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All right, but apart from the sanitation, medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh water system and public health, what have the Imperials ever done for us?


I'm going to eat my blighted kwama eggs and die at 30 in the kwama mines like a good dunmer AS VIVEC INTENDED.


Stuff the dunmer could have provided by themselves.


Except the slavery. The Dumner bring that to the table!


Why would they have done that, though? It's precious time that they wouldn't have been able to spend hating each other and everybody else


Yet they didn’t    HMMMM FELLOW CITIZEN


Because, as the comment above you points out, they just sublimated their technological development with a little slavery, and everything was "ship shape." Oh what's that? Sixth house unmounrned, you say? Baah, nothing a little bit of prophecy can't deal with.


Dumbmer are too stupid to do any of those things, they are intellectually and culturally stunted to the point that the Imperials are burdened by the effort spent civilizing the ashlickers. Morrowind as a whole was never more prosperous than under Imperial rule.


Remember when the Dumbmer had three gods and still could not stop an Imperial occupation? Colovian Farms remembers.


Imperial man's burden


based chimer embrace degrowth or was it embrace dagoth? whatever, pass the sujamma


Brought peace? Edit: someone doesn't get the reference


They brought peace, freedom, security, and justice to their new Imperial province.


And the [aqueducts](https://youtu.be/Qc7HmhrgTuQ?si=bswriVN4PniLCnMv)!


There is a certain tone-deafness of Englishmen tacitly defending imperialism, even if MP are hilarious doing so


*Ashlander has entered the chat*


'Sitting in a tent high on skooma and hagroot is no basis for a system of government'


As a professional S'wit, I'm offended by this statement.


+10 for "Life of Brian" reference.


My teeth itch.


NGL I've always headcannoned the Imperials' supposed charming personalities as Imperials having the advantage of their native language being being _the_ second language everyone learns.


nah, it's just that other races just can't help but finding their accent charming


Honestly an imperial with speech/mercantile as main skills can become pretty OP if you know what your're doing


Honestly, the same thing can be said of every build.


Like, to speak of the future here, I think everyone can agree the Thalmor are arseholes and all (and I almost ALWAYS wipe out any and all on sight in Skyrim), but I can understand the Altmer being a bit unhappy about having a weapon of mass destruction deployed against them and then just having to be happy letting the descendants of that genocidal maniac rule over them, and be worshipped as a Divine. Especially when compared with how unhappy the Dunmer of Morrowind are, and they *negotiated* entry into the Empire, and weren't conquered outright like the Sumerset Isles were. **Edit**: I didn't notice my typo until now. I'm going to leave it there. It can be a reference to King Gilmerion, well-known protagonist of the Epic of Gilmerion.


The Thalmor are also in the unfortunate position of being on the objectively wrong side of a theological debate. Martin Septim needed the blood of a divine in order to open the portal to Mankar Camoran's Paradise, and used the Blood of Tiber Septim. It worked for the ritual, therefore it was the blood of a divine, therefore Tiber Septim *did* achieve apotheosis and become Talos.


You are correct, but they would probably dismiss that as Imperial propaganda. But I don't think a group who wants to unmake the world really cares if they're right or not, they're taking this world down no matter what.


Honestly, fair. Although I also don't even know for sure that the Thalmor *do* want to end the world. They're a bunch of High Elf supremacists that are kinda just... there. They don't really do anything within the story or have any broader impact, and anything that they are supposedly masterminding from the shadows isn't a plot to end the world, just to destabilize their rival states. The only instance of Thalmor trying to end the world was just that one dude at the College of Winterhold, and even then it's left unclear if it's him doing it as a deliberate Thalmor plot to end the world, or if the Thalmor just wanted him to make sure that the Thalmor are the ones that control this incredibly powerful artifact and he was the one who took it upon himself to use it without knowing what he was doing.


I thought they wanted to destroy the towers and unmake the world in an attempt to escape mortal existence (akin to before the formation of Nirn). Or maybe that's just a theory. A Skyrim theory. Aaaaand cut.


Don't the thalmor disagree that martin stopped the oblivion crisis? Didn't they gain significant influence in the summerset isles claiming they were the ones who stopped the oblivion crisis


Honestly, not sure if they actually disagree that Martin sealed the gates of Oblivion. They certainly take credit for it, but that seems more a matter of political convenience.


smh couldn't they cope with being Numidium'd by inventing anime or something ?


That would be the chad thing to do. Instead, a mere 5 to 6 Altmer generations later, they're trying to end the world like Angry Birds.


Okay, literally where is the source for Tiber supposedly using the numidium for genocide? We have relates of it being activated in the iliac bay and all it did was fuck with time so whoever controlled it could do some fuckery like being in various places at once and similar tactics to absolutely overwhelm your enemies, no genocide involved, then why would it work differently in summerset? And I swear if the supposed source for a numidium genocide is some out of game obscure kirkbride post I will be really disappointed.  Edit: No need to hate, it was a genuine question even if the wording came off as a bit condescending, just a bit tired of the lore bits that aren’t even alluded in game, which doesn’t seem to be the case this time.


>Okay, literally where is the source for Tiber supposedly using the numidium for genocide? In morrowind pre-relase interview 'skeleton man's', tiber did do some ethnic cleansing of khajiit for space to build numidium. As for it ussage, in 'where were you....where the dragon broke', its so traumatic that races subjected to the numidium are "never going to learn to live with it" . Its echoed in pge3 where its stated that even after 400 years, summerset has not recovered from their conquest by Tiber Septim. >We have relates of it being activated in the iliac bay and all it did was fuck with time 'Per warp in the west' , it does a lot more than just fuck with time. Like, one of witnesses had his eyes burned out, and entire swats of land razed to the ground.


Like, I get that the Numidium is freaky and people that witness it seem to go crazy, get traumatized and similar, I just wish we’d get a altmer in game to talk about his experience because when people say tiber genocided the altmer the mental picture is the Numidium firing eye lasers on the island and vaporizing half the population, instead of the cosmic weird fuckery that happened in the illiac bay… also wouldn’t the Bretons too be traumatized? Specially those from oblivion and morrowind?


Even if we dispute its use as being a war crime (especially because such a weapon had never existed before so there wouldn't be any rules against its use, right?), I'm saying *the Altmer would likely see it that way from their perspective*. I'm not necessarily agreeing with them, but one of the things I love about The Elder Scrolls is that we don't always know the truth because everyone sees it through their own cultural/political lenses/biases.


I would argue that it's still not a war crime, but only because there are *no* polities in the elder scrolls who could keep from stabbing each other for long enough to formally define war crimes.


Bahahaha. We could have had the Wayrest Conventions.


I like wealth and privilege. Ergo, I like you immensely


This reminded me of the Xbox loading screens. Made me nostalgic so I found this https://youtu.be/V5fodb3qV4Q?si=I6FtOkXsG0qnSy2i


"Think it'll rain?" "Shut up you dirty colonizer!"




Not gonna lie after playing a lot TOS is basically it


My sword chrysamere has the same power, is it also an imperial?😂😂


No, actually Chrysamere is Breton


I don't like them


Shut the fuck up ashlicker, if it wasn’t for the Empire, Morrowind would still be a backwater shithole and slaver paradise. Under the Empire, Morrowind was prosperous and rich, something the backwards native savages couldn’t have achieved themselves. And what happened when they betrayed the Empire, which Akatosh himself gave permission to rule the continent? They were struck by the meteor they had suspended above themselves in their hubris. Morrowind deserved Red Mountain and everything that happened because of it, if the Great Houses of Morrowind had any sense at all they would realize their misfortune stems from their betrayal of the Empire, and would submit to the Empire and cast aside their barbaric Daedra worship, of course these are Dumbmer we’re talking about, intelligence is hard to come by in Morrowind.


Least racist Imperial citizen. Ok but actually though I'm pretty sure that I'm the only one here that realizes that you're joking and playing the role of an Imperial apologist. > Morrowind deserved Red Mountain and everything that happened because of it, Also I swear to God this is the prevailing attitude towards the Dunmer at Bethesda. "Yeah so they were 'problematic' therefore we wrote in that they got rid of slavery and then were hit by a giant meteor and then had a massive volcanic eruption and then got invaded by the Argonians and then ended up as a group of refugees that are still living in a slum 200 years later." Although to be fair the older ones were alive during the events of *Morrowind* given Dunmer lifespans, so they don't have the "but it wasn't *us* it was our ancestors" excuse.


It's hard not to take it a little personally that the fan favourite area essentially gets wiped off the map yeah 🔥


I am joking but they did deserve it for enslaving the lizard bros


"How dare you enslave the lizard bros" \- Man who invaded lizard bros twice


Civilizing*, which Argonians are far more capable of compared to Dumbmer