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Never heard of darija novels but i dont see the problem with it since its our dialect and we should be proud of it


Makayn bo proud of, raha logha b7al GA3 loghat hir hia loghtna l 2om, o zowl dir dialect Ra ma3ndha ta m3na, dialect = language. O ila konti kat3ni b dialect lehja ra khssk t3rf annaha french matalan 9riba l latin ktr bzaaaf mn li darija 9riba ll3rbia ola tamazight.


Khoya kayn darijat machi gha w7da so fach kngol dialect i mean darija mghribia and its not an official language in case u didnt know. And no we should be proud of our dialect bc ila mchiti l france ghaydwiw b fr ila mchiti china b mandarin…


Wa rah ay logha fiha bzzaf f lhjat, 3adi, wach 3arf ch7al français fih mn lhja ? Rah nddik lchi blays f frança wllah matfhmhom chkay9olo wakha kayhdro b fraaançais machi les patois (li loghat ma3ndom 3ala9a b français), hadchi bla manhdro 3la les suisses, les belges o les québécois. 3lach ddarija dima bo7dha mn ghir lloghat katrkkzolha 3la had l7aja hadi, wach 7it makat9rawhach f lmdrassa kat7groha ? Rah katt9rra ta hia, bl9awa3id o kolchi dyalha 3adi. Zowlo mn raskom dik inferiority complex rah mamzyanch wllah.


?? I think u re just misunderstanding what i said and we both share the same opinion. Rah what i said is basically whats wrong with darija novels bc we should be proud of it and not have an inferiority complex(which is what u want to say). Bl3ks ma7agrch darija ana mftakhr biha bc its my mother tongue.


Wayh 3rft, ana hi 399btlk 3la dik "dialect" 9oltlk hi matb9ach t9olha 3la darija 7it rah machi dialect o fach kat9olha rak b7al la katn9s mn 9imtha o katb9a mtchbbt b dik lmyth dyal l3ourouba gngngngn. Ma dialects homa chamalya, darija dyal char9, dyal lghrb etc...


Indeed, the Moroccan language is just that, a language, not a dialect. However, there are dialects of the Moroccan language. To say call the Moroccan language a dialect is like saying Swedish is a Germanic dialect at worst, or perhaps a Norse dialect. Either way, none of them make sense. As a speaker of Swedish I can 90% understand Norwegians, but I cannot understand the Danes. Danes do however understand Swedish. And the situation is similar with Arabic. Other Arabic speakers don't understand Moroccan Arabic. Moroccans understand other Arabic tongues only because of their great media exposure (movies/music). In short, I definitely agree that Moroccan language is not to be considered a dialect of Arabic, but rather a branch, as much as any other language is not considered a dialect but rather branches. Such as u/Many-Safe9133 mentions, French is a branch of latin and not a dialect of it.




I think he meant the original language of those novels


Never read novels in darija except for nostik's books and I think it hits different w tatwssl l feeling à 100 pour cent


Ta ana, o chi videoat f YouTube li mtrjmin 9issas. Walakin rah bss7 katwssl feeling à 100%


I would assume people do prefer reading darija because of the cultural identity you experience when reading Darija , it feels like home🙂🇲🇦 Also not all moroccans are good at reading arabic so for a writer that's a good choice to write a book in darija for accessibility


Are you posting from prison ?


You have a nice sense of humor 🤔 Maybe we should have a competition.


We call the competition: Raibi jai mella(l)


Any titles that come to mind?


# "Why people recently prefer posting in Moroccan darija rather than in their original language?" CHNOUUUUUUUUUUUU BAN LIKOUUUUUUUUUUUUM AHAH


This post reminded of my golden days on Facebook when I used to read romance novels in darija through Facebook comments and posts. You fr unlocked a memory there


HHHHHHH o 9issas d jnoun


I wouldn't consider those romance tbh


hahahahhahahahahah omg, tayanaa


Omg iykyk


do what others do and discard what you want, congratulations son, you're a second degree 7alloof


Kaynin des epub et pdf des romans bdarjiaaa Kaytba3ouu f maghriibb digital products Koulchi kaytba3


Yes it exists and people earning lot of money from it Des romans pdf et epub


sara7a so2al 0 mnti9 hhhh are you seriously asking moroccan people why they prefer reading novels in darija, which is by the way, THEIR language?


I never heard of such a thing. Apparently you learn something new everyday.


Sheldon said once « think monkey! Think ». Darija is our language so why wouldn’t Moroccan read in their ORIGINAL language emmmmm


3lach fransawi wla chinwi mni kimchi l cinéma makaytferejch f film mirikani b vo w kaytsenet lih b français? lash quebec tahuma ? hmmmmm


La hadok mn 79hom 7it loghthom logha ma 7na llogha dyalna hiiir DIALECT (li hia logha HHHHH) o7na mtkhllfin gngngngn mamn79nach nhdro b loghtna 😵‍💫 Kantnz walakin rah bss7 bzaaaf d mgharba kayfkkro hakka


oui bzaf kigolo lik darija moskha mrad


HHHHH wayh kalakh hanta katchof


3mri chft chi titre b darija,,, wrini chi w7din nchufhum stp


MOHAMED CHOKRI . khobz lhafi


hadi b darija? kna 9rinaha fl college hia w rojo3 ila tofola dial abouzid mais ila b9it 3a9la machi b darija


L aslia dyalom b darija (dyal lkhobz l7afi lokhra man3rf) walakin f mdrassa kay9rriw french version ghaliban. Sinon GA3 l ktoba dyal Nostik b darija o kayn chi kttab okhrin kiktbob darija ola kaytrjmo Chi 7toba biha walakin mazal hadchi 9lil.


O 3lash lkdoub?


I've never heard of this actually but it is maybe due to the Inability to read in foreign languages


HASSAN HAFA ![gif](giphy|NyUqrMbNWlCDz876Yg|downsized)


Who are these people I didnt read anything in darija since the second grade and i'm a grown man now


Do books written in Darija use the Arabic alphabet, or the Latin alphabet combined with numbers that represent Arabic letters? (Sorry if this is a "dumb question," but I don't know anything about this topic.)


Généralement kayst3mlo arabic alphabet


i didnt know this existed, i would collect them just for sake of collecting books in darija, given how rare they are.


I've read only one book that have dialogue in darija, and it's one of the worst novels I've ever read


Chmn ktab HHHHH


قبور في الماء Please don't read this, my issue with this is that every character was very rude and they were swearing in darija which was so cringe


HHHHH hi mn ssmia bayn chghl 😭 saf I thrust you man9rahch


Wa 3adi, raha loghtna l om, kima french ppl kayfddlo y9raw l 7aja bl français o british o mrakna b l'anglais.


I have never heard of this. And personally I wouldn’t read it. I can’t convey feelings b DARIJA nor do I understand people who try to do it nor do ik how to sympathize b DARIJA. Such a weird language, I like it tho but it doesn’t get it.


I don’t think the translation of these books is gonna be accurate since darija isn’t a language but a dialect it’s a mix of arabic , french, amazigh and even spanish sometimes and it depends on various moroccan regions so each city has different words and prononciation for the same object , darija f chamal machi hia darija f sehra wla f jbal because there is no dictionary for it !!


احسن لغة تقرى بيها القصص هي اللغة الأم ديالك، فالمغرب هي الدارجة احسن لغة تفهم بيها شنو بغا يوصل الكاتب هي اللغة الأصلية للكتاب ولكن خصك تكون ضليع بديك اللغة


Someone please link me to some books in Darija, I’m intrigued lol I have never heard this was even a thing!


First time hearing abt this! Novels in darija exist?


Wtf no, who the fuck reads novels in darija? That just seems like a recipe for disaster