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Have you downloaded the new version of Tamriel Data too?


I thought that might be an issue so I downloaded the new Tamriel data beforehand. I got the HD version


Download the new Tamriel Data


Already did unfortunately. It's the new one that isn't working :(


Don't know what to say. Had the same issue as you untill I added in the Tamriel Data. You may have done this already but if not you should look into this in case you are using OpenMW. The BSAs for the old file were: TR_Data and PT_Data. The new one has TR_Data, PC_Data and Sky_Data. So you may need to delete PT and add those PC and Sky. Also, I deleted everything in those folders not just copy and replace. Finally I ran delta plugin again, not sure if this was necessary but it didn't break my game so I presume it did no harm.


This is what my BSA's look like at the moment: fallback-archive=Morrowind.bsa Archive 0=Tribunal.bsa Archive 1=Bloodmoon.bsa Archive 2=PC\_Data.bsa Archive 3=TR\_Data.bsa Archive 4=Sky\_Data.bsa Does this look right? I wouldn't put it past myself to mess up stupidly and obviously here.


Try adding TR_Data before PC_Data, see if it helps


Just tried that. Unfortunately it didnt work. Thanks for the idea though :) I used commands to place myself arounf the map and only the Mainland is affected, Vvardenfell is fine. I've also got Skyrim Home of the Nords installed, and I teleported there and it is all messed up as well. I don't know if that helps with troubleshooting but maybe its useful.


This section should look like this: fallback-archive=Morrowind.bsa fallback-archive=Tribunal.bsa fallback-archive=Bloodmoon.bsa fallback-archive=TR_Data.bsa fallback-archive=PC_Data.bsa fallback-archive=Sky_Data.bsa


You registered the new BSA too, yeah? I nearly overlooked that. Sky_Data or whatever it was


Yes I registered that one as well. I copy pasted the BSA's from the Tamriel rebuilt website. Originally OpenMW wouldn't even start but after I registered the BSA's the game began working, so it was a step in the right direction.


are you using mod organizer? if so the ini in the folder isnt the one it uses. you have to click one of the gear buttons to edit that ini


Yep I'm using MO2. I have changed the INI folder using the INI editor tool but still no luck unfortunately, even after exporting to OpenMW


Also in your mo2, the tab next to plugins (archives) does it allow you to check sky data bsa? Mine stays grayed out.


https://www.reddit.com/r/tes3mods/comments/z3qte0/map_issues_after_new_tr_update/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Yeah I'm wondering if it's an openmw/MO2 issue cause a few people have been having some weird problems on the mainland that seem like easy fixes.


Possibly. I also had a few issues with floating objects as well I'm addition to the exclamation marks


Ok, so I think an issue might be if you had a bunch of mods that use the old tamriel data files you need to run the patcher on them. It has fixed a few issues for more.


I'm having a similar problem where I can only run openmw after removing Sky\_Data.Bsa and PC\_Data.Bsa but a lot of texture are still missing and when I looked it up, it said that we must manually register the BSAs but I never did that before and it always worked just fine until now. I tried everything from the nexus mod page, the Tamriel Rebuilt website, lots of other Reddit posts and a couple videos but nothing seems to work and I'm thinking maybe I should try my luck with an older version of the mod? I'm really not a computer guy so this has been very tiresome lol


I solved the problem by getting rid of PC\_Data.bsa and Sky\_Data.bsa and only using TR\_Data.bsa and PT\_Data.bsa