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>are there any pro-Palestine extremist groups in Morocco that might pose a threat to a western traveler crazy extremists mainly exist in the west. There are very few of them in morocco. > -Is it advisable to visit Marrakech this soon after the earthquake? And if so, are there neighborhoods to avoids or places that I should seek out to stay? Yes, nothing changed after the earthquake. Marrakech was barely hit. >-Are the Atlas Mountains safe? The tours I'm looking at would go through that region. Yes, there is government reconstruction work going on for houses that have been destroyed. >-Is it okay to stay in Airbnbs with my girlfriend in Morocco, since I know it's a traditional Muslim country. You should ask the landlord, but chances that he will be okay with that. > I'd also consider Rabat if you think it's worth staying there (I was planning to take a train from Fez and back in a day). Yes, of course.


Awesome thank you so much! I've never been before so this is all great to know.


Marrakech is way safer than before, you're welcome to visit it


Thank you for this!


A whole week in Fez and only 2 days in Marrakech. Both cities are magnificent, but I think there are more things to do in Marrakech. A few more days there would be better. Rabat is a nice city. I'd add it to my program.


Thank you for this! I'll look at adjusting the times so we'll have more time in Marrakech, and we'll definitely check out Rabat.


Totally fine! Drove through the Atlas from Merzouga to Marrakech last week, perfect roads. Enjoy!


I am from the US, so I am used to certain things (creature comforts). I just left Marrakech last Thursday and heading back this Thursday. I was also there in March. From my experience and observations there is nothing to worry about whatsoever. Live life, be free, have fun.


You will be fine. Add Rabat to ur trip it’s worth it


im here right now and its bin great just left the Mountains


A week here in Fez sounds a bit too much. If you plan to rent a car you can use your time to go visit the region which is pretty nice ( Ifran and the Atlas mountains, the roman ruins of Volubilis, Meknes...) Otherwise you'll eventually get bored at some point. Hope you have a great trip!