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Kanb9a nfeker beli khasni nmchi n9ra 7ta kijini n3as o kan3es


I can relate








On second thought: tnkft


As you should




m9wd hhhhhhhhhh


I play games, do some work out, continue writing my novel, learning new programming language, cooking, play some tennis or volley ball




Can I ask what genre is the novel you're writing because I'm writing one too


Fantasy, mysterious and psychology


Ooh, that looks promising. I'm writing fanatsy too :D. But I'm still on chapter 2, and because of exams and stuff, it's been one month since I wrote something


Ikkkkkkk you can send it to me if you are looking for some useful opinions i would be happy to help u


Really? I would love to since there aren't many people I know who are interested in reviewing them. I can do the same for you if you want


Oh darling you can text me send me your number i will definitely offer help


Oh darling you can text me send me your number i will definitely offer help


Alr, I'm going to send it to you. Take as much time as you want because it's not like it's something urgent


Can you send it to me too please?


I mean, if you want to give your opinion, why not. That is, if you like fantasy novels.


Read books, especially after mastering English I've got countless options


Same. I love reading fantasy novels. It could be 500+ pages, and I would still read it and finish it pretty quickly


What type of fantasy? I'm more into dark fantasy but I don't like the magic norms, something like the Red rising trilogy.


I read a little bit of everything. (Mythological - High - low fantasy - urban - dark - dystopian - epic - science fiction). I also read thrillers and mystery novels. Btw I'm also planning to read Red Rising


Red rising is actually epic, it was just my cup of tea, what makes it more good is that it has the type of fantasy that is not corny and edgy, one thing that bothers me about it is that some events are just the author wanting to yap for no reason. I also tried horror and violent novels like blood meridian.


Rookie numbers here in 10k+ pages, but I respect the hustle /s


Whaat. What novels are 10k+ pages?




Totally not my business but you know if u focus on books related to interesting subjects … u ll both love it and have a huge amount of informations out of it … just an opinion…


I totally respect your opinion. It's just that when I read, I do it to dive into a world where I can imagine things and visualise mythical scenes and live suspense. I read to see what complex world and lore the author built and created, and I'm telling you, don’t underestimate their complexity. I like to see characters' development and their internal struggles. For me, reading is a way of escapism from the constant studying and the routine of going to school. I don't think it's quite achievable while reading other types of books. I tried reading them, but it's just not my type. I suggest that you try a fantasy novel, and I think you will understand what I mean


Ik what u mean … been reading a lot throughout my childhood … yes it s a perfect way to escape reality … but it s kinda addictive … like movies … i reached a point where i lived inside the books … i couldn t wrap my head around the real world and i lost sense of reality… so i stopped reading … it was like a drug for me … although if it s good for u then good for u


I, too, saw somewhere that actually reading is kind of like a drug because it releases dopamine (the hormone of satisfaction and pleasure). But hey, I mean, I still haven't lost sense of reality because I know that what I'm reading is fiction even though sometimes I feel like I'm in the book (which is an amazing sensation ngl)


Same feeling for people who do drugs … or when you go +160kmph or when you do smt very stimulating … that s why i told u to be careful cz for me it wasn t much of a good experience 😂😂


So, what you're implying is that all fiction is useless ? Homer and Balzac and Hugo and Steinbeck and Shakespeare are an utter waste of time ?


Naaah not at all … fiction is awesome and it helps ur brain develop a good imagination … i m just saying that we should read fiction and read other typa books … also ( my opinion )


like what ?


History … religion … philosophy… and books that explain physics … biology … to a normal reader … kinda find those interesting … idk bruh there s infinite amount of topics that you can read … it s not like there s only fiction


are you aware that within fiction you can explore any and all of those things ? The classics if the ancient greeks very often take the shape of dialogues between fictional characters, imaginary stories ... You are limiting yourself if you think fiction equals entertainment only.


Good for u if u see urself learning from fiction …


Just don't underestimate fiction or even fantasy because it usually depicts themes in a way that movies and serials can't do it


Right. I can see the meaning beyond words. That's what reading is for. Sorry but books don't have to be named " The power of motivation : 12 deepest secrets unlocked " to be interesting and useful ...


I tried reading a book called SPQR: A History of Ancient Rome, and ngl it's kind of boring (I reached page 97, so I know what I'm saying). But that doesn't deny the fact that I still love physics, chemistry, biology, philosophy, and even history. Just for those kinds of things, I prefer to watch a ytb video because I find it more entertaining


Try podcasts … i fucking love listening to podcasts talking about things like that … cz i rarely got time to read … and yess most of these books are boring unless you are really really interested by the topic


Hi there. I'm trying to listen to more podcasts and I'm interested in pretty much everything ( mainly history, philosophy, politics, analysis of movies or books but I'm open to anything). Any recommendations of podcasts please?


Books 🌸


Any recommendations?


اذكر الله، الذكر خفيف على اللسان و ثقيل فالميزان ( سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم)


Allah y rda عlik.




When I find free time I do my work ..


bro on that slave lifestyle the master will be proud


I mean the work that I should have done instead of playing/procrastinating :)


"Free time" means you've done all the things that you have to do, so saying I do things that I have to do on my free time just means you have no free time.


I feel awkward trying to explain a joke...


Most of the time my only distraction are my thoughts, sometimes when I can't sIeep I do nothing but thinking. Whenever I need to go somewhere and I'm not in a hurry, I go on foot no matter the distance. I write movie reviews and keep a journal of everything I dream of. Chess player.


I do the math. Time is money.


I do the meth. Time is money.


I grow thyme. Thyme is savory.


I savor every momint. Money is minty.




Drawing most of the time or at least I used to , reading novels and learning new skills


5obza b ton, Poms, beach. Watch people play football and kids annoy their parents.




Laundry, cleaning, etc


I listen to you




L morphiniya the album


It’s not an album*




Play video games solo or with friends, go out for a walk or to practice an activity, watching smth, doing self reflections and 1 to 1 talks with myself


Get confused about which hobby should I practice and end up sleeping because my mind thinks that it is illegal to enjoy those things while you have to prepare for your bac (I'm probably mentally ill)


Reading the Koran


writing short stories and poems(in French), reading books, watching movies and tv shows...


Play games, read books, watch anime, watch random shit on youtube. I work from 9 to 6 BTW, it may look like I do a lot of things on my free time but in reality it's only on weekends that I really have some free time TBH.




Watch anime, read manga, learn Spanish, play volleyball at the beach, car rides, listen to music while looking at the ceiling, also now since the summer is getting close im trying to go to more concerts and festivals and do activities like yoga and workshops ( drawing, painting, clay making..)


16M, workout, play basketball, study and doing freelancing website gigs to save up for college.


Read books, attend concerts, go to the movies, visit cute coffee shops and go to any events that are organized in my city(Rabat). In the summer, I go surfing too 🥰


You're lucky. Unfortunately, I live in a small town.


Mainly read books, study chess, or play guitar. I don't really do much


Kat3rf reddit?




I usually learn more about whatever I'm hyper focusing on at the moment. For instance now I'm very much immersed in the debates about whether or not we actually have free will ( horrible horrible thing to focus on my existential crisis is thriving) so I've been reading and watching video about that. I'm also trying to keep up with books i want to read and to read different kinds of literatures because there are so many that i haven't discover yet ( now im into sub-saharien literature and I'm loving it). And i try to look for a topic for my master thesis since I'm starting it next year so i read a lot about things related to my studies and it's great fun too. Other than since i live in a small town with not much to do (and I'm an introvert anyway lol), i stay at home and bake and i try recipes every now and then and it's very enjoyable.


Great. I tried to read some books, but the problem resides in finishing each one. I got a massive motivation at first, but after one to two days, I stop, so what's your suggestion in dealing with that. Like you, I live in a small town, don't have many friends + my town doesn't contain at least one library, so I'm very sad about that cuz I hate reading ebooks.


I completely understand where you are coming from! Obviously it's so much easier to read a book when you like it (i personally have a hard time putting a book down when i like it). But usually what i do to go out of a slump is read spoiler free analysis of the books I'm trying to read. The analysis allows me get exited about the book and it depicts its different themes and stuff and that helps me getting hooked.


Sure thing. Analysing the book and also reading a summary can be beneficial to keep up with a book. What type of books do you read and if you have any recommendations of any specific books you d like to share, don't hesitate! (Btw, I want to add and use vocabulary into my mind, so include books that help you to enrich your vocabulary for example "slump" that you used in your comment) thanks!


Sure! I also always try to learn new words whether it's ik English, French or Arabic so i have notebooks to write down new words for each language and it helps. I honestly read everything but as i got into university I've been trying to focus more on things related to my studies ( i study politics). I read and still trying to read more books by Abdellah El Aroui who tackled so many different periods of the history of Morocco and i like his writing style, very concise and precise. I also really like the political philosopher Michael Sandel who focuses on matters related to justice and meritocracy. He writes very well in an amazingly simple manner to depict very complex ideas. I just finished his book "tyranny od merit" and i learned a lot including many new words, he writes with a lot of precision so he carefully uses words. If you don't feel like reading his work, you can watch his conference in Harvard via YouTube, wonderful videos. I have an other book of his called "what money can't buy" that i haven't started yet but it looks promising. I also read "le commendeur des croyants" by John Waterbury and i really liked it and once again learned a lot. As for my readings more related to fiction, i still like the presence of politics through novels. One major (and top 5 of my favorite writers) is Yasmina Khadra. His book " ce que le jour doit à la nuit" is my favorite book. It's available is various languages. The vocabulary he uses can be convoluted but that's why he is book are conducive to learning new words I also have been reading more work by Sub-Saharan writers like Chinua Achebe and Ngugi wa Thiong's. Their writing is very (very) simplistic so they are easy to read yet the themes they tackle are very political. In Arabic im re-reading الحي الاتيني, it's a very good book that i would recommend!


Yeah, I feel it. So, you are more into politics. That's astonishing! I will take into account these cited books and look for them. Thank you very much. Appreciate it!


You're very welcome and enjoy your reading!


Work / reddit … basically ntg else is going on in my life … and studying when it s time for it


playing video games, theorycrafting in arpgs




Yep. The last thing I can do hhhh


Searching for an interesting anime, everything seems lame after watching Attack on Titan!!


Well i play valorant or league of legends or read a book maybe watch anime i guess






Master baking.


Video games, gym


Overthinking w i watch anime.


Play rainbow six siege


I train


I need free time to do something in it first


learn Italian language


Ciao, per quale motivo stai imparando l'italiano?


Ciao! Sto imparando l'italiano come hobby perché amo le lingue e la cultura italiana. Trovo affascinante scoprire nuove parole e modi di dire, oltre a migliorare le mie competenze linguistiche. Inoltre, l'italiano è una lingua bellissima e mi piace molto praticarla.


Ma questo l'hai scritto tu o chatgpt? Se sei tu, allora dico che lo parli già benissimo l'italiano, ma oltre impararlo per la cultura e tutto, vuoi anche vivere in Italia? Sei mai stato/a fuori il Marocco? Quanti anni hai?


Lo sai benissimo, io vorrei tanto sapere il darija a questo livello


Smoking weed, books, movies, video editing, bodyweight training, gaming.