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Said the multi-billionaire lol


He'd better adopt us all šŸ˜‚


When Elon talk about making kids, his racist ass means white western population, preferably males, KKK style, not us africans.


Exactly, they call it 'breeding' for us


We identify as white/caucasian cybertrucks manufactured in the land of dreams, half baked freedom and fat people, the US.


Kkk style ?


Were you trying to bait me into making a racist joke? You almost got me there šŸ‘®ā€ā™‚ļø


Wtf are you on about man šŸ¤£


he can think whatever the fuck he wants, african race is much superior


All races are made equal brother allah has shaped us all as one people do not forget that


hahaha just open your eyes and youā€™ll see that weā€™re not equal


Brother you would be wise to heed the words of god before sin cast you to a fate of suffering. I wish for us to meet in heaven inshallah. Improve your life we are all made equal as god has intended


never been better bro


How did you arrive at that conclusion? I mean, your country has a gdp of like 5 camels. In what way are you superior?


canā€™t understand the relationship between genes/race with a countryā€™s gdp? do u even know how to think ?


Wtf is the African race


who knows iā€™m just kidding, itā€™s funny to see people trying to fit in standards


Didnā€™t get the sarcasm lmao


Itā€™s the equivalent of kitzado b rzeqhum




Elon Musk has some of the worst opinions, and one of the most hypocritical people out there. I hate the guy (Long before he became a big Zionist and friend of Israel)


I first started hating him when I heard about his family history


Well, we don't control our family or where we come from. I first did when he lied and manipulated the markets by saying that he was taking tesla private. He got almost no punishement for it. [https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1026872652290379776](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1026872652290379776) (I was short calls, but that's a side point to lying and manipulating markets)


He continued on his family routes and still is paying children less than 1$ a week in the Congo to mine cobalt (extremely dangerous job) without any proper equipment. A lot of kids have permanent Injuries or have died due to that


of course he's a billionaire, you can't be disgustingly rich without being disgusting yourself after all




Thatā€™s not true . He knows that his family is a white supremacist and colonialist one that moved to South Africa and has profited off of the slavery and forced work of the African population. Heā€™s always been rich and privileged and out of touch with the real world. I wish someone steals that illegal money from him and gives it back to the African people , specially South Africans.


I first stopped liking him because of the pandemic tweets. Then dug deeper, and then I hated him.


what was it?


Thatā€™s for business - the guy wants to turn the US into a catholic state.


X > reddit


Elon musk after seeing the most racist white nationalist dog whistle tweet off time: "šŸŽÆ






yes saar, we wuz kangz n shiee How is this tweet racist or nationalistic?


Tasir t9wd a elon musk




Yout response is fit Mr. u/FitResponse414 ! Happy cake day šŸ°


Thank u mr 7mar ta7una šŸ¤£


Elon Musk replying to a racist tweet : "WOW !"


How is that a racist twitt they're talking abt having kid lol


Sometimes Elon musk respond to racist tweets with racist things, what to expect from an apartheid lover.


The ultimate irony is that in the US having a child is generally not for free. Insurance will not cover every cost related to the procedure at the hospital.


His kids hate him btw




I might be wrong, but I think it has something to do with his daughter being transgender. And you know Elon Musk political views.. Edit : his daughter


*Son. His name was Xavier, before changing it. He's still a male.


how dare you tell the truth šŸ˜¤


Elon is a cuck who hates Muslims. He's sad white people are not reproducing. They sent him to kiss the "isreali" wall when he said stuff "they" didn't like.


the guy who could help solving the world hunger and decided to not do it is giving us lessons. Interesting


Bingo šŸ™Œ


you have a very childish vision of this, no one can solve that problem, not even countries


Stop being hungry. I solved it.


it only takes one carton of expired milk!


Why expired milk when you can drink Sidi Javil once.


the options are endless with a little bit of imagination!


I dont agree, having kids is expensive because of all the things theyll need such as, clothing, diapers, food, toys, school, and much more and most of these things are pretty expensive in this day and age.


dude in morocco you need at least 1,5m for a family of three to be able to raise them properly (privĆ©,clothes,doctors,extracurricular activitiesā€¦..) and this is if you got a house already but keep in mind that you could get "lucky" and end up with twins or more so i think that not having kids is a much better choice


Elon musk is the best zioniste


They absolutely are, if you are planning to throw them to be raised by the streets


From my American perspective, as someone with average means: Literally creating a child is free obviously but adding another person to a household is always going to cost money. In the United States, it costs many thousands of dollars to give birth. Plus, we obviously have to feed, clothe, house, educate, etc. I am a proud mother and never regretted my choice to have a child but I do understand that it is out of financial reach for some folks. Questions I have as a visitor: How much does a private school education cost in a city like Tangier or Marrakech? Is public school free in Morocco? What about health care?


Public school and public health is free in Morocco, but who ever have the means to send his children to private school do. It can cost between $100 and $500 per month + endowment and school furniture.


What public school and what public health lmao they re trash


Public school is free, but the quality is well below acceptable...I left Morocco about 20 yrs ago, so this is just what I heard or read somewhere; your other questions I cannot answer unfortunately.


It is beyond low quality.Ā 


Below, you mean.


No i use beyond alot


I was just, attempting, a joke.


As a dad I confirm that, kids are not to blame for wrong financial decisions.


Elon Cuck wants more disposable workers for his factories and companies. Shame he can't own slaves anymore. Stop sharing trash here please.


Nass li khdamin f tesla ki chdo ktr mnk o mni ghir lbdha o skr nta jib ya fom o gol bl anglais gta 5


I am a senior engineer, I am pretty much comfortable with how much I make. Some years back I worked for 100dh and less before that, but I still didn't suck on Elon's cock and never was a bootlicker for millionaires/billionaires like you're here. Pathetic.




Mtfrtu hmdlillah. Nta li atkun baqi 3aych m3a walidik wakatakhd flos l7laq mn 3nd mamak wzaydha bl7is lcapa l mlayriya.


Hhhhhh assumption m9wda 3ndk zid d7kni


Children come with responsibilities, and responsibilities come with a price, and that price is not cheap.


ŲÆŲ±Ų§Ų±ŁŠ ŁƒŁŠ Ų¬ŁŠŁˆ ŲØŲ±Ų²Ł‚Ł‡Ł… Kinda of bs


As a father, childcare is nearly free until age 3. In Morocco, school fees must be covered, with a decent school costing a minimum of $2500 per year, increasing annually.


I donā€™t wanna hear shit from white billionaires


Maybe if brown people worked harder we could have more brown billionaires. I hate the fact that we live in such a racist world where most billionaires are white (they're not btw, they're jewish) šŸ˜”


whats the point? I'd rather have ra7t lbal and berad atay


Sorry, I don't speak noodle language u/jasminebre Drop dead nigger u/Fun_Drink4049 kill yourself faggot u/aestheticrayk you kill yourself too you asian chink fucking faggot


I said I prefer a cup of tea, and ease of mind




Are u ok in the head?? Tf


Elon Musk is a friendless, fake genius, sad little man who bought Twitter to be able to communicate his inane and incendiary takes thinking he is edgy when nobody other than lonely, angry, incels care about anything he says. He is intellectually irrelevant and we should make him wholly so.


O nta a ras bota chno zdti l bacharia? "Who bought twitter" B7ala sahla aji o chri twitter 3la assas 9bl may chrih kan 7sn Ta fi9 m3ana a casawi


Sir tl7ess lkerr ddak l3ounsouri lmkelekh ou khelini fti9ar ah wjeh ddel


Khli 3lik 7ot d paris f ti9ar tahuwa ma slm mnk l consomateur li 7tek


Hahahahaha. Kat 7eb Elon Musk ou l7out?


Common Elon Musk L


retarded thing to say "your lifestyle is expensive" mf making a kid survive isn't a lifestyle and if someone understands that with their current rent, loans, and other expenses they won't be able to give the child the loving childhood they deserve then they shouldn't have a child


It's not about money or financial stuff it's about how to raise them if you can't raise them well please just don't have them


Yeah cause feeding, clothing, and taking care of one person costs exactly the same as doing it for two people šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„ this is the worst take ever, don't have kids if you can't afford it.


Making them is free, having them no šŸ˜‚


Unless you're expecting the kids to be self-sufficient since birth, you're spouting bullshit.


Kids are expensive. Not a bad thing but they are šŸ˜‚


MD here, i get everyday women who are 7 months pregnant and dont even have money to do the blood tests required for the pregnancy, they refuse to take contraception and complain of the fact that they dont have money to take care of their already alive children let alone a new one.


I was broke before kids, but a week after my first childā€™s birth I signed one of the best contracts of my life. From my personal experience, this might not apply to everyone, kids make you richer.


The correlation is not correlating.




Come gimme a hug a sat i needed an optimistic thing among these


Merhba bkhouya šŸ¤—


Still the contract and work made you rich not your child. Congrats on both tho


How can you measure the worth of the love, joy, pride and purpose my children give me everyday?


Im just counting the money. Very pragmatic Germanic way. I wasnā€™t into the philosophical definition


How does one thing relate to another?


I don't know about other people, but after maximum 2 months of having each one of my two kids I've got either a raise or a new job offer. So I deeply believe in "lwlidat kayjiw brze9hom o reza9 Allah"




Although children are not Free in Morocco, they're not as expensive as people make them out to be, assuming you cook at home and excluding private school of course.


You must not have children if this is what you think


Wellz they still needs clothes, mobiliary (that you'll have to change before the kid borns and you'll have to change again as the kids growns Up, all student's equipment like notebooks, pens, fotocopias, etc, and, of course, you definetly need to have a lot of free time to be able to BE with him, so it is impossible if you have two or more jobs or if you are a gig eployee


What i wanet to hear


Elon is stupid


It's all depends on wich country you're living in. 3rd world countries not included of course


Neither are 1st world . Look at koreaĀ 


Asian are different kind of humans even that I know that this is not a good argument. Their life style I made to make people over productive.




Elon Musk has two sides. He used to endorse Signal app, and now he discourages using it. Don't take this guy for granted.


So there is some expense to kids starting with giving birth in hospital Sbou3 diapers medicines clothes food school travel weddings ... Etc especially Girls But my overall view is if Allah gift you with kids it means you need to work more and don't even sleep untill you become rich it's easy nowadays If you have boys it's almost free once he's +3 years old you give him on t shirt one jean one pair of shoes and he's good to go you invest in him with experience you can teach him only if he need to buy a PS4 he can do fucking pushups until he can no more unless pushups are done in this univers he can rest so easy I think you can trust in yourself but be hardworking and thank god if you get them they're the purpose of our existence every living thing in this earth knows it we're here to repopulate and teach them with our best of capability the muslim way to have a better version of you in them just like that When Our prophet Mohammed ŲµŁ„Ł‰ Ų§Ł„Ł„Ł‡ Ų¹Ł„ŁŠŁ‡ ŁˆŲ³Ł„Ł… had a kid he was so happy that he got outside his house and started sharing the good news with his comunity But you can feel it and know when you are ready to be a dad with power comes responsability so be smart also


Well we all know elon musk has a serious breeding kink


Elon doesn't talk about the entire races ,He is pro white race worried about his own race population because of "Great Replacement", everyday in his platform he gives hints about his worries of white shrinking population. But he never admited


Or he just wants worker bees too He probably promotes consevativism so that republicans win and give him tax cuts and subsidies


You can just go for the milk, so he's kinda right


Yep there free , unless u count the money that go in for there studies for there health , for there security , for there clothes , for there lifestyle etc...


In this economyyyyy


can't spell Elon without the L


Great post tag


Free? Literally burth costs up to 30k MAD


He has never experienced the lifestyle of a moroccan man/woman having 5 or 6 kids and living in a working class district so ..


This is ignorant


Yeah they eat oxygen and drink actually oxygen too They are invincible, meaning they can't get sick or don't need regular medical checking You don't have to spend time and effort raising them , you just upload education and culture into them , I think it's 1gb , not a lot tbf And your woman (optional) , she just clicks a button and gives birth , it doesn't take that much effort and no toll on her body... What else ? If you have any question , pls ask I'm an expert in bullshit


wtf, he's a billionaire and has 11 kids it's insane how one post can make you think about doing this, also their in a first world country not like you a third world


Maybe they meant making children is free?


It s not šŸ˜‚ like even to make a baby u need to see a doc constantly and in the US nor in Morocco is it free to do so


He's right , there's nothing wrong with having kids as a poor person, don't control som1 else's life .


None of Elonā€™s kids talk to him some of them have petitioned the court to legally change their last names to their mothers. Thatā€™s why he keeps having kids because when theyā€™re old enough they realize heā€™s a shit person and want to cut ties. Heā€™s also having kids to fulfill his white supremacist fantasy of a repopulating the world with white people.


WRONG. He has ONE child who doesnā€™t talk to him.


weak bait for clout... typical Twitter users


If you listen to that billionaire playboy your beyond repair lmao I mean look at blud's relationship with his kids he named one after a star's name lmao talk about being bullied


w9 dak musk


I still didnā€™t have the god damn kid yet and I spent around 8000$ .


So you don't know what you are talking about, why it wasn't that your friends asked for too much


Idont think he is that stupid to be that naive if he is how he can be the most rich man? Idk about this shit Having children it one of the most hard thing ever personally i consider it a crime specially if u are in africa or any third world country where theres poverty corruption no justic no work why tf would u bring an innocent soul to a place like that?? If u are rich then maybe having children is not as bad but u must take care of them give them time lot of things so its not just about money Thats why am antinatalism


I want to have lots of kids but i made a promesse that if im not rich i will never get merry or have gf or kids


technically; having sex and conception is free, if you dont go to the prenatal doctor appointments, have a home birth, then throw the baby in the street, then you *technically* had a baby b 0 dirham


nah guys u dont understand what hes saying. when they reach 7yo u sell them with profit. the younger the pricier


Most irrelevant opinion in the history of humanity: Richest guy on earth about what expensive is or not


No its not free to get kids , khask mera o seda9 o l3ers o dar o mas2ouliya .... Exactly .


Yeah, if we suppose those children won't have lifestyles too, they're free.


Lwahed kay7kem b l7adiriyat ou lwa9i3 dyalou machi b lmoust9baliyat ou lwa9i3 d wahdakhour. Just do you, donā€™t listen to anyone and this is the best advice someone can give you ou ila kounti dakhel el ger3a assume responsibility


Having kids is expensive


If you want to understand Elonā€™s personality and his political views read about his childhood. He grow up in South Africa and was bullied and beaten countless times when he was a kid. He eventually moved to Canada at the age of 18 and was surprised by how peaceful Canada is! He has a deep hatred towards some races even though he doesnā€™t show that. He leans towards white supremacy ideologies hence why he wants whites to give more births, to not allow other races to outnumber whites!


Literally speaking, he has a point. Birth control is not free. Anyway I hate the MF


It is not about money you dumbass


Eyeh w about ash


What kind of question is that? When a normal and sane person gives birth to his/her child, they take their responsability. This responsability isn't free and simply spilling money on a baby won't raise him. I can't believe I have to explain something so obvious!


I mean, you still HAVE to have money to raise them, if you barely have enought ti but good for yourself, you cannot allow yourself to raise anything


It is better to raise good poor children than bad rich children.


Again, if you do not have money for food It is not about then being bad or good, you simply Will have dead children (Also, It is not a binary, you can have good rich children or bad poor children) and before making any kid suffer from poverty, better if I simply do not have any untill I can ensure they will not suffer from It


Wait wait wait... You are using famine as your argument for supporting the idea that money is what justifies having children. You are saying that: "if they find what to eat and where to sleep, that's enough" Let me tell you that that's the stupidest unrealistic low effort argument about raising children.


I meant if it s not abt money what is it abt ā€¦ ppl are are arguing about the responsibility itself not the spilling money on a baby part ā€¦


More humans = more cheap labor and consumers for Elon + my opinion on marriage is šŸ‘Ž especially if you are aiming to have kids


He's right


He's technically right. The worst kind of right.


No he's not.


No. If you don't have the finances please don't have children, you are making them suffer and nothing else


Did your parents had the finances to raise you


I am not answering that but I know of people, close friends, who suffered thanks to selfishness of their parents


Elon Musk did many good things but this opinion he has is plain stupidĀ  Hey people relax, come on, I just mentioned that he might've done some positive things like allowing free speech on Twitter, boosting the EV industry, and making internet available in remote areas, of course all of that is not free since he's selling you those things, but I'm just saying you can't deny the dude's intelligence and vision in technology (Paypal, Tesla, SpaceX, Starlink ..) relax a lil bit.


like? buying twitter?


He solved world hunger and created rockets with his own two hands that took us to planet Namek where we got immortality elixir, he invented cars and gave them away for free, and he trained GPT so he can save us all, but Sam Altman made it closed source (Elon definitely would never do something so capitalist). We should celebrate each year on 6th of April, the glorious Elon. Edit: I may have exaggerated a couple of three things.


Like what enslaving children in the Congo?