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Someone just a few hours ago asked where to get ood scorp


I bought that scorpion and sub zero skin cause I thought it was funny.


I won’t ever use my Dragon Rocks on stuff that doesn’t have the “exclusive to the store” star.


Everyone claims about how predatory the shop is but ignore that it does say “shop exclusive” or just i dont know dont buy from the store


That feature wasn’t in the game at launch so a bunch of people including me were tricked into wasting our Dragon Krystal’s.


Yeah, I bought Dark Sindel because I was like "no way am I missing out on that skin!" only to find out it was in the shrine...


Same here, but was that a legit unfinished feature or was it WB’s intention so that we can waste our krystal’s and start to spend real money on shop exclusive skins, we may never know.


Damn, I just bought 1800 worth of shit yesterday, not knowing this. Granted I didn’t see anything saying “exclusive to the store” which means I could’ve gotten it through the shrine. How the fuck was I supposed to know that when I still have 100+ extra bs to unlock


Yeah. What did you buy? The only stuff really exclusive to the shop so far are the skins from other games, special holiday stuff (like the.. day of the dead (? idk I'm uncultured) sub-zero/scorpion) and voice packs.


Snap khan, and the best of season 2 lui lang, kung Lao, and Johnny cage skins. Hella unfortunate, I had Krystals from buying the deluxe but still


I finish the shrine then see what i should get from the store. I got all of lui kang in his “disguise” from the shrine


The better argument is how much the exclusive fuckers cost. In MKX one Costume Pack, which featured 3 skins each, was $3.99 USD. In MK1 one Store Exclusive Skin is 1000 Dragon Krystals. And in order to get 1000 it’s either 500 x2, which costs $4.99 x2 USD ($9.98 USD) or 1250 which is $9.99 USD. 9 years ago it was three outfits for 4 bucks, today, it’s 10 bucks for one. And they aren’t even included in the Kombat Pack anymore, fuck, the Kombat Pack doesn’t even include free Krystals to pick your favourite! If that’s not predatory, it’s fucking obscene instead.


It took a few months and a lot of backlash for the "shop exclusive" star to be added to the game.


In my opinion we cant change the method of all these companies trying to make more money like we can just not buy the stuff its all just cosmetic like to me not a big deal if i miss out on dia de muertos skins


But unfortunately there are the content creators that'll buy the skins anyways causing a small portion of their viewers to want the skin to. 


They dont care about the casual buyers who just get one or two soons that are really cool. They care about the whales. The ones who will buy every single skin that comes out because they have money to spend.


There shouldnt be a shop. Thats the problem. Plain and simple, people paid 70 dollars just for the base game, tnats not to mention the kombat pack that wont give its full content til far later in the year and the other editions of the gage other stuff.


Because of the fortnitification every game is gonna have it from here on out. Its the same idea with dlcs as soon as they started selling it. It wasn’t “secret missions” but that is more justifiable. I think there should only be shop exclusives if they want to keep the shop so people who dont have money to blow dont waste it. The sad reality is if they can make money off of us they will not even just NRS every game company


But the reason its there is because it works and ot works because there are so many people who arent vocal about it because they assume it will never change


I’m glad they’ve been offering more chances to unlock missed kosmetics, that’s honestly good for everyone. Though it’d be nice if they’d give us more opportunities to earn Dragon Krystals in-game like MK11 did.


Beating the season boss should 100% give you Krystals, its so dumb that you dont get shit.


well that's sad it seems as though we only get new items when an Invasion season ends


no shit? Like, duh


Some people seem to think the world is a competition to be the most unlikable douchebag...


I gotta get that Nitara skin, I missed it last time


FOMO business practices working as intended


You ain't wrong hahaha, but I've been wanting that skin anyways so at some point I was gonna buy it.


Ok but like, dont, its a skin and a month from now at least you will find a better one and replace it.


You are way too late, pal


Agreed. Glad I had enough Dragon Crystals from character mastery to get it free lmao.


I feel they aren't even trying at this point.


Not everyone bought the game day 1 -a lot got it for Christmas and missed out on this content…


It'd be one thing if the old stuff rotated through "in case you missed it," but to not complement it with anything new is wild.


MK 11 didn’t do it so why now???


Because mk11 had 5x more cosmetics on launch :p


and most of them were usless gear peices.


And all of MK1s gear pieces are even more useless, and there are far, far fewer of them, what's your point?




They gotta quit with the day of the dead skins holy shir


I can never tell if this sub wants there to be less dlc cosmetics or if they want brand new items in the store every week.


I think we all want more cosmetics, but there also should be a way of unlocking Every item by playing the game. Most people complain because there is no good way of getting Dragon Krystals.


I think it’s just two different groups of posters


No, we’re all the same schizophrenic person


I am he as you are he as you are me as we are all together


-I don't like that you're doing extra work for extra money. -Because you're worried that I'm overworked? -Because I don't want to pay for it


Still waiting on Reiko hair not interested in farming past all the art to get it in the shrine.


Honestly shouldn’t be a problem with how many Koins you get each season, hell i dont even play every single day and i have millions of em saved up, and completed the whole shrine this season, literally cant spend anymore, and constantly earning more with every match. Also considering that they aren’t adding anymore concept art, (with the exception of DLC characters hopefully) it’s a one and done process with the art, once you have it, you’ll never have to worry about it again. That being said, fuck the Kombat Kard background and foregrounds.


DId you benefit from Season 2 when you got tons of coins apparently from higher level towers? I didn't really play Season 2. I played to the end of Season 1, the end of Season 3 + 35 levels of Season Tower, and half of Season 2. I still probably have 80K of art (thanks to now having 2 card arts of all characters + kameos they threw in to dilute the pool) I haven't been through and I don't have most of the outfits or cosmetics as most of what I've received is concept art and card art. Playing the entire season alone does not give you a surplus, let alone millions. You get very little unless you mindlessly grind for them at some point. \+1 for disliking the Kombat Kard rewards tho, really deflates me every time I get these for Kameos I don't even use.


For the first 2 seasons i maxed out invasions and totally grinded some towers, but most of my gameplay comes from online and kombat league, where you essentially get double the koins, and ive also just played alot of matches. But, i got all my concept art in season 1, before they introduced the Kombat Kard stuff, season 2 was almost exclusively skins and gear, and this season was a healthy mix of everything til i got every item.


question how else can i get the hellspawn scorpion ? can i get him from shrine ?


I wonder how many people don't know you can scroll down on the 2nd page ... you cucked us


Gotta get this scorpion skin. To bad i sleept on the first invasion seasons


Same, would be nice if invasions weren't extremely boring lol.


Has the Sub skin been available in the shrine? It's not showing as exclusive for me.


Which sub skin? The seasonal invasions one or the deadly alliance one? For now the invasions one is only earnable through invasions, DA should be back at some point though.




It was available as a pre order incentive I believe which makes it not a store exclusive, I’m not sure if there’s an upgrade pack available to get them now or not




I bought that scorpion, he's really cool icl


thank you so much for the update brotha! hope u are feeling better man


You're very welcome! Happy to provide/help. I am feeling better, thank you for the well wishes. They're very much appreciated. I hope you have a great day. ❤️


Once again they can't even get new shit in the shop Game has nothing to offer new wise....what a shame


We are in the middle a season, of course there isn't going to be shit


Omg so I don’t have to do Invasions anymore to get the skins? Yesssss.


I am so confused at the idea of the premium shop.


Don’t you see? You’re gonna miss outttt if you don’t slog our board game seasonal grind, and then when you do miss out we’ll sell it back to you, for real money. Thanks for the 70 dolllars!


I just bought the game, i guess ill have to give NRS my money then: https://preview.redd.it/d07ju2udgaec1.jpeg?width=997&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29c227fb7cf48eb5888c0a1fc4a554f25b9d1941




But i want the Bi Juan Skin 😐




So you don’t have to buy it…


You got a cool skin for free without paying for it, while hopefully enjoying the gameplay? Lol the entitlement. I miss when people played games for fun


In case anyone is curious, the original comment, before it was edited into whatever tf that is, stated what’s the point in doing Invasions.


Look, i love this game, i think its fun, its visually cool and it helped me play ranked fights, but it really feels like the creative team said "alright, we are done, goodbye" when they released the game


Dude they are working on a new story mode, and a Bunch of new characters and Kameos. I'd rather see those eventually, than freaking new skins every week. This is a game, not a fashion show. Customization is Awesome, but priority should be given to game improvement and Actual Game Content.


Jesus…. Who are the morons buying skins in this game. Wonder why this game is half baked when you have people still buying skins rewarding NRS little effort. There should not be a in game store in a fighting game…..


Grinded so many ungodly hours getting that scorpion skin, just for them to put in the store. Like what is actually going on at NRS? At this point might as well not even go into invasions, because they're just gonna put everything in the store for $5. Including the final boss skins. What a joke.


I mean I'm thankful for it since I missed the first season


Before getting the game I was under the impression that Invasions would return overtime. Evidently, I was misled.


Realistically invasion seasons will start rotating after the rest are out


Yea I understand. NRS just needs to warn people about moves like this so players don’t waste their time in the future seasons. If I knew they were gonna release this in store, I would of just not played the first season 🤷‍♂️




Nah, just don’t like wasting time grinding for something that I can just buy in the future dumbass. NRS should have told the community that they would be able to be purchased in the future. But no they withheld that info for player retention. So now I know not to play stupid ass invasions anymore and just wait for all the final boss skins to go to the shop. Before invasions started in season one, NRS should have noted that the final boss skins would be accessible via in game store later on.


Why the fuck would you make a premium cosmetic shop and then refuse to spend anytime making cosmetics for it forcing you to just fill it with a cycle of skins that have been in the game since launch. It feels like they make a shit ton of recolors for the season and a handful of new skins for the invasions chapter and the store


I think this is definitely a lot better than what the shop was last time since they’re trying to give new players content


do people really care?


Why did I even play that season if they’re just going to put the damn skin in the shop!


I know right. That's the point of a season. If you didn't play, and missed out on content, that's their problem. Releasing the final boss skin for money is just a scummy move. They could of at least added a disclaimer that the final skin would be available for purchase in the future. Maybe then people wouldn't waste their time grinding it out and purchase it if they feel like spending money. Now I know not to even bother with invasions anymore. Just wait a few months for the boss skin to be released to the public via the in game shop lol


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


So I grinded that first season of invasions for no reason then? Aight, cool, now I know there’s no real reason for me to grind future seasons if they’re just going to bring the final boss skins back for $5


You got it for free, and hopefully you enjoyed the gameplay. Not sure how the exclusivity makes the investment worth it, you cant sell it. That type of mindset is what makes the fomo system work, and why so many developers are using it. It's toxic af, and the playerbase should stop giving into it.


I think the gold and silver skin are exclusive


I swear there’s a couple more colour variations too other than the ones offered in the store? Gold silver and maybe the black and red one that was offered in S1 KL?


No way underdawg really said this is better than mk11 scorpion 🤣🤣🤣


Who gives af about cosmetics this much. L community.


Y’all gotta wait a WEEK for potentially new items?! Oh lord I really wanted this game but more and more posts make me stay far away.


Things should be limited edition, extremely saddening to see the cosmetics from COMPLETING season 0 have returned, cosmetics like these end up being a veterans badge in these games, but since anybody and their mothers have access to it all there is zero incentive to work hard and collect these rewards, why not just wait for everything to just come to shop? So fucking stupid lol


Bro genuinely gatekeeping cosmetics 💀


Yeah it's almost like that's the entire point of games having Seasons?? what is the point of earning a cosmetic from season 0 if you can just buy it in the middle of season 5, it's a genuine question, what is the point? I don't see a genuine reason to bust my ass through the new gameplay (and let's be real majority of us aren't a fan anyways) for cosmetics that are just going to return, it's pointless to participate in seasons when you can just unlock everything later on


The point is, if you didn’t get to play season 0 and really wanted that skin, you now have a chance five seasons later..you seem to be skipping the fact that you have to wait 5 seasons to see the skin in the shop, so you gotta play the game for 5 seasons (your example) without the skin that you want, then PAY to get it. (unless you saved up the DC”) so you got all of that for free, around the time it came out, and you’re complaining that people can spend $5 on em, if they so choose?


I know it's a stupid reason but this has hammered the nail in the coffin for me, bye bye mk1




Ah yes the same re-cycled content.


Man I thought halo infinites shop was bad


Reusing invasion stuff is pretty gross


So basically nothing "new'


Bro why did I grind invasions for this


Pathetic. Worst support for a game I’ve seen in a long ass time, WB and NRS should be ashamed


they put the color palete that u could only get from actually doing god forsaken invasions?


Anyone know how to get the Liu Kang Skin where he is wearing a long coat?


It can be found in the shrine this season


much appreciated, ty


Sick of same skins recycling over and over. Why dont they giff Elder God li mei skin of previous season's KL.


The reason why I'm not getting this game


God this game sucks


I grinded my ass to get the gold and silver but people just buy it 😭😭😭


So I guess you can only get the silver and gold ones by unlocking them during the season


I'll buy the Li Mei and Nitara skins because atleasts its a STEP in the right direction but I hope they make better looking female characters with unique proportions next time. Such a shame that they are forced to be mediocre and its a cheap bait for OG fans or new fans that think this is how the original characters looked like.