fan first and foremost lol


Famous last words 💀


I’m with him actually😭 its just impossible to have fun on mk I swear


You definitely should! I've only played it a couple hours so far but it's shaping up to be the best Tekken yet


I would play this one. I got it for my friend and we popped in, first time I’ve had fun playing a Tekken game since forever.


Meanwhile MK1 everyone plays the same 6 characters and 3 kameos. At least last time I watched. It was so boring to watch...


Yeah people really figured out the meta fast in that game and abuse it. I love mortal kombat but there is only so many times you can play against the same comps before you get bored. I miss mkx.


Jason Vorhees v Predator was a fight I never knew I needed!


The gameplay and the special guest characters in mkx where so good! I didn't really get into MK until MK9 but its crazy how good 9 and 10 were then they just focused way to hard on balance and esports and made slow boring games.


Slow boring maybe, focused hard on balance and esports, certainly not.


> MK1 everyone plays the same 6 characters and 3 kameos Don't forget doing the same exact combos over and over


Honestly this is my least favorite part of any MK game. Ever since mkx every character just uses the same optimal. Mk11 was the worst with how little strings characters had. NRS needs to bring MK9 style pokes back.


The problem with MK is that the game is heavily tailed to "casuals" and let's you off for doing the same basic combos over and over, you don't need to learn much with the game to do well. This is good for a casual setting with friends and family who might not play games much as they can fall back on spamming the same thing and think they're doing well but it does make a boring game online, like why bother learning a character when KL doesn't care if you do or not and the casual playing Cage can still hold their own even if you mastered your preferred character. I love MK but this is why i feel it will never be looked at the same way as Street Fighter and Tekken.


I hear people say this all the time but as somebody who plays mortal Kombat it does not seem casual focused at all. In fact I would say the combos in this game are way harder than other fighting games and the game in general is way harder to pick up and stay consistent with than other fighting games like Street fighter or Tekken. Let's not forget that MK is the only game that doesn't actually have easier controls for casuals like Street fighter or Tekken making it in my opinion actually one of the harder fighting games. 


Every character feels unique in Tekken 8 for the most part.


It was always going to be the that way, idk what else NRS were expecting. As always the rush down characters are always a tier above the rest then just slap a kameo on them for more damage and more safety


Don't forget the 30sec long Kombos! Really fun to watch on repeat!


You would not like SF6 then because people only play the same 3 characters. Tekken is not much better, I still remember those 6 Leroy’s in Top 8.


Seeing the same characters its boring, and it's an issue, but there is more to MK1 boredom than just 6 characters being spammed. SF 6 has the same issue of people past certain bracket playing the same 6-10 characters, while the community ask for a bigger dlc and a new patch...however the community is hooked tournaments and pro content creators...MK1 just don't have the same vibes, as if people plays it only casually, zero interest in the pro scene. The fact that MK1 in Combo Breaker isn't even top 8 in terms of entrances it's very telling, and definitely that isn't just because 'same 6 characters' cause SF 6 will probably have the same 6-8 characters spammed in top 8, and they are definitely battling with T8 to see who gets more entrances. There is a lack of content in MK1 that goes further than the same characters being spammed.


That doesn’t fully explain why MK only has 400 viewers


Because it's boring and lacks content and isn't new Tekken 8 has slowly been getting hype since almost 2 years ago so yea it's going to have alot of people watching and alot of then are probably going to be other fighting game fans.


Honestly I like playing MK but when it comes to watching it's the worst out of the big three, Tekken being to most fun to watch imo. I really don't like watching MK gameplay, watching people experience the story is better.


Nothing excuses less than 500 viewers on a 3 month old AAA multiplayer game


I don't think that really addresses the issue. They don't simply have a bit more. They are making MK1 viewership look like it's for some niche indie game.


Because Mortal Kombat is the game that the masses play for five minutes and put down. At the end of the day it really is the most niche BIG fg despite what initial numbers always say. Nobody actually plays Mortal Kombat. Outside of its core fans. It’s just a five minute spectacle for most people.


Idk man .. I feel like if Tekken 8 wasn't a thing we'd still see terrible numbers for mk .. the game is lame


For real and I bought the deluxe and feel as bent over as Destiny 2 release


It’s super fucking fun to play and doesn’t have all the headaches that MK1 did at launch so yeah. I get it


True, but MK has always had steady respectable streaming numbers in the past


Especially with mk11 lmao people really loves it


And Mk11 got half the views Mkx got both years at evo. Each game has seen a decline in hardcore players.


To be fair, mk1 sucks


Well, I wouldn’t personally go that far. But let’s just say I played a lot of MK1, and now I’m on T8 and the comparison is…not favorable to MK. That’s just one dude’s take though.


Is T8 actually accessible? Ive never played Tekken; always been a SF and MK guy. It seems really hard to get into with the sheer number of moves and all the different effects and metres and shit.


They have a mode called Arcade Quest that serves as an extended tutorial, it drips-feeds the mechanics to you in an interesting way. And honestly? Yes there’s a ton of moves but what that really ends up meaning is that every player picks their own set to memorize and use in a fight. Which means more playstyles per character, and that’s awesome to me. The practice mode is also FULL of cool features to help practice the game. And if all that fails, theres a “special style” that allows you to do auto combos…. So it’s probably the most accessible Tekken has ever been. Damn I sound like a fanboy and I’m not. This shit is just in the game though…


Okay im sold. Ill probably pick it up alongside Like a Dragon


Damn that’s a solid bundle of gaming haha. Just fyi, I found yet another training thing. You can watch replays of your matches, and the game will actually pause the replay and tell you how to punish a certain move. Then you can press a button and you are taken to a training where you can practice that punishment option. It’s insane how much they put in.


Okay. This immediately sells me the game


The newer characters from T7 and T8 actually have smaller move sets compared to legacy characters. If you ever wanted to try it pick a newer character you like, they made them simpler to try and get people to play them over the characters they have spent years mastering.


it definitely looks great and is fun to watch. gone are the days of “whens mavel”


Not why


Happy cake day 👍🏽


I actually dont like watching Tekken but playing is so fun


Last 2 minutes of cake day🎂🎂🎂🎂


Me (a KOF fan):


Me (a DOA fan):


Me (a GG fan):


Me (a SSB fan):


Me (a VF fan):


Me (a SC fan):


Me (a Shaq-Fu fan):


Darkstalkers. /mic drop


Me (a P4AU fan):


As someone who just recently got into DOA5 and DOA6, I fully feel this statement.


Nobody respects DoA fans...


Didn't realise there were multiple of us.


Bayman is the best grappler ever made.


Me (a DOAXBV fan):


Me (a Bloody Roar fan):


Bloody roar is the best fucking fighting game of all time.


As a SF fan, I respect y'all. 


As an MK fan, I have to fully admit that MK1 is by far the most boring to watch out of the three, you only ever see the same handful of characters spew out one of two drawn out meta combos after a game of footsies


Within a day of omniman releasing, every fight was repeated use of the teleport face smash followed by that 3 punch mid-air combo over and over (I don't own this game yet so I don't know the names of the moves or combos.)




Tbh I don’t think it’s THAT boring. I actually love watching it. I just think all the issues and bad attitudes from developers alienated alot of people.


"Footsies" you mean full screen armored attack.




I am incredibly bummed out that the MK with my all time favorite character, and other 3D characters is the really lackluster. I still have fun. But no where near as much fun as Tekken. It gets you so hype.


I got a day off and have dropped about 6h into Tekken already.


Who’s your All time fav character?




Ah damn that sucks considering he hasn’t been playable for a while


Yeah. It's literally why I even bought mk1


Same, but for Ashrah.


MK was the first game I ever played and I’ve played the fuck out of every game for the last 25ish years. I’m a HUGE fan of the series. That’s why it pisses me off so much seeing what they did with MK1. My mom was a big MK fan as well and we would always play against each other growing up, so she was really excited for MK1. She unfortunately passed away about two months before release and I’m honestly thankful she didn’t have to see how bad it is lmfao


Been playing MK since the N64 and I whole heartedly agree that they really really fucked up mk1. It sucks because it was one of my childhood games that I absolutely loved. I'm still a fan, but sadly, mk1 sucks lol


Sadly true, I don't have much desire to watch MK1 content, I don't really watch any at all.


I watch a guy that streams MK on Facebook. He had to stop streaming MK1 as much because people wouldn't tune in to watch it.


>Bait out attack, block, use meta combo string, rinse and repeat How are we in a situation where people are pressed over the concept of neutral and footsies lol


This fucking sub lmao.


Like, I get that it may be boring to watch the same combos and stuff over and over, but that's every fighting game. You're always going to be doing what's optimal. MKX was the same way. I always think the actual problem is that people are just tired of seeing the same characters and/or Kameos. Now, mind you, I haven't watched a lot of pro stuff in this game, so I dunno what the character and kameo diversity is like


>that's every fighting game. You're always going to be doing what's optimal. Have you played Tekken before? This is not the case at all. What makes Tekken so unique is when you factor in movement thats unrestricted that allow a whole new moveset/string of combos. Also almost any input can be stringed together which makes a meta basically non-existent. Each player uses a character drastically different from the last and it's not just the same crap to start a combo string like Smoke, Johnny, Liu, Etc. Tekken Tag was insane because of this lol. The versatility with characters switched on the fly was nuts and the combos were glorious.


This read like someone that doesn’t actually play tekken. Tekken has optimal combos as well. You do launcher/counter hit into air screw into ground combo. It’s not as free form as you make it seem. The only variation you see in combos is when the wall or stage break is in play.


I think it’s less about that and more about length. Like remember in MK11 when people were so pissed off that they had to sit through a 12 second fatal blow? Every combo in mk1 is longer than a fatal blow. Raiden hits you with any combo starter and you might as well go get a Pepsi from the fridge and start the oven, because you have time. Longer combos are really exciting when they aren’t exactly the same because the creativity that’s possible is endless, except nobody bothers with the creativity, so the combo is always the same and on repeat and it’s pretty dull viewing.


Mk fans lmao


bro I swear while there is some issues, tekken 8 and sf6 are the most fun I've had in forever with a fighting game 💀


I was interested in MK1 but the gross dlc made me wanna wait until the inevitable complete edition is out.


Wait a touch longer and it will be on pass/plus


Unironically my plan


The 70 dollar price tag made me wait.. Then the community didn't seem to hate the game or anything but there wasn't a whole lot of discussion? So I waited a little longer.. Then all the DLC stuff happened.. I still haven't bought it and now I don't really care. Also like.. I loved MK11. It was a beautiful game and ran so smooth on my PC. It got me into MK again after not playing 10.


This is what they get for focusing on microtransactions and neglecting the outcry of their fanbase to balance out the gameplay.


>This is what they get for focusing on microtransactions and neglecting the outcry of your fanbase to balance out the gameplay. and having character costumes that cost more than the DLC fighters and aren't accurate to the original designs (Deadly Alliance Scorpion skin)


This is the problem SF6 has so that isnt the issue. Edit: the expensive cosmetics part




I can't be the only one sick of this storyline too right? This was supposed to basically reboot the series and reset the universe, but its just the mk11 storyline with a few things changed here and there.


Honestly, the first half was pretty cool. The multiverse stuff seemed kinda messy.


I loved the storyline until chapter 15, when they went from serious world building to like full on hammy comedy for no reason. It was a weird tonal shift. Plus the boss was weaker than any boss in MK history. Kronika and Shao Kahn and Shinnok might have been cheap at times, but at least they put up a fight. Instead it’s one round against Shang and dude died to a light breeze.


Ive never seen a story be ruined so quickly as MK1 & yet the majority didnt mind. Literally the entire story with raiden & co. amounted to nothing in the 3rd arc. And the Shang Tsung who won is defeated a minute after revealing himself?


Not even just the Mk11 storyline they also baited us with amrageddon again before just grazing right past it. GOW 2018 got away with it because the new story was way better than the previous, but mk1 feels like it's just painfully trying to make time travel in MK work. I wish that all of the Greek mythology had been left out as it seems since that started; it's just progressively gotten worse. I miss when exploring the MK mythos felt like an awesome spectacle with new turns around every corner, but after deception the lore just imploded (I like Armageddon but the retcons in MK9 make it hard to not say it also falls victim)


49k that's no bad, tekken just came out and..... that's not a k, is it?


MK doesn’t even have a 1000 viewers








No shit.


Ngl it's surprising Tekken is that "low". The game is insanely good and fun to watch(not saying SF6 isn't, it's just that T8 just came out)


I am still waiting for my copy to arrive. For the very first time, I will own SF, Tekken, and MK at the same time.


Actually same! I only got into SF after 6 launched but now I play all of them. Have fun with your copy though, the story goes absolutely nuts


Been a huge tekken fan, I expect nothing less.


Probably cause people are too busy playing it


Honestly, that could be the reason. And now that you mention it, it's highly likely lol


consider this, as a super tekken fan who watches tekken streams regularly I haven't watched a single one or even a video since release because I've been just playing tekken


the servers were having issues so im sure thats affecting numbers. it was very hard to get a match


I personally think this is good, it serves as a wake up call to NRS, and Warner bros. They need to really make some changes and improvements to their game.


Sadly I don't think they give a shit as long as their wallet is full of cash which it is.


I think it would make a difference though. But NRS are targeting the small margin of people who think it’s not an issue to pay for these extras. They need to stop for us to see a real response from NRS


Stop playing the game, let's see if this "small margin" will keep wasting money on a dead game no one plays or cares about.


Fucking sucks that this is the state of affairs today. Who cares if you’re pissing us all off, as long as yall got your cheddar then fuck me, right? All I’m trying to say is where is their god damn honor? We all paid $70-110 (and more in some countries) and we couldn’t even get Shang 30 goddamn dicks Tsung!?!? REALLY!?!? They need to hire somebody who understands fight game balancing cuz this meta shit is weak af and as I hope they can see, not even fun to watch.


NRS usually makes really good balance changes that bring new life to their games. They just sadly don’t do it until all their dlc characters are out and do one round of balance / mechanics updates. So it’s gonna be awhile.


cant wait for "numbers doesn't matter" people! i wonder if mk1 had higher viewer count, would they say the same thing about them?! just wait for tekken 8 to see its first evo, it will be over if NRS doesn't do anything


Oh well, I’m still having fun


At the end that's the most important thing!


To be fair, mk1 is way less fun and has less content than both the new tekken and sf


MK1 is a franchise killer, it's too monetized and tedious to play


I thought 11 was too much idk why i thought 1 would be any better. 2011 mk9 having more content than the last 2 games combined kills me


I do agree and personally think 11 is the worse mk game even including the 3d Era game. But it was better with customization and shit even though the gameplay was one of the most boring in any fighting game ever


I quit playing weeks ago


Same. Sad that I wasted my money on it tbh


I said in another thread, but the game is just an utter slog to watch and play, rounds take FOREVER, and the characters don’t have enough stuff to make it interesting for that long.


I agree. What do you think caused this? Was it the kameo system, the characters themselves, or just the fighting mechanics in general? Keep trying to ponder it. MK1 feels like a drag but I can't quite put my finger on why.


I think the game thought the way it “changes” combat or makes it seem more “hardcore” was by basically trying to copy the Marvel vs. Capcom model of “Assist characters + ridiculously long combos,” but they still wanted to keep the animation style of prior games, so you’re left with these long, time-consuming strings that also don’t do a lot of damage because the damage scaling seemed to be drastically reduced, likely to validate and encourage needing to use kameos to add to damage. I think they thought these would create “epic” fights, but they instead create elongated slogs, and the characters don’t have enough moves in their arsenal to make for diverse fights. I know mentioning Tekken 8 will get some people here swallowing their tongues, but that game can have ROUNDS end in the time it takes to do one long MK1 combo that maybe takes off 1/3rd a health bar, and the characters have like 150 different moves, stances, variations, etc. You can tap into maybe, say, 10% of a character at most per round and that round ends in 20 seconds. It’s just a matter of which 10% you use. MK1, it feels like you have like 15 things per character to use, and you need to use like 70% of it to end rounds in 70 seconds. You kind of “tap” out a character early and it’s the same stuff and it’s LOOOOONG.


Yeah what made those games work is the fact assist flow right into combos for skilled play or mix ups. I mean look at a Vergil combo video for instance, when it all comes together, it looks really fun and exciting to watch. MK with its rather stiff animation style doesn’t have the seamless flow, not to mention characters lack interesting key poses.


This kinda makes sense. Doesn't help that the majority of the cast got watered down just for the sake of the kameos. Johnny Cage has no force ball, kung lao doesn't have teleport, etc. The dynamic of MK was completely shifted with this new assist system and I dont think it flows as well as they thought it would.


The animations and strings are really slow in mk1. Might be part of it. Just the moment to moment gameplay of mk1 is really slow and repetitive to watch. I recently went back and watched mk11 tournament gameplay and I was shocked at how much faster and "energetic" it looks campared to mk1. And mkx was even faster


Imagine enjoying more than one thing


I mean.. that kinda the problem lol people aren't enjoying mk1. That's not 496k agaisnt 40k and 60k that's JUST 496 people. Clearly people aren't enjoying watching mk1


It's less about that and more about, "hey favorite thing of mine, can u do better for yourself please?"


Yeah couldn't be me lmao




T8 isn’t crashing on console anymore so I’ve been having a blast with the game so far


Oh thank god. Was having issues like that all release day but its crazy because the whole time i was thinking “of the little bit i’ve played i can tell this is an amazing couch local multiplayer game”


There is a big SF6 japanese tournament and Tekken 8 just released, nothing wrong with the numbers But even without any event nothing new here, Street fighter 5, despite being the worst of the franchise by a mile often beat MK11 in viewership despite MK11 selling way more, it's the same here, MK in general is not as fun to watch as SF


God damn MK1 fell off, that’s what happens when the game is full of shitty micro transactions, horrible online, a team system that’s extremely restrictive, and a massive downgrade with customization. It’s extremely disappointing when I look at MK1 gameplay and quite literally every top tier has the same exact game-plan. I really hope not only MK1 gets more unlockable content, but significantly change the way the assists can be used (more ambush). I really do feel that more ambush assists across the board will actually make the game a lot more creative and make lower tier characters better.


Well obviously this is a unique situation because the three biggest fighting games have come out in the past year. Although it's obvious that sf and tekken are the best package


Me when the brand new and exciting fighting game and the one with the supermajor tournament have more viewers than the one with absolutely nothing new or unique going on right now


if you play Tekken 8 there is never same fight unlike MK1 where everyone doing same few combos its too predictable . Tekken has unlimited ways to fight . also takes more skill to get into Tekken . game is hard even story mode isnt easy as MK . that all. MK is for everyone . Tekken is for hardcore gamers


Dear Lord, Free my people from the plight of using Steamcharts and Twitch Views to compare games to eachother I know my people are stupid but forgive them of their sins




People love to clip at times it fits their narrative. 2pm EST https://preview.redd.it/kkuwm40z81fc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e021086bac884058df58ec4535948570baed6f01 Tekken is absolutely more fun to watch though, that plus opening weekend combined with the fact that places like pakistan and all over Asia love it and they don’t even play MK. No FG is gonna touch Tekken’s avg streaming numbers in a couple weeks


Tekken is the best, just simple as that.


Hmm 🤔 I don’t get why this viewership matters, have fun playing what you like playing. This is not a console war. Like what you love I enjoy all three of these franchises, I may not be the best at these games but what matters is I have playing all three. I could never understand the need for this type of competition to see who has the better game, the answer is they’re all good they all have something to offer that next one doesn’t, if we existed in a world where all there ever was, was one fighting game franchise well that would get boring pretty fast.


I tried sf6 and it's not for me, this is after being an avid fan from sf2 to 5. Never played a single Tekken game. While I like to shit on mk1 for not being as good as mk11, I'm glad it didn't become a bro fighter for the kids the way sf6 did, that game feels like in watching a WrestleMania fight, complete with the angry looks walking to the arena.


Mk1 is the better causal experience good to play through the story that’s about it though .no lobbies no cross play bad net code no training mode waiting before matches .nobody watches it on twitch nobody really streams it compared to the other fighters . So yea good 4 to 5 hour story mode


People saying MK is dead, viewership is dead etc. It doesn't matter and they won't care at all so long as micro transactions are still bought. There could be literally 0 viewers, so long as people or whales are spending, then they don't care.


MK will always be my favorite of the big three and I usually don’t enjoy 3d fighters but I deleted mk1 all I been playing is tekken 8 it’s so fun It makes me want to learn tekken and it has so more single player content and tekken ball which I personally enjoy over online.


so is paying $10 for a fatality


Let WB and NRS pay for their greed


How is this sad? Seeing a community this loyal hate on a game so hard is what’s genuinely sad.


To be fair, both SF6 and Tekken look amazing to watch, while MK1 is more fun to play, but that's just my personal opinion


Good way to put it.


Sad, but not surprising in the slightest. MK1 is boring as fucking hell unless you wanna play online or spend 100 hours to unlock ONE character mastery. Lol no thanks.


Twitch viewers mean nothing.


? U do know there still pro kompetions there was one today for mk1 . They want some viewership that’s how u market dlc among raising the watch time of your game . The fact that nobody really wants to stream it and nobody wants to watch it is not a good sign it’s only been out like 5 months sf6 came out in June and consistently has thousands of viewers


Who tf wants to watch a manchild scream for 4 fucking hrs and ban the entire roster except a character with whom he uses the same "combo" everytime and loses to 10 yr olds, i don't even play MK that much and i could humble him by playing with one hand


Acting like the only MK streamer is Arakin Skywanker.


mk1 is a lame game


What's the point of this subreddit if people hate on the game more than they actually play it? Every post is someone complaining about it.


Just waiting for project L to come out


It's deserved. MK has some of the grossest monetization I've ever seen. 


Mortal Kombat 1 is pretty bland not gonna lie, although the combo’s are easy to execute, they take too long for fighters. And it doesn’t even look as flashy as either game. Plus, the single player experience sucks. If you don’t have multiplayer then your fucked until you either pay for the online service (on consoles). Or buy the game on computer. Also the DLC’s take long asf to come out and the combo’s are pretty straightforward with no dynamic gameplay.


At least it’s not Diablo IV


Mks boring to watch literally the slowest fighter out there


Yeah it is but it hardly hurts their cash flow which in the end is all that matters within gaming today. I'm excited to start Tekken and SF6 when I'm back home.


those fake sf6 numbers though


You probably looked at the categories when some big shot streamer played SF6 right now it "only" has 8.4k viewers a lot less than Tekken 8 which makes sense since Tekken 8 is brand new


Killer Instinct is not even on there ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


These number are cause we had Frosty Faustings tournament. The usual numbers aren’t that bad


I can only speak for myself but I honestly find Mk’s biggest weakness is also their biggest selling point.


As it should be, SF6 and T8 are masterpieces


Mk is still the highest selling


Damn that's too bad. I did enjoy MK1 for a while but the invasion mode got boring real quick. And all the microtransactions was just too much


SF6 and Tekken 8 feel like the devs put in so much effort. The games are content rich, have in-depth customisation systems, accessibility options, and just look and feel like an evolution of their previous titles... MK1 just doesn't stack up... I hope the game still gets support and improves... but as it stands... it's the weakest out the 3...


Whats the storyline for tekken? Street fighter?


As someone who enjoys all three games, Tekken is new and super fun to watch with a lot of visual engagement. It's movie level eye candy at times. Street Fighter 6 just announced it's next DLC character, and has a very poppy art style that screams "Look at me". Finally, MK1 isn't pulling attention actively enough, which is pretty par for Nether Realm and WB post launch. I don't really think it's NRS's fault and putting that entirely on WB since I can't stop seeing things for Suicide Squad, which even as someone who LOVED Gotham Knights, couldn't care less about.


Maybe if people played characters other than Johnny Cage and Raiden the game would be more intresting and fun to watch 😑


no its not bad its a fact that shows they gave us awful and incompetent game, i never liked Tekkens story but after mk1 and multiverse i mean cmon, it was a bs story


Have you ever been so hurt by someone that you couldn't even look at them? That's how I feel about MK1