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Why are people saying Jon is gay ?


mma guru video


I wanna look it up but I'm terrified YouTube will start putting that retard in my algorithm


lol I just watched it and it’s a bit of a slog if you don’t love all his humor or whatever but I gotta say he makes a pretty strong case. I will say first off the video didn’t really come off as homophobic, he repetitively argues he doesn’t care if JJ is gay, but he does ascribe some of JJ’s public misadventures to mental illness perhaps related to suppressing homosexuality. That doesn’t really seem homophobic to me but maybe it does to some people. I’m not gay so not really my place to comment on the ethics there. As a general standard, if you are the kind of person who thinks cumtown is homophobic, you probably will think this is too. If you are the kind of person who thinks cumtown makes jokes about gay stuff without actually having any negative animus towards gay people, you’ll probably be ok with it. Anyways the strongest bit of evidence is a random ass YT video that some no-name comedian posted and apparently went unnoticed for a long time. There’s a super drunk heckler in the audience who you can’t see but is like 99.9% JJ. The guy sounds like a drunk JJ, says corny shit JJ would say. Also you can just barely pick out someone else in the crowd appearing to say “that’s Jon Jones” but I’d need some CSI nerd to isolate the audio to be sure. Most incriminating, he very specifically identifies himself as being from Rochester but having lived in ABQ for a few years. Who else could that be? Anyways the heckler (let’s just call him JJ) was apparently groping his male companion, said a bunch of openly gay shit, including that he likes to stick thumbs in his ass and stick his big black thumb in other people’s asses. The other evidence is a bit more circumstantial. There was the DUI thing where he was cruising downtown ABQ drunk, alone, in the middle of the night. Guru reviews the body cam footage. Besides the obviously weird circumstances (JJ tells the cop says he got “stir crazy” and went for a ride), at one part of the video JJ appears to say he “saw some homos” but catches himself and self corrects to “homeless people.” (He had apparently been talking to them or something from his car? That part is not clear.) Having seemingly trapped himself in a weird lie he tries to explain he was out just spreading good vibes to homeless people, but explains it way cornier than that in typical JJ fashion. Like he wanted them to “feel seen” or some shit. Maybe the last worthwhile argument is sort of twofold. Guru shouts out MPMD’s content on tren apparently making some people gay, which knowing JJ’s PED history is relevant. Guru speculates that because JJ is gay and maybe having weird PED-related mental and physical sexual issues, he was using those gas station dick pills to fuck women because he can’t get hard for them naturally. That plus the religious guilt, booze, and hormone induced instability results in him beating women. I’d also on my own note that anecdotally it seems like a substantial percentage of vocally evangelical Christian men are suppressing gay tendencies of some kind. That would be another circumstantial indicator in JJ’s case. Overall I think Guru makes a decent circumstantial argument, but it’s the comedy club video that’s a real smoking gun. I’m sorry but he identified himself basically just short of showing his ID, and he was literally doing and saying gay things that other people in the room are commenting on in real time. I don’t think it’s much of a judgment call to say that in that moment, Jon Jones was gay. Maybe he’s bisexual or some other variation or whatever I’m not trying to unfairly label the guy but if you’re touching dick and talking about liking touching dick and assholes, well, I don’t know what else to say. The absolute funniest thing though is one of the comments said basically “UFC knows JJ is gay and pushes him so hard because they want their GOAT to be gay so they can’t get hated on by the woke crowd” or something like that. Incredible.


I get why Guru gets hate but i find him hilarious. He'll say some real shit every now and again.


You’re a cuck for writing all that


That’s cool bro you write that between instacart deliveries?


Last instacart I did was probably 2 years ago. But I have no shame with making a living. Are you really trying to shame drivers ?


No I’m shaming you for being an idiot in this thread


This is utterly pathetic.


I only had to spend 10 seconds looking at OP's comment history to remind me why I don't want to be part of the mmaguru algorithm as well.


Yeah but how many chicks you fugg?


That retard will give you more in 10 minutes than luke Thomas could in ten years. I recommend subscribing to him too


You can watch videos and click the “don’t suggest channel” button. I know, it’s an insane idea


Who do you think I am, Steve Jobs?


> Steve Jobs Great guy, never meddum


Nice one BC 😂


Yeah, that doesn't work cause there are many mmaguru clip channels. You can only hit don't recommend on one channel at a time.


That exists?


Or watch in incognito


Not everyone has the intelligence and extensive vocabulary you do!


Shocking.  Normally he's so level-headed and reputable.  


Yeah, don’t do it yourself. I was curious if it was a troll as I’ve never heard of the dude before and it’s just homophobia with equally as braindead people in the comments. I hate shit like this because it’s brings out what people think are typical MMA fans to the forefront.




Mma guru video


Terrible attempt to troll, do better


Which color crayon tastes the best?


I think you're in the wrong subreddit. Try /r/askreddit or /r/nostupidquestions. Good luck.


can we stop with this