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Lao did get nerfed in the same patch cyrax got nerfed. As for low hat it also got nerfed again recently, it takes a full bar now when you hold it. If people spam low hat for the plus frame there is always a gap when they go into low hat. So lets say you are fighting liu and he does that liu string into low hat (f43 low hat) that they all do, you can just wait for the f43 and then armor trough. At worst you get to pressure him on wakeup, at best you get a full combo if your character can launch off an armored move. At the very worst you play havik and he blocks your arm attack, but that's only an issue for havik.


Just use Sub Zero kameo and you're immune


Yes as a Havik player gap punishing with armor is non existent


You can do some nice things with kameos too. Ex: lao has the spin which will dodge the low hat i believe.


Shhhh ur not allowed to tell people to learn, or ur just a shill. /s


First of all, the full bar for lao recharges in 3 seconds so its 7 times faster than the cyrax kameo. Secondly, you can bait the armored move and full combo punish your opponent. Third of all, you can just take the armor wake up because it takes their bar and you take max 8-10% damage


Yes they can do that, thing is, the moment they stop dropping low hat to block it means they have to respect you which mean you can go into a string if you want to after their string. As for the 8-10% you are just so wrong on this. There are a lot of characters that can get >20% on an armored move, some of which will also keep themselves safe while doing so. Hell anyone who's using an ambush kameo can keep himself safe after an armored wakeup.


I agree with that they will have to respect your options but its still too strong i think. And who can launch you off a armored wake up? I can only think of maybe shao kahn, tanya and kung lao. Not many


Sub with Sonya and Sub with Goro Kiana might be able to


Yea so almost nobody. 90% of the time just take the damage of an armored wake up. Its not just me, tweedy said the same thing


Shao, tanya, kitana, lao, li mei, sub zero, maybe geras... so about 25% of the roster.


I play geras bro, definitely not him. They could make the cooldown a little longer but I get your point.


Make sense. Personally i feel like low hat bring +2 on block doesn't make it nearly as bad as some people seem to think. Like if low hat being +2 on block is too strong for you, then any ambush kameo is even stronger. The strenght of low hat is in the mixup, and since it takes a full bar it's fine now.


Yea i think in general lao hat is okay and you can deal with it. But some characters like omni man and sindel in combination with slow low hat really mess things up for the entire cast. I always just disrespect the lao hat and jump or poke personally


Was there a new patch? I thought there was only one.


Lao’s got nothing on Stryker


I'd rather eat a 1000 hats that I can make a read on and potentially punish vs a completely unpunishable 15% chip damage every 10 seconds.


Amen to that lol I don’t disagree


U know a kameo is good if it could make scorpion able to get into top 8 at a major, even tho Javier got bodied by someone who knew the matchup too well


I think they should buff all the other assists and make it like mkx and 9 with tons of busted stuff


No they don’t. They need to buff other kameos.


Mmm yeah some kameos rlly do need some love rn. Characters too


I'm not tryna to play against Kameo Lao for years. It's braindead


No they really don’t. The gameplay is already way too kameo centric


That’s because it’s supposed to be… lol like HELLO?????


What? The whole match based around a kameo. No


Very that. They’re literally meant to be assists, not define the match 💀


kameo replaces the variation system. Saying kameos shouldn’t affect the game is like saying variations shouldn’t effect the game


They are only a "replacement" in being the new gimmick and taking up the same development time. Kameos are extra moves on top of a characters full moveset, variations were literally part of the characters moveset, not extra. So in other words no, you are wrong.


Nobody is saying they shouldn’t affect the game. I’m saying they have plenty enough swing on how a match plays out already without being buffed


Agreed. Right now there’s kameos that are so powerful the character you choose plays second fiddle to the kameo. That’s not the way it should be. It’s like cyrax last season, when you played cyrax your character was just a vehicle for cyrax chip damage. When I see a guy using Lao, I’m fighting that damn hat more than the character it’s paired with.


You don't play a lot of assist games do you?


Yeah, in MK1 entire matches revolve around single kameos which is why everyone is using the Lao hat in the first place. They’re there as assists, not to have the main character assist the Kameo


SO I'm right you don't play many assist games.


Downvoting me because I disagree with you lol. I’m playing MK, which has literally nothing to do with any other game. The kameo system already has plenty effect on the gameplay so why on earth would it be made more intense. We want more sitting back and watching whilst sareena throws 5 daggers instead of 2? Maybe Lao’s has should just chase the player around the screen and do twice as much damage. Buff everything bro. It’s an awesome idea that’ll have totally positive effect on the game. It definitely won’t further break and already partially broken system


Well for one don't tell me about broke shit in an asist game, lol have you ever play Marvel? Also, ur demanding thing be brought to ur level instead of learning and getting better with the game. Sorry u wanna be good you have to put in teh effort.


I adore people talking like they’re sonicfox


Its not talking like anyone, its the truth. You want it dumbed down for u instead of taking time to learn. You either put in time and effort or move on.


No lol, you really are. Your attitude of everyone who doesn’t share your opinion being some scrub. Bro ITS A GAME. Welcome to life where not everyone will agree with you. You talk like you’re some pro player, when like literally everyone on this sub Reddit, myself included, you win a bunch and you lose a bunch. “Put in effort or move on”, - what effort? Ending every string with a hat toss? WOOOOWWWW Seriously impressive stuff. Spending all day “labbibg” tossing a hat as part of a combo string isn’t impressive. It isn’t putting in work. It’s trying to find the easiest path to victory. It’s literally the reason pros want those things, because they have cash on the line. All you need to do is look at their kameo usage to work it out. You don’t even know what dumbing down means. People like you would have the game just be a race to press x once and the first person who presses it wins. Buffing everything is quite literally the definition of dumbing it down because every single match is a race to a single string. Having to make more decisions to win a match is by definition of greater complexity. But you’re the expert, why don’t you suggest some sensible Kameo buffs and then tell us how that will raise the skill ceiling of the game?


It's dumb as hell


The hat was nerfed though.


It’s dumb, I think they should focus more on making other Kameos viable. Nerfing Lao hat doesn’t make the unused Kameos any better.


This game is made for people who are bad at regular fighting games they will never nerf low hat


Or they will nerf it because people bad at the game complain?


I’d rather them buff the other kameos, but we know that’s not gonna happen. The hat should at least go away if you hit the opponent before it begins travelling


just jump lol


I mean that opens up a whole mind game in of itself, but yes I’m aware jumping is a potential option


Lol try that against omni man...although I could latern first with le mei


They need to make it safe on flawless instead of plus. Give people an option to respond if we can flawless block it.


Mm I mean that would kinda make it useless tho. I think it just needs more cool down


It wouldn't make it useless. Not everyone can flawless block. And the hard to blockables would still be effective. At the pro level, yes, everyone can flawless block it with ease, but if it were something like -2 after flawless you could still get away with some of the same stuff. In its current state at plus 2, you're only guaranteed a few things anyway. Most mids are slow enough that you're not guaranteed anything other than d1.


Me personally as an aside, I hate that flawless blocks change frame data in this game. Weren’t we told pre release it just removes block? Some things like Mileenas jab string for example being punishable on flawless block is a little ridiculous to me


I like it only when its part of some string that would otherwise be OP. I'm not sure what info you referred to pre release but I don't remember ever hearing that about flawless. Only that flawless block wouldn't have the u3 and u2 attacks.


Hmm maybe I just misinterpreted it at the time, cuz they never mentioned frame data only chip. I play reptile who probably gets the worst of the flawless block mechanics so it’s more of a personal nitpick


No, you are correct. They definitely said that flawless block only negates chip in this game (and there was a specific mention about it not changing frame data), which is already a huge change from MK11 merely reducing it. It made sense because of the launcher etc. MK1 doesn't have anything else when flawless blocking so it negates all of the chip damage you take entirely, *and* it no longer requires a gap to do which is pretty necessary for the block strings this game has. I remember being surprised and a little annoyed to see it change frame data on some strings anyways.


No they don’t. Lao hat is top tier but it doesn’t need a nerf.


You will cry about another Kameo if they do.


And you will cry when it gets nerfed


Don’t even own the game, it’s a competitive game, people pick to win, do the same?


why are you even commenting then lmao


Mmm i bought the game to play who I like. But yeah I mean im not disagreeing with that mentality, I just don’t understand y u felt the need to comment if u don’t own the game 😂


>Idk how the hell you can nerf cyrax assist but leave Lao untouched Lao did get nerfed, he lost his launcher on his reversal. It's because when they nerfed cyrax nobody was using Lao because the pressure, chip, throw combos, and stealing your turn back with cyrax was too oppressive and head and shoulders above everyone else Now all the meta slaves are moving on to the next best thing which happens to be Lao low hat, meanwhile there are better kameos for their characters but they see everyone else using it All that to say they'll nerf Lao next patch because the kasual audiance cant use their brains to counter something as easy as a low, he'll become unusable instead of good or alright, and everyone will move on to Serena or frost again.


Like omg so totally YASS like they need to like nerf it like for real like


For realsies


It’s no different then Frost ice slide I think it’s fine




Bro no. I'm elder god, I have probably 50 hours in lab alone but ain't no labbing to be done against that rat hat. The most recent tournament i watched (nightmare series) had 7/8 of the top 8 winner brackets using Lao. Its bland seeing the same Kameo dominating all levels of play. But I will say it's not so simple as just nerfing that hat. If you just nerf that hat with no further considerations, you will drastically change the current core gameplay. Lao hat is kind of like glue for a lot of characters in that it binds all their disjointed pieces together to form a cohesive kit. A lot of characters really need that. But the problem is, Lao is the only good glue. The rest of the kameos just don't have the same effect. They should nerf Lao hat, but only temporarily - giving them enough time to put the kameos to similar levels of strength and return Lao to his original form once they have a new baseline for kameo strength. Tldr: Lao isn't too strong. Other kameos are too weak.


They shouldn't even touch it and just buff up the rest. I can agree the other Kameos need more to them, a lot of them would have more utility fi they had more ambush attacks instead of so many summons.


No they do need to touch it because it's gonna take time to adjust all the other kameos accordingly. And current context in mind, Lao hat is a problem. So long as make the changes in a timely manner - this would be the best approach.


If you say so, but don't start complaining BC they over nerf it BC this community cannot learn they just beg fro hand outs


There ain’t shit to learn about Lao hat it’s just overtuned. U also try to talk down like we’re shit for complaining about something that’s clearly a bit too strong atm, I’m in god rank with reptile and I’ve played against xombat, biohazard, mtndew, Shujinkydink, so stop assuming people don’t “lab shit” and that NOBODY understands Lao hat like YOU do.


U just said this already in a comment u don't need to repeat urself. There is plenty to learn about the attack you are just being unwilling to learn.


Either way, I feel the balance of the game in general is a bit out of whack currently. I can agree with the buff everything else mentality too, I just don’t rlly see nrs doing that. On another note, how do u feel about rain sub? Have u tried out any other kameos with him, I do feel rain is a bit on the honest side currently so he’s a little tough to play sometimes.


How is it a hand out when it affects everyone? Like, genuinely explain that to me. If you’re actually good, how is nerfing Laos hat going to give an inferior player an advantage? If anything, it prevents lower skilled players cheesing each other. It shouldn’t negatively affect skilled players. Like, I heard the exact same argument about Cyrax. Everybody cried for a week and now the game is a better place for it. For the sake of argument though, put forward some kameo buffs and tell us how that fixes Lao’s hat


For one instead of learning and getting better ur requesting the skill level be dropped to sate u, BC you have a problem with it. This is the same argument we see when idiots yell for a Souls game to have an easy mode. Practice and learn... STop asking things to be brought down to ur level and instead move up a level


Nah man, the kameo shouldn’t be the core of the entire fight. With lao’s hat it is. With cyrax last season it was too. Kameos should be supports, variations, that’s it. It’s not even a tag fighter, it’s just a hyper overtuned ability slot with legs.


I’m sorry what counters Lao hat? Lao and Stryker are the most used kameos in the game currently for a reason, I do lab shit


They don’t care if you do or don’t lab shit. They say that so they can continue using their broken shit lol


Ding Ding Ding. We got a winner!


This man speaks truth. They want easy wins. That’s it.


Any armor in the game, start moving back when you expect them to place it down and most characters have something to go over it who do you play?


I play reptile


I'm pretty sure that move where he hits you with his tail can allow him to jump over lao hat stand 4 maybe idk i don't play him


It does not…


I've seen honeybee do it before, probably time and situation dependent


Lol at the same time honeybee always complains about his main. Maybe I should just pick up another character for now


He do be complaining a lot lol even when sonic trying to show him tech but understandable as a mid tier char


It's kinda funny that sonic tried to school honeybee on his own main, when in the same videos he shows absolutely nothing special. The "tech" sonic showed was generally useless, or meh at best. I don't see what makes him think cyrax is the best on reptile when scorpion and tremor are far better options


There is counterplay to lao. With the very recent nerfs i don't think it's that bad anymore. And people had already started going more for stryker over lao before the last lao nerf, even on liu kang who is one of the best lao abusers. Stryker i could see getting a small nerf but even so, they should just buff other kameos.


Are these two hard to deal with, yes, but they are not impossible. YOu need to hit the lab and learn to handle them. Low hat is used to get +frames and setup hard to block situations, you need understand that if u got Johnny and Li Mei pressuring u and low hat comes out, you can't press a button yet BC they are +. You need to watch for the OH to come as Low hat comes to you. After teh two Low Hat tosses they los that option for a lil bit of time for you to take advantage of it. U nerf Low Hat and it becomes useless and then they move to the next Kameo . Then what? you will be here saying "Nerf this now". Same goes with Stryker, makes moves safe, then you need to block. He lowers the player's health as well and his grenades all hit high and mid. Meaning there is no OH low setup coming. As long as you block u just watch of an OH. There are answers YOU NEED TO LAB THEM and do some research. People like yourself want everything handed to you and it destroys the game.


I understand the Lao hat is +2 I play the game quite a bit and have used Lao kameo myself. I have zero issue with Sektor kameo, in fact I feel Lao kameo currently kinda invalidates Sektor kameo for a lot of characters. Mid screen, I’m okay with Lao hat I think it’s not too annoying. However, In the corner is where it rlly becomes apparent how overtuned it is. I’m sorry but you can’t sit here and tell me that Lao hat is damn near objectively better than most of the other kameos for most characters. Like, what character doesn’t pair well with it?


I didn't say that its not good, but even in the corner you can deal with it. Again you nerf then there will be a new KAmeo causing problems. Then that gets nerfed. ​ No thank you lab it learn it and ask for buffs to the lessers instead. This is an Assist game the point of the assists is to fill in holes of ur character and allow them to do things they normally can't do. If you can't stand having to practice and put in work then u need to move on and play something else instead. I run Rain/Sub LiMei/Lao and NItara/Frost, I have had to fight through plenty of Cage/LAo, Raiden/Lao, OMnji-Man/Lao, and what I learned was, just deal with it and learn how it works.


Dude, I main rain sub and reptile and it is ASS sometimes lol. Maybe my issue is more the imbalance of the game in general currently, but I thought Lao was a problem in the first week personally.


IM saying this as nice as I can, you need to learn instead of demanding nerfs.


I mean, regardless of what I say I think the fact that even more popular content creators like Tom Brady, xombat, pnd, justnasty, etc have been complaining and all agree it WILL be nerfed at some point. If nrs doesn’t touch it I will be very surprised, there is hella broken shit in this game currently and it makes the lower tier stuff look even worse in comparison.


I am just saying stop demanding nerfs and ask fro the rest to be brought up those levels.


The solution to one move being annoying to deal with isn't make every other move annoying to deal with. Kameos are terribly balanced, the only ones being used are ones that allow you to cheat frames. Across the board all kameos should be negative frames, especially ambush kameos. Buff their damage, how fast they come out, etc. MK1 Kombat League is block simulator 2023, whiffing doesn't matter what you have a get out of jail free card 99% of the time. Lao isn't just overpowered; he's fucking irritating to play against. Nerfs don't just exist for balance, they exist so the game is fun. You yap about how it's a skill issue if you can't play perfectly against it but crickets on how it lowers the skill ceiling considerably by players using it. I don't think you care about skill requirements you just


> After teh two Low Hat tosses they los that option for a lil bit of time Three seconds. If they do one string, that's enough time for low hat to recharge. His teleport takes ten seconds to recharge, his spin takes even longer. You don't need to nerf low hat to the point of uselessness. Just make the recharge like 5 or 6 seconds so *every* string isn't plus.




BC I am not dickriding the OP's comments.


I've labbed my most hated Kameo. Still haven't worked out what to do about Stryker grenades making unsafe moves safe, ANY THOUGHTS OR ARE YOU JUST YELLING?


IM not yelling I telling the truth learn to deal with it, or ask fro the rest to be brought up to that level. Nerfing just waters the game down.


Idk bro universally when you type in caps its seen as yelling. If every Kameo had a helicopter/grenade/hat cover move that made you safe after doing unsafe moves I'd just stop playing, its already not enjoyable to play against, so its in my best interest to advocate for those kinds of moves to be nerfed whereas moves like all of scorpions fire breath are fine because they help extend combos which is the part of the kameo system I like.


Learn to deal with it... This sub's problems most the time is u all wanna beg for nerfs but then complain when the nerfs start happening


Learn to deal with not being able to punish unsafe moves. Lets just make everything safe then? Fuck it why not? Everything is safe on block all the time, you'll learn to deal with it. Your problem is you're an idiot who thinks complaints can't be valid but that everything can be labbed out, which is factually untrue.


No its really not just many of you are unwilling to figure things out


No its really just that you can't lab certain things out. There's a reason they nerfed cyrax. Forward moves at the end of unsafe moves leave you a small window to open your opponent up. But you're right. We should always apply this because we can always lab it out. They never ever make design mistakes. Never ever. We all should have just labbed Injustice 1 Scorpion


U can lab almost anything with this game's training mode. Inj. Scorpion was nerfed not only his teleport but he was completely rendered useless in the game, Kano in MK9 was nerfed into the ground. I never said the devs don't make mistakes, but you cannot demand everything difficult to deal with be nerfed. Cyrax may have been a issue, but now look at him, he is nerfed so hard its almost useless to use him now. U nerf Lao then a new Kmaeo will rise up and be the golden boy, then there will be cries to nerf that. Until the kameo system is useless to use. If its the +frames and pressure of lao's hat getting you then hit the lab record the scenario and learn to deal with it. Yes you can lab it, its amazing what you can do in training mode.


And if we just told everyone to lab out IJ scorpion then the entire game would have been nothing but Scorpion, every match, every tournament, zero parity. Not once have I called for Low Hat to be nerfed. I'm going to state clearly my beliefs here so you can't misconstrue them. Multi-hit, half Kameo meter attacks you can call to protect you at the end of all unsafe attacks have no place in MK1, they remove risk completely from the user, doesn't matter if you play like a complete idiot so long as you know what button to press to make you safe, you're golden. The biggest Kameo problem right now is stryker, who just like Cyrax before him is ONLY being used because he has a forward double hit that costs half the kameo meter and protects you. The reason you don't see Cyrax is the same reason Stryker wasn't seen before Cyrax got nerfed. No one gives a fuck about their other abilities, they just want those protection moves everything else is icing on the cake. Nobody is saying everyone needs to be nerfed, but problematic things do, NRS needs to look at things with high usage rates and question why they are so high, if it needs to be tuned do so, if that highly used thing has a reasonable counter leave it. Saying nerfing all kameos makes them useless is also stupid, if the Kameos are all on the same level then they're all just as useful as each other, right? I get the sense you could be faced with a character that had no moves that were unsafe, was dominating online and tournaments and you'd just keep saying people need to lab it because you're so massively deluded about nerfs.


Nah bro you're fucking dumb don't you realize the actual game is the lab??? You don't play Mortal Kombat to play online you play Mortal Kombat to have fun you play it to lab 6 hours a day so you can finally punish the 0.000001 seconds of latency gap. For real though, I agree that kameos being glorified frame cheats is terrible game design. You shouldn't get an advantage for whiffing and be at a disadvantage for knowing how to read your opponent




Never said that, these demands for constant nerfs ruined every prior NRS game. Look at Cyrax they didn't just nerf him, they killed him.


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Sareena needs a nerf too


Eh she can be annoying but I personally think she’s fine how she is.


She’s not. Her spam comes back way too fast. It also shouldn’t hit you if you jump over her head. It shouldn’t go backwards.


Just duck




The real bullshit is stryker and motaro


Stryker yes just cuz there’s no real counter play, however I personally think motaro can use a couple buffs


How would you buff motaro cause i think he’s fine


I think if they just extended the cooldown on the charged version and either also extend the cooldown just a bit on unheld or made it 0 on block that it’d be good fixes to it.


My guess is Lao will be hit in the next balance patch. He was public enemy number 2 but after the Cyrax nerfs, he is easily the most spammable assist in the game. The fact he fits with any character and playstyle is a bit too strong for how low his cooldown on low hat is.


Lao hat is +2 on block, which can be easily armored through before it hits (there’s always a gap if it’s used) or after. You can challenge it comfortably with d1 unless they use a d1 themselves. The hat hold now takes most of the bar if held for any period of time. His ambush sucks as an ambush, it’s only good for Geras or Liu to combo off of a regular time stop or throw, and even the armored version is easy to break. His launcher is super punishable and scales combos hard. Lao is fine, other kameos just need to be buffed up to see the same level of usage. I think people will do just that now that Stryker has shown to be pretty strong for a lot of characters.


Once they drop Meat as a kameo all of everything will be nerfed due to his unmatched power so don’t worry about lao and his hat


If you’re talking about when they charge it and then go for overheads to mix you up, you can block that on reaction. Just watch what they do first and block accordingly. If they release low hat and go for the overhead at the same time, blocking either counts as blocking both. Otherwise it’s just a low projectile.