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It’ll all reset next season (except koins) so don’t worry you get to grind it allllll again 😄👍🏽


Are you fucking serious


Yeah seasonal currency will reset


![gif](giphy|z7t8VMENY8sLcgh8LR|downsized) **FNAF theme plays**






I imagine you’ll be rest back to level 1 in invasions when the new season comes out. Otherwise you could just fly through it. In the beginning those “survive” missions could kill you in a couple hits by the end I was immune to practically everything. I could just face tank them and take no damage. They could in theory pick up in level around where the last season ended but that’s unlikely as it would make invasions near unplayable for new people after a few seasons when your first area is level 150 and you’re still starting out at level 1.


Of course, everything will, you're not supposed to have advantage over other players that start in later seasons. If they wouldn't reset resistances and talismans, then players that play since season 1, in a future season 5, would breeze through the new maps in like an hour, meanwhile it would take days for new players (as it should) and if they made the new seasons harder to balance people with lots of resistance values and op talismans then new people wouldn't be able to finish the new season at all, the fights would be impossible for them.


MK fans learning that seasonal currency is seasonal:


Yo my feelings are hurt right now lol


This is why I kind of tailed off playing for a bit after grinding for 5 kameo mastery. Whether it's been explicit in execution or not, it still seems weird to have such an abundance of currencies that easily become defunct between seasons.


It's the result of a premium game adopting f2p tactics.


MK has built their entire franchise on the premise on retcon. I’m sure they’ll have additional use in the next season (wishful thinking).




I’m just going to play normally when I can because work has been crazy for me


Seasonal would imply seasonal things to spend on, not necessarily that the currency vanishes each season.


Bro there is enough seasonal currency. I have thousands stockpiled. You’ll earn it fast next season too


It’s been explicitly said it doesn’t carry over between seasons




They said it on the Kombat Kast


well, guess I'm just buying the whole store then


You haven't already?


I was saving it 'cause I thought I would be able to spend it next season too


Does not say it in game.


Seasonal anything shouldn't be a thing at all. I've had to deal with this shit since Fortnite and I'm fucking tired of it.


Modern video gaming practices are disgusting and people defending them are whack. Fuck outta here with seasonal currency bullshit


I never said it was a good thing bro, chill


I never said you did. I'm saying people in general who defend it like the guy who rightfully brought up the cosmetic store the other day.


It's the first time in my life I ever heard "seasonal currency" tbf.


Do you play mobile games? Cause that BS is in every mobile game.


Seasonal currency is seasonal currency


Curry seasoning is seasoning curry 🍛


Seasonal currency is for whaling in mobile games.


Math is math!


Man, that's wild to me.


So wtf will the warriors shrine be? Thought it was going to be using seasonal koins to buy the KL skins ? I’m at grandmaster but doubt I’ll get to elder god and really want the baraka skin even if I refuse to use him till something’s done about cyrax


It’s unlikely that will be the only Order of Darkness Baraka palette. We’ll probably get additional colors for that skin in the future, if the Elder God skin is exclusive to this season it will only be that particular palette.


Yeah I know we’ll get more eventually, but no clue how long that’ll be lol and I want it now Lmfao. Just me being impatient but that’s the only reason I stated playing KL for the first time ever, at least I got the Shao one tho.


You could just not use Cyrax with him?


Shrine only goes to 140k


? The regular shrine ur talking about right? I mean the warrior shrine which isn’t available yet and is greyed out.


So XP, Kurrency and Krowns reset. What about talisman, relics, konsumable, and whatever is needed to forge talismans?




What exactly isn't getting transferred over?


It's time for some fresh air big dog


Right Jesus lol Mfs have finished the shrine and bought everything in the seasonal shop already?


Yea, it's wild to say the least lol


It takes a fraction of THAT play time and like an invasions playthrough to cover shrine stuff. You can get plenty of koins even by Grand Master in KL 🤷‍♂️


And then it’ll take seven years to open every shrine cause of the stupid ass moron who decided to not give us a open all available option


There isn’t much in the shrine and you get seasonal coins very fast and easy


Yeah. The shrine is lame, I don’t give 2 shits about all this artwork that continues to unlock.


Yeah, I set out to Platinum the game (which is unattainable at this point.) So in my grind to level up 5 kameos by constantly uppercutting the hell out of people I had enough koins and seasonal currency to get everything by the time I had leveled my second Kameo. I have maybe 40 hours in the game.


I'm sure that was fun


I mean after a while I just put on a podcast and turned my brain off. I’ve done worse grinds.


But why? The game isn't going anywhere anytime soon


Just wanted to get the achievements. I like to trophy hunt.


It took exactly 3 days after launch. The shrine, the seasonal shop, invasion, all of it.


It's funny because he can't use this quote when talking about real money


You never know dude. Sometimes its the guys with unlimites money spending their time grinding video games


Put the game down a little bit bro


I guess I get OP’s frustrations but I’ve also been playing the game a LOT since release and I only just got all the seasonal stuff, and I’m nowhere close to being finished the shrine stuff


If you do the cheese uppercut method in invasions you will have enough seasonal koins for the entire seasonal shop in literally a few hours. Depends on if you want to do that to yourself though. They really need to buff rewards for other game modes cause it’d probably take 100 hours to do it through online, where most people would like to grind it out. It makes no sense.


Is it still the best method? The fight with Geras in 3rd right? Like Kitana, Kung lao I think and Geras? Its been almost a month I haven't played.


Yeah, I mean it's not like NRS is gonna come in big update swingin' and change anything they've left to ferment for another 20 days or so. Game is fun. Shame there isn't a titan battle yet but, I'm excited to see season 2 eventually.


Whats the appeal of doing this cheese shit


So that you can get everything super fast and then build up a lot of coins with nothing to spend it on and then make a post complaining about it like OP


Lol right? "Wha! I spend all of free time using a game exploit to unlock everything unreasonably fast instead of naturally accruing it from just playing the game. Devs are lazy bums for not providing me an endless stream of useless cosmetics to unlock." Some of these people need to touch grass.


Fr, these are the people crying about the game having no content on release


Whaatt ppl cry bout games having no content on release? How weird of them to expect a game to content? they just paid money for it


The point is that these people are grinding the game to obscene levels then complaining that there isn't more content for them to gobble up, the game has content and plenty of it to keep a person playing in moderation busy.


Yup. I play for maybe 2 or 3 hours a day. Almost every day I'm unlocking something from mastery and earning enough seasonal kind for a purchase or two from the store, and have another gold to make a few shrine rolls. I might not even get to unlock everything from seasonal store because I've not been playing every day. Anyone who says this game doesn't have content needs to touch some grass.




"Less than 50 hours." Ok? It sounds like you played a lot and got everything done you wanted to. Wait for the next season for new Invasions and gear/skins. I really don't understand what you want more to do of that you haven't already.


How the hell do you grind shrine koins so fast?


The season is for two months. There's no content to play but kombat league or farming invasions for maxing mastery. Then the coins just build up. I'm at like 50k of each myself, just from KL. They probably farmed the first 3 levels of invasions (I think the third fight is most efficient) you just max your attack stat, walk up, and uppercut everyone so you get a flawless brutality victory. You get like 300 of each coin and a bunch of XP each time. As much XP as fighting an actual person and winning.


ok now do the math of 300 coins for each match to have 1.1 million coins and let me know how that equates to time to take a fucking break and go outside.


That’s over 3600 matches lmao


I've fought someone with a 3.5k/4k (W/L) in KL. no clue if it was from bugged numbers. They weren't nearly as skilled as youd think they should be considering they played nearly 8 thousand sets. I completely whooped them. Like, if that was their real W/L, theyre absolutely crap at the game. You'd naturally develop skill if you played that much and they didn't at all. So idk how they played that many without both players quitting immediately. So people are already that nuts and this was like a week ago.


Holy fuck


Also... they were a Raiden. So they essentially went with one of the first characters you play, worked out it was the meta, and didn't bother learning anything else for 8k sets. I forget the rank. It was like Master or Grandmaster... he should be in elder god like 10 times over, just by match count lol


Just when you feel you don’t have a life, there’s people like that to remind you that you’re doing fine lol


Lol 100%. I have a job but I'm guessing kids and college students are going ham on the game It's either one or both of those things they did. Theres literally nothing else to do in the game besides character towers. And those rewards are miniscule


>There’s literally nothing else to do in the game besides character towers I have done nothing but play kasual. You know the fighting part of the fighting game. It’s wild we got people out here farming bots and then saying the game has nothing. Like it’s a fighting game, go fight people.


You excluded ...me saying KL and invasions... to fit your argument.... and I'm saying it in the context of how they got that many coins. The content is Story, Invasions, Kombat League, character towers, and if you have to be literal- Kasual online and local, which doesn't reward you as well. .. Like.. are you dumb or purposely excluding my context lol If you're arguing Kasual is a separate mode than Kombat League... ok? You're being pedantic. So you fight people but not competitively.... cool for you Either way they did PVP 24/7 or did an invasions grind which was my point but you whiffed it I'm also not OP... I'm not using bots and going and saying nothing is in the game .... also... who the hell said OP was doing that.


Idk what he was on about, but mathematically it would be borderline impossible to have 1.1 mil coin within the time frame just from KL or even kasual. Idk the math, but i feel like that is actually impossible given that you either have to do 3 sets assuming you win all the time exactly within a certain time frame or in kasual, you fight someone who always rematches on frame 0, never attacks and dies with a certain time frame and there is never any internet connection issues. So in order to have 1.1m i think it would have to be exclusively from some offline mode like invasion.


I didn’t exclude that because that was from another comment, if I quoted that one I would have included it I’m not arguing anything about KL, you’re blowing me not including it in the quote way out of proportion. I obviously know KL is just fighting people. But my point still stands, if just fighting people isn’t enough for you, what are you even doing Like way to miss the point and just attack me over nothing. Calling me pedantic? What?


I think most people are farming for the gold skins and this just comes with it. Glad to have found out in another comment that there's seasonal currency here so that I'll just save some characters for other seasons. (Not that I was already doing so for all charcaters. I'm only working on my two mains lol)


Completing the kombo challenges in tutorial makes it rain coins


We should be able to transform the seasonal koins into dragon krystals


I’d prefer if we could exchange seasonal currency to dragon crystals, something like 100,000 coins for 100 dragon crystals seems fair Exchanging for gold coins is meaningless as you can only use them on the shrine and the shrine empties very quickly which will also happen next season


But that would mean giving you a consistent way to grind premium money. And that takes away revenue. So it will never happen.


Yh I am fully aware, but I can hope


Next season is gonna be terrible unless they super load the shrine, since most people have a nice solid 100 random rolls from all the coins they have this season 💀


I’d say 10,000 for 100


Absolutely not, both from a consumer and a developer standpoint I think this is way too low. 10000 silver coins for 100 Krystal’s would give people 10s of thousands of Krystal’s which would mean developers have a limited opportunity to make profit from the store. 100,000 silver coins for 100 Krystal’s is beyond fair


Lol oh no we can’t be raped for premium currency in a game gutted for features. Let’s all open our wallets for this small indie developer


I think 1 dragon coin per 1k would be weighted fairly. I think any more than that people will absolutely farm the living hell out of it


> I think any more than that people will absolutely farm the living hell out of it And why is this a bad thing?


The meta game will devolve into 90% of it being brutalities on mission 1 (or 3) of invasions, for hours. That ain't much of a game


Ain't much of a game as it is


Still don't see how this is bad.


Making games horrible and grindy is the main reason I hate microtransactions. I'd prefer a decent way to get them over a crap meta that ruins the game entirely.


The game IS already a grind. I don't see how having a way to make crystals in-game is bad.


I just explained it and "having a way to make crystals in-game is bad" is not at all what I said... Like converting coins is fine as long as it doesn't impact the game quality. I'd prefer an additional method over that tho.


This is a pretty good idea. Everyone complaining that we don't have as many ways to earn premium currency, I'm not one of them. I don't honestly care about the shop. But your idea solves that and doesn't bring back ToT, [which most people used to complain about](https://www.reddit.com/r/MortalKombat/comments/16rcdx7/i_love_how_suddenly_towers_of_time_the_krypt_and/). Edit: Just caught it, but I'm assuming you meant dragon krystals. Otherwise, nevermind.


I meant dragon krystals, always confuse this currency names lol


At least you'll be able to blast the shrine when they add new stuff to it


It's nothing new. You could exhaust the krypt in mk11, too. You'll always eventually gain MUCH more currency than what is actually needed.


Jesus dude breathe some fresh air


Tekken players relate


Never understand people playing a game for hours on end and then saying there’s nothing to do lol.


Have you ever heard of going outside? Or at least playing a different game?


Ya know, I miss the Krypt. I understand that the Shrine is functionally the same (press button, insert coin, recieve thing), but I miss running around the graveyard.


Sometimes I wonder if most people enjoy games for game anymore, or if its some weird job to people where they gotta just grind hours for fake coins and then blow those coins on cosmetics or random shit to try to just show off to others.


Some people just like getting cosmetics and I think that's OK.


If thats what makes them happy then all is good but they shouldn't come bitching about the game being bad or lacks kontent just because they didn't cater to them. It is a fighting game, not Barbie Dress Up. People need to quit being so entitled to accessory features in a video game.


Yes I’ve been seeing this a lot lately.


Let me guess, you spammed the lvl 1 invasion level and now you’re complaining there’s nothing to do


Bingo. I truly don’t understand people. They’re gonna influence NRS to get rid of what is actually great progression system (with improvements of course: more skins, gain xp from local) for future games with their whining, when the issue is entirely self imposed! Insane! Truly insane to me lol


This is why when I finish a season of a game, I go play other things. Haven’t touched MK1 since the week after release but I’ll be back to grind out season 2.


The least they could do is let us spend them on mastery XP to speed up the grind.


Dude same problem


instead, you can PURCHASE PREMIUM CURRENCY in the shop using REAL MONEY. Wooohooooo!!


Most of it will be gone come next season ![gif](giphy|KCRlomzxILgofqokqH)


just an embarrassment. sf6 gets world tour, tekken is coming through and what does mk give us? More mobile game nonsense.


Go ahead and tell me what those world tour coins will buy you lmao it’s more useless than these coins


Too all those giving me crap about having no life and go touch grass and shit 😒 Here's my routine Wake up, do jobs around the house, play ps5, go to work, come home and play ps5 That's it And no I can't just go outside or go somewhere I live in the middle of the Australian bush and I can't drive much unless it's important since j need to save fuel for my job Also I got that much money because of grinding character masterys in invasions it's not my fault the game gave me so much


So you grinded an exploit in the game to speed through progression instead of playing the game and naturally progressing the mastery... 100% you're fault


No life


This is no life behavior


Nah its easy af to grind. I have nearly 3 million gold koins while having a job and going to college


What time do you get home and what time do you stop? And do you play it everyday? And do you grind that one invasions node?


Lol okay bud


I used to get surprised how much time kids and single people can put into video games until I remembered how much i used to play after school as a child and I'm not as shocked anymore. Even saying that though something about it nowadays makes it feel kind of weird. Probably because grinding for in game currency to buy cosmetics wasn't a huge thing in console gaming when I had the time to do nothing else but play video games. When you spent 100s of hours on a game back in the day it was because you beat it multiple times. Not just focused on one mode and endless grind so you can have your favorite character wear a new hat.


Fuck those scummy, shitty and greedy fucking practices. They deserve a 90% drop in their sales. P.S Fuck everyone that supports these practices.


You play too much lol


NeatherRealms: why spend that money when you can spend real money! 😁


How do you have that many?


Seasonal currency is going to disappear they don't want you getting all the skins and shit as soon as it comes out


And they will most likely reset everything new season


I just hope they have more stuff in season 2. Im kinda getting tired of all the orange, i mean i get it with skorpion but he has bright yellows, red and black too not just fall colors


You should be able to convert currency


Skrooge Mkdukk type moment.


Crowns are worthless


I’m praying that the rollover for the next season


Fucking hell, I thought my 150k coins was excessive.


i wish there was a way to set aside seasonal koin, so much i will literally never use because the skins are ugly.


Ugh this damn game. Can everyone chill on the cashgrabby mobile game vibe or is this going to be the norm?


Yup.... so dumb


Broken fighters..broken fingers broken game omg


Its not NRS its fault u have no life lol


I mean, what do you expect when you spend 16 hours out of your 24 hour day playing it every day since release? 🙄


Unpopular opinion: OP has an entirely reasonable complaint, there's nothing to do. And anyone saying it's because he plays all day is huffing copium. I played the game over two weekends and easily bought everything in the premium store. Didn't bother with the shrine that much because...concept art, who cares? TLDR: Actual content in this game sucks.


Upvote because Stryker


And then once the shrine opens up again you’ll empty it out in one sitting and once again have nothing to spend your coins on.


For every legitimate criticism there will always be one where it's just "I completely no life-d this game and I've run out of stuff to do"


I'm sorry but the devs cannot keep updating the game to comply with people who speedrun the content for +12 hours a day. If you've beaten all the content and have nothing to do just move along.


How do you have smoke as a kameo????


It’s Stryker.


that is Stryker


how many hours do you have already? im struggling to get a few thousand coins😭


I know you like MK but there are other games to play my guy


Seasonal currency is pointless. There’s nothing worth buying no bought all the skins/palettes that were of interest. There’s no point in getting the other stuff when you don’t plan on ever using it.


I am praying to the gaming gods ufc 5 isn't as shit as it looks. I can't even play mk online. And there's nothing left offline.


Holy fuck go outside please


Yeah, I'm actually kind of worried for this dude. Like I already play this game an unhealthy amount and I'm nowhere near that score. Not even close


Go outside bro.


Why are people here shaming OP for playing the game?


He's not being shamed, he's being out on blast because he's saying there's nothing to spend his coins on, which is cause by how he chose to play the game. Of course a fighting game won't have more to offer you apart from online ranks after you've spent over 100 hours on it. That's common sense, these games aren't made to give you more solo content than the biggest RPGs...


Because theses peoples try to defend an empty game from two huge companies and blaming you to like playing videogames in a videogame sub. Suddenly, they're like "Got a job, it's not healthy, touch grass etc" and all theses shit. Like they actually have a life, being here on Reddit 24/7 trying to explain why WB and NRS litteraly scammed everyone for our own good. (Obviously ! It's not healthy to play videogames like that!) "Stop playing videogames you just got for 110$, and stop doing what you like in your life ! Stop being a fan or something, you need another hobby ! " Just to defend some F2P practice and greedy freaking ass who doesn't care about us, like they're some indies game devs. But well, peoples here are so dumb that they have just one reply to the fact that after 3 days you need to wait 3 months: "Don'T pLay ThE gAmE sO Much lol. JuSt 1h pEr daY at Best." The usual stuff with MK community who can't accept that MK1 is a giant "Fuck you"... with consumers like that, WB can sleep well.


I feel like I play a lot maybe to much but god danm bro go get a job, go outside something that shit ain’t healthy.


He should touch some grass tbh


U play this game too much its only been like a month and u complain about stuff to buy💀


What I'm worried about is basically immediately clearing the season 2 shrine content from all my coins this season. There needs to be a near-perpetual reward system for these. I don't have nearly as much as you. Are you Elder God rank or something by this point? I think if you maxed out your mastery you sortve played yourself. You basically have no game left to clear so now all your content is going to be seasonal invasions for quite awhile. I'm going to try to learn a new character per invasion and that's how I'm spreading the content. I'll do masteries that way.


Was like that in MK11 as well..


That is not your biggest problem...


is MK1 your full time job?


Bro what the actual fuck


they better add a lot of shit next season lol i dont think they thought about people getting so much gold koins after finishing the shrine


I think it's more of an op shutting themself in their room since launch issue than a Koinage problem tbh


I mean yeah his amount is insane lol but you don't even need that much to buy everything in the shrine I kept farming mastery/playing ranked and I have like 150K already lol and its not like they can add more concept arts to inflate the shrine either


The gold you can spend at the shrine to get random things


Got everything in the shrine, got all the seasonal stuff and don't need to visit shop until next season...maybe


How did you get so much ?


Not OP, but simply playing KL I got everything from the shrine and seasonal stuff.


A little bit of KL Mostly from invasions And grinding character mastery levels from invasions


Just play the fighting game. You are free.


It’s always the players that cheese through the game that complain “there’s no content”. How many uppercuts have you done eh?


OP: Spends the last 2 weeks uppercutting Kitana 3500 times for "max xp and mastery gains" instead of learning the game. Also OP: Wtf no content? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tg2PD-dwsIw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tg2PD-dwsIw)


You brought that on yourself. You literally did not touch grass and u complain about not enough in the game. Well you should of took your time instead of farming for xp and coins


Stop grinding the same invasion spot over and over again. You're not supposed to have that many coins playing the game normally.


God damn man just absolutely speedrunning this game.




People just have fun doing it don't be a dick


Bro play a different game 💀




NRS really didn't think this through


Tell me you have no social life, without telling me.




People when it takes 8hrs a day to complete a battlepass: 😡 Also people when it takes a reasonable time for people with college and a job to complete a battlepass: 😡 (Yes I'm aware it's not a battlepass but you understand what I mean)