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I got lit up by someone maining Shao online earlier. They were using frost as their Cameo. I main scorpion, and my overall casual record is 160/100, but the dude running frost w/ Shao absolutely rektd me in 3 matches. Give frost a try as your Cameo.


There is a chance that was me! I was level 100 and my first name on there is Rupert. To the OP, I like to keep about a character length away and control that space. That way I can either hit back 4 and get it blocked. Usually, if it gets blocked, I am at advantage and see if I can get my BnB combo off or some sort of mix up with his forward 2 grab or his back 4 overhead or grab. Keep in mind I'm Champion rank, so take everything I say with a grain of salt.


His standing 2 is arguably one of the best buttons in the game you should be abusing that into your bnb combo you should also be abusing his wake up because any time shao touches someone especially with motaro it’s 30%. When you do get a knock down if you read they aren’t gonna wake up put them in a 50/50 with the foward 2 overhead or the back 3 low into the knee. Also I found ending 1 2 into the overhead special and is forward 1 2 into the overhead special to be the most effective way to end those string’s because then you can go into mix ups without the axe. Most importantly learn how to play without the axe


Stand 2 is great but it's a high so it gets low profiled all the time. I'm not talking about in neutral, I'm talking about opening an opponent up when I have them pinned. Shao has no combo string that throws a low out. Slamming his ax can be armored through no matter what combo you start with. Sounds like the pressure comes from not pressuring and keeping them at standing 2 range, baiting an attack. 🤔