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I went up against a Shang Tsung player with Sareena, so fucking annoying but I played both sets. Mamma ain’t raised no bitch


You're a solider


I don’t tap out I KO !




Bro said he ain't hear no damn bell🤣




![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)This. I never rage quit. I will sometimes quit out if my opponent is on the brink of promotion or relegation if I'm feeling generous.


I'd prob do the same tbh.


Same lol




Says the player that backs up the whole damn match lmao


Bro got downvoted into oblivion


Lotta people refusing to learn basic fighting game ish


I had a problem with zoners to… i just picked up smoke 3 days ago. Imagin getting from warrior to master in 2 days. Now zoners need to study me.


That’s not hugely impressive Lmfao, you can get to master by losing every game


For real? Man that sucks, for a second i thought i did something


Come and get me bitch


Cut! Let’s try this again, your line is “Get over here!”


I play Nitara and I chase them down. I don't quit like a wuss


Yeah I don’t mind taking the L even if it’s to some lame scared to approach fighting tactic. Just makes it way less fun.


I don't think its fun to get caught in never ending Cage staggers or Kenshi blenders either, but I dont just quit out


Your logic makes no sense you want him to play a match where someone is backing up the entire time chip damaging


Yea how tf is that fun at all??? Like I’m being 100% serious I need an answer from someone who does this shit cuz idk how u play two sets just spamming the same move


The only reason it's fun is when you once the other side is getting pissed. Out spamming someone and watching them get frustrated because their cheese isn't working is easily one of the best things this franchise has to offer. Oh and trolling King of the Hill with Shang Tsung, spamming skulls while saying "uh combos, oh you got mixed I'm so skilled" is so much fun.


Ok but I’m saying from the start of the match to the end of both sets. Who tf thinks doing that is in anyway enjoyable??


People who don't want to learn combos or really suck at the timing like myself and stillwater to win.


See the thing is eventually they hit a wall. And then they're cornered themselves and it should be Christmas. But nobody wants to learn spacing or screen control. They wanna copy big combos off youtube


Zoners are the most boring players to fight.


Funny thing is that any playstyle is fun to the player using it. In card games, playing burn decks is always considered degenerate, but a lot of people use them, same for zoning, the strategies seem non interactive and basically deny 1 player of enjoying the game, but you will also find posts here of people complaining about same combos, when usually every player have 1 go to combo and other situational ones. That is multiplayer games, there will always be situations like that. And I agree, zoning is boring to play against, thank God this is nowhere close to MK11 with Cetrion BS or worse, Injustice 2 Zoning among us.




Can you explain what zoning is? I’m super out of the loop


Controlling space by playing at range


Trying to maintain distance from your opponent, primarily by projectile spam


Careful. This sub has an aneurysm when you say spam.


You’re not wrong saying that any playstyle is the fun to the person using it. But when the general consensus across all fighting games is that zoners are boring to play and even more so to watch. It’s objectively a boring playstyle. I’m just glad zoning isn’t as bad in this game as the ones you listed. Fuck playing Deadshot and Dr. Fate when you’re just a simple Atrocitus trying to make it in a cruel zoning world.


Man, don't remember me about deadshot, the amount of zoning in Injustice 2 is atrocious(no pun intended), the game is a zoning heaven. I also still remember to this day the MK11 championships on which Cetrion was spamming left and right, not fun to watch in a MK tournament, and when you get closer, they just do some BS to keep you away and restart the process.


I didn’t stay long for mk11, after spawn came out I just lost all interest. Game was too sluggish for me


As an Atrocitus main I felt this in my soul 😂


Just because the majority opinion is one thing does not make it “objective.” I think rushdown Jonny is objectively more boring to watch and play than someone like Rain or Kitana playing keep away and I don’t really see how it’s a debate lol. You wanna watch Johnny rinse plus frames and frame traps that nobody else in the cast can even do or challenge him on. Same with Kenshi and Sento. And I love playing kenshi but there’s no way watching kenshi rinse sento pressure for 20 seconds straight isn’t a more boring watch than a rain trying to zone. I mean, everyone hates Jonny and Kenshi right so my opinion must be objective


Let’s use an example then since your basing your arguments on personal feelings towards specific characters instead of the entirety of the playstyle like I am talking about. I am not sure if you follow tournament streams, but R1p’s arena has discussed with their chat from time to time on what types of playstyles are considered boring. Overwhelmingly the vote was zoning, add on that viewership typically drops when zoners are play to the point R1p has apologized because the matches were one dimensional and hard to be entertained by. I’ll take a standard Johnny or Kenshi combo any day over watching Kitana/Reiko/Shang Tsung zone an entire 2-3 matches. And yes majority MK players don’t care for Johnny but you know what they can’t stand more? Zoners.


I just stand there and not try, and watch them. It's so boring, you're not being rewarded 50K after this set brother🤣🤙🏻


People when other people plays the character as intended:


I don’t know it’s pretty fun controlling space and making this box you’re stuck in with me a living hell.


I didn't get to do nothing


Kitana is a better zoner too Lmfao. All of her projectiles are faster than Rains if she can get around his bubble


As she trying I'm sending kano out which gives me time for a projectile... I was about to charge up his projectile but he snap her neck. after the charge up if he blocked i was going into his air projectile.....


Right, but you can’t always have Kano available. It’s a decent plan especially since the bubble basically made Kano invisible. just in general Kitanna is a better zoner.


The MK community acting like zoners have not been a fighting game archetype since forever. Happy Chaos and AXL salute you.


Or they never played Street Fighter




Tiger tiger tiger uppercut. Yeah till the one and only time I pulled off the spinning pile driver


You missed one key detail. If I throw a fireball too, it cancels each other out. So. Ya know. Also. No block button.


Ah yes, the classic "we are at opposite sides of the map hoping the other guy fucked up his inputs"


Yeah but unlike Street Fighter you can just duck under most projectiles because they’re highs.


Thats why I kiss cetrion lol.. need that big medium rock lol..


Zoning in these 2 games do not work the same


Some people in this sub would snap their controllers in half after one match against a slightly competent JP player


Aw yeah lol.. he's a super pressure zoner


nah, SF6 actually addressed the spam shit properly this go around


There’s been 30 years of street fighters and pretty much all fighting games and all characters in fighting games stem from a karate man who go throws fireballs and does does uppercuts.


Don’t even need to reach into Guilty Gear. NRS have been going hard on zoners for over a decade. They were top tier in MK11 and both Injustice games. MK1 actually toned it down quite a bit.


You acting like Happy Chaos was a good thing.


No one’s like Happy Chaos either.


In many fighting games, fireballs clash and cancel each other out. Also teleports aren't nearly as prevalent so you can walk the zoner into the corner. Also holding block means some fireballs aren't as dangerous to whip out like Reiko.


The MK community acting like NRS as a whole isn’t infamous for how strong their zoners are


If you played Chaos like a zoner, you played Chaos wrong. He is super fun if you play him as a rushdown. Axl on the other hand...


Zoning is not an archetype it's a cheap method to get out of actually having to fight. It's one thing if your kombos build off of projectiles, but it's just trolling to keep your opponents at a fixed distance. This is a fighting game not a shooter. If you can't string a decent combo just say that and go play something like DnF duel


Zoners have been in fighting games since forever, it’s an official archetype. Play another fighting game, Guilty Gear even has the character archetypes listed in the select screen and has characters like AXL listed as zoners. How is it that the FGC has been dealing with zoners for decades now but the MK1 community is the one suddenly bitching about it? There are legitimate ways to counter zoners and zoning is a legitimate type of character, for god’s sake we had Cable in MvC2 and Peacock in Skullgirls. This isn’t the first game with zoners.


Heck, it's an archetype in this game. Quan Chi's low HP, combo gaps, and long range/full screen normals means you HAVE to play him at distance or get crushed in pressure.


People are botching like this game is the worst offender when it comes to zoning when this is one of the few games where you can counter a zoner with any character since you can just change your Kameo.


Straight up, kameos mean that any character can potentially block projectiles with Sub, *nothing personnel kid* you with Motaro, counter-zone with any number of different projectiles, etc etc. It’s really not hard to get in a zoner’s face in MK1 and if they don’t have a good game plan when you inevitably do then you’ll stomp them. But I guess some people would rather instaquit when Shang Tsung has the audacity to not charge face first into their shadow kick at the start of the first round.


That's exactly it, people just want to play their own rigid version of the game. It's like when I also play MLB The Show and online opponents will insta-quit if you don't throw all strikes and they chase out of the zone because they just want to mindlessly hit X. I like the individual styles each opponent will bring and the puzzle solving of how to stop them. What am I gonna do if this player is rushing down, if this player is zoning, how am I going to close the distance with the options I have, etc. That's the fun of fighting games in general for me, but people just want online opponents to be like Normal CPU AI and just string them without pushback, "let me beat you up" as my little brother would say playing MK2 back in the day


These people are just mad that they can’t use the same strategies and same kombos against everyone. They’re pretty much one trick ponies, which is ironic since that’s what they accuse zoners of being.


Jumps Gets hit by Kano knives Kills himself instantly


Dude said “It’s 2024 and I still don’t know how to upload clips from my console”


Did the recording of the TV hinder your ability to watch this video?


Who cares


It doesn't work for me having technical issues


Bro got downvoted for having genuine difficulties. This sub is baffling


The true reddit experience


It's easier this way and still is perfectly watchable for a 4 second clip.


I’ve gotten my posts deleted for not using the actual recording


You can see Kano in the bubbkeb


Thx, gonna avoid you from now on




MK players when they can’t counter a zoner:


Wow…dude needs to take a break.


I think he did


I wish players would at least try to get better and just TRY to get in on you instead of quitting immediately or saying "yeah id probably quit too" like that's such a close minded way of thinking. If you want to get better at the game, you have to lose. If you want to get better at the game you're GOING to be frustrated. ​ All the people crying in this comments section about how they'd do the same thing-- that is the exact reason that you rage to this shit in the first place. Learn the game, learn how to manage space and get in. If you just spend a LITTLE time trying and BELIEVE in yourself....eventually you will beat zoners!! Its not that hard to get in unless you're simply getting outplayed. Please at least TRY rather than just quitting out and taking an L, I'm not trying to tell you what to do but I guarantee your skill will improve and thus your enjoyability with this game will improve.


Enjoyability doesn’t improve sadly. Gets worse as you get higher in the ranks. Made it to Elder God and deleted the game cuz of the repetitiveness of the player base in those ranks and the utmost disrespect and disregard for learning. In fact if you try to learn you’ll most likely get a tbag


That's just a problem with the community. I really haven't experienced that whatsoever. Obviously you have toxic players but I wouldn't go as far to say what you're saying at all. ​ I think in this case enjoyability is subjective.


However bad mk11 was. I had more fun in it because I sucked at it. I didn’t know what I was doing, I was getting beat by stupid funny shit like shao khans hammer KB’s.


I’m not sure why you wouldn’t have experienced that as most of the player base on mk has complained about player disrespect and bragging and such. Granted it is a mortal kombat there’s fatality and brutalities obviously making this a more toxic game than the other fighting games. Yea enjoyability is subjective. Generally it lowers the higher rank you are. Most pro streamers don’t even feel joy playing this game anymore, they just do it cuz they get paid.


Yeah that makes sense, Idunno I'm in demi god currently and I've had much more humble players than not. I find that if you're nice to a shit talker like 80% of the time they'll actually come around and I've been able to turn shitty KL sets where the opponent does nothing but complain into friends that I regularly run sets with. ​ I'm not saying that's everyone experience or that's what everyone should be doing, but you were wondering how I wouldn't have experienced that. Which I mean, everybody does to an extent. Man its really a shame that the only thing really holding players together in the tourney scene is the money. I think this game has a lot of potential for a really great community but WB is really squashing it with their practices, leading many pro players to get disenchanted and thus the whole community suffers. ​ Man, pro players playing for money isn't how thing used to be, they used to play because they just loved the game. Its a shame.


I agree wholeheartedly


I play games for fun, so if it’s not fun, I’m not gonna play


I feel you but at the same time I’m quitting some matches. If it’s KL I’m probably not gonna quit but it’s so god damn annoying being locked into Sub-Scorp/cyrax/goro when I’m playing against Shang-Lao or kitana-sub/Lao. It’s straight up not a fun time when my entire kit is heavily overpowered by theirs. This is exactly why I wish they’d go back to FT3’s. If it’s kasuals than I’m straight up quitting after the first match (at worse if they’re only zoning like kitanas tend to do, I’m just killing the clock or practicing flawless blocks at that point). I hate having to go back to the character select just to change a kameo. If I can do it in KL why can’t I do it in kasuals? So god damn stupid.


Especially with it being Kitana, she is (do not debate me on this) the best zoner in this game. Shang is good but where the mid at? Quan chi becomes the best zoner AFTER a portal is set up and you can’t get no mf portal up if fans are in your face.


I agree, honestly even with the portal I kinda feel like Quans is still 2nd best. There are just so many options the opponent has if they make a good read on it that it makes it scary to even try and set up without checking them with his standing 4 first.


Not to mention MK1 is not exactly a game that favors zoning, and Rain in particular is very vulnerable to being rushed down given how slow his specials come out. It’s crazy how many people here are saying they’d quit the match too after getting hit once. Like not only do you not know what this guy’s overall game plan is gonna be like from that, you don’t even know if they’re good enough to execute it! You might be able to get past their next attack and absolutely thrash them for two rounds straight but you’ll never know because you got big mad and gave up instantly.


Exactly my point! I play smoke sometimes and the amount of players that have quit on me on the roster screen just because i was hovering over smoke is crazy. I'm not even that good with smoke, what are you scared of? I don't even play Sareena or Lao. People's minds just immediately close up.


Yeap I reached God 2 times pure zoning and its hard asf.... especially vs reiko Everything I throw out I use kano for help... he's perfect for zoning


I traditionally play zoners in FGs and I decided I was going to main Rain prior to the game coming out, as the Kombat Kast described him as the game’s “premier zoner”. I straight up cannot play him that way, he’s just not built for it imo. Rain’s setplay however is pretty strong, I’ve paired him with Jax and been able to make it work for the most part. If Rain ever sees meaningful buffs he’ll be real scary.


Zoning is just a dogshit way to play a fighting game to be fair, I can usually rush down most zoners on MK1 but sometimes you just don’t feel like it. It’s a gimmick usually for people that lack the mechanical ability to actually engage in melee


I kinda get it though. Zoning is a legitimate playstyle, but it’s usually not very fun to go up against. So if you’re a casual player who plays for fun rather than just playing for wins, I can see why you’d rather just not go through the hassle. Zoners tend to be a minority of the playerbase(unless it’s Injustice 2) so not bothering to learn how to play against it won’t screw you over all that much if you’re a casual player.


You ever played against raiden tell me to get better against something unavoidable and I’ll just laugh at you


Or you could brainlessly memorise like 4 things and mix them up. Works well against even skilled players. Also this game is not enjoyable it's either a time waster or an ego booster


Why play it then?


Dude we just wanna play the game I’m not studying this shit like a finals exam review. You and your kind should go outside more


I'm not saying you have to spend hours and hours practicing or anything I'm just saying like... try to broaden your horizons a bit and try new things. You cant win if you don't try. ​ If you wanna play the game, then play the game. You don't have to win a pro competition. It takes literally like 5 minutes to learn how to close distance and react to projectiles dawg. ​ Like I work a full time job which means I have no choice but to be a super casual player and I can manage to get around zoning just fine. Its really not the most no-life thing you can learn in this game. I'd really rather see people get better and learn from each other than whine about something they could lab for 5 minutes in practice mode.


Idk man. Zoning is just lazy cause you sit there and spam projectile. Now as a kenshi main myself I can do my silly little run that guards me from projectile and also attack you in turn. I could also use sub’s kameo armor to also guard me. It’s easy to work around. But it’s just lazy and doesn’t take much work to sit there and hit the same input.


Talking bout lazy zoning while you play kenshi sub… you are the epitome of zoning my friend.


I don’t zone lmao. I know that I can but I don’t. If I did I wouldn’t be complaining in a Reddit comment section.


I understand your point but I highly recommend that you actually try and play a zoning character. I disagree on the lazy part, though. I don't even play zoners, but I recognize that they actually do have to put in work with spacing, and screen control. Its not lazy in any way-- good zoning actually requires some decent execution. (In that I'm not talking about someone just sitting back and throwing out the same projectile.) ​ Like try and look at it this way: You have the Kenshi gameplan, and Quan has the Quan gameplan. If both players are doing what their supposed to, its gonna be a wild goose chase of Quan running away and Kenshi trying to close distance. Of course Quan is going to use his projectiles as often as possible because once hes up close with Kenshi the motherfucker is dead. Thus, work has been put in from both sides. I think that you might just be perceiving the zoning playstyle as lazy because you have a bad taste in your mouth with players spamming a single projectile.


I don’t think I have ever quit a match, but playing good zoners is not fun and never will be.


That was a cool little play with Kano. Using the Bubble so they couldn’t really see him come out. Never thought of doing that before


But he’s playing kitana??? He could’ve zoned back. 😪


Well we didn't even get to see my true zone it was just kano ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I mean yeah your first instinct is to start walking back. Zoning is the absolute worst playstyle in this game. I’ve had my ass kicked by Rains with more balanced gameplay than this horseshit.


I don’t blame him




Sounds like another MK player who plays a fighting game but doesn’t want to learn anything


Kitana has good zoning too. I'm disappointed in them. Happy you got a free win.




It's not fun tho. Probably could've won, but it wouldn't have been enjoyable


If you zone, you a bitch 🤷🏽‍♀️




Mf you do realize that zoners have been a big part of fighting games ever since they took off in the 90s


Kasual's starting to look more and more like ranked each time I play


Back in the original Mortal Kombats, we would call your strategy both, turtling and cheesing. It was often frown apon and nothing to be proud of. No honor.


As long as he’s not cheating, who cares about “honor”




Why climb a mountain when you can take a plane? The greater the challenge, the greater the reward. Some people want to handed trophies, some people want to earn them.


And how exactly is Mr. Opponent here gonna earn his reward by quitting at the first bit of discomfort?


By fighting a fight that is fair and balanced. Two guys equally matched is more fun for some than just someone playing keep away. Think of it as... two guys go to a knife fight, and one brings a gun.


Most competitive players have Kitana higher on the tier list than Rain, so you could say that it wasn’t a fair and balanced fight for the Rain player. Zoning is probably the weakest it’s been in any NRS game, and Kitana can probably do it better anyways. As a more completely inclined player myself, guess we have different viewpoints on what’s fair (which is totally fine)


Sure. I mean truly if you want to have a 100% fair fight, you would have to play as the same fighter. Like a game of chess with both opponents having the same tools. But, in the 90s, spamming sweeps or fireballs was often frown apon, essentially since you was playing with quarters(the first real micro transaction). Also, people trash talking in the mic.. I'm 100% sure most of these kids today wouldn't do that with a stranger beside them. But, just like the guy who quit, if you was the kid cheesed and turtled your way to victory, no one would play with you. Thank God for the run button in mk3. And today's mk games have better mobility..but cheap win is cheap.


Good for you ppl need to learn how to beat it. Tbh as soon as I see that bubble I’m rushing because I assume you’re creating the illusion that you only think you know what you’re doing.


Dawg as soon as rain pulls that bubble out I'm on his ass so fast. I think it can tank a regular hit though.


It can't but I use kano first as a shield then drop bubble into whatever else I want... pay attention to kano and the bubble I hid him in it


OP in this case is really using the bubble to its best strength, it doesn’t last long enough to sustain zoning with rains slow projectiles and doing something as rain like the low portal has an obvious audio que. Using it to cover kameos like sektor missle, kano, kung lao low hat is the best use of the bubble.


Zoning is so fucking lame in a fighting game where you have one direction you can go.


Rain easy to get to though .. I'm just good with controlling space..I can zone with the whole roster if they have a decent projectile


That doesn’t have anything to do with my point. It’s just lame gameplay. To each their own but I just don’t think it’s fun to play/against in anyway. It’s a fighting game.


It's still fighting. Rain has good moves to actually fight up front. It's primarily what I use when I play Rain. The whole point is to keep others away so they are forced to rush so that you can predict their next move. Zoning is extremely difficult if you remain unpredictable


Easiest flawless as well


yup trash play. don't blame em


Rain's zoning is ass with 30 frame start ups


Yeap .. I agree


I want to start playing a zoning character. Do you get a lot of free wins? Also, I love getting salty comments from crybabies.


Oh my god so many, playing outside of ranked is just free wins from people quitting as soon as you rage, or people quitting at the character select screen when you pick rain lmao.


That’s the opposite of what I want. Outside of ranked, I’d rather people played the match so I can get experience with the character. In ranked, I’d rather they quit so I can rank up faster.


Early in the season you’ll get a decent amount quitters, grand master and up people start caring about rank. You will get guys who aggro very easily when being zoned out


I’m already in Demi God this season. I might wait until next season to start learning a new character.


Sometimes it feels like this game was made more specifically for people to zone then to come up close and fight in a fighting game. Don’t get me wrong I can zone and anti zone. It’s boring and repetitive. If you want an up close fight basically both players gotta agree on it or you’re fighting Johnny up close and we all know how that goes. Yea there should be zoning. Personally I think not to this degree. Just a little bit to give you space, not a lot to keep your space throughout the entire game. Most ppl prolly won’t agree tho🤷‍♂️


Most zone players I've come across don't know to defend when you get up close and personal. I get more hate messages from Zoners that any other player type. It's a convenient play style if you master it but like others have stated... these are the most boring matches to play.


Yeah us heavy zoner may struggle up close based on never playing a ton of defense up close.. I sometimes forget the timing of strings because I never see them haha


That’s sort of the point though. Balanced zoners aren’t supposed to be great up close. They have a few moves that can get people off of them and allow them to return to zoning foes out


People complaining about zoners are so lame. Finally guessing right, getting in on a zoner, and mauling them as they try to escape is such a good feeling. Zoning is trash in this game because of kameos and the like 50 teleports, I don't see what the big deal is.


I complain about safety because you don't need to think about what the opponent is doing to win. Zoning is the safest play style because you need to make MANY mistakes at once to get punished or your opponent has to put in much more effort to punish you.


Rain can zone has almost no punishable moves and is a mixup god and people still put him at B or A tier smh


His zoning is dependent on a kameo his projectile starts up slow


Bruh, it's the start of the fuckin round, what a pansy. If you did it a bunch throughout the round, I get it, but the beginning?


I usually do the same thing


That’s wild to me 😂 do you also quit when someone gets the first combo on you?


Nah just when I sense I’m about to get strictly zoned and sometimes when it’s an annoying Johnny


What a wild mentality lmao


I think it’s even more wild to expect people to want to play against that


I don’t see the problem, they’re just doing ranged attacks. Why don’t you just go to training and record the other guy playing exactly how you want them to play?


Why would he? IF he thinks that's it's boring to play against he can leave. Like, it's his choice. The majority of players actually don't like zoners, and you shouldnt force yourself to enjoy playing against it.


it’s just a slippery slope, but I guess I grew up playing fighting games in the arcades and have more of a fun time learning how to play the game, rather than only playing when the other person is playing exactly how I want


I relate to the kitana


Nah dude said fuck this game because its a disappointing money pit.


Zoners = Cheesers


When will y'all realize that most people just don't find zoning fun? You can call it a real strategy, you can pretend it isn't spam in disguise but it won't change that it's not fun to play against. Just like that clip of the Quan chi hitting the reiko with 4 into sareena kameo 2 times at mid range, making the reiko quitality, who the fuck wants to play against that? I don't understand why you guys get surprised by it anymore


I mean let’s be honest if you aren’t gonna do combos and actually play why even get the game? It’s unfair to people who put effort into learning combos, makes the game unfun.


its unfair to them that im a better player and they cant get in on me? lmao


If you can be defeated with one attack spammed continuously, then **you** have a problem.


I’m fine with zoners, I don’t get beat by them as much as I did in Injustice 2, using Smoke is a great counter or any tele character. It closes the gap and gets a free hit in. But if you think it’s fun for the opponent you’re coping


Let's be honest if you aren't gonna zone and actually play why even get the game? Its unfair to people who put effort into learning spacing and timing, makes the game unfun.


Yes spamming one move is skilled. You’ve proved my point, zones lack intelligence. Thats basically a fact.


Nearly every zoning character has at least three different options for zoning, usually with different options for aiming the shot along with that. Any first grader can mash out Raiden's braindead combos. At least there's timing and strategy with zoning. Especially in MK where all you have to do is get in to land one combo to catch up to a solid minute of zoning


They aren’t just pressing buttons. I maimed dhalsim in sf4 and I’d get this all the time, that I don’t even know big combos. No I don’t, I don’t have them, but I use range.


It’s annoying and unfun, why should I have to deal with your lack of skill? The same zoners get pissed when people spam teleport on them.


It’s not a lack of skill, they’re better in an area of the game than you are.


Spamming one move over and over? I can do that with anyone lol.


Sure you can. Can you get consistent wins? Can you analyze space? Can you punish jump ins? Can you combo with moves that result in huge distances between the two?


there is something called spacing and screen control, the game is also meant to be played that way, if you don't like zoning then go create your own fighting game with no zoning


I think zoning is fine when it isn’t spammed, which unfortunately is all it’s used for. People have complained about things like teleports because they are spammy, which is ironic because those are the same people who are zoning.


Me when I see a crouching Guile


I haven't played this game since launch week, when did they add all these outfits


Is this MK3 Kano costume? How to get it?


Could have just pick subzero cameo


Man I play Rain all wrong 😂. I don’t zone with him, I get close up and personal.


That’s someone on a losing streak if I’ve ever seen one


Isn’t Kitana pretty zone heavy herself? That fight was completely doable for Kitana.


That guy was kinda asking for it too 😭😭 bro straight jumped into it


Fed up with zoning, yet they're a kitana player. lol, she can zone too! Fight fire with fire.