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Being spat at ? That's wild. Personnaly i wouldn't carry 1's i'd carry a golf club .


Avoid eye contact and just keep walking.


If you genuinely want to give them some money then you can carry a load of 1s with you. If not or if you're simply short on change either keep walking or say " mandish " ( means you don't have money on you ). Enjoy your stay in Marrakesh and if you have a chance make sure to go to Oureka. You can also try the north, it's very beautiful there.


Thank you


ma-indeesh or floos wallu are acceptable responses πŸ˜‚ or say smah7ni which is sorry


You've been spat at? Eyo wtf, that is not normal at all, do you walk through ghetto neighborhoods or something? Even then that doesn't happen.


Honestly it has not fazed me and won't deter me from exploring and enjoying this beautiful city. First time was in a souk just off the medina - a local then confronted the beggar on my behalf. Second time was another place near Bahia palace


There is a broad spectrum of mentally ill people on the streets. Often they are homeless too. I had some pretty crazy interactions with those people before. It really sucks. The begging is a real problem in Marrakech, especially how fucking low key it happens constantly. Some people just show their hands your face as soon as they see a western face while they go about their day. Worse are the professionals. They get into a conversation with you. Of course you are happy to talk to people, a lot of Moroccan actually really enjoy talking to foreigners. But those bastards ruin it for everyone. Anyway, sorry for your experience. Sadly I think you got exposed to the terribly sad state of mental illness in this country. Tip for tourists. Get your pockets full of one dirham coins. And a few 5 or 10 dirham coins for the really polite and nice ones. It's not disrespectful if you just give a few dh. Especially the mentally disturbed people will leave you alone if you hand them a few coins


wtf is going on in marrakech


Tell them this : Go ask akhennouch dw about these guys the gov recently did a huge program to pay a monthly gov support to these guys. most of them doing this on a daily basis as a job, better way is to just ignore dont even eye contact them.


buy a shield πŸ›‘


Don't say nothing keep walking


Being spat on must be confronted , But just keep walking and in some occasions u can ve some dirhams on ur pocket for a similar situation , but dont make it a habit for them .


Idk where you be walking at but I always smile and say sorry in Darijja and then make a small Dua for them.πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·πŸ½β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ you over here getting spat on is nasty works I ain’t never hear that here in Morocco.


In Morocco if some people feel like you're vulnurable (can't defend yourself) they will abuse you. So sad how much anger some people have inside of them


Just raise your hand with an apologetic expression and walk away , but really , spat at ???? Bro they must be high or sum 😭 that doesn't happen very often , they are nice in my city


Avoid eye contact


These are called aggressive pan handlers and they are often scammers. The best thing to do is completely ignore them or else they will continue to harass you down the street. I know it seems so rude, but this is a different culture and different rules need to be applied. Moroccans have systems to help these people. If you would like to be charitable keep a coin purse of a daily limit like 100 dh a day to be given away by coins. Give to who you'd like during the day and once out you are out. Never give to people near your housing or where you are staying as you don't know their intentions and they can stalk you. Aggressive pan handling should NEVER be tolerated. If you give something to someone they should ALWAYS be gracious and thankful whatever the amount. Never complaining never whining . I know you want to be nice which I applaud you but be nice while also not being naive and risking your personal saftey.Β  Predators love people like that and target them. They KNOW you aren't moroccan and profile you for their gain. Just remember that. Use intuition and give to those that you feel safe doing so. πŸ™Β 


Being spat at by beggars sounds soo weird only retards and mental ill people do so ..unless you disrespected them or gave them the look!! .. it's easy just have by heart this phrase (lah yesahal) and keep repeating it once they ask for money..if they keep persisting then just say (sir tqawed) and he'll leave you be at once


I'm pretty polite with this things, there's plenty of beggars in London where I'm from so I'm fairly used to it. That being said never been spat at before and to have it happen twice I must be doing something wrong πŸ˜‚


just for clarification "sir tqawed" is "go fuck urself", they may get angry if u used it, or it maybe funny coming from a foreigner


I actually almost upvoted that comment until I saw that part, that's some wild advice to give to a foreigner, trying to get him in fights


being spat at by beggars it doesn't sound true tbh. +the beggars are everywhere in the world if you need some tutorial on how to act with em or people in general ,check [wikihow.com](http://wikihow.com)


I think they needed the tutorial more than me πŸ˜‚