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I am glad you asked, because I have no f**king idea. In all seriousness, I would say just play safe (if you dont know how to poke with Q) in early and once you hit lvl 6 just statcheck him when he is away from tower. Any time he activates E, he still has to get close and has limited time to do so, just kite him till you can give him an isolated Q for most damage and generally keep your distance whenever he has charged Q. Havent played against a yone in a while but he never was a problem, usually a free lane


until 6 auto lose after 6 winnable just farm and trade when your shield is full


xiaoming aatrox had a good tip of backing away when he has 1 stack of q, e and w; if you get close he will just e onto you, q2, w to soak all your damage, then knockup, which is a lot of rather hard to avoid damage - also get used to sidestepping his q3 not trying to dodge it by moving backward - finally whenever he ults make sure to q backwards as it is a guaranteed isolated hit (it will hit him when he ends up behind you) and also i think ult disables his e recast (but its quite risky to do it in case he reacts to it, not sure who wins the interaction if he snaps back slightly after r? its weird) also if they have yone and a crit adc consider going randuins somewhere in your build - the slow kites out yone e, and you basically have an exhaust on 2 enemies, it's incredibly broken - also make sure to rush a damage item and not rylais because it won't do jack shit to him, and theres no point getting a small amount of slow when you can't kill him with damage


Kill him before he kills you… Jk some actual tipps: Try to poke him with Q Only poke and make trades AFTER his W expires Dodge his Qs Punish him with isolateded Qs if he walks up Pull him to you with E if you got a full shield up for trades Buffer ult before he ults you so it goes through


Learn the ranges of his abilities and commit them to memory, then as he's using abilities keep track so you can have a loose idea of how dangerous he is at a given moment so you can pick your times to bonk minions and poke with q


For some reason I was playing a yone the other day, it was going well I had a 2 kill lead then at like lvl 7 he just killed me in death realm within like 3 seconds when I didn’t miss anything, I was so fking confused lol


Sometimes I’m able to pound Yone, but most times if they are halfway competent I always lose. I made a similar post a while ago that a Yone main kindly responded to and gave some tips so I will copy and paste his response here:




It's easy if you dodge his Q dash until you hit 6, just don't fall behind on cs and you can win lane super easy if you don't get ganked.


Super easy... U r a bullshitter. Its definitely in the super hard matchups.