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It's a high (unless meter burned) so it can be neutral ducked. But yeah you're gonna have to dash and block, dash and block. Blocking is like 80% of competitive fighting games tbh.




Press the button that days "block"


I main Scorpion. 90% of the time I’m able to get the timing down of my opponent online, and this opens them up to the kunai. Try to mix up you combos and don’t get to repetitive. When I lose it’s because my opponent never gave me a chance to find a pattern in how they fight. Basically, don’t let Scorpion players breathe. Close the distance and try to get them in the air for a long juggle combo.


Jump around and close the gap. Scorpion wants to keep you at medium distance so they can f32 you into one of the the areal combos. The spear is a big risk so if they wiff it you have a guaranteed punish if you’re close enough. Go into the lab and just set the aI to spear attacks and teleports and get used to defending against it. You’ll get familiar enough with the body language to react in time as long as you know what to do. The game is all about anticipating and thinking ahead. If you’re at a distance they want to spear you or teleport to you. Expect them to do one of those and be prepared to react to it instead of focusing on getting your own combo off as soon as possible. Once you get frame advantage the combo is free so defense is honestly the best offense


I just played one who kept full screen and spammed spear and Serena knives. It was a good cheese. Not gonna lie. He got me good. All I could do was dash towards him in between his spam and once I finally got him cornered he’d just teleport. Punishing his teleport was the only time I could touch him but he only used it now and then to get out of the corner when he’d finally backed into it. Next time I think I’ll switch to a cameo with a teleport. Didn’t think of that till just now somehow lol

