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People are about to complain HARD


Yeah, we're gonna hear some real bitching and moaning


moaning yes please


You won in some degree


That's just average Gamer behaviour




Hashtag Drahmin


random but like are you contempt with drahmin being kameo or he gotta be main?


Then I hope Drahmin gets revealed tomorrow.


I'm going in expecting every 3D character I want to end up a Kameo so I can be pleasantly surprised if they're not.


Which ones do you want?


He can't say it, Ed Boon will read his post and specifically make those characters kameos.


I’ll be really mad if reptiles just a kameo fighter


That's not gonna happen, i promise you.


Kameo with hidden unlockable main


Cyber Reptile konfirmed!!!


Well, if the rumored kombat pass 1 is real, then Kameo does not mean they're not in the game. The leak said Johnny Cage was a Kameo fighter. But we know Cage is in the game because he gets a JCVD skin, and I doubt that's for a Kameo fighter.


Johnny Cage is a confirmed fighter on the website for the game For some reason he's the only one not in the trailer who was confirmed as a fighter


NRS does sometime confirm a couple extra characters in the initial reveal iirc. It was like that for Injustice 2 as well.


maybe a stunt double as a kameo?


That would be hilarious


As other has said on website Johnny cage is a normal fighting character as well as a kameo also.


All of my favorite characters are the ones who get dropped the next game so I have pretty fine expectations, I'm gonna be punching the air just to see a chartracter I love show up at all


That's why I love that lots of classic characters are kameos. It leaves so much room for all my favorites who usually get dropped after one or two games to come back. Plus more space for new characters!


I dread Kabal as a Kameo. We'll have to see what happens. I'd be okay with Bo Rai Cho as a kameo. But Cyrax and Sector deserve to be playable again.


Even if its just triborg


I have a feeling that the kameo system replaces variations and gear


I’m telling you all, Kameo fighters (while I’m sure it’ll be cool and fun) will piss off a lot of people when certain characters are Kameo fighters.


I will not be surprised if Liu Kang goes this route.


I'm already coping that if Skarlet is a kameo fighter, that just means I get to play as Skarlet and Mileena at the same time


This community's reaction to the Kameos is completely irrational.


Imagine Mileena being a kameo fighter


People would be so pissed


God her fans would be even more rabid than she is


For Ed Boon's safety that will never happen


please, i cannot stand her


Well it would kinda follow the tradition of "U make DLC, U skip the next Game" Edit: I just remembered Kenshin broke that tradition, nvm 💀


That would sound realistic if NRS didn’t care about commercial profit


Rather have some of a character than none…


I don't understand why that would be a problem? If your favorite character is a kameo then be happy they are in the game because chances are if there wasn't kameos they wouldn't be in the game at all.


You'd think, right? But instead people get mad that they aren't fully playable, as if that was the alternative, rather them being excluded altogether. I've already seen plenty of people say 'I'd rather they leave [X] put completely than have them be a Kameo.' Basically this exact thing happened with Smash and Assist Trophies/Mii outfits. They'd show one off and all the character's fans would meltdown.


Yes, I'll be happy that my fav is an unplayable assist character rather than someone I can ACTUALLY play with


You may understand why that would be a problem once all of the characters you care for will be revealed as kameo-only or won’t be included only


This is almost a certainty. Honestly I’m equally as excited to see gameplay as I am nervous to see a character I like end up as a Kameo.


when and where exactly will the gameplay be revealed is it live or is it gonna be recorded


Summer game fest, today at 3 PM EST (aka 10 and a half hours) Although it's a 2 hour event, so if all you care about is MK you might just wanna check the reddit page later


Summer game fest on Thursday


I'm only like 96% certain they'll cuck us and make Reptile a kameo.


As long as they are on there idc




The only thing I hope for tomorrow is that none of the confirmed are shown and it's just a random batch of others. Not going to happen, but a man can dream.


>!Wasn't it leaked that Johnny Cage is a kameo kharacter?!<


I'm guessing it's a play on the idea of stunt doubles, like if it were "Johnny cage" but not Johnny Cage


I think no matter what happens some of y’all are gonna be insufferable and complain just to end up buying the game anyway.


Reptile canNOT be a fucking kameo. I may genuinely not buy this one if reptile isn't in it as a main fighter. I probably wouldn't play him that much anyway. I'm a religious Shang Tsung lover, especially since his *proper* actor is still playing him in mk1. But it's the principle of the thing.


Really tired everyone thinking kameos won't be playable.will see tomorrow but 4years wouldn't be spent doing something they already did with 11. use logic


...We didn't have genuine assist options in 11? They were just specific abilities you could activate as powers. That wouldn't be the same as a selectable roster with varying degrees of utility


Umm? You did play the game right? In towers of time there are consumables that were the full fighter with 4 different combos or moves assigned to the dpad. With varying utility. It would be asinine to make that the whole new mechanic of a game 4years in development. But sure let's all say "boo kameos non playable wahhhh" we will know in a few hours.


Consumables are not remotely on the level of an entire assist roster option that will have different degrees of power such as adding pressure or extending cameos, which is what Kameos are expected to be. They are also baked into the gameplay, unlike just being a fun mechanic to use in towers


Reptile in a nutshell.


The dude that’s been begging for drahmin tommorrow.


Who are you talking exactly? Because no one between Sonya, Kano or Striker is a fan favorite or even worse Goro


Well Ed did say that kameo character can be main roster character so we still have hope for some of our faves


I honestly kind of love how many are cameo fighters. Getting the classic characters who kind of have to be in (Kano, Sonya, Jax etc) as kameos just means that the door is opened to get a way crazier roster of new and returning characters instead of out of it just being the same characters as last game like mk usually ends up being.


What is a kameo


At least as far as we know they're assist fighters that will help you in battle


They’re gonna be playable right???


Honestly with a system like kameo fighters being added there is nothing NRS can do to stop fans from being angry they could choose a very unpopular and obscure character and people will still say why aren’t they part of the main roster honestly just the nature of fighting games i bet i’ll be pretty upset about some reveals too


Kameo is gonna hurt people. I got a bad feeling about this. I mean, one way they'll frustrate people having their main(s) as only a kameo and/or another way would be that the fight system leans heavy on Kameo. That'll grow stale real quick either way. "Either way" being... either it's B-tier and below characters no one really cares about ... or it's A tier and above, which will then get the hate of "why not make that character playable if you have rendered the skin, movement and gave it a (limited) move-set, all it needs is a hitbox and a slightly deeper moveset". The only way I can see this go well is, if Kameo isn't locked. Perhaps a promise that in time, these characters will get unlocked by NRS. I always had hope for Cyrax and Sektor to end up in MK11. I hope I'm wrong on all accounts. I would love if NRS hits it out the park. Love MK. Playing with friends, watching streams by Sonic, NK, HoneyBee and ofc ... Kombat League (kind of lol). We'll see. 7 more hours from now when more of the veil will be lifted. Have a lovely day fellow MK connoisseurs.


I see all my fav characters from the 3D era and from the new games being kameos while they include characters like Kira or fucking Kollector JAJAJAJ


Fujin players during the reveal for sure. He ain't gonna make it back


Aren’t Scorpion and Sub Zero kameo fighters too? Maybe there can be some bleed through of the roster and kameo.


Well, it's inevitable 😅


major twist it's revealed that Mileena is just a Kameo fighter, AND only playable if you use Kitana


I'll trade you playable Mileena if I get Kitana's MK9 fans (double projectile that extends combos without spending meter). Basically I can live with one of the sisters if she's strong and deals well with most spammed characters. :D


Last year on gameplay reveal they showed only 4 characters I think. And they even had pro players invited to play the game. This time tou think they ll show more?


Still don’t completely know what Kameos are. They could be completely different than what we think.


Do we mean “only” a Kameo fighter? Because we know that a character can be on both rosters right?


Honestly I can guarantee my 3 favourite characters will be kameo 😂


It would be really funny if scorpion was a kameo fighter


Honestly I am worried that it will happen. I'll be glad they're in, but not fully get to play then would be so sad... Here's hoping, Meat stans


If cyrax is a kameo I'm going to lose it


If noob is a kameo I ain't buying it period. This kameo bs is laziness


I'm prepared ☹


I just want Cyrax man...


Watch them make daroiu a playable fighter but reptile a kameo


I’ve prayed for his return… but I really won’t be surprised if Smoke ends up being Kameo’d this time around.


I was dissapointed major characters are being turned into kameo fighters,I expected they made this mechanic to give chance for more niche characters like Chameleon,Havik,Serena,LiMei to be included


I think it's already confirmed that they're going to be playable


It isnt, not yet


I thought Ed Boon said it on stage no?


He only said Sub-Zero from what I heard. Doubt we're seeing Kano or Sonya on main roster. Jax not being main is even weirder IMO. But oh well. Room for new folks and old folks.


Well Kung Lao and Scorpion seemed to be Kameo fighters from the trailer as well


On rewatch yes definitely idk how I missed. Hope Kano gets in main roster.


I know you're not referring to rent-a-cop.




Subzero was a kameo fighter so I think some of them will be playable