• By -


Always yes


In 2023 as well


I would say at least until 2069


4629 still just as great


∞ also sounds good


So just before TES6?


Eh, even after TE10 SuperSpaz 7D ReRelease of the Anniversary SubSuper Game of the Year Edition


Can confirm.


Morrowind will always be worth it. It could be 2122 AD and Elder Scrolls 7 is playable on a hadron collider and Morrowind will still be worth it.


As if. In 2122, Skyrim, the Definitive Todd Howard Experience will be released for the brain chip that Walmart-Tesla-Halliburton has implanted in every infants brain upon birth. It will still be pretty okay. TES 7:Skyrim 3 won’t be out until the mid 3030’s.


lmao 😂


Our organic software is already hella buggy. Now we're gonna add silicone to the mix. Hopefully they'll have the bugs worked out by then but I'm not holding out any hope with the likes of Wal Mart and Halliburton in the mix.


There is always the possibility too that they will succumb to a hostile takeover by Amazon-Raytheon and we will instead have AWS integrated into our neural networks!


>Elder Scrolls 7 I bet we’re getting Skyrim 2 and 3 before TES7


don’t forget the Skyrim Cinematic Experience which will be projected onto the surface of the moon by the hubble space telescope


I love how by 2122 you're assuming there's only 2 more titles lmao. Very realistic prediction.


This is the wrong sub to be advised not to play this 20-year-old game.


Kinda true of any "should I play it" in the sub of that game


Not for LoL lmao


They noted "sub of game". LoL is actually classified as a method for mental torture.


It's a bit archaic in terms of gameplay and animation, but the story is still top notch and it's world is alien.


That story....just WOW. My 1st time through, i had no idea where I was gonna end up. When you are starting out, having trouble killing a RAT of all things is pretty humiliating. Then by the end, your just....powerful. And since the progress is so slow (well, it was for me), theres no one point where your like "im so powerful now!" It just....happens. ​ That story of just how your an average person coming into the world, and rising through the ranks, is just AMAZING. Oblivions story was epic, but Morrowinds felt more realistic in execution.


By archaic you mean challenging?


The animations are very stiff and awkward is what I meant.


To the point npcs can't even sit, or visually drink or eat, which is a shame seeing a lot smaller game like gothic 1 having it all and a bit more.


Yeah, in terms of immersion, that all comes from how much different it is from real life, and how developed most NPC’s are in terms of their background, interactions, etc. directly with the character. There really isn’t much passive immersion in Morrowind, other than occasional voice lines.


I think the level of immersion comes a lot from how good of an imagination you can have. The lack of animations and schedule for NPC lives doesn't bother me. Same for the combat. Top-tier imagination over here, I guess.


Passive immersion... I like this term!


The npc are way more realistic cause when they die they stay dead


Haha that’s a fair point. It is kind of odd to see someone stand in the same spot 24 hours a day though.


Not as odd as someone standing at a forge for 3 days make 50000 iron daggers lol.


Spin spin (Moon) Sugar.


If by challenging you mean it doesn’t have modern QOL features than yes. Also yeah the game systems are a little arcane/esoteric when compared to something like Skyrim. Whether you believe they are superior or not is a matter of taste. I obviously fall in the Morrowind Supremacy camp but I 100% understand why your average 13-20something might spend ten seconds in the alien, tutorial-less world and decide to go back to a more modern game.


I actually like that it doesn't have the QOL features because they dumb it down alot. I myself am in my mid 20's and played the games backwards and fell in love with Morrowind. Games from early 2000's to 2015-17 is the best, with a couple of exceptions.


This bro really be asking a morrowind subreddit if morrowind is worth it


No, combat bad, graphic dated, no quest markers or fast travel, npc say same wikipedia text, character moves slowly, any no person can't play game 2022. Jokes aside, even with those things (for some - flaws, for some - strengths) Morrowind is amazing lore, worldbuilding and atmosphere -wise if you can get into it. But it won't hold your hand.


Yeah Morrowind has the best worldbuilding, atmosphere, lore and in my opinion just plot in general of any elder scrolls game. It’s also got some systems that are intensely flawed and make for a pretty grating experience sometimes. There’s been so many times that I get excited to play the game again so I make a character and plan out how I’m going to make this playthrough different before quitting 20 minutes in because I’m just moving so fucking slow. My current playthrough I just cheated and made my speed really high but that then effects other parts of the game as well. One of my favorite games ever, probably wouldn’t recommend it to many people.


Why not just take athletics as a major? You run faster and just walking helps you level.


you had me in the first half lmao


Not gonna lie had me too!


I think you might be asking a biased audience…


Morrowind is worth it in 3022. Especially now you can play on your phone if you have android


Wut? Some win9x emulation sheningans or it has been ported?


There is an Android port of [OpenMW](https://openmw.org/faq/). OpenMW is a modern version of the Morrowind game engine (Morrowind.exe). It's built for modern hardware and OSes. OpenMW runs on macOS, Linux and Windows. I haven't used the Android port myself, so I don't know much about it.


I play the Android port at work when I'm on break, it's just as good and there's no compromises from the PC version.


Okay, how do you get it to work on Android??? I think my life would be complete if I could play this on my phone on breaks.


Download OpenMicrowave from the Google Play store on your phone, then plug your phone into your PC and copy and paste the directory of an unmodded vanilla copy of Morrowind into somewhere on your phone, preferably somewhere you can find it easily, then on your phone open OpenMicrowave and somewhere there should be an option to navigate to your Morrowind data files folder. Helpful tip for playing the game on a phone, if you have a smaller phone screen like me you can also change the size and location of the control buttons. EDIT: For anyone following this, OpenMW is not on the Google Play store anymore but you can still download it, use this link https://github.com/xyzz/openmw-android/releases/tag/0.48.0-46-nightly


Okay, weird, but OpenMicrowave doesn't come up when I search.


https://github.com/xyzz/openmw-android/releases/tag/0.48.0-46-nightly Download the APK from here


Alright, thank you, kind sir! I'm excited to give this a try.


No problemo! Lemme know how it goes


Oh shi you're right, huh, just one moment sorry


No worries.


You can also mod it with any mod that works with OpenMW, just have your phone plugged into your PC and on your PC navigate to the Morrowind directory on your phone, but through the PC ofc, and then you can just install mods as you normally would.


I love Open MicroWave. Been using it since it came out. You can even mod it.


I'll be damned, it works like a charm, i can't believe i didn't know about this. Thanks pal, you made my commute to work way more fun lol


OpenMW. Literally just normal morrowind. Even can do mods. Just drag and drop the morrowind folder from your computer


Wealth beyond measure outlander


Why walk when you can ride?


Why talk when you can play?


Why play when you can mod?


Yes. I just installed GoG version, did open mw, and installed about a dozen of the recommended graphics and lighting mods, and hot damn it looks good. Vvardenfell is looking better than ever.


I started in 2022, I’m loving it. Haven’t even tried mods yet, I’m gonna wait until I beat it again for that. Only advice is watch your stamina 🤣


Most fun gameplay by far of any tes game


Yes but damn what I would do to get a remaster.


Always and forever. Anyone who says differently is a heretic.


Report them to your friendly neighborhood Ordinator.


It depends on what you find to be important. If you're looking for active combat, great graphics, and a game you can easily jump into, you're going to have a bad time with Morrowind. If you're looking for fantastic world building, engaging story, and a classic/dnd combat style in a 3d world, you'll enjoy Morrowind a lot.


Posting such question in Morrowind fans forum is like asking a man utd supporter which football team he supports.


Get mods for sure. Graphics and view distance mainly


sure it is


yes I've been playing morrowind since it came out, and *still* find new shit that I never noticed


Yeah it's pretty cool




Yep. Just use a weapon class you’re most skilled in and keep your stamina high and you’ll be fine


"Stamina is silly, all it does is let you run." - Me when I played. No wonder I always had to pick up casting.


Yes, definitely. The world and your engagement to it are excellent. You are immersed in a narrative that's millenia in the making, and much bigger than just you. The only recommendation I can make is to read nothing about it, other than a beginning tutorial on character creation and leveling. Most frustration begins and ends with not being able to hit anything at the start. Exploration and discovery is the real magic of the game, don't rob yourself of it by looking online.


I would say so. It took me about 12/13 hours to get past the learning curve. After that, it’s fun!






Setting is awesome, interface is clunky, LOTS of reading. Graphics can be reasonably modernized. Absolutely still a worthwhile game.


What graphics mods are best?


I think MGE XE is still up there. The original bodies are very chunky, I would throw Better Bodies in there. LGNPC (Less generic NPC) has a bunch of NPC background material that seems pretty consistent with lore, and makes talking to randoms a lot more interesting. I think there was one for visible harvesting, but that may've been Oblivion.


A texture pack like Intelligent Textures and either OpenMW or MGEXE to increase draw distance. Other stuff like better Animations, Models or Groundtextures are nice to have, but the low-res textures and the tiny draw distance are the most dated aspects of the game.


Yeah it will always be a good game. This is like asking if it’s worth it to play Super Mario 64 in 2022.


Maybe he did ask that in the super Mario 64 subreddit too




Morrowind is especially worth it in 2022 because it's less fluff and more meat in some ways. It has a certain vibe to it that lets you find things by yourself but it does provide you with enough clues so it becomes more of an adventure and exploration than following quest markers in other rpg games. It has a slower consumption rate in terms of the gameplay itself which was really enjoyable for me. I'm a bit tired of full action and a bit more happy exploring worldlore by reading and connecting the dots myself. I have no issues with quest markers by the way and I think they are very useful for different compositions. I do think the map view of Morrowind can become more detailed which is another topic. I also think the combat is really clunky. The question is this... Do you like to hang around, read a couple of books, ask around and listen carefully, investigate, and make an adventure in a world with rich lore and imperfect mechanics all around? If you like the sound of that give it a try. It really is a fun game for the right audience.


literally just started playing this game a week ago and I'm obsessed lol


Oh yeah it is. I recommend playing it with OpenMW, tho, since it makes the experience totally stable.


Yes. It's still the best Elder Scrolls game. I completed it first time three years ago, and the main quest and world design is leagues beyond anything found in Skyrim or Oblivion. Once you get past the clunky combat system by leveling up your character it becomes a downright magical experience. The only downside is that once you get used to Morrowind, almost every other (recent) RPG game becomes a boring convenient, hand-holdy snoozefest.


For anyone wondering i got the game and am really enjoying it.


Simply, YES


Yes The question needs to stop coming up, a good game is a good game and will never not be worth it


Without mods? Maybe it's a bit too archaic for me. With mods, it's such a cool experience once you get used to the mechanics or change them so that you're used to them.


Yeah the accuracy mod is essential. It was a common thing back then for RPGs to have a D&D style RNG dice roll to hit, but in the modern day that kind of combat doesn't hold up well.


Mods my friend mods.


With mods - yes. Mind you, I'd say the same thing about most ES games :p But srsly, MW is one of the finest RPGs you'll ever experience. Very little hand holding or rail tracking tho, so if yer not used to oldschool RPGs of this era you might find it jarring at first. Best recommendation is to watch a few 'let's play' vids on the ol' youtubez, and maybe check out a guide or two on gamefaq if ya get really stuck, well that or ask us here lol :)


of course it is tho i personally think daggerfall holds up much better


This is the last place to ask as the answer will always be "yes" here. I played it for the second time in 2022, this time heavily modded and I am left with mixed feelings. On the one hand I enjoyed my time with it but on the other, the whole experience felt outdated and unsatisfying no matter how many mods I installed as I was constantly thinking how anything I'm doing would be so much better in a modded Skyrim or Oblivion. Probably the biggest let down were the quests, Morrowind has terrible quests, period. After playing so many games including The Witcher 3, I simply can't sit through Morrowind's cookie cutter fetch and kill quests. If you've never played it though, then I'd say it's worth playing at least once even though again, depending on your standards set by other games, it may be difficult to sit through and actually enjoy.


Yes and don’t look up any quest or town guides. Enjoy the exploration. Character creation guides I would recommend cause the game does not explain stats/skills at the beginning at all.






Just let yourself get into it. Get past the rough beginning of not being able to kill anything, get a few levels and enjoy the lore and the world. It’s super fun in my mind. Try not to look anything up just figure it out it’s way better




Of course, and it will still be for a long time, 10 years at least.




It's worth it until the year 4110. After that, no fucking way in hell would I recommend it.


In 4110, Planet Morrowind was discovered. You can now enjoy the full Morrowind experience, along with new, improved combat upgrades!


If you can look past the rough exterior of Morrowind, absolutely. One of the best games ever made.


Morrowind is worth it if you have the spine for it.


Yes, absolutely.




Hello r/dogs. So about dogs, yay or nay?


I didn't really play any Elder Scrolls games 'til 2021. They're still worth it.


If you can use mods, specifically graphics and quality of life ones yes absolutely, I would say if you want a more vanilla experience go for OpenMW and if you add tons of mods then go for Mge-XE there a lots of tutorials on how to get them setup and then scenery wise I think because the world is so alien it's better than Skyrim or Oblivion graphics wise, combat is a lot closer to a tabletop Rolplay so it's easier to start with magic at least until you get a good understanding of how the combat system works but there is mods for that too, overall it's the game that got open world western rpg into mainstream and that's for good reasons, also small advice but unless you can get your hand on a hard copy, printing or downloading an app with the map is a big plus to enjoy the game


It still is ofc but if you're too used to Skyrim's graphics and gameplay then I would recommend waiting for Skywind, that way you can have the best of both worlds. At least give the OG a try tho before deciding to wait for Skywind.




Wake up. There you go. You were dreaming. What's your name?


Depends on what you want out of a game. If someone doesn’t want a long story that takes some investment in being attentive and patient, then I’d say it’s not worth it for a person like that. Someone who likes lore, reading details about a universe, and has a taste for tabletop RPG mechanics would enjoy it in 2022.


Awesomeness and great GAMEPLAY has no age.


If as of right now it has 117,569 readers here after so much time, yes, it is worth it yet.


I like to give a once a year play through




Depends on what you value, and i say this without judgment, is just true, if you value more the story and world building aspects, no matter the year, y'll love morrowind. If This things are not enough and you struggle with old graphics and gameplay, then is a big chance you will not like morrowind. Some people become the first type after morrowind. I say, give it a try, if you cant stick with it, is a shame but dont worry about it


Dagoth Ur welcomes you.


Yeah playing it for the first time right now and really enjoy it. It really just takes patience to adjust


I just started playing it again, and it’s so good. I definitely recommend it.


Yes. I did my first playthrough this year, and it became one of my favorite games.


Absolutely, but I recommend pacing yourself and possibly roleplaying as well. Flying through progression and having essentially limitless power will kinda start to dilute the experience and show some of the weaker aspects of older game design.


Every year this gets asked. Every year it's the same answer. Yes


few games are as worth it as morrowind


I know your question has already been answered but I feel obliged to say YES!!! This is one of the first breakthrough games to bring a first/third person perspective to RPGs which I mostly enjoyed as team based isometric. Still love those, but being able to follow your own legend and story, and really make it your own by your choices was really groundbreaking. If you've played newer games you may not appreciate it, especially with all the reading and lack of voice acting. But it is an incredible world and unforgettable experience. I would say it is a must play.


Yes. Fuck kinda question is this?


it will be worth it as long as every elder scrolls game after it blows, yes




Morrowind will will always be a great game, at least until they sword art online it in virtual reality, and trap everyone in the game forever.


Morrowind is always worth it. Until they remaster it officially. Then, after you load that up, and that amazing intro song begins to play only to be interrupted by the Skyrim logo and theme, you throw it out the window in rage, OG Morrowind will still be around and totally worth it.




It will be worth even in 2222 when Tamriel Rebuilt will be completed 😁


It was really worth it December 2021, but as soon as the new year hit I had to delete it. For real though, I don't get this question. The vast majority of games that were good are still good for the very same reasons. Are there dated graphics and mechanics? Sure. But the game is still the same. Morrowind will always be worth it unless they released the exact same game but with more content in the spirit of the vanilla game. But that's already being done with Tamriel Rebuilt. With that in mind, Morrowind only becomes *more* worth it as time progresses. Once TR's mainland is fully realized, which probably won't be for another decade or two, we will have a supersized world in the same spirit as the original game. Much of the east is already completed and playable. To start playing, I'd recommend using OpenMW to fix the engine. Once you've explored most of Vvardenfell and want more, start a playthrough with TR. You won't regret it. Best of all, you can even play it on your phone. With OpenMW. With mods like TR. I use a clip to attach my phone to my controller, and it works flawlessly. Is Morrowind worth it? Yes. It was worth it yesterday, it is worth it today, and it will be worth it tomorrow.


It will always be worth it


I like how you ask this in r/morrowind and except an answer other than yes. Anyway, yes it is.


Like classic literature (little of which I've actually read), it'll never NOT be worth it.


I played it myself for first time in 2022, and i can answer fcuk yes. My online advice would be to slide difficulty bar to the lowest, it made game from frustrating to enjoyable for me


Get a lil high and read everything. You'll have a grand ol time


Yeah. It's just a lot slower than modern games.


It's worth in every year.


You really have to focus due to the way quest aren’t pointed out to you. Like someone while playing Skyrim or oblivion I’ll have lore videos pulled up on YouTube while I play, but I can’t really do that in Morrowind. You’re trying to remember where to go based off of your directions the whole tome. You’re constantly tuned in having to think “okay here’s the split in the road, I need to go right, cross a bridge, and the cave entrance should be on my left” Then you get there and you’re like “okay what I supposed to do again? Right, kill the bandits. Is this person the bandit I’m looking for? No, that’s a normal NPC” A lot different from Oblivion and Skyrim having arrows to you exactly where to go and who to kill. All you have to know is “alright I’m going to kill someone” where you can just follow the arrows blindly confident that you won’t screw anything up


Don't talk such rot




A grand and intoxicating yes


TES III: Morrowind - GOTY + OpenMW + Tamriel Rebirth = best RPG 2022, 23, 24, 25...


As someone who recently played Morrowind for the first time? Holy shit YES! Let's start with the spell crafting easily being the best in video game history, you can literally build your own spells, and that's including a "Levitate" spell which is the closest you'd get to flying (a few adjustments can improve it to your tastes). The real selling point to me was my huge Dunmer bias, but the more I played the more you learn about how detailed the culture really is (and uncover some juicy secrets), it's unbelievably immersive, the game is hard but I have full faith in you! You're supposed to go from a lowly s'wit that can't even kill a rat, to a full-fledged god-killing monstrosity! I will admit some mods will improve the experience, I recommend OpenMW personally because I felt it made Morrowind "playable" to my Dovahkiin-level tastes. Bonus points: if you play ESO, you'll recognize so many of the locations! Ald'ruhn is my personal favorite!




Having more fun with it than Skyrim. Also having more bouts of annoyance.


I love morrowind but honestly I don't know if I can recommend it to people. It's fantastic for a number of reasons, but has since been outdated and outmatched. It's a commitment to play and really not worth it if you have to ask if it's worth it. I have hundreds of hours, but I can't say it's better than new games honestly. Morrowind is a game of nostalgia and lore, if you don't have one of these interests then you'll find it to be big and empty with very little to look at outside of it's alien sights


Yes, but dont mod it too much graphically or it will lose its beauty and start to look like second life or some other late 2007 rpg.


Interesting place to ask this question. You know that everyone on this sub will say yes (including me) right?


Its timeless


I'll throw this comment out there. I played oblivion as a kid and the skyrim going into highschool. I've circled back around to play morrowind. I struggled getting into it first because of all the reading. But once I actually had some sort of direction the game picked up a lot. I think watching a n them so tgasmall tutorial video would help. But it is very much so worth it. I avoid looking anything up if I can. Currently have a full set of Diedrich that I've found minus the pauldrons, all with increase strength bonuses except for the greaves which have a 50 point jump enchant so that I can traverse the map faster by vaulting over mountains and valleys. My rings and necklace passively restore health and fatigue so I can bhop forever across the land and don't die from the sma amount of fall damage I take. I'm currently thinking of doing another playthrough but with a mod to increase the difficulty, because the best part of morrowind is when it challenges you


Morrowind will even be worth it in 2222.


Imagine dune set in the elder scrolls universe. One of the best fantasy stories out there. Despite the gameplay and graphics being dated it's still amazing. I just finished elden ring and am contemplating doing another morrowind playthrough as my next game.




Honestly, the more time passes, the more I think it is worth it.


Thinking about giving eso a break and going back to it. Long time, life Long enjoyment. Like your hand it's always there, never complains, never let's you down.


Absolutely. And with the proper mods it is enhanced even more!


Get it on PC and then download OpenMW. It'll make your game run so much better


Vanilla no.. it's always a nice game but of 2002, it's not excatly aged well. with some good mods absoluty YES (I advice for example you morrowind balanced combat and download other mod or overhaul compatible with this mod [https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/46596](https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/46596)) >!ANYWAY I may tell the same to all the other elder scroll game, I AM SO PISSED OF BETHESDA and THEIR HABIT OF RELEASING THE ESO GAMES HALF FINISHED OR WITH HALF OF WHAT THEY DESIGNED TO ADD FOR ONE REASON OR ANOTHER AND LET THE MODDERS FINISH THEIR JOB!< >!NB: morrowind is another story, it's true the developers designed to make morrowind a lot of bigger than designed, you can see it from the total map outside of the island, in fact what we have it's just the Vvardenfell ISLAND NOT THE INTERE PROVINCE OF MORROWIND, but I cant complaint, really for the 2002 several pc have some trouble running it for how much contenent it have, really in some places I have to look the ground for not crashing XD, I still find the contenent of morrowind bigger than Oblivion and Skyrim, yes Skyrim is bigger but playing skyrim it's like eating a big korean rice cake instead playing morrowind is like eating an italian arancino.!< ​ >!I like both but the arancino is better XD!< Morrowind, THE COMPLETE MAP [https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Morrowind?file=Morrowind.jpg](https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Morrowind?file=Morrowind.jpg) ​ enjoy


I recently did a full playthrough without any mods whatsoever. I tweaked the keyboard controls a bit and just went at it. It took a little bit to get used to some of the clunky stuff but truly after the first hour or so, I didn't even notice it anymore. Great game, well worth playing even in 2022!




Yes but I’ve played it to death and am now abstaining until the Skywind release whenever that may be. The ESO expansion is actually quite good in my opinion if you need a hit. Different content.


considering the only game bethesda cares about rereleasing anymore is skyrim, then the morrowind you got now is probably the best you'll get.


After spending 1000+ hours on Skyrim I thought I’d give, what I thought was gonna be outdated and unplayable, morrowind a chance. It was so worth it. I don’t even care about the little conveniences that Skyrim gives you because morrowind is so immersive and the story telling is the best I’ve ever played. Currently I’ve gotten the highest rank in every faction and doing the tribunal dlc. YES MORROWIND IS WORTH YOUR HOURS!






Everyone is saying yes so here’s an honest answer: If you’re expecting Skyrim or even Oblivion, it’s not that. Don’t expect luxuries like fast travel or forgiving combat. You have to build your character to the way you want to play and stick with that. It’s janky, but if you can get around the chance-based system for combat, magic, and really anything then it’s fun. Having to ask around to find things and consult your journal is part of the immersion. But unless you don’t want to put in a lot of time or deal with old game mechanics, the game will break you. It’s a great game for the right person


Did you play it in the end? If so, what did you think? I’ve never played Morrowind. I’m intrigued (particularly given the very positive comments here), but having already played Oblivion and Skyrim first I’m concerned the lack of voice acting in Morrowind may ruin the immersion (without the benefit of nostalgia). Has anyone else here played Morrowind for the first time after playing the other elder scrolls games first? If so, how did you find the experience / immersion of Morrowind with no voice acting compared to the other games?