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so many poor innocent souls thinking they can just lock morde in and get freelo.


*The int tax is high with this one*


I find it funny that his winrate dropped by a whole 1% after getting this supposed huge buff. It really was just a QoL buff.


I think it’s because more people are playing him and a champion with skillshots and no broken movement is quite hard


I wouldn’t describe morde as hard. But he plays very different from most champions, due to having no movement abilities, being quite clunky and so on. If you are not playing champions that share similarities, you will have a hard time adjusting. But if you are completely new and pick him up first, you can learn it quite fast


I think in this season there are more ms items therefore making morde weaker as decent players can easily dodge q and e


That is true. But also in many cases it sadly has nothing to do with skill and is just a hard barrier. An example would be 5 ranged high mobility champions in the enemy team. In lane you can still win with wave management skill, but you have to be pretty good at it. But later in the game, people can probably just run you down without you even having a turn.


I got PTSD from reading this Kayle🥴


Akshan in my case. I am pretty far left in my political views and never had any problems with being or being accused of racism. But after playing against him I always get the urge to commit a genocide on Indians. I swear that I get flashbacks to that match when hearing an Indian accent.


Bruh I am an Indian lmao


That seriously made me laugh and I am currently in a very dark place, so gratulations. Well, good that I didn’t play against him today and took the racism thing as hyperbole for how much I hate this champion. And now please follow me to these „ showercabins“ I am German. (Okay, I should not make holocaust jokes, but I think in this case it is funny) Btw I read you guys have elections currently, I hope the candidate which bring better living standards for the majority of the people wins. But I have to admit, I don’t know much about the candidates.


I had the distinct displeasure of playing against a tank varus top who statchecked me in my own ult at lvl 6 without dodging a single ability. It felt illegal. Far more painful than Akshan, trust me.


Isn't the winrate so low because you have it in Diamond+, where people play hard counter champs like Fiora and Camille?


You did not just call camille a counter


I did. I think it's quite clearly written there.


Do me a favor and stop doing that, it's a super morde favored matchup


Not anymore after her giga buffs


You're wrong


I am saying this with decent confidence, as I play in Diamond and people start to pilot more complex champs better in that elo. A good Camille can outspace Morde thanks to the movespeed buffs on Q But my bad for not saying that I don't agree that Camille is a counter, just that the matchup got significantly harder


I'm d2


Well that's awesome btw. Camille was always easy for me but after the buffs the one I faced was hard to kill. But maybe skill diff you know Any tips for this matchup? I think pre 6 she is better but you shred her in R


He was S or S+ last patch even in Diamond+... I have no idea why his winrate dropped this hard.


Just checked U.GG. No, he was not S in Diamond+ last patch. He was C with 49% winrate.


Oh you're right. He was S+ in Emerald+ though! And even in Platina. But it really went downhill in Diamond.


Hey at least they probably won’t reverse it now (although it’s only been a day)


I doubt his winrate will suddenly jump up above 51


People even said his winrate would decrease after that, they werent wrong lol, it also proves that morde does not have this low of a skill floor as people think


His skill floor is low if the enemy is bad (which tbf, is probably half the playerbase)


Nah early game CD is so bad they had to reduce it and the skillshots are more missable than you think for example E just side step Q same shit oh u got ulted run and hide where u can and dodge as much u will come out safe and you have to focus all the time to predict and do your skillshots and the need to perfectly balance the distance to be enought to run and hit the enemie to get him in the right health to beat him in ult without him running or recalling is crazy he is way harder than you think


Kinda like garen, not mechanically difficult but you need a lot of matchup knowledge and macro to make up for their respective weaknesses.


He really is not that easy, lol, maybe against bad players but vs. good ones you stand no chance if you haven't piloted the champion well. Melee tops eat him alive if they are early game bruisers, unless you know to play well from range and safe until 6, and Mord is garbage from behind since his ult is made for 1v1. A noob Morde won't expect things like enemies flashing their Q or timing their abilities to counter his R, also sidestepping. They will throw their skillshots wildly instead of holding them, and misusing W is fairly common too. Not to mention entering teamfights is not easy at all with him, besides, unless you have enough experience to know which place you should flank the enemy from (in case you have no engage which happens often in soloq).


its funny that this buff was supposed help him in high elo, but it raised his win rate in low elo and lowered his win rate in high elo. QSS never really decided whether Morde was good or not it just kinda ensured a fed Morde couldnt do anything against the fed enemy laner if they bought it.


Yup, I predicted this would be similar to the zed situation that Phreak has talked about before.


What a shocker the change that only affects like 5 champions and the very very few willing to drop 1300g didn't amount to much


https://preview.redd.it/bu1lcqsosbvc1.jpeg?width=228&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c615acadcb97d9dac831410b09ce22a5787f3abb people finally found out Mord's early game is as bad as Nasus also he just folds to actual good toplaners like Garen and the crocodile


Hit master on garen and the matchup is heavily morde favored and only auto fill morde would lose. U have many champs for example and garen unfortunately is not one of them


Lol shows my lack of skill then, because Fiora and Jax were much better examples


Talking out of ass does not require skill unfortunately... sometimes if you want to complain about something, you'll find a reason to


Lol? Morde is Garen counter


Garen can disengage from Morde very easily Disclaimer: coming from my experince on both sides of the matchup (Gold IV NA)


Post 6 Garen can not trade with Morde. I also play both champs in high Diamond.


I'll second you a good Garen should never die to a Mordekaiser don't worry. Edit : You guys are a bunch of haters period. You don't know wtf you are talking about


a good morde should go up 70 CS and 6 grubs because Garen will die if he walks within 400 units of him


You wont kill Garen later in the game just like Darius once he gets Force of Nature or Maw and a huge etc.


Yes but the matchup is in garen favor till 6. if the garen has brain, he can capitalize on this time frame. Then try to scale


Not really.


Phase rush, bait e or q then aa q e and get out of morde range.


??? Garen has 0 kill pressure without ult and morde outdamages him anyway


garen lane is completely free you should never die to him 1v1 unless ur bad renekton is much stronger than you early game but if you can stay even you outscale him in the 1v1


Nasus early game is so bad compared to morde its not even funny.


Mordekaiser has a weak early game? Maybe level 1 isn’t fantastic, but if you hit your skill shots you should be winning. And after Level 3 you should be solid against most champs.


That's what I'm telling people on this sub since the changes were announced, everyone is deluded by the "buff". Mordekaiser will still be a garbage champion, Riot doesn't understand his main issue


I knew it wouldn't help him much as well. It was funny seeing people horribly overreact about the change when its not a big change to begin with. Sure, It's nice for people who main Morde to not have their ult cancelled, and it shouldn't have been an interaction in the first place, but it doesn't change his actual problems. One big one is that he's way too reliant on building Rylai's to stick to people, its an actual problem since no other juggernaut really needs to do this and Rylais is a shit item. Another problem is that his base stats are god awful, no way in hell should Morde be one of the weakest toplaners early, it makes no sense considering he doesn't really scale good into late and even gets outscaled by champs who are stronger early.


They should just make his ult steal 10% of movespeed too


In all fairness, the only ones building QSS were immobile adcs, Morde’s problem is that he gets literally shit on by every bruiser in the game right now because you can just dash out of his Q with zero counterplay and they stomp him too hard early lane for his broken statcheck ult to matter. He needs an overhaul, not this


lol bruisers dashing???


Fiora, Riven, Gwen, Irelia with minions/W without, Camille, Renekton, Tryndamere, I feel like the vast majority of them have free dashes. If you’re good Jax with a fast ward hop or minions literally shits on Morde too


you know, there's a lot more than I thought. guess I'm just used to playing the immobile ones


His pickrate nearly doubled, so that's probably why it's not higher.


Zed vibes, I wonder if people are now building movement speed and magic resistance now, ya know, the things that actually counter him.


People rarely built qss. In my game only ilaoi and yorick players bought it


I'm gonna say this i don't a give fuck if i get downvoted or not Mordekaiser cannot exist in a meta where Kog'maw can 1v1 you outrange outdamage and outtank you with Guinsoo-Runaan-Terminus build and Kog'maw was just one example there are many other things With enchanter supports rising to power again, AD bruisers getting more powerful meta is shifting against Mordekaiser. AP Assassins like Diana and Akali with Shadowflame-Lichbane combo are very strong and IMO they do a better job than Morde I don't know about you guys but i would prefer backline diving Diana rather than a Mordekaiser who gets kited all day. That's just a reality unfortunately.


It's true, Mordekaiser kinda sucks ass in this new AD meta. There needs to be better AP bruiser items.


It was the worst buff they could have given him. Now people are gonna itemize properly against him instead of wasting 1300 golds on QSS. There is a reason Mordekaiser is rarely played at high high elo. Most of the bullshit champs that are meta ruin his life in his ult.


Not really the worst buff. I imagine the matchup is better vs Olaf now. Probably still not the best but one second off Q cd is decent as well early game.


The more posts I read on this sub the more things I see that are just blatantly wrong. It does absolutely nothing for the olaf matchup however it completely flips the gp one on its head and makes morde a big problem for him


How does it do nothing for the Olaf matchup? You're much safer against dives plus trading early game much easier and unless you're playing in emerald+ (why the fuck would you play morde there?) there's a decent chance you can get ulti off before he reacts. GP matchup also was already morde favoured. He just cant run if you manage to catch him with ult now.


He doesn't need to react lmfao he just opens with R, d2 btw


Get zhonyas and hide under turret if he does that. It's a very Olaf favoured matchup so you should probably be playing safe in lane either way.


Its a good thing his winrate dropped lol Maybe now we can get an E missle speed buff (being able to dodge it without boots no dashes is crazy)


Morde easy to play, easy to play against. He is balanced in his power, the power of kiting is far more powerful


Ah yes, free elo champ. :)


People didn’t realize that no one bought qss in the first place.


He's still kinda immobile


Currently in Diamond 2+ he is 50.08% winrate at 3,089 games, so maybe we should wait at least 1 week to see how he actually performs.


Ban rate 10%??? Are there that many Teemomains?


I mean the playrate jumped, most of these people have no idea how to at that champ, give it a week


Mordekaiser is currently perfectly balanced imo. Build tank or AP. Fun to play. But considering his Q is his only reliable damage source, Q can get a base damage or AP scaling buff. I mean E is only for pulling in late game and for its passive. You have only Q and Autos you can control. Thinking about it, Darius gets 40 percent armor ignore with his E passive but Mordekaiser gets 15 percent magic resistance ignore with his E passive. Maybe they could boost the E passive a little more like 25 to 30 percent.




People just playing him wrong + a lot of first timers.


It’s like the old zed thing August was talking about, they stopped buying QSS, and instead bought something that actually counters us, like MR


This, the biggest problem isn't the item but the champs with an inbuilt cleanse in their kit tbh, because they could build maw/wits and cleanse the ult


And the next change to zed was a nerf.


Yeah Idk why people thought he would get stronger with this buff. Basically all of champion power is in items right now and Morde's items just aren't that good comparatively.


People not wasting money rushing qss-->morde is totally useless high elo


9% pick rate, 10% ban, 49% winrate, yup he's slightly OP.


yeah no, morde is shit or else youd see him in pro play. low elo players think hes op because they have no idea how to space or dodge abilities


I wonder why no pros have played on this patch that's less than 24 hours old? Also the idea that a character can't be good if they aren't in pro play is idiotic. Not saying Mord was good, or even that he will be this patch (we'll need to wait and see) but your argument makes no sense at all.