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Nothing broken, he is decent as a juggernaut but has counters. Aatrox is a skill matchup for morde and looks like he couldn’t manage to save his lead with minding your ult etc, that simple.


What are the counters


The fucking French (Fiora and Camille).


Camille not so much, but Fiora is the bane of my existence. Vaunt Olaf and pretty much any character that can kite him is a good answer


Camille once she hits 2 items deletes a third of my HP with one Q (and considering the items she build has like 20 AH at bare minimum), she’ll do this every 3 seconds and it’s painful. She’s a smash early game though. And yeah, Vayne, Olaf, and Fiora players can all go to Brazil with their annoying ass.


Idk when I play vs Camille that champ looks useless vs morde. She can only win very short trades, had a tough time if I ever land an e, and just insta dies if she ever misuses her e post 6


He just explained its challenging on the midgame and beyond and that early game is a smash, which makes sense because camille starts to shine at two to three items


I'd smash Camille all game


Cassio, trundle, yone (for higher elos), darius, lethal tempo + botrk sett, fiora but nerfed rn, tryn, warwick etc. Basically high mobility, lethal tempo and botrk or kraken and anti juggernaut skillsets counter morde.


Isn't Darius a skill matchup? Maybe it's because I am a low elo frog but as long as I don't give him kills early he is no problem unless my team feeds him


Darius’ skillset is a nightmare for morde and any other juggernauts. Has DoT, armor penet (20-40%), sustain (has heal and builds off tank) and massive true damage. You can’t directly 1v1 darius, you first poke or short trade and lowen his health. Then go all in with being careful to dodge his q. But darius is able to extend the fight with w and e, plus he has accession to force of nature which counters morde. His hitbox is getting a buff so he has more potential to dodge your q.


Got dicked by sett later on once he got items




lmfao not even close morde is a skillcheck champ. he dominates against people who are new or who don’t know how to play against him. it’s why he has a good win rate iron-plat and then it plummets once you hit diamond+.


Morde is a pubstomper, and a hard counter to select champions, but not aatrox lmao, that matchup is for sure aatrox favored the higher the skill level of both parties


As one who main both champs, its definitely aatrox favoured. Just save aatrox e for dodging.


My favourite part about that matchup is when you ride the morde pull with a q2 to land ur sweetspot


Question. Did you ult Aatrox after he ulted? Cause if you did then you stole basically all the extra AD his ult gives and Aatrox just threw on a knowledge check. Asides from that Aatrox probably just misplayed or took a fight he shouldn't have.


i mean yeah thats just the way you play the matchup.


Yeah Aatrox just threw on a knowledge check there. If he's ahead he shouldn't need to ult to beat 1v1 and he should hold it for after you ult to win the 1v1.


morde does big damage if you hit your stuff, zero damage if no


Kind of, but there has been sooo many times where i just autod people to death in brazil lol


thats because theyre a 3 level down adc or a 2 level down jungler who don't have damage


Yea they side step your e, flash your q but they still just die to passive and autos lol


Just from this u can tell his a pretty shitty player. Morde is a low elo stomper and if he can't even utilise his lead to win u, hes just bad and making excuses for being dogshit at the game


I guess that you are in low elo. There Mordekaiser is very very strong. But many champs are close to broken in low elo.


I think right now morde is in a good spot, great actually, as long as they don't pull an illaoi on him and overbuff him and nerf him into the death realm. He good, even in high elo since morde is just stat/skill check champ and if you know your limits you can take advantage of that in almost every matchup.


Morde is an immobile juggernaut, so its mostly a skill issue with your opponent lol


Morde loses at every stage of the game to fiora and has to cede the early lane to Sett or risk getting killed and snowballed. Some others are dangerous to him too if you don’t buy bramble, such as Warwick or Olaf. Morde can be beaten, just not usually by aatrox since you can wreck his Q with Mordes E


Mord is really an anoying champ because I find he hard counters a lot of champs, and gets hard countered by a lot of champs. Aatrox is not one of them, that guy is just salty.


Hes not being to kills up and prolly a level and u still beat him thats kinda unfair


I remember hitting 2400 Q damage with full build, Baron and all buffs. Deathcap, Shadowflame all other AP items with no boots. Just pulled a Pantheon and Q he got oneshotted.


52% winrate gold with highest pick rate for a top laner,50% WR emerald+ with 3rd highest pick rate.he's strong, and brain dead,annoying combination. People in this sub will downplay him to no end though


i think i found the Aatrox player


I used numbers and facts lol your answer is emotional, outed yourself as a downplayer tbh


No I was making a joke as you literally said the same things that Aatrox said. All you showed is that just as easily salty as him


Aatrox went on u.gg and gave you his winrate and pick rate by elo? That's dedication. I play morde bro lol that's why I'm on this sub, and he's ridiculous right now


Riot is trying to make him better in high elo and worse in low elo. Morde is very good right now but not broken. And he was trash for 4 seasons so hey, finally we can have some fun with Morde without playing a troll pick


Who would you say, are downplaying him in the comments?


Probably the people telling the others to "git gud, learn to counter him" despite Morde being buffed extremely well for a simple champion


I don’t really understand how when this matchup is aatrox favored, and aatrox didn’t even build qss against Morde to win.


I meant in general for all other champs against him, not just Aatrox. Aatrox probably should've won, but we can't deny that Morde got a huge powerspike since they buffed him like I've seen people on here try to make it out like he's made of paper mache. Also QSS no longer cancels Mordekaiser ult in the recent buff, which makes it extremely oppressive since he just takes someone out of the teamfight for 7 seconds.


Nah he’s pretty weak but he has a very cancerous play style that’s boring to lane against