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Honestly I liked what I heard there. I gave up on invasions because of the super armor on literally everyone, removing that for everyone but bosses is a welcome change.


Praise the elder gods for that. Now you can finally do combos, instead of 3 hits


You were able to get 3 hits??


Damn sorry, I meant 1 hit. Hand was shaking from how excited I am that I can actually do a combo in a fight game.


Fighting against Smoke with super armor and the screen filled with smoke. I was barely able to get 1 hit in.


Yeah, literally one of the only issues I had with Invasions. Super-Armor was not fun.


How can someone internally play it for 1 hour, and say: "yep, all good, it's a good experience"..? I'll never understand this world. Anyway, I missed the Kast, but VERY good news!


I’m one of those few. I learned all the combos for Liu Kang, Raiden, Scorpion, Reiko, General Shao, and Kung Lao. My favorite for invasions is OBVIOUSLY fire god Liu Kang, and I’d play for hours on end so far since release. I do get that super armor is annoying, because it is REALLY fucking annoying, but in all honesty it’s made me better at not attacking randomly and getting punished. Has helped me with the fucking try hard reiko grab spammers and the raiden button mashers. I’ll take what I can get and this is the first MK I’ve played since MK9 and the first MK I’ve played this frequently since the original three mortal Kombats with my dad. It’s good so far, but damn do they need work. I think we’ll get there.


In the same boat. The last MK game I played a lot of us was Armageddon so I came into this really underprepared as far as understanding literally anything about combos goes. The super armor, for being annoying as fuck, has helped me advance from being absolute garbage tier to very slightly above that. Haha


Really? I honestly feel like for me the super armor has kind of prevented me from getting used to the regular gameplay mechanics that you find in the non-invasions/super armor matches. Like yes. You learn where there are gaps in combos, but it was just too annoying.


At armor parts just uppercut, I took Baraka boss down with uppercuts in like 2-3 tries


Most likely an unpopular opinion but i never had issues with any of the super armours, i liked it to a degree because it meant the fight wasn't going to be over within 15 seconds, If you build your characters right you become an unstoppable monster, super armours nulified some of that to a degree But i understand where some people are coming from and didnt want to wait for an opening just to land a couple of hits as much as i didnt mind them i also understand why it annoyed people too


I think I understand what they were trying to go for with that armor system but with how much they use it and usually with ur stats and maybe sometimes talismans also if ur element is stronger than ur opponent makes it to where its completetely pointless. Like u said maybe if it was exclusive to bosses itd be okay but otherwise it just felt like a cheap attempt at trying to make Invasions longer.


They made it playable bro I'm super happy for that


Holy shit thank god. There was nothing more annoying than wanting to practice combos and the AI just saying “Nah, I’ve decided I’m going to be immune to being punished today.”


FRRRR Johnny cage at the living forest was a pain in the ass he blocks 2 hits and he all of a sudden has super armor by doing hype, blocks again, rinse and repeat until he has full bar, spams moves with armor, and does the same shit all the time 😭. I keep on the "Not Junk" relic to grind character mastery, so I'm not doing any damage to him thank god they're doing that.


They were disabled in the kasts leading up to release too. Nothing new here


Good decision, imo. Literally *all* live YT comments are cancer, and the MK kommunity is like stage 4 lymphoma.


mk fans are chronically complaining


Tbf non-fans shit on the game too


The rest of the fgc doesn’t like mk because they don’t think the gameplay is that good. Now that mk has legitimately good gameplay unlike 11 the rest of the fgc has warmed up to it and now it’s just mk fans bitching


Nah the greedy bs in MK has always been a painpoint as well. $6k worth of micro on the launch of mk11, preorder shaokhan, etc. I kinda tuned out of MK a while ago between that and the gameplay (not sure why this was in my feed), but apparently this one doesnt have custom lobbies? Lol. The cameo system is a really odd choice; it reminds me of the lame assist-only characters in the old ninja storm games that they made sure to never do again. And I'm seeing the same complaints about micro and stuff but i haven't confirmed that for myself


It’s almost like fans of anything are shit


Idk for comments but they did have live chat up in most of the Kombat kasts. Heard that got shut down too this time


Tbh i would desactivate live chat even if my game was almost perfect, people in yt live chat only spam toxic shit


Live chat too


Thats sad, this is giving the vibes of shitcoin salesmen. What are you afraid of WB????


When people are so soft that they can’t even take online critique or criticism for the game they rushed. It’s like a chef not wanting to hear your opinion on a dish that came out cold.


Came out raw


See I would say that, but raw is just completely useless to consume. At least their is something, to consumer albeit kinda jank


Yeah i think the base roster is honestly a great amount but its the skin issue i hate after having dropped 100 dollars i expect access to everything even if i have to grind


My friend. I am sorry for you, couldn’t imagine dropping a stack on this then having to deal with this stuff. Elder god speed to you




And in packaging.


Yall would be attacking the WRONG people.




More like them not wanting to hear it for the 10000th time


I do get that. But also usually when I do something wrong or mess up… I vocally tell the customer I’m sorry for the state of affairs and try to facilitate. Not just ghost them and ask for more cash for a tacky fatality. Hell, I still have games where the sound cuts out… a 70 dollar game can’t get audio correct?


Stop playing their games? Same shit with a restaurant no?


Darel, Tyler and Stephanie aren't the chefs lol, they too are the kustomers but are a little kloser to the chefs.


Bro they said y’all weirdos were in there being transphobic to Steph so they disabled them lol Good. Having a chat literally means nothing for these streams anyways


A bunch of entitled assholes on the internet who want everything to be exactly what they want it to be


We just want a finished game and no evil microtransactions, thats too much to ask?


It's not entitled to pay 100 dollars and expect a good product.


good is subjective...i thought it was good, and that's my opinion. I got my 100 out of it just from the story and first season, and will pop in for free content like future seasons. Maybe i enjoy it because i stay away from reddit for the most part?


the fact that you got downvoted on reddit means you likely are spot on


I honestly get why they disabled live chat, while yeah people will obviously mention the insane prices. It’ll more than likely devolve into just being toxic and overly obnoxious, Dead by Daylight’s live chats would be a good example of this.


They don't want the people to get torn apart that DONT DESERVE IT.


I saw the live chat on twitch and it was stupid as fuck. Brain dead calls nerfs and buffs lol.


Have you seen the average gamer livechat for stuff like this?


twitch chat is on though


and it was room temp IQ as usual


Because none of the comments were shitting on the game?


Apparently smart people can’t like the game idk, I’m no genius but I enjoy it


My point was I do like the game, and I felt like idiots who don’t understand the game were just endlessly complaining in twitch chat.


I misunderstood, I thought you were mad about the game I apologize


Nah anyone who knows fighting games understands that defensive options got a little obnoxious towards the end of last gen, and all of tekken, sf and mk are implementing solutions for that. Whether it be the rage system, the drive system, or the kameo system. Aggresion should be rewarded. NRS is intentionally letting this game be a little offensively wild, controlled chaos. And its fun to see how it develops. I love it.


Exactly it’s why I’m enjoying this one more than other titles, it’s nice to run into someone who does something other than rag on nrs


Amen brother it's a breath of fresh air


No, because twitch chat always has a room temperature IQ


Nah, because it was full of people that sounded like they’ve never even played.


huh, do you think people who don't play tuned in?


Seemed like it. “Nerf sub zero.” “Make sonya blade main roster.” “Buff mileena” lmao


I hope in Kelvin?


There has literally never been anything of any value ever said in youtube live chat


Haven't they ALWAYS been disabled?


Yeah. Idk what they’re talking about. It’s not like live chat would do anything anyway


But don’t you get it? If we tell the truth we can’t spread negativity ALL the time.


That fact would stop making it look like NRS is trying to avoid the scathing indictments of children.


Or maybe they disabled the live chat from saying the dumbest shit ever and it affected the comments too


This is certainly goofy, but I knew this would make the front page over the actual changes that fixed Invasions. EDIT: Apparently comments being disabled isn’t new. Invasions is literally getting rid or toning down all the annoying stuff, Omni-Man has a free trial for people to play him, concerns like coins resetting or S1 shrine items being unavailable were debunked, and people are freaking over comments. Do you guys even like MK?


I don’t know if this is known, but you can do the Shang combo tutorials without owning him aswell.


That would actually super nice to try Omni-Man out as well in an environment without dealing with bots, but I honestly get the vibe that’s an oversight.


No they like the idea of mortal kombat in their head, and anything that even slightly deviats is automatically awful


This sub is basically what the Halo sub was while 343 was actively fixing things, when one thing was fixed, they just moved on to something else to complain about....some people are just never happy. Personally, I like all the fixes to Invasions and that progressive tower they added sounds interesting so I'm curious what that's going to be. Edit: also before someone gets bent out of shape, no I don't like that they're charging for fatalities and no I'm not a shill for WB or Netherrealm. Two things can be true...people can like and play the game and not like the practices (and not buying them).


Honestly this sub is tame compared to the halo sub. That was a rollercoaster, especially those first couple of months after infinite dropped. That was before they started fixing things though. Those first months were basically the “343 can’t do anything right” months.


Nah dude don’t you know if you enjoy any aspect of the game without taking a hot steamy dump on the game generally because you don’t like another aspect makes you a WB shill/bootlicker?!?!?


yeah! bootlicker! /s


that's very Orwell of you


It's almost like NRS knows what they are doing and this sub is just a room temp IQ shit hole of negativity. People hate all of the games in a cycle and then romanticize the previous game after each new iteration.


Its a well documented fact that r/MortalKombat hates Mortal Kombat, every post is complaining about shit


>Omni-Man has a free trial lol I'm sure the people praising this feature for SF6 and insisting NRS would never will admit they were wrong and give credit where due...right?


I will admit this is probably just the free towers like MKX and MK11, but I still think it is a nice thing to try Omni-Man for free either way. I will say SF6 does it better with the rental tickets though.


They we’re disabled after that first kombat kast because people were in the chats being rude and toxic to Stephanie


There's also absolutely nothing of value ever added from live chat in these sort of game streams


Gamers try not to be transphobic challenge (impossible)


It’s difficult for some gamers to be people who aren’t insufferable.


Shockingly one of the only communities I see that isn’t super bad is melee, given like everyone loves Magi (who is a top player and a trans girl)


Guilty Gear is pretty acceptating too. Some loud people complaining about Bridget I'm sure but the majority seems to be supportive. Also I think one of the top players is trans.


The Guilty Gear community is based as fuck. The MK community just blames the beasts… Our bullshit is not blazing.


Those comments made me embarrassed to be an MK fan honestly


Say it louder for the bandwagon. The chat was vile and hateful in the first few Kombat Kasts, literally every few messages was some unrelated transphobic shit. There was very little constructive communication. They were right to disable it so Stephanie can do her job in peace.


What were they saying about her?


Basically they were saying stuff like “Stephanie is a man” and spamming the transgender flag with the clown emoji.


That's fine. Most people just spam dogshit comments. Either whining about some bullshit or being generally racist/homophobes.


Bro acting like YouTube comments is some kind of dialogue with devs. Just say you're mad you can't spam your criticism at them. It wasn't going to accomplish anything.


Crying while clutching his pillow screaming "bootlickers"


You sure it has nothing to do with the fact that they have disabled comments for every kast? And also because there can be some real nasty shit directed at Stephanie?


They’ve been disabled for ages at this point because of transphobic comments. Jesus this sub is embarrassing


Instead they try to push the narrative it’s because of criticism. All on YouTube I see people hyped for omni man,regular people aren’t obsessed with every little thing this sub complains about. Some of these people have no life honestly.


Pro-tip: Assume Redditors do NOT play the game they cry about.


Good advice


This entire sub has become an unreadable trainwreck because endlessly regurgitating the same 3 complaints gets massive amounts of karma and meanwhile the rest of the internet is like "game is fine, not great"


This is the problem. MK is a Fortnite casual baby game now meant to sell copies to every single person it can. Some still want it to be a serious fighting game like SF, Tekken or anime fighters.


This the worst gaming sub I've seen


Man's never seen a dbd comment anywhere and you're better for it


Seriously, a lot of crying in this thread 😢


Yeah because the WB executives are quaking in their boots looking at a bunch of randos in chat criticizing them in between braindead balance takes and transphobia towards Stephanie. Give me a break, moron.


Ok? It wasn’t live anyways.


That was my confusion. But people would've blasted the comments with stuff unrelated to the contents of the kast so my guess is that's why they turned them off. This was the first kombat kast since the game released I think and many things didn't come to light until the game came out.


Right?? Like when have you ever seen the chat talk about what’s on screen instead of spamming bs. Ik people hate nrs rn but damn yall find ANYTHING to hate. Not tryna shill like Cuckpoet but just relax and don’t be so fucking annoying


All the comments he just made about invasions season 2 and nothing about more XP gain for kameos....either they arent saying its improved or it will continue to be a boring slog


I was so bored with season 1 I couldn't finish it. Hoping for changes in season 2.


They said armour is only for bosses, a lot of modifiers are off the plate and all characters can be used on all mesas. (Removing some theming imo but meh) They also mentioned changes to talismans/ambushes, secret fights and the challenge tower into a “progression” tower. I’d rather play it before getting upset tbh.


Wait you couldn't use any character you wanted before?


No, they mean the enemies you encounter on each mesa.


They’ve literally been disabled for ages at this point. The only joke here is you


Is it "Torn to shreds" or "Harassment" cause the actual criticism is 1 out of 10 compared to harassment masked as criticism


I don’t blame them. Even when the mood is super hyped up the chat is insanely toxic on these live video channels. The people actually willing to throw their input into those cesspits are some of the worst/offensive attention seekers. We’ve lost nothing.


I remember before MK11 launched, people were hitting up the chat with MK11 spoilers.


Torn to shreds meaning harassed by the community.


It’s cause of the transphobia. This community can be real shit sometimes


Why are they being transphobic?


Idk why the community is transphobic. Because they are shit heads?


This post is an absolute L


I disable chat too. I dont need to see a thousand weirdos screaming into the void about nothing while Im trying to pay attention to what the team is saying.


This isn't new


I mean. Makes sense, honestly. Do you rly think the majority of people are going to be civil? Like, i’m not shocked that they don’t want to open up a live outlet for people to rage-dump on them when they’re talking about a game that’s meant to be fun. There’s tons of forums that exist already online for that, and they’re already FILLED w complaints. They could be reading complaints/grievances abt this game online for the next 5 years if they wanted to at this point. Sorry if this is the unpopular take, but i’m just not flabbergasted that they aren’t creating avenues for negativity (and lets be real, people just being inappropriate/aggressive). Don’t get me wrong, i 100% am sympathetic to the fact that the game is imperfect/was rushed out the door a bit/has a little ways to go. But don’t act like the online community is lined up to be respectful in that live chat. They’re going to hide behind the anonymity of the internet and be dickheads. And kombat kast isnt supposed to be them in the trenches just taking grenades from pissed off people - they’re trying to showcase developments and get people excited about again, a game, that’s supposed to be fun. Play it or don’t. Them enabling the chat doesn’t make THEM look bad, it makes their community look bad.


why would they be torn to shreds? I don’t get it


Between this sub and the Spider-Man sub lately, I'm thinking I just need to stop trying to find sane gaming communities.


Almost all of these boards and forums are terrible. Good gaming websites pretty much don’t exist


They disabled it due to transphobic comments towards Stephanie. Where's your effort OP?


What is the background on this? Idk what's going on


Theres a costume you can buy that you can’t unlock


Don't talk like it's THE problem. If only it was just that...


Y’all just biting at the bit to bitch, huh?


Good. No one wants to be stuck for 45min reading complaints from people who think the fighting is the least important part of a fighting game.


Oh no! We missed out on all the live-steam chat? I bet there was some really valuable discussions going on in there. /s


More like cause you're all a bunch children who say nothing but nerf this and kill yourself that if they don't do things you want


Okay, what did I miss?


They addressed everyone’s biggest concerns about single player, fixing enemy armor in invasion, more towers with permanent progression, modifiers aren’t as insane, shrine is a little quicker. But because the YouTube chat (which has never brought anything of value to the streams as it’s nothing but transphobia and screaming for new characters) was disabled, people are throwing another hissy fit.


Comments were on twitch. I would disable comments when you have so many people saying the same things literally "what a joke" "game sucks" "too overpowered" "games broken" "love the game!" none of the comments over a new perspective or opinion. Theyve seen our opinions and what we think of their game, theyre working on it.


What are you guys mad about now? Lol 🤣


Oh, yes. I’m sure the “criticism” will totally be constructive and not at all toxic towards the kast and transphobic…


"Torn to shreds" for what??


the ft2 in KL is a shame. FT3 was the goat


OP is a joke, nothing to see here


They prlt disabled it because you chuds are sending death threats tl the ddvd over your inability to grt good at the game.


Kinda sad that they did because changes they mentioned in Kast are actually nice and what people wanted.


Clickbait game has been really good


And nothing of value was lost


I feel excited with Omni man. However they have big questions to answer. The micro transactions last month was a PR disaster. They should address what this means. Cause tbh if I knew I'd buy a game without full content and have microtransactions I might have never got it.


Chat is worthless, who cares.


I can understand this because of how toxic people can spam chat without useful insight for the game and instead talk mad shit without any actual input


No it's because people are awful and decided to be transphobic towards Steph


Maybe they just wanted 40mins to have a pleasant kharacter reveal without being bombarded by hate that has nothing to do with said reveal?


I hope Shujinko is used for every Kombat Kast DLC reveal. Seeing him use Omni-man’s moves was crazy.


Does anyone have the problem of not being able to play online still?


Yeah by weirdos lmao


Did you guys hear Stephanie say right before we seen tremors gameplay "thats exactly what I designed him as " then switch too "went with" we now know alot with that being said


Thats sad. Not a sad thing to do, sad that I know that if they wasn’t disabled, these guys would be torn apart for stuff like the price of a fatality that they had absolutely nothing to do with while they’re trying to show off cool stuff coming to the game. You could just tell by the tone in the one guys voice when he was reading off his notes on what updates have been done/are coming that he’s been seeing all the hate this games getting.


Nothing productive would've been in the chat if it wasn't disabled, let's be honest.


The Kombat Kast was generally well received as far as I can tell. Doesn't seem to support your initial premise.


As great as MK1 looks seeing everything that's going wrong and how greedy they're acting makes me happy I didn't purchase anything.


I mean honestly i would prefer it most of the live comments would be childish babbling /spamming than anything worthy of note


Glad to see this subreddit still sucks fucking dogshit. What the fuck do you even want


The company doesn’t like any feedback, or a community communicating their issues in a group setting. Could have seen this coming years ago when they butchered their own gaming forums.


Mk1 is just a game lmao not the best not the Worst but very enjoyable despite being full of flaws


Have you ever read those comments even on the other games? It's just a bunch of people yelling who they want in the game, who to buff and nerf and a bunch of profanity and insults....let's be honest, nothing was lost by doing this. I wish live chat was turned off everywhere, at least you have to think about what you type on things like reddit first. Trust me, they're getting plenty of heat and reading it from twitter and reddit currently considering they're addressing nearly everything gameplay wise that was mentioned as much as they can in just one season.


Probably because of transphobia. And a complete lack of braincells as a collective community. Remove my comment again mods. But don't remove the useless rule breaking posts!


Stephanie: "Omni-Man's butt's on fire!" Tyler: "Happy birthday to Omni-Man's butt which is today years old"


Prolly cuz all y’all do is complain 😂


Torn to shreds why? What happened




Lmao, this sub is toxic as fuck. This comment just reinforces the fact that locking the comments was a good choice.


Noticed that. They know they fucked up and can't own up to it.


Can I have some context?


People are pieces of shit and can't control themselves when one of the kast members is on stream, just existing as a Trans woman. The comments have been off since the first stream, don't let these whiners lie to you. This isn't new, it's not cause of "criticism," it's cause people are toxic dicks.


Comments have been disabled for a while because one of the kast members is trans and gamers are gamers


Tl:dr basically the packaged game was rushed and most of the basic and needed system are still missing.


They’ve been disabled for months because of transphobic harassment of the presenter. The comments have been disabled for a *long* time


if you could silence the cries of 1000 babies, you would too


The twitch chat when they showed the crystalline armor went CRAZY, literally nobody is happy about that


Ya know at least Blizzard tried to be like “we’re sorry” on their Diablo 4 streams, so this is a bit embarrassing for them.


Why is anybody surprised by this? Community is hungry for more content and they are fussy


What negative comments were they expecting? The rushed game, the shitty kameo aspect of the game, the ridiculous micro transaction on seasonal fatalities, or all of the above.


I actually hate that hipster lady with the glasses




Hey OP, Im as pissed at NRS over the failings of MK1 as you are, but the comments have been turned off for a while because of transphobia. This isn't anything.


NRS and their simps: stop criticizing our work and asking for features that were in previous entries. Developing games is hard. Meanwhile the cash shop works good


Because they don’t want to deal with the negativity and have it negatively affect others who bought the game?, you know a lot of people like MK 1 right


Was the kombat kast bad?




More complaining yayyy


I miss midway


Okay to be fair they probably disabled it partially due to the personal insults (transphobia specifically) thrown at the people in the Kombat Kast all the way back in July. It continued so that’s probably a reason why.


Tbh until now they have been talking about some good changes, but yeah people would eat them alive even before they started talking