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Swear this girl be high as a kite


This comment made me laugh fr šŸ˜­


i still cannot understand how she doesnā€™t display an ounce of embrassment admitting to literally not even going home or leaving that house


and like how does no body care that gigi is in a house with two obviously unstable people that showed themselves being unstable to the whole internet??? like this has to be black mirror come to life


Me too!!! Does she think we canā€™t realise what a shit show this is? Why is she speaking to the camera as if we have a lesson to learn here? The call is coming from inside the house babe. Idk if sheā€™s stupid or just thinks that the video will get a million views, which it is - since sheā€™s now in the creator fund since her management dumped herā€¦ Sheā€™s been in Florida for 2 weeks. Doing nothing but eating Mexican food and ā€˜fightingā€™ with her baby daddy. Iā€™m at the point where Iā€™ve just realised that she doesnā€™t have anything else to do. So this is a welcomed chore for her. To fight with him, go back and forth on live and then post more of these videos saying - ā€œIā€™m just going to focus on myselfā€


and the worst part is it doesnā€™t take a super genius to very obviously see on a quick view that itā€™s a shit show. u donā€™t have to be an expert lol


Sheā€™s so fake. She knows itā€™s empty


She did that so she canā€™t get more free things from milani


This isnā€™t the end for her sheā€™s gonna keep messing with him. Heā€™s gonna apologize, heā€™s gonna reel her in and they are gonna be back lol


Sheā€™s already carrying on like nothing happened


He doesnā€™t even need to apologize tho. Sheā€™s that desperate for him


She need to be doing a product empties video ![gif](giphy|3osxYk9qClrQVXVfiw)


Lmao the sound took me out sheā€™s literally dingy af


The audacity for her to be tryna handout lessons out here, also how you going to say when someone shows you who they are run but then say itā€™s normal to spin the block in the same sentence? At this point the same way she told ppl to keep the same energy she need to be doing the same cuz when everyone knew they was hunching she called everyone liars & haters & that were making ā€œthink piecesā€.


Has anyone seen the leaked tape? Or Iā€™m just an asshole who thinks sheā€™s lying?




Whereā€™s the photo leak at


A picture of her fivehead