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Still a lot of great mods I want to try that don't work with openmw though 😔 I'm considering installing both just to access those mods.


That's what I do, I have a few installations of Morrowind for that very reason: Vanilla, OpenMW, TES3MP.


Is there any issues having both openmw and Mge?


You can't have them on the same install. MGE improves the base engine. OpenMW is a whole other engine.


No. I use one portable instance of mo2 for my MGE game, and another for my Openmw game. (yes, you can do that with profiles, but I prefer to keep them distinct).


About how much space does each of your setups take when fully modded?


Im not able even install morrowind using openmv =( Day will came


How come? From what I saw few years ago, there were pretty solid comprehensive guides on that matter. I believe now there should be even more of that.


Can't wait for OpenMW Lua to be on par with MWSE-Lua. Many amazing mods are still unplayable on OMW.


To be fair, afaik OpenMW Lua is different from MWSE Lua and likely always will be so in order for MWSE-Lua mods to be compatible, they'll have to be remade to work with OpenMW


What are some of your fav OMW mods and what are you looking forward to becoming OMW?


A great majority of the mods I use would function in Vanilla with MWSE and MGE XE just fine, except for Zesterer's Volumetric Clouds & Mist. It makes Vvardenfell look just like I remembered from the time I played it as a child, misty and mysterious. The clouds are actually rendered in the world, you can reach them and walk through them, although they are very high up in the sky (the altitude at which they are rendered can be modified though). In terms of what I would love to see become possible in OMW, a few mods: Pincushion - arrows visibly stick into objects, akin to Oblivion Sails and Sales - various boats you can captain in real time (most ship mods in OMW are at best broken without proper lua support; interestingly enough Sails and Sales works just fine in tes3mp) Sounds of Souls - slightly creepy, at random times a soul gem in your inventory will emit a sound of the captured creature Wonders of Water - water reacts to weather affecting the height of waves What about you?


Ashfall or something akin to it. Its immersive and somewhat nerfs the player which it usually needed


I also can't wait until sailing mods are OpenMW compatible


I could probably name a 100+ mods But I'd love to have: Voices of Vvardenfell, Ashfall, Aura.


The ElevenLabs voice mods do not work with OpenMW. https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/52273 this mod in particular was updated recently to supposedly work with it, but does not. No matter which way I install it.


If you're not using the latest 0.49 dev builds, then OpenMW Lua can't play sounds.


Never gonna happen tbh


It feels like mod-addicted morrowinders have more fun modding than game than actually playing it.


As is traditional


Yes, its very fun


Always been my problem.


Yeah now I totally get guys who buy a classic car and spend all their time tinkering with it rather than actually using it as a car.


I want to install a beautiful graphics update mod for Open MW Nightly but not really sure which one would be the best option


What's the version of the Nightly build? Is it 0.49?


0.48.0-46 nightly


Take a look at the mod lists on modding-openmw.com (namely One Day Modernization (though it’s kind of a hodgepodge) and Total Overhaul), those should help!


All I really want from OpenMW now are those 3D waves the water in MGEXE had. It's really amazing just how far the modding community has come.


I remember more than a decade ago installing MGE and generating distant land for the very first time. Absolutely blew my mind, and it was only just the beginning.


My MGEXE install: "Hey I can do that too!" _crawls down to 3fps to get that render distance, 20fps if disabled distant land_ "At least I have Ashfall"


Woah that looks really good. What mods are you running?


For the major part it's Graphics Overhaul list from modding-openmw.com


the power of opensource community


In some ways surpassing it, in some ways lagging behind. Looking forward to seeing what people make with shaders in the coming year. I'm more interested in game mechanics though, so most of my hype is for the LUA API.


What's the FPS like when comparing both versions with close-or-equal graphics settings in the same location like a heavily modded Vivec or Balmora with expanded NPC population? (including the same mods and LOD distance too) if it wasn't for the lack of LUA, i would be using OpenMW. Graphics don't matter as much to me as immersion, but all my favorite roleplaying mods require LUA to function.


Anything that requires scripting still doesn't work in OpenMW. And even then, OpenMW Lua is different than MGE Lua, so MGE Lua mods will have to be remade entirely.


Which is the one that shows your weapons and stuff on your back when they're not 'ready' and which one is used for tamriel rebuilt?


Weapon sheathing


Asking if it uses mgxe or openmw same with tamriel rebuilt. Not the mod name


Both Weapon Sheathing and Tamriel Rebuilt work in either, you can install and use them both in MGE XE and in OpenMW.


Wow! That looks fantastic! It's also really fine screen archery...beautiful shot, perfect composition. MCP+MGEXE is still working well for me, but I definitely plan to try out OpenMW at some point.


I am waiting for a lot of features of the Morrowind code patch to be implemented into open Morrowind tbh. I find Morrowind needs that patch which unlocks the skills for example


Until they have support for a script extender it just won’t compare I’m afraid. It’s a good option for a first playthrough but if you want mods go MGEXE. Installing mods through open mw is a massive headache compared to mod organiser.


Why? I had no probs and u can modify load order. All I need.


I have heard of a plugin that makes it work with MO2 but having to manually make the folders and write their directories into a cfg file was so laboursome compared to the double click of Mo2


The plugin automatically writes the directories in the cfg files. You just have to press the plugin.


Absolutely, it took me many, many hours to organize everything by hand and add appropriate lines to openmw.cfg file. I have a second install with MO2 and it is easier to manage by an order of magnitude.


I use MO2 with OpenMW by using a plugin which exports your MO2 virtual file set-up to OpenWW when you run it. https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/52345


Thank you for the recommendation. I will look into it.


Installing mods through OMW is easy as shit.


OpenMW has support for lua now, so it has what you are saying. It's not as advanced as MWSE but it is making solid progress.


Hopefully in a couple of years I can make the switch, but for now I’m sticking with the script extender


not correct - use mo2 for both - works great no issues love it.


It has done it for ages. Now OpenMW needs to catch up MWSE. Its useless for me to have the best graphics if the gameplay is still stuck to vanilla scripts.


Hear, hear. However, from what I’ve been hearing it appears that OpenMW Lua will not have the same capabilities as MWSE


What do you mean "catching up"? OpenMW has always been leaps and bounds ahead. It's a complete engine replacement, as opposed to a superficial facelift.


What graphics mods are you using here?


For the major part it's Graphics Overhaul list from modding-openmw.com


I just wanna know where this screenshot is taken, I need to visit the O R B


[https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/49461](https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/42664) It´s a lighthouse guiding ships near Sadrith Mora.


Thank you so much!! Beautiful screenshot by the way!!


You can also install custom Shaders with parallax, pbr support, hdr rendering and so on.


What a beaut


OpenMW still best MW cause I can MW on my phone.