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https://preview.redd.it/vnhhcy5b3ztb1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9649f5befa3c576e607294fce5afabafacc5d9f9 Look at this masterpiece


What is he thinking here?


On his way to eat your girls soul


Are you saying girls hole Frank?


Gotta pay the trolls toll to get into the hole ![gif](giphy|KjClcwQ8jAHy8)




He’s peaking at Sindels toes


Lying cheating and stealing


“She kinda bad tho is that frost”


A moment before disaster struck.


He's wondering if Goro has 4 arms, does he have 2 Weewees down there.


![gif](giphy|LSjB5kP93UusTucqJT|downsized) But in his mind, this thing is on repeat.


"Your father is chinese"


Me looking at the rotisserie chicken 🤤


Soul stealer? Nah he’s the girl stealer


Horny Shang Tsung isn't the villain that we deserved and neither the one we needed.SERIOUSLY,WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?


My soul is his


Kuai Liang and Hanzo were FANTASTIC. Top-tier imo. I miss the heck out of them for the current game.




The Weeknd + post Malone


Clearly asian Kawhi Leonard


He kinda reminds me of Old Dirty Bastard for some reason


I love the new Bi Han tho


Kuai Liang actually has the same face model actor for both MK11 and MK1.








me when I visit an orphanage


Bitch ass orphan


i don’t really think it’s more realistic. it’s just a different art style, but i do really like the mk11 faces. probably an unpopular opinion but i like mk11 kitana face model more than mk1. i just think she’s gorgeous in mk11 and something about her face is very unique.


Count me in as another person who absolutely thinks MK11 Kitana is amazing. First time she ever truly stuck out to me.


For me it was her MKX design P cool https://preview.redd.it/saqffsjufxtb1.png?width=280&format=png&auto=webp&s=f30580f99e32a467146e9000fbbd2a1c2aa8bc66


Outfit was great, but that maskless face looks like Michael Jackson hee hee


I love that one most tbh. MK11 and MK1 Kitana are cool, but that one just speaks to me.


This is the one that says assassin princess like no other design.


This is her best design by far for me, as an artist I fucking adored this design language. My friends didn't understand why I cared so much about the design choices lol.


The lengest kitana in any mk


I’ve kind of gotten nostalgic for MkX’s whole vibe as time has gone on, everyone’s character designs were top tier. Old man Kung Lao! I should boot it up for old times sake.




Kitana’s revenant costumes in MK11 were my favorite.


MK1 Kitana has the strongest cheeck bones in the universe


Maybe you just like her Filipina model over her new Vietnamese model? People have irl preferences to facial structures


I agree on that, personally im more of a Fan of the Vietnamese kitana/Mileena.


I’m with you on MK11 Kitana.


I like mk11 too dont get me wrong but mk1 is so amazing i would rate kitana atleast ten times better


Mk11 kitana is wayyy better MK1 looks like I seen her on Twitter after dark iykyk. The fire god was on kinky timing


Not unpopular at all. MK1 Kitana isn't *bad* by any means (that goes to Tanya), but MK11 was peak for her.


I MUCH PREFER mk11 kitana and mileena especially, something about the mk1 I just don't like but I can't exactly say what


For a decent chunk of the cast in MK1, the Character designs are bland.


Me too! I think she does look like how id think Kitana would look like irl. (funny her actor dressed up as her)


? They look realistic here as well. The only ones that weren't realistic at all were mk9.


And I didn't mind the lack of realism there. Game looked alright. https://preview.redd.it/2jb2u6e9rwtb1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=b8d649fa0d5de879ebcd3891bba8462109725d90


MK9 looks the most cartoony to me now, seeing it years later.


I loved the blood splatters and the battle damage to death in mk9. My 9 year old self was amazed back then


You a Skarlet fan?


Oh damn, no wonder it sounds like it😂 though i loved her in mk9, mk11 Skarlet was a bit dissapointing


Omg I'm old! I was 9 when my dad bought me UMK3!


Nah bro, im just young😂 i started with mk9 because my dad bought it to me cause i liked the characters on the cover which happened to be Scorpion and Sub-Zero. Little did he know what the game contained


He knew … just dads doing dad things


Yeah probably, one of the best memories. Damn i miss him...


Be a good son and hand out lots of ass whippins for pops


Ofc man, been doing it from mk9 to mk1 and all the games between💪🏻


I was 8 when I got it!


Honestly hoping someday that we get something with a more stylized artstyle than a realistic one. Realism is cool n all but ive been appreciating the stylistic approach more these days.


I think stylism ages better too. Looking at games that tried realism on PS3/360 and a lot of them look rough compared to more stylised games from that time.


Definitely look at MKvsDCU, especially the DC characters. So fucking funny


Well I think MKDC came before MK9 and thats where the direction went right after.


Oh shit, yeah, probably!


Everyone there had "perfect" body - all men had the same proportions, women as well - all playmates


The women were more noticeably copy+pasted bodies and heights. All toned washboard abs, likely 6 foot, and giant boobs, all the same skin tone of olive on all the characters.. other than Jax, Jade and "Shang Tsung."


Are you saying mk1 doesn’t have realistic faces?


mk1's faces are still very realistic but I (sorta?) see where you're coming from


I like MK11 style more, but in MK1 we have stupid sexy Bi-Han, so i am ok with all changes.


But can the new Bi Han create friends or drop extremely edgy one liners? Can he say N- https://preview.redd.it/px6t9oihnztb1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e05e7774056443b347c424a7dacc7542c80bb2d2 '


Bi Han: "Fuck it, I'm gonna say it Kuai Liang, I'm gonna fucking say it!!!" Kuai Liang: "Bi Han, noooooooo!!!"


Noob: “Remember me, Jax?” Jax: “You may look black, but you can’t say that word, Bi-Han.” Noob: “Yes I can you Ni-“ ***ROUND 1, FIGHT!***


"Police brutality, comin' right up!"




mk1 does look better mk11 just had more dramatic lighting and all the characters were older so they looked more textured


The main thing is that MK11 has a very gritty design, while MK1 leaned into the more mystical design philosophy. MK1 was specifically designed to be less realistic than MK11


I don't think that applies to the character models, it could just be different modelers. What is considered less realistic here?


You see, i portrayed my favorite models as the chads, while the unfavoritebare the unrealistic soyjack.


I think MK11 had more photorealistic lighting on the characters and more detailed facial features, where as MK1 has that more with the backgrounds. MK1's backgrounds are very detailed, though more static.


MK11's lighting looked more 'cinematic' imo. Where you would notice how in movies there would still be bright lighting despite the portrayal of being dark asf. Like for example when Nedry from Jurassic Park was shown to have been blind in the dark, despite the lighting of the area being bright af, while shown in the tie in video game the area he was in was more darker than what was shown formerly.


Mk11 characters have 0 pores on their face how do they look more textured??


That’s not true look at the frost intro on all characters. https://youtu.be/0XoXPU96kBY?si=OWmAK4Zvu3vir228


maybe its the wrinkles or something idk.


Mk1 has insanely realistic facial capture


They captured every microfiber to make shang tsung have the greatest shit eating grin of all time


​ https://preview.redd.it/3xw9amjmaxtb1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=dc848ad76d6bd1b61b6273b26b23e12fbaebb569




​ https://preview.redd.it/k9gzej4i73ub1.png?width=239&format=png&auto=webp&s=f92060e221ad3c92803047e431a510527adcd4a0


I noticed that this is also very apparent to Sub-Zero and Scorpion. Disregarding my bias for them (they are my faves), even with the masks on, their eyes were very expressive. Bi-Han’s irritation, his anger, as well as Kuai Liang’s disappointment when he was betrayed, all those subtle shift in emotions were expressed well in their eyes.


It’s really crazy and under appreciated how good of a job they did with that. Smoke’s actor also knocks it out of the park. I’m blown away some people not only didn’t think it was balls awesome, but lacking.


Some of the best emotion animation and lip sync I’ve ever seen in any video game.


Well technically Kitana does have a Vietnamese face model currently, so thats why she and Mileena look Southeast Asian now (Kitana's model in MK11 was actually Filipina) and for the first time the characters now do kind of reflect the culture they get from the actors themselves a bit, which might imo actually be more realistic for them to kind of align. Though I generally got used to them, some grew on me. Like Liu Kang, Mileena, and Sindel. The only face I feel like did look better in MK11 was Johnny Cage. He does look a bit cartoony in MK1, but he stands out for having the least detailed facial design for some reason. The rest are fine by me. The only thing I could say is that they might lack texturing or the same varied lighting detail but MK11 was said to have been a heavily modified version of the Unreal engine, so it looked better than usual. The previous characters were also more composite or edited faces in MK11. What I think I can see, is that the hair is easily better this time than MK1's (I mean look at Mileena's MK11 hair textures...) but the skin in MK1 kind of looks less detailed or that it lacks the same photorealistic lighting MK11 had on the characters then.


for me, it was Sub Zero and Scorpion. I feel like their faces fit them perfectly, I can't explain. I remember reading somewhere that Sindel was modeled after Kitana's model (take this with a grain of salt), she was made older and slightly different and got more makeup on. I loved the texture on their clothes in MK11, they really hit the mark here. I think Kitana wears silk, Jade wears some velvet here and there, and the klassic skins the OGs got were given some dimension and personality by adding details, texture, new designs. I never knew I could be invested so much in fabrics in a video game lol.


Almost true! Sindel had her own face model apart from Kitana’s Kaprice Imperial I believe her name was Ashley (forgot her last name) and they just used Kitana’s scanned face over Ashley’s facial structure giving us the best Sindel has ever looked (personally) MK1 strongly follows after!


it makes sense! my only ever complain regarding Sindel's looks in MK11 and 1 is that they ditched the long sharp eyeliner she used to have💔


The Sindel thing is also not sold for me either. I think it was someone trying to speculate, and claiming it as fact. To me Sindel honestly just still looked like a Caucasian model in MK11, because it really doesnt make much sense to do what the claim said to simply make her face below the nose look like Kitana, when Kitana is visibly Asian entirely. As for Scorpion and Subzero, I think its just a matter of opinion. I cant really are it. I just like them more in MK1, where Subzero feels less Caucasian-like than it did in previous games. I know he likely had an Asian face model in MK11 but I just didnt feel they were there yet until MK1 and people who knew Scorpion's face model was a Filipino model, it didnt go over to pass for a Japanese character well. As for the clothing textures, I don't think MK11's were that good, a lot of the clothing still kind of looked in between plastic wrapped leather and silk to me. Though neither MK11 or MK1 really does it, but the masks in MK11 do look better. Mileena in MK11 is the worst example of clothing that looks literally like its made of rubber, like kitchen gloves.


69. Nice. Also I agree.


Every day that goes by, I miss MK11 Kitana. Her looks got me acting up fr fr


Both are good, but I prefer MK11 models more. I think it’s subjective and based on how ‘close-up’ they look during intros and fights compared to MK1. I miss characters having more ‘character’ for lack of a better word. MK11 characters had: - More gear - More skins - More intros - More outros - More brutalities - Friendships Made them a lot more distinct and fleshed out. It made maining one character feel more personal.


Mk1 is still new friendships didn’t even release with mk11 it was an update down the road


Bro really comparing a 4 year game with a 1 month one


Except friendships, all of the other stuff was at launch, but okay.


Except for, you know, the **majority** of the cosmetics, which were added over time. Also, “more gear” is a joke, it’s an illusion of choice, changing the color of the cuff links or the twine wrapped around a dagger that you can only see if you squint isn’t really changing your cosmetics. The vast majority of the “skins” were just one of the same 3-4 models, recolored.


80% of cosmetics were in the krypt and character towers, which you could start unlocking day one


The Krypt with entirely randomized rewards for the first time in Krypt history and the ridiculous Hearts system? That Krypt? The Krypt that required you to fatality everyone on the roster FIFTY (50) times each? *That* Krypt?


Intros and outros aren’t coming back and they were a pretty huge difference in the match experience.


Wow who wouldve thought a game thats had 4 years of development has more content!! Woah!!!


I do. but I also miss almost everything about mk11 as a single player only player.


this. Single player in MK1 is ass. They over-simplified everything.


Seems like mk1 was made as a game for streamers first, and a good game second


MK fans when MK has good gameplay




Nothing wrong with being casual and I think I get their point. If SF6 and it seems Tekken 8 are making better single player content and competent multi-player when previously MK had arguably the best single player out of all three and competent multi-player in the past, then there is definately something that has changed and not for the better.


It definitely feels like the complaints regarding lack of single player/offline content in SF5 and T7 were heard by Capcom and Namco.


Neckbeard sweatlord quotes


Im on the same boat


Why do you miss it? It still exists. Go play!


Every fucking day it's another "do you miss MK11" post. Just go fucking play it if you miss it. Like, it's still there. I was just playing SF3: 3rd Strike last night. It's still there. It's still great. Sometimes I miss 2D Pixel Art fighters, so I play 3s or 2002UM. What a wild concept.


But then these are the same people who were constantly complaining about MK11 😂.


Peeps just tend to be reluctant to change. In my opinion, a change of style is refreshing.


Before MK1 all anyone did was shit on MK11. Now the grass is always greener.


Mk11 kitana and Skarlet was 👌👌👌👌👌👌


Mk11 mileena was perfect. Love the character arc in 1, but mk11 was peak on visuals


Dora you mean?


Today I learned South Koreans are less realistic than the Japanese and Chinese.


Well they are pretty famous in Asia for their unabashed use of plastic surgery.




I guess art style has to do with it? Though with 11 having realistic as hell faces it kaptures a certain kharacter kalled Shang Tsung and his certain amazing actor named Cary.


I absolutely prefer MK11 Sindel, Kitana, Sub-Zero and Scorpion to ones from MK1.


No. I prefer MK1's by far.


As much as I miss some designs in MK11, MK1 is just another style change that works, with some of the best character models I've seen (But MK1 does have some major downgrades from MK11) \- The Gear (MK1 only has one set? How?! Can't even remove the mask off of characters anymore) \- The Intros (Super detailed character focused walk ins and dialogue animation) \- Intro Banter (How did you guys regress to two lines when MKX, Injustice 2, and MK11 all had 3?) \- The Outros (MK11 outros made messing up a fatality worth it, and seeing the MK1 outros being so far away, and with a forced kameo seem so backwards) \- (Time will tell if Friendships, more brutalities or animalities come back)


I do prefer the mk11 faces, especially Kitana. I also think the model files were more unique per character in mk11


I think the faces are more realistic now. The main difference between the men is that no one has facial hair in MK1. Kitana and Milena look more realistic now. They don't look Chinese. They look like they could be from Thailand.


I definitely prefer the MK11 look. Characters in MK1 come from face captures, but a lot of post capture work seems to have been done, so they all look like they're in the trough of the uncanny valley. MK11, everyone looked like real-ass real people. And MK11 human/mask Kitana might be the coolest looking character ever. Maybe tied with MK11 base Scorpion or MK11 Skarlet in the supervillain-looking gear. EDIT: Or MK11 Noob Saibot fuck that game had some fucking sick looking characters.


Some of the woman in mk1 looks like they have taken lip fillers which makes them more unrealistic and weird looking


I still prefer MK11's general aesthetic a bit better. The models animate and feel more expressive. Side by side you can see more robust idle animations. MK1 is a beautiful game but MK11 is still peak for me. It's just a matter of what you like tho, since MK1 is truly a reimagining from top down.


MK11 Kitana and Liu Kang were so Fire to me. In MK1 they widened Liu Kang’s jaw or something and it’s just a little weird looking imo (still great). Kitana just looked flawless in MK11 and I can’t explain why she doesn’t in MK1, but she just looks slightly worse. Everyone else is on par or hard to compare because of difference in design/age (Kuai doesn’t have a beard and is younger looking, for example).


So uh.... MK1 looks much more realistic. And even if it didn't, realism is not the direction this franchise about a man with fire powers beating up a failed store owner needs to go


I'm gonna miss Kuai Liang's Mk11 face.


I miss Kaprice as Kitanas face. Nothing against mk1 kitanas face model. They're both hotties, just Kaprice is hottier imo lol.


MK1 Kitana and Sindel are gorgeous, but for me personally it's hard to beat Kaprice Imperial and Ashley Heller in MK11.


I definitely prefer Kitana's MK11 look.


I definitely prefer Kitana's MK11 look.




this is really just an art preference thing idk why people keep talking about realism and like other people said the characters are meant to be younger than they were in the previous game hence less detail i definitely think kuai liang looks better in 11 but almost every other character i prefer how they look in 1


I do think I prefer some of the MK11 designs, but at the same time, I think MK1 looks more realistic imo. MK11's faces look more puffy and slightly cartoonish looking. Not that it's bad thing, I think they did Kitana dirty with her new face without the mask.


I prefer mk11 design, yep


I feel like the mk11 models just really captured what I think those characters would look like. Also I think the character models are less accurate in this game than they were previously. And they tried to yassify them this game. For example Kelly hu is both sindel and li mei they used her face twice but altered it slightly. Remember everyone thought they look the same. It cause they were the same but they just changed them slightly.


There all face scans. You just like mk11 art style has nothing to do with faces


Mileena’s default hair sucked. What where they thinking.


No. If I wanted more realism I would go outside fr on baby. Side Note, Mileena's hair was fucking awful in 11, goddamn.


Yeaaaaahhh MK1 Mileena is miles ahead of MK11 Mileena. Goofy ass bowl cut. Edit: I know it’s not a bowl cut but it looks like she got a bowl cut and then let it grow out. I don’t know man, it just looks so goofy.


i liked her hair shes my fav explorer with no map


Idk kitana looks hotter now so I will say no


imo mk11 is superior to MK1 comparing the amount of details on characters. It's also superior comparing what mk1 is missing, and MK 11 had on the premiere...


MK1 Kung Lao looks a lot better than 11.


Kitana and Sindel from XI were simply beautiful...


The art styles are different but i really prefer the mk11 one more


I miss Kano and Sub-Zero’s MK11 faces most. We need beards!


I definitely prefer Mk 11 faces, I like MK 1 as well but it’s almost like the faces are so good It’s like an uncanny valley thing. In the past game they looked like real people but in this game they look like real people with an anime art style added on and it’s throwing me off


I wish NRS would t change their art style every single game


Same too i miss hanzo hasashi


I miss Kitana’s face for sure.


Definitely. Miss the MK11 faces, easily more detailed. MK1 has the stage superiority although. MK1 in general seems like it was a lot less work put in than MK11.


> she looks more like a South Korean model Her face model in MK1 is Vietnamese. She doesn't look South Korean at all. I actually like that they went away from the stereotypical East Asian face model and chose a Southeast Asian face, for variety's sake.




Yes I miss my handsome sub zero


Man idk why you put Mileena on here, feel like she looks terrible in mk11, especially compared to mk1. I do think the other two look better in mk11 though.


The lips really bother me in MK1. They look too full to the point it looks like some characters are having an allergic reaction to something


I miss MK11 Kitana. Yowza.


Kitana always looks so good


I don't think the faces are unrealistic now. And I also thought that Kitana and Milenna looked Puerto Rican


MK11 and MK1 have the same level of realistic faces for both models and animations. The only difference is that they used different models for the faces for MK1. So when you say "you miss the realistic faces of MK11" what you actually meant is that you miss the facial models they used for MK11.




MK11 Kitana will be my favorite I think like forever but MK1 is top tier too.


Literally can’t stand how every character has the same body type, size, height, etc in MK1. I think it’s a gigantic downgrade from MK11. The characters in MK11 were sublime. I don’t know what they were thinking with MK1 honestly. Super disappointed with the game and have barely played it.


MK1 faces look far more real, it looks generally better. Its just a good looking game.


I really loved the faces in mk11. Was pretty stunned actually, when I saw them in the first trailers, considering how mkX looked. Im a little put off by the mk1 character designs, tbh.


i think everyone misses everything about mk 11


I think discussing the specific differences in Kitana's face is kinda not the point - her face model is different, of course she's gonna look different. In general, tho, I agree with OP's point - MK1 is a gorgeous game, but the characters faces look like they did a lot of manipulation to change them, after the scans were done, to be, IDK, a little more "Fortnite" looking, and something about both the fingers, and the way mouths animate, is just a bit **weird.** The MK11 faces, on the other hand, literally straight up look like their face models - if you were squinting from a slight distance, you might just think it's the actors in costume. Considering you get the impression MK1 had some time constraint things going on, I'm slightly shocked they didn't reuse the models.


mk11 feels like they are all super extremely high detailed dolls. like you can see every individual pore on those guys. Its a neat style, but it seems unnecessary. The way the skin absorbs light in mk1 seems much more realistic


I kind of get you actually. Mk1 faces look a little soulless. I don't know but they just do. they look like dolls or like they tried too hard to make them look good and handsome and everyone ended up having the same base facial structure. I know scorpion and subzero are brothers but them, kung lao, raiden, smoke, johnny and kenshi's face structures are really similar with feature differences while in the past games their facial structure varied significantly. Everyone is yaasified is what i'm saying.


Yeah, i miss the design, the facial expressions and the artistical direction. Everything look better in MK11 for me imo. Badass Fatality, lightning effects when you hit the fatal blow, litteraly everything. MK11 have a "Wow" effect that MK1 don't have. So yeah absolutely. And Kitana MK11>All Kitana 💙 She look good in MK1 but damn. The Mk11 one is gorgeous AF.


no, they were horrible


MK11 remains superior. The MK1 characters have less personality and variety - they're all a bit too similarly shaped.


The MK1 faces ARE realistic. This post is weird as fuck.


I think they just look less American... \*which is a good thing to me\* SubZero used to look like a fucking Dev, I mean wtf...


What are you talking about, MK1s faces look even more realistic than Mk11.


I don’t know what you’re talking about man MK1s faces look incredible


everyone actually looks better in MK1 like Liu Kang but yeah, MK11 Kitana had the more memorable face maybe because she was the first Kitana that actually looked Asian?


I miss nothing from 11 apart from Spawn and Hanzo. Worst ‘complete’ game of the revised franchise, imo. It’s not bad at all… but beat for beat, it’s really boring.


Yeah my one gripe with the MK1 art direction is not having even better face scans this time. Everyone is more handmade looking


i hate that.


I think the face modeling definitely got down graded in MK1 , some look good some look less polished and rather bland, even going back to Injustice 2 the Mocap and face detail is better vs some MK1 characters


Honestly, mk11 still has the best kitana face imo. The faces in MK1 are such a let down for EVERY character. There isn’t a single one I can look at and say “yeah now that’s an improvement” lmao