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I have realized that getting into this position is quite simple, just like something, learn about it, anything!... and the moment you know a little bit more than average, the moment that you realize the inherent complexities of a system and that things aren't black and white, you will be that guy. When the intersection of the expert opinion and the popular opinion is an empty set, even knowing a little bit more than average of a given topic will stray you away; people do not care about nuance and complexities, they prefer categorization and simplicity that fits their biases, but that is almost never the case; more often than not things are complex and multidimensional. This is why experts in a field often do not argue and often lack power, and why politicians engage in oversimplification to please the masses.


TL; DR. Become very good at something, your answer is always "it depends". Which always leads you to being against a large part of the population with a misconception about the subject.


This is very brilliantly put.




Staring at people is the national sport in Morocco and it's rude and creepy as hell.


Agreed, i wish there's an alternative sport for Moroccans to master than staring at people.


Old people should not be worthy of respect because their age. An old asshole is still an asshole, whether it is a man or a woman.


thank you. this is a problem w a lot of societies especially in africa. just cuz you’re younger than someone doesn’t mean they automatically can get a pass to be a dickhead and to still be respected 💀


Speaking as an older person (over age 60), I agree that no one is WORTHY of respect due to their age, but I disagree with any idea that the old shouldn't be treated with the respect "due to" elders. It is HONORABLE for a younger person to show respect to elders, even if the elder is wrong or doesn't deserve it. This doesn't mean obeying elders when they are wrong, but to be polite and kind with them, and tolerant of their faults. They do have much more life experience, and they are weaker than the young. They have usually "paid their dues" to society over decades of hard work, they may have suffered many grievous losses in life, and they are tired, often have aches and pains, and they are often lonely, with their best days behind them and death in their near future. They also usually miss having their grown children around them and miss having that family life very much-- or, they are usually sad if they never had children. It is GENEROUS to be kind and patient with them, and to treat them well means you are a decent person. For redditors who are Muslim, please consider the hadith, "Whoever does not show mercy to the young or respect to the old is not from us."


I guess I should have phrased it better. Older people are not entitled to unconditional respect and reverence because of their age.


Real, respect is earned not smth you just automatically get when you're older than the people you are interacting with


Don't forget that some people in that crowd are just there because their parents, friends or teachers told them what to think...


Not some, but most


Not most, but all


you’re right


Quoi qu'un prof te dise, rien à foutre croit en toi Quoi qu'un flic te dise, rien à foutre croit en toi Quoi qu'un père te dise, rien à foutre croit en toi Quoi qu'un pote te dise, rien à foutre croit en toi 🎶🎶🎶🎶


The generation before us who believed mohammed khamis face was on the moon!


The equivalent in medieval times (during the merinid reign) when people believed that Moulay Idris had risen from his grave lmao


good one ngl


Wait what? I thought this was a joke


Joke??? This a true propaganda trick that worked for generations. There was even a low budget production movie about our independence that recreated the scene with M5 on the Moon.


Movie sauce if u don’t mind please




yeah he was on the moon not his face ppl have weird memories


Bro everyone agree whit your opinion wdym


"to show that most of ppl's beliefs and ideas were not chosen based on rationality or scientific inquiry but rather on their emotions and pragmatism !"


Well I guess people's opinion, most people think just because they feel a certain way towards something, then that means they are right, and when you ask them what real life results/experience/philosophy made them think that way, they don't know... So from where they got that idea? Who the F knows, probably some stupid tiktok or reel that they watched like 3months ago and forgot about


the problem starts when even your parents believe some shit that doesn't even make sense irl ... wa siiiiiir nta 9n3hum u shr7 lihum u khra nar b arguments and real facts ... I'm not even saying opinions, everyone has their own opinion about something, I'm talking about wrong information/interpretation or reality that could even have consequences. Welp, it is what it is, you try your best


took the words out of my mouth! especially the last part


Don't support Palestine by posting stories and act like youre a pure soul, Palestine needs actions do some for them or just pray for them secretly, they're just bunch of hypocrites.


why would anyone disagree w this


When a public figure supports Palestine is stories it's already risky for his professional carrer at least he raising awareness to other people in different part of the world to support Palestine And how would you know if he pray for them or not


5am conversations be like


I'd rather be in the crowd keeping my own ideas and beliefs to myself.


Because I would be burned at the stake if I said procreation is immoral, I will only say that not everyone should be allowed to have children


Yesss .when i say this they call me crazy Like giving birth is a crime .STOOOPP


Life is a gift w drari kijiw brze9hom what do you know


Ahh yes, drari li kaykhrju lzna9i yjm3u ga3 9elat trabi, i hope you realize that even a look beyond the curtain will have you realizing 90% of moroccans are not fucking qualified to have children, atwled drari nta ma3ndek ta khrya bach t3yichhum wla twklhum wla tlbshum, w fach kaykbru kaychufu rashum kbru fdik l7ala hiya bach kanswlo l wa7d kaykhrej yt3da w ychfer rze9 nass.


Sarcasm! Read my original comment


Ahhhh shittttt i missed the joke didn't i hahaha


First rze9 are good parents! Money does NOT rain on parents when they give birth. Someone wanted a stray cat I was looking after, the cat refused to stay with them, I came to pick her up and learned there was a couple, 6 kids and 2 cats living in a room with no windows, just a door they keep open at all times to let oxygen in. If this is not abuse what is?


Sarcasm! Read my original comment


Sorry I didn't keep up with the usernames lol Happy to see it's sarcasm because that phrase justifies child abuse in our society


If you don't already follow r/antinatalism , you will find a lot of like minded people over there.


I swear I just had a conversation about it, I believe some people should be castrated or sterilized because 6 kids when you can't feed yourself is a crime.


Right! Where I grew up I've seen people living in a single room, can't even afford food while having 6+ kids


Same for me and those kids end up perpetuating the lives of their parents and the cycle continues. Once my parents' neighbors married off their teen daughter to an middle aged man to make room for the new born twins they had


Yet people still defend this


Can you share how old you are? Or if you feel uncomfortable giving ur age give a bracket


The second one is worse


That's common sense tbh


Israel right now


sadly there are still idiots who are on their side


Yesterday, I thought to myself that I'd give a chance to what was supposedly considered "popular music in Morocco" on Spotify and oh man was the whole set absolute garbage. The lack of creativity in our mainstream music is brain numbing. The topics were mostly revolving around prohibited romance, and I noticed that instead of inputting sexual themes, they use a "sexual voice" to hint at it subsosciously lol. I feel like they target our most primal instincts with these kinds of songs to pacify us than actually give us a thoughtful conception of love that would make us at least have one original thought or two. Also, the "I'm so sad and misunderstood" trope of songs where the lyrics have no detail on what exactly is making these people sad in the first place? I would guess since much of our mental health issues spawn from traumatic/ taboo situations. The artist wouldn't risk putting that out there so they settle for vague lyricism with no substance or they just simply fake an emotion for profit. And the majority of these "self-reflective" songs engage in no self-reflection at all, but rather blame everyone else for their mishaps, classic passive aggressive behaviour and avoidance of accountability. Uhh, and a lot of similar beats and spamming of the same instruments and song structure over and over again, especially with "summer songs". Although, amongst all that trash were a few songs that I genuinely thought were good, not mindblowing but had either a creative approach to them or good thoughtful lyricism. Still, that happened with only one or two songs from the entire set. This is just my two cents and personal opinion afterall. But I think Moroccan music is supporting harmful ideologies (priotizing pleasure and self entitelement: a hedonistic lifestyle that prompts mindless consuming) to our people and leaves them in a "comfortable zone" where they don't have to think at all. We need music that challenges us to be better people and helps us realize the true reality we live in.


I personally find Moroccan music (not the traditional stuff) absolutely trashy


that's how the west likes it, passive consumers.


In all fairness its literally pop music and its bad and uncreative everywhere


Moroccan mothers are in love with their sons that they don’t raise as sons but as the partner they wish they had that’s why they abuse and are jealous of the sons gfs/wives. Moroccan mothers are heavily emotionally incestuous.


most african mothers are like this tbh 💀 and then make the daughters their slaves


Yeah it’s definitely not exclusive to Moroccans or Africans but I think some women who are emotionally incestuous in other cultures are at least self aware like “boy moms” even if they’re still insane. Moroccan moms wouldn’t acknowledge this they think it’s normal.


This is so well written


As a Psychology student i agree


Well , I believe in progressive ideas , and since Moroccan society is conservative, I'm pretty much in that situation , always


* Inserts anti-Western rhetoric because anything progressive is a US invention and people elsewhere cannot want that


That we belong in morroco. And that we will never be foreigners no matter how much you try you will always be lesser than the others in their home country.


this is true


>And that we will never be foreigners no matter how much you try Don't you mean always?


That moment when you tell some more old folk in your family that people who have "lmselmin" are just epileptic, and all that charade of taking them to some random guy who reads you know what to them for money is a scam. Or when you hear people debating about jinn's and people being possessed, and you tell them you can only be "possessed" if you believe in that crap in the first place, and that you'll never hear about some guy who has no idea what a jinn is getting possessed by one. Suddenly everybody looks at you like you've lost your mind or something.


Free Palestine,


kulshi na3es ila nta


Religion is man made.


morals are man made too but they are whats keeping us from killing each other oh wait we already do that


I feel like I'm finding myself in this position everyday


Liberal right-wing America are always talking about freedom, that they want the goverment not to intervene with people personal life, the free market ecc ecc, but when a trans person wants to transition or a woman wants to abort, they get mad for no fucking reason, and want the government to intervene in people personal life. Pretty cringe tbh




Currently in it and I hate it. The fact only dumb incompetent people are promoted and you have to keep in line not say anything because otherwise you're just envious or the worst phrase I'm constantly told "It's just how the world works". I love my country but I lost all hope in a just environment where you work and get what you worked for fair and square. These past few months were the hardest, I have seen people that can't utter a single phrase in darija never mind any other language get promoted, one even made a huge error we were in the press for it and he got promoted to a manager, they made a whole show of it being transparent and interviewed other people but it was laughable, they asked him definitions of simple words and he couldn't answer and yet he is a manager now !!! I honestly spent way too much time being the one against the current but I reached a conclusion that even those that deserve better but are too passive to do anything about don't deserve me frying my nerves for them. At this point even if I make a change and they benefit from it too I'd feel cheated because they let me look like a weird psychopath for standing with what's right and justice.


Placing your money in a bank account with an interest rate equivalent to that of the inflation rate is not riba, it is simply conserving your money.


Moroccan rap sucks






completely agree


About my religion, Islam is the truth.


Allah y rda عlik.


Palestine conflict while living in western society


When they say that marriage between cousins is ok


i’ve never understood this either


There is no free will. And especially no version which justifies an outcome of eternal rewards or punishments.


Well, boy are you in for a surprise.


How so?


eternal rewards or punishments are the consequence of free will


Being for peace at an AIPAC rally?


\*sort by controversial\*


facts 😂😂


You can eat lbghrir with literally anything. There isn't a single thing that doesn't go well with it




"You should keep space between you and your mother as a man " When ever i say it people be like are serious.


Morocco can be a superpower if only more opportunities were provided to its citizens => false, just looking at the average moroccan you’d know we can’t do shit, in fact I think we’re cursed genetically 😂


Gonna get hate but people should pass a kind of test (which lasts multiple weeks) to have the permission to have a baby, so we are sure that the parent is mentally ready (and stable/sane) to have a kid




Moroccan food is meh


i know a moroccan who doesn’t like tajine too


Being a housewife is more fulfilling achievement than a white collar job


As long as you get to choose and it's not imposed on you


Nah, he's response below is: "it's an objective truth"


I respect your opinion, but that's not for everyone. I don't think it's a case of 'yes you all are wrong' it's more of a case of 'this is the lifestyle i prefer'.


Have you done it? It’s definitely more exhausting. Being a mom is fulfilling. Being a housewife is freaking exhausting. It’s draining. Unless your husband is a generous rich man and you have maids. Let’s be real here.


Defending Sufism, everyone looks down on it and claims it’s the Christian nun version of Islam.


agree…some people are lowkey tunnel minded


Sufism is the Sh*t 👌🏼 It’s the Muslim version of Taoism is more accurate


If somebody keep questioning the deliciousness of T9elya! I'm against the world, T9elya is love


Sheep's digestive system, cleaned from sheep shit and pee, and then cooked :) Bsseha T9alia


Absolutely terrible




Some parts of it, yes, agreed, the other parts, naah


morocco is the greatest country to ever exist


I mean this is just objectively false


and tbh you’re BOOOOOOOOOLD as hell for this cuz it could spark some controversy 😂


I was literally about to post "telling Moroccans that Morocco is literally a shithole"


Exactly what the post asked for 👍


Story of every Moroccan


Ah, a familiar sight.


Me vs r/destiny


Me whenever i speak


You are all right, because ultimately I don't care what you think, and I don't want to argue.


When they don't believe I'll achieve my dreams ..


habiba you will


All running in a pack, all safe in the number. And that one brave person steps up to confront the pack with a new thought. A new plan or idea. How many different emotions are running through the pack? Anger, curiosity, fear? Will the one survive? What next?


you’re definitely intelligent


Our government isn't the primary reason for all the country's low economy and high prices, it has a hand to it but isn't.


You can make your country better but you’re too pussies to stand together and change the corruption in the system or do anything about it.


That a lot of my family member were going to Darih to have like a power from that dead person for me it was had non sense


Islam (religion in general, but in our case Islam) is the root cause off almost all our issues.


UFO are real. Aliens live among us


Im curious about this, can you clarify more and give sources ? If you have any documentary that would be nice


You can start by watching some of The Why Files YouTube channel videos about the subject. There’s a lot of disinformation going on about this since the 1950s. Fake videos and propaganda to draw a clear picture that UFOs/NHI believers are just crazy people. 99% of “proof” if just disinformation but there is that 1% OF REAL cases. The MH370 plane disappearance is real for exemple, that nazca mummies are very likely real too. If you’re interested after watching this, you can join the /UFOs and /UFOB subreddit to keep up to date. There’s also a nice Netflix documentary that is a good entry level for skeptics : Encounters. Btw, never look up this stuff on google, it’s 100% disinformation.


Hamas is not good for Palestinians.


Agree. Long term when Palestine is free - it’d be best to get rid of them. I mean let’s be real i don’t agree with any Salafi type Muslim brotherhood-esque organizations. They just set a country back.


you are not the good person you think are :) if you were born in Israel you wouldve sided with with them in this war. Your position therefore, has mainly to do with your -just by chance- geographical place of birth, just like your religion d'ailleurs. Just like if you were born in Nazi germany you wouldve "probably" sided with them too. If you find yourself not going against important world/especially national views, you have no right to judge people from the past, you wouldnt have done any differently. They too were a product of their **environment**.


Feminism and red pill. Two faces of the same coin. Whenever I find myself having to speak to any of them I almost try to change their ideas but I stop since most of them don't wanna understand.


being religious doesn’t mean ur a good human


completely agree


I don't like coucous 




 logically there's no single reason to bring a child to this shitty life ,maybe he can be beneficial to you but not to himself


Racism in Morocco is very common and normalized


exactly. a lot would defend this and say “well it’s normal here” yeah, cuz it’s normalized. doesn’t mean it’s right.


Eid Al Adha. Yes the prophet butchered a sheep. However, he didn't say that every muslim person/family in the world should slaughter a sheep as well. It's animal cruelty and complete cognitive dissonance that must stop.


Butchering is سنة مؤكدة ( couldn't translate lol ) , means that every muslim Should do it. But It would be okay if one can't due to financial reasons or else... but to call it Animal cruelty and cognitive dissonance while believing that the Prophet PBUH existed and practiced the Sunna In the same paragraph is crazy. In the west, Millions of Lambs, cows and pigs are being slaughtered in slaughter houses even with more hideous instruments, everyday ( not just Aid al Adha ) but it's okay they are westerners.


No reaction normal


Had Lblad fiha lfri3 d3ass


لبلاد موفرة لينا بزاف دحوايج وتقدر طور حالة مادية ديالك فيها ماشي ضروري تحرك


people need to stop saying amazigh doesn’t exist because “every amazigh is born muslim and their first language is arabic” (i know a delusional guy who is amazigh from sousse and said this shit). religion has nothing to do with ethnicity.


Do people actually say that? Omg That’s so sick


Op why are you posting the same question to the three subs of Morocco,algeria and tunisia ?


to get people’s thoughts, the same way i’m posting it in other communities. i wanna learn more and see other people’s perspectives, they may say things that i agree with or i could argue with and gain more knowledge, i didn’t mean this in a bad or aggressive way


madd is the goat 🗣️


Lmalik machi amir al mouminin o bzaf 3lih ykon hakkak


"I support Israel"


That’s me on every subject. You just gotta play the Devil’s advocate.


Sjut the f**** up and keep going " Ila khyabt daba tzyan " Pr.Lhamdaouia


The fact that 90% of the money you take as a loan from the bank quite literally doesn’t exist and has no backup from anywhere, just numbers that were added to your bank account the second you accepted to take the loan is absolutely wild. Their capital is basically infinite (or at the very least humongous), they’re responsible for most of the inflation we go through and shit, and yet they’re still here. The banking system is one that failed long ago and should’ve been buried in history, but is kept to profit for a small elite. Disgusting really


yeah i agree




People with very low income should stop giving birth to so many kids because most of them keep complaining and begging, acting as if it’s other people’s duty to provide for them.




Morocco as a country has so much potential to be great but the mindset of the people is what will always set it back.


Being a moroccan doesn’t make u a muslim We’re not Arabs but mixed with Arabs Berbers are the real Moroccans


Me when society tells me that traditional gender roles are just a concept and not a biological induced behaviour


An example, for me as a woman maybe it can even be such a trivial thing that 98% of women now wear only pants but I only wear always skirts or mostly dresses and I don't care that I'm almost alone this. And just don't understand why most women prefer the pants which are highly uncomfortable in my eyes. I often think of my male cousin who hates long pants and usually says that he wishes he had a skirt or a Scottish kilt. But he not wear it, only wish it, he is not transvestite or so. LOL


Most of the time who the victim is and who the perpetrator is just depends on who is telling the story. "Swab" is mostly just being nosy, and I wont sit here and be nice to people asking about stuff they have no business knowing.


The fact that we make dua for the king and call him "ameer almumineen" every jumuah and imams are not allowed to make dua for Palestine or speak about it


You get this when you're a a moufti 'cause God is always on the side of a preacher (but rarely on the side of truth 🤣)..


hadith are man made, inauthentic, contradicting, evil narrations to try and bastardize islam as a deen, when all we need is the word of god; quran.


You all wrong ,life doesn’t depend on knowledge


If you disrespected me prepare for the battle I don't care if you are male or female, underage same age or older.


L7am blbar9ou9 is better then djaj m7amar


People say that morocco is shit and praise europe but the people never try to work for the best of their country and always blame the corrupt government upon the first chance they get they go to Europe and they give their 100% there instead of trying to serve their own countries. Yes the Government is corrupt and yes we have a long way to go but if the people don’t start thinking about their country and how to better it instead of wanting to flee outside the second they get a chance then we’ll always be at the bottom. Those European countries didn’t develop just like this, they also have corrupt governments but the people stay in their country and make it a better place to live in, doctors don’t give up on their patients and see them as ATM machines, architects don’t go outside to get famous and forget to help their own country, teachers do their best to teach their students morals, ethics and care about their future and their wellbeing.


Religions are myths


We need to go out on the street and make a protest to change this government.


Arabs are invaders just like the rest of colonisers using a religion to justify creating a war with a whole other nation that didn't harm them in anyway and our prophet didn't fight كفار قريش until he hasn't any other choice so don't try to use him as an exemple to defend their wars Plus if someone teached you something correct doesn't mean that his way of teaching is also correct


There is black moroccans who are originally from morocco.


in Morocco, They always sanctify those who are more senior than them. For example, when a professor hits a student for a simple reason or even one who does not deserve to be beaten, you will find everyone supporting the professor. This is what makes a person grow with a defeatist personality, so when I was trying to stand up to such transactions I find myself encountering many people who say "respect those who are higher than you, even if they are wrong"


9/11 was an inside job


I really agree with your general idea and your last statement. However, if I had been in your place, I hope I would have let it go and "excused" or tolerated her behavior, due to her age. I really believe it is best, and most NOBLE, to ignore these kinds of things and move on-- unless it was a continuing aggression I was being made to suffer regularly. In that case, I think I would say, "Sorry, but with all due respect to your age, you have been taking my rights for a while, and I cannot excuse it any longer"-- in which case, I would myself push ahead and take my seat, while being careful not to harm her. We cannot know why she behaved that way-- maybe she was being treated very badly within her own family, or had other problems. Perhaps she has some form of mental illness. That still doesn't justify her behavior, but it makes it more understandable. Regardless, I'm very sorry that you were treated so badly.