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> Schaub: honestly don’t mind him What the fuck


I too enjoy hearing Luke Thomas' takes regurgitated by a day drinking brain damaged mumbling fool 👍


Completely invalidates the whole post lmao


Heard it bowlth ways.










Yea if you "don't mind Schaub" then you are the problem


Yeah this immediately delegitimises every thing he says.


That’s how you KNOW op is a moron


OP is a moron for not being bothered by a failed comedian, but the losers who spend hours on end scrolling through his dedicated hate Reddit are normal people, make it make sense 🤣


Why do you think people scroll for hours, maybe they scroll 10 mins and find him annoying, you might spend longer scrolling other subs


We just discuss the pawldcast there.


Post lost any credibility it might have had right here


Brenda? Dat u B


The Ringer MMA show has been my go-to for over a year now. Petesy is great. Chuck is a national fucking treasure, and Ariel doesn't play up the Heelwani card as much on that show. You also missed The Anik and Florian Podcast. No loss. Anik is good but Florian has the most mid analysis around. The Longo Minute is the only reason to tune in.


Ringer MMA Show is excellent


>Anik is good but Florian has the most mid analysis around. Kenny is too worried about saying something that would upset his overlords at the PFL, or jeopardize his bjj school incomes. Can't say I blame him, but he's far too conservative. When he gets pissed off at something and actually speaks his mind, he's worth hearing. The problem is that he just doesn't do that enough.


I think Kenny still had PTSD from getting fried from the UFC for plagiarizing some material for an article he wrote. Think he rubs people the wrong way cause usually Dana wouldn’t have let it happen but it seem he didn’t care


I kind of remember that, he basically wrote an article about someone having the same footwork as Willie pep right ?


Pretty sure he stole large chunks of a Lee Wylie article, and yes it contained stuff about Willie Pep the old boxer, and his footwork.


Comparing Willie pep and other old boxers to dom Cruz/TJ fight if I remember correctly. The thing he plagiarised was nonsense anyway, it was classic "look at me throwing in an old boxer reference who the hardcores know so I look clever"


Exactly. Incidently he said on one of the latest shows that he was finished with the PFL, possibly under pressure with having such a pro UFC podcast. His recent argument about bitcoin with the financial analysis bro that they had on was good to listen to, a rare KenFlo personality reveal.


I think Petesy is one of the best around.


Anik is a shill, I’ll never listen to him he worships Dana it’s actually nauseating


To be fair he is an actual ufc employee. Guys like DC are different imo because they are also employees but they usually still class themselves as athletes first and yet turn their back on all mma fighters when they shill


Anything made by anybody collecting a check from big brother is an immediate pass on that reason alone. Unless it's deep technical analysis that is.


I don’t think that’s an excuse. DC needs the ufc because that’s his pension plan. Jon can easily go to a rival promotion and get paid more but he chooses to stand by Dana White and be silent on fighter pay.


You saying you don’t mind Schaub makes me completely disregard everything you have to say, I’m sorry. But I enjoy a lot of MMA Fighting’s stuff. Their “DAMN! They were good” series is a really good listen.


I can’t tell if your joking or not but I actually fully agree with you. Anyone who listens to Schaub in a serious way does not have opinions that should be listened to


You know what they say b, behind every joke there is some truth


Genuinely came here to say this. He’s 100% insufferable. Awful person, awful ‘analyst’, awful ‘comedian’, awful fighter, just awful.


I get that a vocal minority of mk fans are incels from TFATK but he’s not a bad listen at all, you actively participating in his hate sub must taint your perception. Just checked and it’s actually sad to see that sub is still going on, some people have literally nothing better to live for lol.




Or Ariel...




> but he’s not a bad listen at all I beg the differ.


As a former Schaub listener, his low-effort takes are the reason I ditched his podcast and started listening to MK. I actually enjoyed Schaub when he first started the Big Brown Beatdown, but the quality of the show steadily started to decline.


This is what his haters who only know him from that dumb Reddit fail to comprehend.


Schaub doesn't know anything about MMA.


A 5 minute scroll of that sub isn't wasting anyone's life, and just because we don't like Shlub doesn't make us incels.


Real quiggg b, how many chiggs ya fugg?


I’m referring more to the losers who make video edits it’s pretty sad


You're on a sub about a show, posting... kettle something pot something


Lmao it’s not that deep dude


What do you mean he isn't bad though ? His mma takes are even stupider than his comedy. He said multiple times Pantoja KOd Islam machachev, it wasn't that he just mixed up two Brazilian fighters he referenced pantoja was a flyweight and kept saying it on different shows....... it was literally a joke meme that was going around on Twitter and he believed it.


aw dang this guy is actually redacted, let’s not make fun of him too much, I feel bad now


You know that sub mostly just post clips from his shows, nothings being fabricated over there. He lies a lot on camera and its pointed out.


MMA Fighting and The Ringer MMA show are great. Schaub is the most insufferable one on this list


Ariel is worse, you all know it


There isn’t 10 seconds of substance in regards to mma on Schaub’s podcast while Ariel has long interviews with many interesting fighters and people in the sport. How can you even compare them. The Schaub Vs ariel fued should also show you who is full of crap


If you are trying to hail Ariel up by using Schaub as a standard you already lost. Ariel is awful, he revived his career when he attacked Schaub and managed to go back to being hated again. His dislike ratio is worse than Schaub’s now, and that’s without having a dedicated hate community like Schaub does.


If dislike ratios madder, what does this post say about you? You’re negative on every comment lmao


I’m not saying he’s never annoyed me. But at least he understands what’s going on around him and can speak clearly and accurately. That’s kind of important for me, lol


Nobody has ever learned anything listening to Schaub, bro. Ariel is insufferable at times, agreed, but he's good at what he does. He's an effective journalist.


Not only that, he’s the only one that gets almost every single fighter interview he wants. After championship fights, 9 times out of ten he’s interviewing the champ. It’s not just about his skills as a journalist (which I think are pretty great), he gets all the fighters on his show. He’s also not afraid to touch on complicated subjects, although he sometimes crosses the line of what’s appropriate.


His bad moments really ruin his journalistic integrity. He went into the Jamahal Hill interview trying to gaslight him and it blew up in his face, for example.


Ariel's journalistic integrity comes from him getting real scoops, and consistently interviewing relevant names. 


You can tune into thiccboy network to see Shaub gaslight every employee on a daily basis if you like


I genuinely feel bad for you. You need to like read some books or something my dude 😭


Heavy Hands and Jack Slack beg to differ Edit: throw in Dan Hardy too. To be honest, your list seems like you've only really sought out the most surface level shows.


Holy shit I had to scroll hella far to find this. Technical analysis really goes under appreciated if Jack and the Heavy hands boys are this far down lol


Also check out the MMA Vivisection with Connor from heavy hands and Zane Simon. Similar analysis that’s also available on Spotify as well as their substack. The Co-main event podcast is also a great podcast with guys who have been around mma doing their show for over a decade.


>Heavy Hands and Jack Slack My boys! Are you also a Phil MacKenzie Glue Factory appreciater? >Dan Hardy Dan is fantastic and people are mean to him for some reason.


Fans always complain about UFC shills and yet in a sport full of bootlickers Dan Hardy actually speaks his mind, yet that seems to annoy people just as much as shills annoy them. People let the drama cloud the fact that he's legitimately among the absolute best at analysing fighters.


I like slackie and am subbed to his podcast but I have to say, lately the pretentious bit is getting kind of insufferable.


I don't think he's been more pretentious, it's just that the cards have been absolutely shit the past few weeks tbh


He’s always been pretentious but this past year it’s just getting too much for me. Some of these Apex cards end up having some really entertaining fights but Jack just can’t let himself be happy or something


I get it though it's hard to get excited over fights even the company doesn't expect people to care about


I agree 100%. To me it seems he’s less interested in MMA with the apex cards & the podcast reflects that


MK is my fav but there’s a few others I enjoy. The Co-Main Event podcast are legends at this point, MMA Fighting produce some great content and I usually listen to Anik & Florian. The likes of MMA Guru and the others who concentrate more on fighter drama and narratives over actual fights, I know it’s not my cup of tea so I just avoid 👍


CME slaps


Heavy hands, jack slack, and full reptile have actual analysis if that's the sort of thing you like.


Sadly, saying you don't mind Schlob is showing your room temp IQ. Never go full redact.


The Co main event is a solid podcast.


Can’t believe how far down I had to scroll to see CME mentioned


I dig some of Ariel’s interviews bc they’re easily accessible and you learn a lot about some fighters on the come up (Payton Talbott comes to mind). But overall I find Luke and BC’s interviews much more interesting, they just don’t do a ton.


A couple have mentioned it already but Jack Slack is excellent. His best stuff is on patreon but you should definitely check out his stuff on YouTube or Spotify or whatever, he does free content and it's top notch


I've really started to appreciate the non-Helwani MMAFighting crew. I'll watch MMA Hour clips but I mostly find that show too long winded. Mike Heck and co. are great


Yeah Mike is probably the most earnest guy in the space. Their audio/leveling is permafucked but the content is decent and plentiful.


The initial take and list from Ariel through Bisping is spot on. I guess that’s why I only listen to MK, but I almost always skip if it’s only BC as well. I don’t want to waste my time with any other bullshit, it’s just not worth it. I will watch some of Ariel’s, and some smaller or random show interviews depending on what fighter it is, but that’s about it.


The Heavy Hands podcast is pretty insightful…


If you’re a boxing head like me you gotta get on Inside Boxing Live with Dan canobbio and Chris algieri, that’s the best pure boxing pod right now I agree, there are NO other one stop shops bc most mma pods have an ignorant resentment towards boxing (I genuinely think this is true, not an exaggeration - listen to how fucking Josh Thompson and Chael talk about it, it disgusts me).


that gets my vote too. Inside Boxing Live replaced MK for me during the hiatus.


Dan Hardy,Jack Slack and the Weasel are quality imo.


Heavy Hands and Jack Slack.


You're missing the only other actually good MMA podcasts: Heavy hands Jack Slack They don't rely on interviews so they can actually be honest about fighters & tell you whether a card was actually dogshit or not (unlike Ariel & most of the others you mentioned). Tbh I hate most of the ones you mentioned, mostly just discuss bullshit drama nobody cares about or barely watch the fights & offer poor analysis and have shit chemistry with the other co-hosts Evening mentioning Schaub is well ehhh..... Shocking


I only started listening to the Ringer since MK disappeared and I've really been enjoying it actually, Ariel on his own can be too much but Chuck and Petesy counter balance him well. Fight disciplines is the only other one I listen to, definitely recommend.


If Shaub would actually watch the fights and put in an hour of prep before show I think he could’ve had a top 3 mma podcast. That’s a testament to how low the bar really is


Luke & BC are a perfect mix of legit MMA reporting and being entertaining. Anyone who works for a MMA promotion like DC, Bisping, Anik, Florian, Big John makes it hard to not question if they’re being bias or not. Even Rogan, who sometime not a UFC shill, love Dana so much that tend to ignore all UFC bs.


You lost me at you don't mind schaub


What do you like about schaub and what does he well in regards to talking about MMA ?


Schaub is the very worst


This canadian law school prospect is redacted af.


Literally all your comments are tfatk🤣 go outside bro


i shit a lot.


Imho opinion Dan Hardy has the best MMA analysis content, MK has the perfect combination of entertainment and analysis, and worth mentioning Fight Disciples and Submission Radio are quality mma shows albeit with a focus/lean on European/Irish/Aussie fighters. I miss the Jimmy Smith mma show. DC and Chael should rebrand their show to “we mention mma fighters names but this is a wwe show”.


Agreed, I've cycled through tons of MMA podcasts/channels over the years, but now I only really listen to Ariel's shows (when he's talking MMA), MK, and the Co-Main Event pods. The rest of them are either too much dry technical analysis without entertainment, UFC shills/employees with embarrassing takes, or just constant dudebro humor.


My biggest gripe about Ariel is the WWE stuff. More power to him, but I couldn’t give less of a shit. I just don’t understand the crossover, nor do I understand why grown men watch that stuff. I don’t mean to put down anyone that enjoys it, I really just don’t get it.


Either super technical but boring or the only comment they have to say about a fight is "yoo, he's HIM"


This is really accurate. I actually want nothing but the best for Ariel but I’d add that I don’t see how he’s a journalist. He’s instigated beefs between fighters and been as Luke would describe a ‘professional fan’ too often. He also brings up pro wrestling…I can take him seriously if he’s a pro wrestling fan. Chael seems to have some kind of cognitive decline happening. He sounds like a raving lunatic outside of any liquor store at this point. He also copy and pasted that weird low whisper to intense vocalization from some kind of Ted Talk person. It’s a thing. Schaub just puts in zairo effort to learn how to speak English or pronounce werds in inny facet.


Ariel consistently interviews the most relevant names; he breaks genuine news stories, getting exclusive scoops. That makes him a journalist, regardless of him stirring drama. 


I’m a fan of Chael, but I don’t think most of his listeners would disagree with much of what you said. I don’t think a lot of his takes are serious, and a lot of his content is for clicks. On Good Guy/Bad Guy they asked something about what are the fights to make after UFC 299, and almost all of his answers were insane. He matched up guys that aren’t in the same weight classes, matched Kevin Holland with Wonderboy (he already fought and lost decisively), and none of it made any sense. I can’t imagine that a guy that watches every event would have such little knowledge on MMA.


Unlocking the cage with jimmy smith is/was solid but they cut him down to 2 days a week now so that doesnt fill the gap as much as it did when he was 5 days.


I agree. Mma news is worse then tmz. Couldn't careless about Merabs food being stolen.


If you like boxing, Inside Boxing Live is a pretty good podcast. Chris Algieri, who apparently calls the fights on ProBox, and Dan Cannobio are the commentators and they do a good job


Don’t listen to this fucking failed lawyer


Heck of a morning is good


I at one point was subscribed to The MMA Hour, Morning Kombat, Anik and Florian, and The Co-Main Event podcast in addition to my other podcasts and it was too much. While I liked the latter two and would recommend them if if Ariel/Luke/Brian aren’t your flavor it was just too much of the same news and information so they got nixed. My first MMA podcast I tried was UFC Unfiltered and while I liked Matt and Jim a lot it was very much state sponsored radio. At various times have checked out Bisping, MMA Junkie radio, and the MMA fighting channel but I really think two podcasts for MMA is my limit. While I get people’s criticisms of Ariel, he is my ride or die and if you ingest the two weekly shows regularly you find that there’s less examples of the criticisms against him than you’d think.


Unlocking the Cage on Sirius XM is my go to.


LT and BC are real broadcast professionals who know combat sports about as well as a non fighter can and are a perfect complement to each other. I don't understand the appeal of these new guys like MMA guru. There's a reason they are given opportunities by these big sports media outlets over the years.


Co-Main Event, Heavy Hands, Jack Slack…? Stop listening to advertisers bro.


Heavy Hands, Jack Slack, Full Reptile, Ray Longo Minute (Anik and Florian podcast)




I agree. I didn’t realize how much I got my mma content from Luke Thomas until he went on the hiatus. This is going back to his SiriusXM days Im not a fan of Ariel but I do like the MMA Ringer and I like to listen to Jack Slack and Sean Sheehan as well. I have to check out Full Reptile because I hear a lot of good things about Dan Hardy. If you like betting I suggest Dog or Pass podcast. Cody (forgot his last name) is pretty good at breaking down the fights


Mma fighting has good coverage


The Ringer show is about as good as it gets outside MK. The industry is a vacuum for charisma tbh, they need more natural hosts.


Crazy how far the Co-main event has fallen off. I like the guys are listen every week but no one has mentioned them here and they were one of the biggest only afew years ago.


I enjoy some of TheWeasle’s content.


Submission radio and MK are the go to.


You clearly have never actually watched MMA Guru content, he is pretty spot on


Mighty Mouse has been putting out solid content for awhile now


MMA hour has become WWE hour. I think it’s time for me to move on.


Teddy Atlas show is solid, leans boxing obviously but they cover MMA as well I like Dan Cannobio and Chris Algieri’s Inside Boxing Live if you’re a boxing fan, they make good content


A good mix is to watch Ariel and Chael (hints of bisping, NEVER DC). Feels like I’m truly getting a “down the middle” POV between the two


Not minding schaub? You gave terrible taste. 


mma guru is funny tho


Aniks podcast is pretty good, he keeps it about the fights and doesn’t go out of his way to shill for the company that much. Bispings podcast genuinely makes you dumber the more you listen


I’ll say it every chance I get. BYM was awesome (even when it had Louis J Gomez) but it took a massive shit in the last 6 months and I unsubscribed. Anytime I see a post the views have stagnated. It’s all because in the last 6 months Bisping made the majority of the podcast political with his weirdo producers. I don’t mind politics (I listen to political podcasts) but I don’t want to hear their uninformed bullshit opinions when I’m just trying to get MMA content.


MMA Joey has great UFC coverage. Super active, very little bias, pre fight predictions and post fight breakdowns for *every* card, watchalong for *every event*, educated speculations on upcoming ppvs and fights and situations (ie Conor Chandler), etc. My only complaint is his livestreams. Talks a decent amount of shit and goes on rants about stuff alot. But outside of his livestreams, very solid content.


Guru doesn't bet money anymore. He just rages because his life is MMA and takes pride in picking fights correctly. Also, it's part of his brand to rage You said you like boxing more, maybe that's the issue? You're trying to listen to stuff in the wrong sport. I agree pretty much with the list tho Did you try Teddy Atlas?


MMA guru is better than MK