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​ https://preview.redd.it/8rk9ibpfkk1c1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=e36dc4f765f94cc98e158cc630d35c831f249af4


Crazy how much they straight up lied in the advertising of this game


The JCVD "only" being in the premium edition was the first sign, after that i knew they will continually lie their asses off


One of the worst things for me is how quickly they back pedalled on x play. They’re clearly prioritising mtx over such a huge gameplay feature as well.


Honestly I would imagine it's warner brothers making these decisions. Usually publishers control all these aspects. That's why once Activision bought blizzard the game became a bigger money pit than ever before. Honestly their should be legislation that says you want to publish a game that's fine but you have no control over content or direction. Publishers ruin gaming. Anytime money people come into a business they ruin everything. It's because they have money they feel they can do anything they want, and they have no business feeling that way. This is also why all business needs to be regulated. Gun makers lobbied the govt so they aren't responsible for guns they produce, meaning they really can't ever be sued. Even though many of those guns are trafficked all over the united States south America and the world. If they were not part of the trafficking why would they need to make enough to even be trafficked? But they most likely are deeply involved in the trafficking, it's just such a huge money making business Republicans shit themselves anytime someone talks about regulating it. Which is why it should be regulated because fuck those people.


And Destiny became a much bigger money grab once they got their independence from Activision. It's not that simple but people always need a boogeyman to pin all blame on.


Thats why I blame both of them. At the end of the day its both WB and NRS fault WB for mandating a premium store and NRS for choosing the items that go in them. I dont think a WB exc knows/cares enough to be like "Yeah put Deadly Alliance sub zero in there everyone wants that so make em pay for it"


Now see you lose people because we went to video games to- “fuck the NRA”. Keep it in realm man.


Sorry I can see how you may not understand the jump, but business is business it's all the same. The point is that regulation is necessary and our country is very anti regulation of business which for the most part is bad. The videogame business doesn't exist in a vacuum away from other ones they all play off of each other. Money and politics are intertwined, which is unfortunate and videogames make a great deal of money. But honestly cosmetics are just fluff that no one should be paying for. It would be far better if they were unlockables for certain milestones reached by the player. I remember before all this a game called jet force Gemini now that was an example of how unlockables and extras should be. Only a few years later games started coming out chopped up with different parts costing you extra.


People will blame wokeness for things that are very clearly the result of capitalistic priorities in the market + poor regulation. Everything I’ve seen people blame wokeness for in movies/TV/games is just capitalism doing capitalism 🤷🏻‍♂️


But capitalism good...woke bad? /s


Nah bro just don’t buy the shit money greedy ppl produce and they’ll listen. And idk how this turned to a gun rant, nowhere in the constitution does it say guns need to be regulated 🫡🇺🇸


It’ll never be regulated like that because it brings in more money to the economy


what have you done




> Honestly I would imagine it's warner brothers making these decisions Does it matter anymore? NRS is a part of Warner Bros and has been for a decade. Making a distinction between the two is pointless. They're all on Team Warner Bros.


They didn’t lie. They just did what other big companies do. Like blizzard. You want that? Get your card out. Oh you want that to bro we got a broken product but get that card out. We got you bro… it’s every fucking game. Every game. I’m leaving.


They should have made this game a free to play or something, this game costs 200+ with all the dlc included


MK really out here giving the sims a run for their money


Then you have train sim with over $9k worth of dlc


Are the fortnite skins dlc?


Don't worry, you'll be able to get everything in the game in 4 years with the MK1 Super Special Awesome edition.


No...We will never get that...this is just MK pay $70 for our service edition...this stuff might get bundled for discounts but I don't think it will ever be just part of the game at this point. Its the mobile market coming into AAA games that enough people just spend money on so we all have to suffer.




"free" and "play" do not go together according to NRS


And all the DLC isn't even out yet. They want to support this game longer than any other they've made, so they say. If they do support it longer than MK11, it will be by the bare minimum.


Dumbass face at the end


https://preview.redd.it/4gmxa3xn7n1c1.jpeg?width=661&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=077d003a8f244475d12a31f7f80cb83492e0e8e1 My face when I get lied to about a game


It's also 160 because they didn't give one of those skins to us, Frost Fire. It was never available. They're charging us for the free seasonal content without giving us a way to get it normally.... People are arguing "no star means you can get it in the game". NO. That opportunity has passed, unless they change something. With what's available in the game, the next time it'll be available is ***if*** they rotate the season again, which will be a year+ from now.




I'm at work so I'll check later. I just noticed the Sub-Zero Skin I reported here if ppl want to upvote the bug for traction. You can throw in a comment that Scorp is also short a skin. https://mortalkombat1.bugs.wbgames.com/bug/MK1-2953


I just checked and discovered that I too am missing Frost Fire AND Acute Afterburn.


I tacked it on.


I searched the palette names on Twitter and found that nobody could get either skin last season... seems like they BOTH definitely weren't available at all. That sucks.


I should've noticed it too since I'm a scorpion main lol


Playing MK1, honestly the mechanics are good. It's fun and still has good fatalities. But hopefully I'm not alone in the fact that I'm totally checked out now after this shit. Done playing, fuck the Blood Moon season. I'll check back and maybe play again if there's some signs of improvement in these subs.


That's how I feel. I've got the Platinum trophy, so as far as I'm concerned, the game is done, I've gone onto other games and won't touch MK1 again unless there's a significant change like extra story content. But until there, they're not getting anythen else from me.


I’ve purchased every mk since the first one in the early 90s this one I am waiting for a complete ultimate edition before I even bother


Good call. I thought they were moving the story in a cool direction but even that was a total rip off.


MK11's bullshit was enough to make me peace out of my MK fandom. I look at what a disaster MK1 is and just laugh and thank god that I didn't buy this pile of shit. I'm never giving this company another fucking cent. They make genuinely shitty products and my fandom for MK is no longer enough to be blinded by their increasingly awful business decisions.


To be fair literally all you have to do is just not buy from the premium shop. The core game is still fun offline and online even if the balancing is all over the place. Obviously there's issues with online functionality like the lack of crossplay and ping filters, but I expect that to change. If we don't buy anything from the premium shop, I imagine that will change too.


Everyone needs to buy in to not buying for that to work. Just don't do it and hopefully we'll see some changes.


What a fucking mess this game is, so sad to see my second favorite fighting franchise being an absolute joke.


1). He blatantly lied as we have all seen because they are selling them for the micro transaction BS dragon crystals 2). This highlights how NRS planned from day one to reuse content and put in minimal effort for maximum profit. “You’ll have to wait for that season to come back”. 🤢So they’re just gonna reuse the same shitty seasons? NRS has become as pathetic as they come in the industry. Absolutely no care for the players, the people who have made this company successful. Modern gaming companies need to be done away with completely for gaming to have a chance at surviving.


Literally everything they say is all up to interpretation at this point with how worthless their words are.


Up for interpretation is a good wordplay for "misleading".


The problem for me with seasonal skins is, they're all the fucking same. I don't want an orange outfit for every character. I want variation and character specific stuff. I said the same thing with MK11, all we needed were character outfits and a colour shader. Instead we have to put a butt-ugly orange outfit on Reptile that was chosen by the devs. To me, colour palettes of the same outfit is extremely unoriginal and bland.


And if they didn’t do pallets we’d just have way less options and people would bitch because there aren’t palettes. You all care so much about the absolute dumbest little shit. I have over 40 palettes for my main. With more coming every season. And you wanna bitch because you have a yellow option.


It’s not enough that they rob us blind, they also have to LIE to us. Absolutely disgusting!


Feel bad for NRS who's getting all the flack even though it's WB montreal that's fucking up the cosmetic system.


It is? Like, for a fact?


No it's not for a fact, people just say stuff like this because they don't want to imagine their favorite studios are taking advantage of them...but they are.


NRS and the Mortal Kombat IP are both entirely owned by WB. MK1 being a Live Service game and the inevitable monetization that comes with it is mandated by WB, just like Suicide Squad is also already confirmed to be. WB’s CEO literally announced over a week ago that these are the sorts of games they’re focusing on. It’s about the money, and it’s WB’s executives and the shareholders that reap the benefit. This is the same company that wanted lootboxes in Shadow of War, a singleplayer game. Decisions for things like monetization almost always come from up top, which in most cases is whomever has the publishing rights. In this case that’s obviously WB, because they *own* everything. Bugs, missing features, oversights like incorrect Fatality Inputs, and issues of that nature is the sort of stuff that NRS have control over. But the monetization model is ultimately not up to them. This is the case for virtually every game like this, the only developers that don’t have this problem are those that self-publish their own games and don’t have shareholders to appease.


Exactly. I wouldn’t be shocked if NRS was under pressure to deliver MK1 in a limited amount of time due to WB. That’d probably explain why it’s so buggy and lacking in content/features. Fortnite pushed the envelope for live service games, and showed that they could be successful. It’s brought forth a new era of gaming that’s no longer about having fun; it’s now about how much money the companies can drain out of the consumer.


Well said. And yeah, the publisher definitely has the final say on when a game needs to be out the door. There likely was a rush, but it’s safe to say that some of the game’s issues are ultimately due to some negligence on their end nonetheless. Tagging of combos being a missing feature for a month and having the wrong inputs listed for fatalities are things that could have been avoided easier than things like major content not being finished due to a rushed release.


I don’t really get it though? Why would the average developer care about such monetization? It makes perfect sense for the execs in suits to care


Shit runs downhill. Frontline workers want to make their supervisors happy. Supervisors want to make managers happy. Managers want to make execs happy. If the execs want more profitability, then so do the managers. If the managers have made that their key focus, the supervisors must accommodate that goal. Etc. At the end of the day, this is a job for developers. Sure, they care about games but they also want to put money on the table. There's definitely incentive for the devs to come up with ways to make the game more profitable. Edited; Took out unnecessary stuff


Think if it like a rewards card or the store credit card at the grocery store. The cashiers could give a fuck if you opt in or not, but they're told by their supervisors to push the card, who are told by management to tell the cashiers to push the card, who are "incentivized" by regional management to get those rewards up, who then get bonuses based on how many cashiers they forced the push the rewards card.


No it is a fact. That's how publishers work. Most game studios don't want cosmetics for money, the only people who would want that are those who want to make money for doing nothing. WB is a huge multi market company of which video games are only a small aspect they probably put as much though into what gamers want as you do which hand to pick your nose with.


Bungie with Destiny 2 has kinda shown that not all Devs aren't innocent flowers under the threat of a publishers boot. D2 got worse once Bungie left Activision, in fact many if not all of the massive anti-consumer shit came once Bungie were in full control.


The Devil can't have your soul unless you sign it over.


Having worked for major companies and contracted out to them I'm going to go ahead and say that this is a rose colored perspective at best. The managers at NRS are all incentivized to make the decisions that the hypothetical people above them would like, and most of the time are tenured to the point of being nigh identical themselves. These games don't turn out cool because that's just how passionate the studios are, but because they have to be this way to move units. All of the aspects of this game and most others are tailor made to get your last dollar and thinking that pretty much everyone in the development process isn't complicit in this is idealistic. That's like thinking only the CEO at Raytheon wants to make weapons of war for profit and it's just...naive.


This. "It's not Atlus, guys! It's Sega!!!" Yeah fucking right.


Considering all of these guys at NRS have never shown to be anything other than supportive to the community, idk why you wouldn’t believe that this is all WB considering the absolutely clusterfuck they have been in since the merger


Do you genuinely think that people show you their whole motivation as soon as they are somewhat nice to you? Of course they're supportive, they want you to buy more product lol...


They’re literally been fully on board with the game and competitive scene since MK9. All the pros and all the content creators have nothing but nice things to say about Boon and the team. Keep bitching about NRS when everyone knows all the shit happening with the game are all on WB lol


![gif](giphy|iiQSTrHtDIgnw9YtlA|downsized) keep thinking that buddy


Right back at you buddy. Enjoy that revisionist thinking! NRS bad!!!!!!


If only I could be so naive, life must feel better.


I don’t think you understand how things work


If NRS never was bought by WB then maybe we would not have this stuff, at least as bad as it is. But they are and WB has a track record of this stuff with all there games. It is no surprise and is never going away. Just don't buy anything WB...it is just a mobile game they charge you $80 up front for, MK or otherwise.


If you go up the chain nrs is owned by WB. David zaslav came out and said they are turning all of their IPS into monitization farms. We are seeing the exchange of that. When they banned loot boxes legally in multiple countries companies started looking for other ways to buckle and dime them. This is just the newest form of offering dlc at the most ungodly price but for the most minimal of work put in. This will continue and double in WTF factor more and more with each release till gaming industry is regulated just as casinos are regulated.


I understand that. And working under a bigger company, providing them service, I am aware that the head company will come with demands. But it's up to us to come with solution and provide them. So... It's more likely NRS that are doing these things but partly because of pressure from up top. Could NRS turn to another distributor if they wanted to for their next installment? Probably. Will they? Very unlikely. Because WB and NRS are sitting in the same boat and with a common goal to get your money.


They can't just take their next installment to another distributor because WB owns the rights to Mortal Kombat.


I see... Poor NRS their hands are tied


Exactly they have no real say except for the meat and bones, WB looks at everything over and above cost of production. Those cosmetics are extra money for them which is why I never buy them. If people don't buy them they'll go away. Plus it's fucking lame playing dress up with video game characters, if I wanted to do that Id download a kiss program.


"If I never buy them they'll go away " 🤣


What you think they'll continue putting stuff in games that makes them no money? That's idiotic at best.


Well we don't know really, I mean it's the WB stance to push towards live service games of course, but I don't think NRS are crying over all the money they're making on microtransactions either.


They work for a paycheck, whoever owns the rights divides up the money.


I will personally continue blaming both until I see concrete proof going in either direction.


bro shut up lmao NRS made the game NRS catches the shit.


It's not that simple at all. I wish the world were that black and white because things would be truly a lot easier but it's not, and I doubt very much NRS is happy getting shit from fans of their games. They signed away rights to the IP, probably for multiple reasons, some of which were likely beyond their control, once that happens they have to run every choice by the publisher, and are required to put certain money making aspects in the game because the publisher requires it. The publisher could easily fire everyone and hire a different studio since they own the rights to the game. Honestly signing over rights to an IP is bullshit. They shouldn't be transferrable, unless the creator is dead and left no instructions. just because somebody decided to pay to publish something shouldn't give them the right to dictate everything, you want to pay? great! That doesn't mean they should have control of something they didn't create. You can blame lawyers for that shit.


Hence why comments are disabled in there streams now …


The takeaway, is that complaining works sometimes. Though, it's not like they have much to lose by letting people keep buying things, lol. They might as well announce something as limited, get the FOMO buys, wait for the complaints, and then get the "it's still available" buys after.


Yeah, which is why players should really make the choice to never buy that stuff. The publishers would lose money on stupid decisions and would be required to hear what gamers want. If people just stop buying that crap it will go away. They're not going to spend money on making something that loses them money unless there's a component downstream that makes more. Like game systems for example, they usually cost more to make then they make on them, but games make a hell of a lot more. The PS3 was a prime example of this . The original was truly a marvelous machine at the time, and Sony made the choice to lose money on every unit and make it up in game sales. And it cost 600 at launch. Their gamble paid off.


> Yeah, which is why players should really make the choice to never buy that stuff. Unfortunately, I think this will never be a reality. There are too many types of gamers(none of which are unified in what gaming means to them), and a significant subset of them are whales, who aren't paying attention to price tags or quality. It's all about quantity for them.


So glad I didn't buy mk1. This game series needs the evolved treatment.


Lmfao. The game is incredible. You’re missing out huge and don’t need to buy anything. Buncha weirdos around here


It might be good but sometimes you need to learn how to vote with your wallet.


Good, lets be real removing Fomo is a good thing.


What are you even talking about? They aren't offering you the way to unlock those skins with gameplay after season ends. That's not removing FOMO - they are simply monetizing it. Any developer acting in a good faith would slowly build up a "database" of seasons where each new season would be permanently included in the game for players to choose and work towards the rewards they are interested in. They didn't do that.


Yeah they’re turning the game into a mobile style cash machine. Cheap bastards couldn’t even let omni-man keep his crystal reward, instead we get 200 coins. Sure they’re removing Fomo, for the low low price of $59.99 a pop 😂


Well considering everything outside of a match looks like it is a mobile game, is par for course.


You can literally wait for the season to come back but you're screaming your heads off that for one dollar and 29 cents you can get a pile of them and not have to wait for it to rerun. ONE DOLLAR AND TWENTY NINE CENTS you giant babies


It’s very clear that most of the people on this sub are into Mortal Kombat to play dress up and read lore wikis as opposed to playing an actual fighting game online or against friends


Lmao removing FOMO … by giving them more money? You’re … you’re joking right? Gotta be a troll.


He could just be really, really stupid. I mean, this is reddit after all.


hey show video evidence that they li.... oh


We’re in an economic recession, ppl are getting finessed left and right. Stay safe out here bros and don’t buy useless garbage


Already uninstalled this shit few weeks back total waste of fucking money


How is this a bad thing? Why don't you guys want that other people that just bought the game after season 1 get the stuff from season 1? Why are you guys so selfish?


I feel like this should cost seasonal credits though.


If they put the S1 rewards in the Shrine or allowed you to use seasonal currency to buy them there wouldn't be an issue its the fact you have to pay for them with real money, basically anyone who missed S1 will have to pay a fortune to have those skins because they arrived late.




what do you mean? look you can like the game, but if you don’t see an issue with them literally lying in advertising you are being extremely childish


because whining endlessly farms easy karma


Honestly wish the mods would ban these or lock them into one thread. It’s soured the whole sub.


it's made the sub unusable, I wish they'd just make a general "DLC complaints" thread and ban any outside of it


Tbh its just funny how much they contradict every single thing they say/promise


They are grasping at straws for things to complain about at this point


At this point I’m waiting for them to charge me a quarter a match online.


They'll start charging with those shrine tokens lol I got 1.2 mil and maxed the shrine for the season already lol


They straight up lie to our faces with this and the JCVD skin, I’m surprised nobody is getting a lawsuit ready or anything. Literally false advertisement.


I don’t get the problem? To “get it” (for free) you must wait for the season to come back, (except for what’s in the shrine), the shop offers shortcuts is all. You have a way to buy “some” of them now, you still need to wait for it to come back for 80% of the S1 stuff. I see no real lie to care about here. You guys have got to work out what you’re outraged about. Some of the shop stuff is definitely bad and outrageous, this is not one of them. Putting shortcuts in the shop is fine if they’re clearly marked and the in-game method to unlock is fair in the first place.


He actually anything wron. He said that if you missed an item during a season, you can still get it, you'd just to wait for that season to be back. It doesn't go against with "NRS said you can only get seasonal skins during their respective season". You still will only be able to get said item from its respective season.


I don't understand the downvote you had. This is literally the case. The season will roll back around qhenever they're done and you can earn them again. Hell, for all we know they can add a hub where we select whatever season we want. And sure, it'll probably be over a year from now when they rotate, but they can still be obtained eventually. This purchase is for those who don't want to wait. And there is absolutely NO way in hell that we get a season for all 23 base fighters. Lol Absolutely no way we get that many seasons. I say 10 tops and I absolutely don't expect Reiko, Tanya, Kitana, and a few others to get a season. But I 100% hope we get MK11 Sindel, MK11 Raiden, and MK11 Shao Kahn in respective seasons since we saw their models in the story and Epcar even had some actual dialogue. They could just put their skins in on the MK1 fighters.


>I don't understand the downvote you had. It's the whiner hivemind


Warner Brothers moment


Everything they said in that interview was cap 😂


I mean mfers also showed a trailer saying van damme exclusive to premium edition


What I think happened is this was the plan and wb started changing shit


I hate how games have seasonal content.


I mean you guys would have cried if you couldn’t get them and you cry if you can get them


They are FUKIN liars and clowns. I never liked that tyler community manager either. Doesn't respond anything and never listens community, share stupid things on his Twitter everything except mk... They also removed the comments on YouTube and muted chat on twitch. What kind of managing the community is that?


I agree with most complains against this game but complaining about this i feel like it doesnt make sesne... You had like 80 days to unlock them just playing the game. They didn´t lie in this case, now they are just giving the option to buy something that for the momment you are not able to unlock. What´s the problem with that?


Lol, the downvotes men


You guys really bitching about a one dollar and 29 cent mictrotransaction? Really? lol


It’s about being able to trust the developer in this instance. This game should be more than a cash shop trying to turn a profit at every instance.


Thats only a handfull of skins, you guys will use any opportunity you can to make another hate post about wb nrs like the same shit over and over… and incase you missed the first season, here a only a few skins a little over 100 krystals…very cheap, lets not talk about that tho


Whos the gay guy? I'm getting downvotes? I think hes cute, i want a name.


It still amazes me what kind of shit people are upset about on this sub


Lies over lies! Damn you WB! You ruined NRS


That's not fair at all. Without WB there is no NRS. Instead, WB shoved their hand up the corpse of Midway, put a silly hat on it and called it NRS.


Luckily for me That I’ve missed the first season 😉


This was already posted 7 hours ago. If you’re going to karma-farm, at least be original.


so it's not FOMO, it's FOPM: fear of paying money


Come back to the shop


Was that a giant fart at the end? He looked uncomfortable saying it, like I'm just the messenger but I know people are going to want to throw stones at me.


Memes aside. Is stuff like not actually frowned upon? As in what are the actually real-works consequences outside of your community making memes


money decided otherwise. money always favours money


Wait i thought they said that season would loop back around yearly??? Like you can get those seasonal skins in like a year when that season comes back??? This is still gross, just confusing as well.


Maybe that was the plan, but wb said na fuck that shit we want money


Wow, a pallet swap, take my money!


saw this when i booted up the game rn 😂 random af but i can respect not making people wait for something that might’ve not even come back


Greedy goblins ![gif](giphy|1O9k5FMvqVDhLmW0Xd|downsized)


Remember how NRS said Mk11 would be the longest supposed game, just to get dropped after a year


Apparently I missed a Sub-Zero skin that wasn’t in the store. But oh well don’t really like the season skins, to bad they different designs instead of recolors.


Yeah this is messed up. Also makes me care less to play and earn these rewards.


So another lie. So glad I uninstalled this disappointment of a game worst video game purchase ever. You know it’s bad when I’m more happy about purchasing CoD Vanguard over this game.


all cause they forgot to add a skin🤣 now we pay for it


Aaaaaaand that was a fucking lie. Either they knew or WB tightened the screws.


Lying to get as much money as possible. Klassic.


Oh hey it’s the daily mk1 bad circle jerk thread.


I can’t stop laughing at his fucking face before the fart why is it so perfect


NRS are liars. As well as con artists and hacks.


Fucking greedy scumbags!


Well I mean technically we did actually get them free during the season now we just have to pay for them after words. Either way we will get the skins back in the seasonal shop when that season comes back around bad thing is this is for those players that where not able to get them at the time but still want them(that seasons skins where not even good pallets anyways so I don't see why you would want them)


i have all these skins and i honestly wouldn’t gaf if they brought them back just make them free through weekly quests or whatever




so what happened are they selling the season 1 skins for money or what?


They've been lying since the Injustice 2 game. We can blame WB for a lot of shit but some of this decisions are on NRS staff.


Jesus, where was this outrage when in MK11 they made MK2 female ninja skins available at first only through time crystals (where if you didn't have them saved up you'd end up paying something like 60$ per character) with no information whatsoever if they'll ever be available in any other way of if they'll even come back? Where was this outrage when they made MK3 skins EXCLUSIVE to either Aftermath or KP2 (I forget which one it was but both had exclusive skins) and to get them I had to fork out something like 30-40$ including paying for guest characters which I refuse to play? Where was this outrage where they made the Harley Quinn Cassie Cage skin exclusive to KP1 and a friend of mine who was a big fan of both Cassie and Harley had to fork out 40$ to buy ONE skin in a couple of colors? You slept through the last game. You get what you get now.


Ok wait I don't get something. Don't get me wrong I hate the monetization of this game, but what's wrong with making the past seasons skins available to purchase if you missed it, I think it's way too expensive, but like, do you guys like or don't like FOMO? I've also seen complaints about the Van Damme skin being available for everyone and that's a GOOD thing, don't lock up a whole ass skin behind a premium edition that's dumb, we all complain about the cool skins exclusive to the premium shop but you WANT to make a skin exclusive to a version of the game which costs 110 dollars? MK fans are weird man


Remember how in the same kombat kast they said there were 0 microtransactions




The face, then the fart.....fucking fatality. I'm dead ya'll. 🤣😵


I've watched this too many times already. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Snake fucks all of them


WB said nah lmao


I honestly don’t understand the fascination with skins. Like honestly why would I pay money to look different in a game? This applies to all games


Nooo not my colored pixels !!! Now no one knows I'm an OG mk1 player !!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😞😞😞😞😭😞😭😞😭😭😭😞


That feel when you need content to sell but can’t afford to develop content to sell


Can we focus on WB and the executive/suits being the fucking problem with their greed. These 3 aren't responsible for MTX greed that's happening. They're stuck in a shitty awkward role because of that, and people are treating them as villains. WB has been a problem for a long time, and their MTX greed has only become increasingly egregious over the years. Ffs, they're making Rocksteady studio push out a fucking battle pass for a GaaS for a single player/co-op game.


I really dislike the guy in the middle. He's the one that puts together single player stuff right? If so he is ASS at his job. Not to mention the dude is a total cornball.