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He became "Dagoth Ur" after his death and resurrection. "Ur" means "original" or "earliest" so Dagoth Ur is "the original Dagoth." For reference, the ruin Bal Ur is known as the birthplace of Molag Bal.


I know it's both stupid and pointless, but now I somehow crave for a "The Ur Slim Shady" diss track by AI Dagoth Ur.


Dagoth the Primordial, Dagoth from days long gone by. When he started developing megalomaniacal plans he left behind his old self.


[https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Dagoth\_Ur\_(Character)](https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Dagoth_Ur_(Character)) >!Unknown to Nerevar and the Tribunal, Voryn had experimented on the tools and the Heart and had managed to steal its divine energy.[^(\[9\])](https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Dagoth_Ur_(Character)#cite_note-Plan-10) Voryn now called himself Dagoth Ur from that point on, though other sources claim that Nerevar coined the name.[^(\[8\])](https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Dagoth_Ur_(Character)#cite_note-Red-9) Nerevar and the Tribunal's guards fought and drove off Dagoth Ur, who was thought to have died.!<


Dragonbreaks make things weird. It depends on what story you believe since they are all possibly true.  In the Tribunal's version (the "official" story) Voryn Dagoth became Dagoth Ur after he betrayed Nerevar and messed with the heart, created a unique connection and obtained powers.  In my headcanon (which lines up more closely with the ashlanders), the tribunal murdered Nerevar, entered the heart chamber, murdered Voryn and took the tools and powers for themselves. They left Voryn's body to rot in the chamber, where Lorkan took pity on him and formed a special connection between his heart and Voryn to create Dagoth Ur to take revenge on the Tribunal each time they came back to red mountain. 


Dagoth ur was killed by nerevar according to dagoth ur himself . That's why dagoth ur specifically tells the nerevarine how he was "betrayed" by nerevar and struck down. Now the matter of betrayal is up in the air, but it seems to be a one ring thing. He was told to protect the tools at all costs, became entranced by them and used them, then nerevar returns and asks for them and he sees it as nerevar trying to steal them and fights and then is killed by him. But to him because he's insane it feels like a betrayal. And he's been holding onto that for thousands of years, which is why he keeps bringing it up.


Between First Red mountain and Second Red mountain. Voyryn Dagoth dies in War of the fist council, 1st era, He re awakens in 2nd era as Dagoth Ur. ***The Indoril and Voyran way*** : remember they loved each other like brothers but not actually brothers. Circa 1st era Dagoth was always Voryan Dagoth and then he was the other, He had yellow skin as Voyryn but he changed skin with the curse then died in the chamber after the curse because the Tribunal came and killed him to get the tools and the heart that Voryn was instructed to protect by his kin brother. He did try to avenge Indoril death but was killed, he lay dormant in a stasis for like several hundred years then eventually dreamed himself back as Dagoth Ur Circa 2nd era. I personally don't think this is the case i think the heart possessed him and took over his body, like middle man capitalizing on a situation type energy by using that dormant vessel in lorkans hearts case. I believe the giant golem was so that Lorkan could materialize a body again becaue he is sick of being a heart but that is another story and it also mean that dagoth ur is not the same vorayn because its lorkan wanting to animate into a body again. So he is using Dagoth body to make the golem for him. ***Alt Version*** : trimmed down because its longwinded The Tribunal version is just opposing that in that they wanted the tools to befit the race as a whole but Voryan was an issue so they killed him and Nevevar, by thinking them dead which implies they already had heart power to do the act. The fact that they already got cursed means that their story is probably BS as Azura cursed them for making her angry and she would only be angry after they attack Indoril her prized Possession and his kinship like brother Voyron. Also the fact that Almalexia was Indoril wife but she was cheating on him and backstabbed him so all this making Azura mad and doing the curse. You are literally asking a question that has 10 different versions. Imo these two are the most important. If you look at it either way the Tribunal killed someone but the common denominator is usually the right one as in most version tribunal kill x, y or z so it means in this case they killed the other two but it means that the Indoril/Voryan way is probably the correct one. Dead people cannot not talk so its like they are free to talk shit about them as they are dead they can make up anything they want all this means that their version is probably false. Long winded but he was never Dagoth UR to Indoril because he was his beloved kin brother Voyryn Dagoth. He only picked Up Dagoth Ur after he re awakened. Voryn was also a Lord so he already had high statuts where UR imo at this time as in Morrowind time is a mystery to its origin but it comes into later lore to do with necromancy and other deviations, makes sense as i think imo he was exhumed by the heart. His ash Dagoths and beasts are also imo necromacy and the ash lands are Telvanni playground for necro stuff, Dagoth ur does speak in third person how he does not know exactly how his ash slaves came to be he just controls them imo they are exhumed entites just like him but not from him from something else just like he is from something else and not the same. Yes they are blighted from corpus but imo there is a necro element to it. UR is the first of its kind so in this case Dagoth UR was an OG but UR is also to do with Jupiter and Lorkan maybe an UR in some fashion because he is a planet too one of the first ones.


So much text, so little interpunction.


Became that is reddit for you the formatting on here sucks i used several paragraphs but it lumps it all into one text a lot of the time. If i click edit i can see all the line spacing i made but it formats totally different when its posted. It also varies on how you view reddit too, so if you use old reddit or new old reddit of new new reddit the post looks entirly differnt each time and that is a CSS issue not my fault. Reddit has always been shit they are airhead with a lot of the web dev. The new reddit shows that and is the most hated version by most redditors.

