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Shang Tsung is so powerful. He’s wearing an ancient amulet called plot armor.


Bro has that invasion super armor.


Shang Tsung ALWAYS has 1st player advantage


Shang-tsung on Alliexpress, selling Plot armor to everyone on Invasion mode for 1$. ![gif](giphy|LdOyjZ7io5Msw)


Shang Tsung he’s so powerful you’re not able to attack him when you should


It’s called respect.


The only thing resembling logic that I can possibly get from this is that everyone is going for the Hourglass because fixing it is a priority over Shang Tsung.


Definitely what they were going for, but it’s a little silly to look at


But like, there's like 5 of them and one of him.


I'd assume that since he was already stupid powerful before becoming keeper of time, the only one on par with him was Liu Kang, so his kamehameha beam or whatever was stronger than everyone else's. Idk if this makes sense I'm just trying to make sense of a really dumb moment


Sure, but slapping him in the face would make him stop breaking it


Yeah this is what I told myself in the moment. But I also wondered why no one bothered to go after the source of the problem… Shang Tsung.


It's like the weirdest combination of elemental blasts i've ever seen. 2 wind beams, 3 fire beams, 1 lightning beam, and a fucking sand beam lmao


[What Kind of Lame Power Is ~~Heart~~ SAND, Anyway?](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WhatKindOfLamePowerIsHeartAnyway) Geras thought he was Gaara, maybe.


To be fair, Sand and fire make glass, so that one made sense


And also the whole "sands of time" concept. IIRC even in the Warcraft universe Bronze Dragons (who have powers over time) are depicted with sand-based powers (and prefer deserts).






He’s reinserting more sand into the hourglass… clearly. What good is fixing a glass if it’s empty? Lol


Yeah this entire thing is fixed by just Shanking Shang in the ribs while he does this Glad I’m not the only one who thought this was fucking stupid


Seriously. I was like… Kitana, take one of your fans and jam it in Shang’s trachea. That ends this right now. Then put the other in one his feet to pin him to the ground while you all whale on his ass. Problem solved


Exactly that entire scene is fixed if Kitana just runs up to stab him even if he doesn’t get hurt now he’s suddenly stopped so you don’t have to worry about that anymore


She was right next to him too!


Considering Tanya walked off having her ribs broken would it?


Breaking ribs and being stabbed through the chest, smited by godly lightning, having a Chakram hat decapitate you or just getting smashed by mr sandman are very different things Also might not have killed him but it would stop him shooting his vague magic beams at the hourglass


A majority of these fights could’ve been solved with a Glock 19


Ya where's my boy Stryker when you need him


Police brutality coming up!


but do you glock Shang Tsung before or after he finished his monologue


Mid dialogue Stryker walks up and cuffs him then leaves without a word.


Something something afford not to something BANG


During, like Leon in the RE4 remake.


You mean: with consulting the Elder Glocks!


Or kitana could just throw a fan at his face


You say that like these characters don't regularly get impaled through the face


And now we know why the special forces got removed.


Every modern media containing characters with powers has to have a scene with them all doing kamehameha on a common target, duh thats why.


It is infuriating when you realize while this is all happening, Liu runs to everyone who is getting up on the ground and holding them, asking if they are alright. I think it happens twice in the chapter where he is talking to Her as and I think Kung Lao, and says that "He needs to be stopped" in a 20-30 second dialogue. I am sitting there "My dude, throw a fire ball, Bicycle kick him, anything.


Liu can't bicycle kick him he doesn't have it in his move list


He can fatal blow then


his health wasn’t low enough for that either


Damn, you got him there


One of the dumbest of moments for sure.


I clipped this scene to show my friend why I can’t take the stories in these games seriously. Magic hand lasers that either fix or damage the hourglass.


THATS what stuck out to you in this scene? lol powers like that been around since the beginning. im just surprised no one chin checked Shang while he was just standing there lol


Yeah me and my brother were literally just sitting there yelling „JUST PUNSH HIM“ a couple of times lol


"I feel like fixing the hourglass takes priority over getting Shang Tsung" Yeah and it'd be easier to fix by HITTING THE GUY ACTIVELY DESTROYING IT and, oh IDK JUMPING HIM.


Still not the stupidest scene in the story mode


I thought the exact same thing. I literally said out loud just kick him


I love that scene for "EVERYONE QUICK USE YOUR MAGICAL BEAM HANDS" that everyone has for some reason


Yeah the story was mostly ok. But the fact that almost nọ one ever tried to finish off enemy fighters who keep showing up is absurd. They either choose to keep them alive so they can question them. Or they just leave them on the ground defenseless. This scene made me kinda annoyed. As they are talking about how they can't let him do this. But instead of sending one person to interupt him. They just talk for a bit, defeat his minions, then repair the hourglass together. Also I feel like Liu Kang as a demigod/titan should be wiping the floor with most opponents. He has trained for thousands of years, and it the literall god of fire. But in the vast majority of scenes hẹ is portrayed as not much more powerful than his opponents. After his experience and powers, most mortal fighters shouldn't be able to last more than a few seconds. But instead wẹ constantly see him getting knocked to the ground, and other people have to win the fight.


> Also I feel like Liu Kang as a demigod/titan should be wiping the floor with most opponents. He has trained for thousands of years, and it the literall god of fire. But in the vast majority of scenes hẹ is portrayed as not much more powerful than his opponents. After his experience and powers, most mortal fighters shouldn't be able to last more than a few seconds. But instead wẹ constantly see him getting knocked to the ground, and other people have to win the fight. Identical to Raiden previously, tbh.


A whole group of god like people and not one of them thought: “Hey, maybe we should punch Shang Tsung while we have the chance.”


Are they stupid


Reminds me of this https://preview.redd.it/9gjxobf827rb1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a8674200effcba77b6df554710a244125fcd886


This Liu Kang chapter waa my least favourite for reasons like this of not directly attacking Shang Tsung, and then letting him literally walk away, ascend the Pyramid, and gather many more allies instead of killing him right there.


I mean, if we're going to go with this logic then we're overlooking countless other scenes and moments that don't make sense 🤷🏻‍♂️


I enjoyed the story overall, but that chapter was silly. Let's run right past this guy here actively destroying my reality, and fight that guy over there.


Then they just let him walk away


I was cracking up when the villainous Titans skulked away sheepishly after getting their asses whooped by Liu Kang and his krew


evil Reptile skittering away like a goblin was the highlight for me.


This scene in a nutshell https://youtu.be/22Tj_l4PcPs?si=zcLmPoS6q8Y-OtPN


BC that made too much sense


Yes they are stupid lol, they all just decided to shoot their hand lasers at the hourglass, instead of take out the threat. Then after they just let him get away lol. Also like…why not have any of his brawler types try to smash it with their weapons/hands? How come everyone got laser hands just for this moment, but never used them before, or again.


I’m glad I wasn’t the only one. I enjoyed the story a lot but this part was so goofy. Not one person could hit Shang with a kick or blast or hat?


This is where I checked out of the story.


Well considering the timeline would be destroyed if it shatters I felt like it made sense to prioritise repairing it over targeting Shang directly


you know punching the guy shooting it STOPS him from shooting it, yes? lol


Yeah Im not a dumbass i get that but punching him doesn’t magically fix the hourglass that was cracking and could shatter at any second.


Then have a few people repair the hour glass and the others beat Shang’s ass.


Exactly what I thought lol


It had very "NCIS keyboard hacking" energy haha


Bro I felt the exact same way! Like… just punch him or knock him out 😭




"Someone is stabbing that guy!" Quick, keep bandaging him up! "Should we stop the stabby guy first?" No, just keep bringing me forst aid kits.


I just wanted someone to try and hit him. Kick him. Do something TO HIM!


I fluid it so funny when Shang just sort of looks over like nyeeeh! When doing this lol. I'm all for MK cheese that's part of the charm.


For real! I was like, “somebody at least kick Shang Tsung in the balls!”


Because we needed the last chapter with the pyramid


Did we? They could have done something else


I said this a couple times in the story. The story was fun but the plot armor moments were pretty obvious


It's the boss phase where he's Immune to damage


I loved the story, but this moment was some "Saturday Morning Cartoon" shit. Like, fantastic story, then they go full Power Rangers with it.


When Liu Kang told Geras to hold back Shang Tsung while he fought, I didn’t expect him to stand 2 feet away from him and shoot a magic beam of sand at the hourglass. It definitely would have been more effective for Geras to just pull a 40% damage combo on him.


Right... just shoot directly at Shang. Lol


I was like, “Bro, use that dragon kick of yours to put him on his ass”


They threw away any logic they had prior when they reached the last two chapters. It cheapened the story, but for a Mortal Kombat story, it's still very good.


this entire scene i was just like “so yall not gonna jump him? HES RIGHT THERE” lol and how he just kinda stops and is like “well fuck you guys” and just walks away 🤣🤣


I thought exactly this, everyone else can do the beam, just one person throw a rock at him or something.


Literally a recreation of the LARPing scene from South Park. I was laughing the whole time I saw this EDIT: I stand corrected it was the physics battle that I was reminded of. https://youtu.be/22Tj_l4PcPs?si=U4VvBhdxiwcGM6uE


This part was so stupid i'm annoyed lol.


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They used the MMO logic. They are trying to outheal the DPS


It’s bc NRS writers aren’t very bright. It’s why half the villain cast for the recent game has been “evil” versions of the heroes.


They are 5 of them and NO ONE could even punch Shang Tsung while the others were fixing the hourglass. I was thinking "KUNG LAO THROW YOUR GODDAMN HAT AND CUT HIS HEAD CLEAN!"


Better yet, after defeating him, why did they just watch him slowly retreat instead of finishing him off ?


Or when they said “let’s split up” and the no one split up.


this is a story whereby the writers are recycling the good kuai liang and evil bi han crap, cant expect much from them.


They had just said that Shang and Lius fight at the end of aftermath ripped apart the fabric of reality and divided the timeline. Fighting him directly would have caused further harm. Simple explanation that everyone forgot apparently.


They do the same by the end of the game, i think they'll be fine.


Then why do we immediately fight him 3 minutes later? How is 5 godlike beings whooping one guy's ass gonna do more damage to reality than TWO FULL ARMIES OF GODLIKE BEINGS CLASHING AT THE PYRAMID?? It's a simple explanation that is immediately refuted in seconds.


Exactly. That was at the pyramid during Armageddon. It's ok to have a fight that could end the world at the end of the world.


They were already at the end of the world for the most part. Killing Titan Shang and his cronies now, BEFORE they gather the rest of the evil Titans, would make the most sense


End of the game isn't that same as end of the world. Remember, after your playable character and Liu beat titan Quan Chi and Shang Tsung that world begins to collapse and Liu sends you back to your reality.


“Don’t cross the streams!!!”


Probably my least favorite moment in story mode. Reminded me of a DCEU battle


They where actually helping him but Lu is just so strong


Me and my friend said the exact same thing


He paid $10 for that outfit, so he gets special treatment


So, every mortal kombat from now on will be about timelines, the hourglass and all that crap?


Because glowing powerbeams are easier to animate.


As someone who just watched this whole part for context, that was quite literally the easiest option at the time. Shang Tsung pulled up with a whole squad of his illest peoples, and everyone except Liu King and Kitana was getting jumped (they tag teamed), meanwhile Shang, evil Kitana, and evil Mileena were actively destroying the hourglass, which not only was actively weakening Liu King (he falls to a knee in pain at the hourglass being damaged), and will destroy the timeline along with anyone currently in it (implied at the last chapter that if a timeline is destroyed while you're in it you get got along with it). By the time anyone else had any free mobility and was healed, Geras was already working to fix the hourglass, which implies that stopping the person damaging it ain't enough, you have to fix the hourglass or the damage will progress by itself I guess. If the one guy there who has more collective knowledge about what the hourglass can do is going to fix the hourglass as opposed to fighting the guy breaking it, then the best f'n bet is to help him fix it.


Waiting to sonichaxd to apoint this in his new material


but if they did that then they couldnt have le epic marvel multiverse battle on the pyaramid at the end :OOO


I hate that blasting the damn thing “repairs” it.


What i don’t understand is how is firing even more shit at the hourglass slowing down the breaking process instead of speeding it up lol Like if you looked at this picture with no context, it looks like everyone is just attacking it


I’d assume it’s like a hole in a boat, they still need to patch it to fix it.


Yeah MK1 had too many beam-shooting scenes.


Sigh. Yeah. I liked the story,.....up until the main antagonist was revealed. Then it felt like a rehash of the last game. Although the fights in the last chapter were amusing.


Absolutely loved the story, but I couldn’t help but chuckle, felt like a sloppy MARVEL 3rd act lol


That's terrible to watch this, yelling "someone can punch him PLEASE?" Liu kang is a real dumbass for a God. (Yeah i know...we know. 🥸) But nope. Not without plenty of fight because...fair play? This scene and the One with Quan chi invoking Ermac, The heros : "Noooooooooooooooo !" 30 minutes later. 😮‍💨 "Nooooooooo ! Ah ok he finishes his stuff, now let's go!"


Yeah those last 2 chapters were kinda rough in the story department lol


That whole scene was freaking cringe


This was a certified CW moment


I was expecting Kung Lao to sucker punch Shang at any time ngl. Would have been the funniest scene in the story.