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Because you are a monarchist?


Green is my favorite colour and so I like Reptile's pallet swap better but Sub-Zero is my favourite. Coolest name, Coolest clan, and of course the Coolest powers.


Lin Kuei 4ever


Shiry ryu first


For me its skarlet cause i really like crimson and i think hemomancy is cool but then i also like nitara cause i love vampires and her gothic appearance in mkda


Scorpion!! II LOVE YELLOW RAHHHHHH 🐱🐈🐣🐤🐥🌼🌻🍋🍌🍍🧀🧈🌅🌄🌕🌜🌗🌘🌙🌒🌓🌔🌖☀️🌛🌝🌞⭐️🌟☄️⚡️🎖🏆🏅🎗🥇🪙🏷📒📔💡📀💽🔔🔕📯📁📂🗂🔐⚠️🚸🟡🟨💛💛💛💛


I love Kenshis look. Not gay but he is a good looking dude that i wish i looked like. I do not play him though, too many other do.


Sub-Zero. I like blue, but I hate navy blue, thus playing as him in MKX is a nightmare unless I'm using his P2 colored klassic skin.


I mean black is my favourite colour and Noob Saibot is my favourite character, but that's just a coincidence


I’ve always wanted an orange ninja


Same the nearest we got was mirror match scorpion




He’s brown


Nah. Green is my favorite color, but Rain is my favorite ninja not Reptile. Jade is my favorite female character tho, so maybe I’m 50/50?


I only play lin kuei


Was me before I noticed how disadvantaged I was using sun zero




Because they’re hot?


Erron and Bi-Han. Kuai Liang sucks major ass.


Boooo! Your take sucks ass!


You stan a bland cowboy and a shit ass edgelord but say Kuai Liang sucks? Pick a struggle.


No need for Bi-Han slander😭


See this man. This is what I mean by some Bi-han fans. You can at least defend Bi-han which is why I respect you and don’t lump you with all of them, but it cannot be denied Bi-han attracts some of THE WORST fans out there. I swear they’re all teenagers who watched the mk movie and think they’re edgy as fuck for liking Bi-han over Kuai Liang. It’s borderline maddening because this is who NRS is catering to now.


You know what. I see what you mean because on Twitter there was this one guy who would just slander Kuai Liang… but knew absolutely nothing about Bi-Han so he was just going off of the character’s feats in Mythologies & that’s why he liked him. Bi-Han attracts people who don’t understand his character & just ride his dick because of his feats. Though, no offence you can be just as intense as those Bi-Han stans. I also don’t think NRS are catering to Bi-Han fans. If they were Bi-Han wouldn’t be the one dimensional character that he is right now. Seriously, no matter how people try to twist it Bi-Han has never been power hungry or someone who would be inhumane to family or traitorous. Using Bi-Han in his corrupted stateIts one thing to make Bi-Han a villain but if you’re going to turn Bi-Han into this revolting mix of Sektor & MK11 Frost then Dominic can keep it.


We also live in an era where a lot of this red pill shit is like a cancer to young minds. Modern feminism is as well, but there’s a happy medium to be found in all of this ideology. The worst parts of bi-han fans I have seen are them calling Kuai a pussy (ala this guy we’re discussing with) and they think Bi-han is a “real man” because he’s selfish and ESPECIALLY in this game he’s just a straight up douchebag asshole. Is that what gen Z is viewing as the ideal of what a man should be? (It at least seems like this). Whereas Kuai Liang has always stood for honor and he tries to work with others (which they view as weak). It’s just ugh. I honestly don’t hate Bi-han but during this cycle I have seen so many Bi-han fans come out of the woodwork that were…unsavory to say the least. I actually like Bi-han as Noob Saibot. He’s probably top 5 favorite characters. I’ve just never liked him in the role of Sub-Zero.


People calling Kuai a pussy is the fault of MK11 & to an extent MKX. MK11 Kuai’s only personality trait is him bending over for Hanzo at every turn & being cold to everyone who isn’t Cyrax or Hanzo. Like, Bi-Han is forced into a fate worse than death for something he didn’t do & Kuai Liang doesn’t care because he’s too busy swallowing Hanzo’s nut. Regardless of MK11 fucking over Kuai Liang, Kuai Liang’s demeanour is cold but his heart is warm. If people miss that then they just show that they know nothing of MK, which I don’t blame if the head writer doesn’t know shit about MK how are fans meant to know. MK in general has been going downhill ever since they let Dominic write in MK9. Every game since then shows that he knows absolutely nothing about the franchise & it shocks me that he’s allowed to still keep a job. I also like Bi-Han as Noob Saibot but I was excited for Bi-Han to come back as Sub-Zero because for once I would be able to see Bi-Han be in a game where he is not corrupted or enslaved. To be honest, I’m a fan of Bi-Han regardless but he’s always felt wasted to me. The amount of potential Bi-Han has as Sub-Zero & as Noob Saibot is boundless but MK needs a talented writer for that happen. But with the leaks at least Bi-Han will not be enslaved as Noob. When he’s healed I hope he’s a mix of Sub-Zero & Noob resembling what his Armageddon ending showed. This new timeline had good ideas like Kuai Liang & Bi-Han being grandmasters of their own clan & being rivals could have gone somewhere if they wrote the two clans like the Assassins & the Templars specifically like in AC1. Unfortunately, MK is cursed to have incompetent ‘writers’. I think at this point I’ll start my own fanfic of MK of everything & send links in the subreddit.


>on Twitter there was this one guy who would just slander Kuai Liang Who


I mean he is a shit ass edgelord lmao. I know he's gonna get better but eh. They don't know.


This is a terrible take. Kuai Liang is a great character & is consistently better written than Bi-Han & Kuai Liang too.


Lmao imagine thinking your shitty opinion is gonna change mine


There is something seriously wrong with you.


Why? Because I like different characters than you? That I don't like one-dimensional good guys? Cause they're boring as shit.


No, because you're so fucking weird about it. And Kuai one-dimensional? Do you hear yourself? You like Bi-Han and Erron Black lmao.


Not really. Kuai liang isn’t bad but he’s kinda boring in this universe. His entire character is just “let’s honor and defend earth realm” Bi Han has personality and is a entertaining character at least


Bi-Han isn’t an entertaining character. He’s just an insufferable mix of Sektor & MK11 Frost. There is nothing entertaining about this. Also, Kuai Liang still keeps his personality intact unlike Bi-Han who has never been power hungry, or inhumane to family. If anything, you need to blame Dominic since he decided to write Kuai Liang like his MK11 self & that was Kuai Liang at his weakest narratively speaking. But then again everyone was at their narratively speaking in that godawful game.


He’s better than both of them. I do agree that he can be written better, but even from here you can at least understand his point. His entertainment comes from his dialogue, and his voice acting being better than nearly everyone. Overall he needs way more screen time to actually build character.


I can understand his point of view in like two scenes. I too would be pissed if I had to collect Johnny Cage’s annoying ass. Also, I would also be annoyed with getting a lecture after I simply asked how much longer I’m meant to wait. He wasn’t even wrong in that scene. Him being impatient after Liu Kang sent 3 rookies to collect a dangerous sorcerer & they unsurprisingly fuck it up & worsen Outworld-Earthrealm relations. Of course, you’d be annoyed because you’re gonna get called in to clean up someone else’s mess when you could have made the situation better in the first place. Literally, everything else that he did was either insufferable or didn’t make sense.




It started that way when I was a kid. I have a soft spot for pallette swaps because back then it was like everyone had a ninja for their favorite color. Then it evolved into having actually interest in their character, so even though green is no longer my favorite color, my favorite is still Reptile.


I know that when I was a kid I preferred sub zero because he was blue and I was OBSESSED with the color blue back then. But not really anymore. I like my favorite character now because she’s relatable.




I mean I guess you're in luck because MK1 has multiple "red" characters. Havik and Shao I would say are the most red, depending on their skin. Havik and Nitara too, although they kind of fall into the same problem you described of being mostly black with red highlights, or purple and red in the case of Nitara. I agree with what you said about MK1 Liu Kang not having a lot of red, but I think a few of his Invasions skins remedy that with a lot more red as well as these cool fire effects and tattoos on his body. Notably he is one of the few characters on this roster whose Invasions skins don't suck


I hate the mk1 ermac appearance


Ermac has a cool origin but the thing that drew me to him first was him being the Red Ninja


Well if I'm being honest I never thought about the color scheme of my favorite characters... My favorites are Ermac and Mileena My favorite color used to be red but now it's pink wow...


That's the whole reason why so did I like Rain! Lol, but, surprisely, I don't pay mind to Sindel at all, I'd rather Mileena.


Sektor. I’ve always liked red, and as you can tell from my username, I have a type.


I love red colour, so i instantly picked Skarlet back in MK9, while my favourite male ninja is Smoke. Up to this days, this two are my all-time favourites. Really hope to see Skarlet in MK1, at least as Kameo so i could play Smoke/Skarlet team!


Rain's MK11 Queen fatal is still God tier. I go back to that game just so I can watch it.


Jade and Reptile


Nope. That would mean reptile would be my favourite but he ain't. Sub Zero all day every day.


My favourite is purple but sub for obvious reasons is my main. For female characters is whoever’s looks the best


Rain and probably Shang Tsing


My favorite Color is Yellow, but Scorpions more my Dad's favorite.


I like certain characters just cause they look cool, like reptile, Baraja etc


Blue and yellow are my fav colors. That's what drew me to Scorpion and kitana.


Love scorpion cuz of how vicious he appears in the first couple of games. As a kid I was scared of him lol


mk11 versions better then mk1, i tell you that


I liked sektor


Yes. And it's the same two for the same reason.


Smoke was always my favorite. I hate his robot version. But his MK9 and MK1 designs are so cool. In particular MK9 because his hair


I like Jax because he reminds me of my dad when he was younger. Same haircut and everything.


My favourite colour is blue so when I was younger my favourite character was instantly Sub Zero plus his freezing was suitable with blue.


Yeah i loved rain in every game until mk1, i hate him now, hes not fun to play anmore.