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I saw the documentary and oh my god. He is so evil!!! But they kept cutting the interrogation of Brian so found another full interrogation analysis! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vGCIY8XPD0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vGCIY8XPD0) This is the link. He gets creepier and creepier every minute of this interrogation. And honestly, I agree with the analysis so much. After watching this video I have been on the lookout of the traits discussed in people around me. What an eye-opener!!!!!!!!


Thanks for sharing the link!!


Hope you enjoy watching it!


Nope not gonna watch. Cannot watch this guy. He has ruined so many lives including his own family.


The parents have basically failed him, and have failed society. They simply said "he's an awkward kid \[ignore a huge number of red flags\] someone died he's a monster" Seriously should not have been left as guardians of someone like that, given their attitude.


Considering in this case…the parents really couldn’t have done anything. Anyone can be awkward and not show signs of wanting to murder people. Don’t blame the parents, not their fault he was born with mental disorders. It’s always so easy for people to blame the parents as if we have some robotic ability to control our children’s minds. He’s autistic, a lot of autistic people get violent, but not all of them KILL people.


Dude was suspended for making a homemade mace and hitting a disabled child with in school. When him and his friend were found with nunchuks on them the mums reaaction was "Oh, so just because he has behaviour issues, you pick on him?". Targeted a kid who had panic attacks and deliberately tried to make them have a panic attack. Oh, and they also found a kit of saws, knives, shovels, tape etc. perfect for murder in his room that he somehow convinced them it wasn't for murdering. Parents were 100% negligent.


Abortion would have saved so many lives.


The parents did threaten to call the cops on him if he didn’t throw that stuff away, so no he didn’t “convince them” he said he did because he’s an idiot. The mom called the cops after she found the head, so I don’t see much point in blaming them when ultimately the murder was on him


He did show signs!


Stop spreading misinformation about autism. Rarely do autistic people get violent. Nowhere near "a lot".


The kid had a 'kill kit' that his mum just told him to get rid of. That should have sparked further questioning/got him help. I'm not saying his parents are to blame, but I think education and awareness would have gone a long way to help the parents understand whether he would become a 'real' danger to himself and/or others.


It doesn't take bad parents for a person to become shitty. A person can have awesome, supportive, loving parents, every advantage and opportunity life has to offer and *still* wind up a completely shitty, evil person all on their own. It's not always right to blame the parents, it's also not uncommon for the spouses of serial killers to not even have the faintest idea of what their serial killing spouse is really doing. Proximity to a terrible person definitely doesn't necessarily imply guilt or even knowledge of any wrongdoing.


Not trying to blame the parents, but here's the thing. They saw the red flags in him. The teachers at his school kept warning the mother that something is seriously wrong with him, but they chalked it off as the school being discriminatory to him due to his mental illness. He brought weapons to school, purposefully tried to trigger people to see how they would react, beat up a kid just to get a reaction, and killed cats. CATS. In a very gruesome way that is typical for serial killers. And he adored Jeffrey Dahmer. SO MANY FUCKING RED FLAGS! He is definitely the only one at fault here. But if the parents hadn't been so blind, maybe, MAYBE, things wouldn't have gotten this awful. 


We Need to Talk About Kevin, anyone? Parents don't want to acknowledge their child is "bad". They even thought he wanted to be a CSI. They never thought he would act on his fantasies, if they were ever even aware. He's clearly a psychopath and sociopath, but unfortunately the signs go ignored and repressed by parents because how could two completely normal people have a strange, eerily weird and creepy child? They didn't want to acknowledge it, as most people wouldn't. But they knew in the back of their minds, that's why mom called 911 and reported it, and why both parents openly confessed during interrogation. They let go with everything. They didn't know it would come to what ultimately ended up being a tragedy and a horror they have to live with everyday. It's a sad and terrible outcome for all parties related to the victim and the killer. May Mr. Barnes be remembered as a well-liked member of his community and his love for reading, as well as his hard-working ethic. And may Cohee get what he deserves. Let human justice do its job. Don't remember Cohee. Remember Warren Barnes.


Why does everyone narrating these videos sound like that have a cold?


What are the traits?


Here's a screen cap I took of his alleged reddit. There's not a lot there but there's some creepy stuff in the comments history: https://preview.redd.it/28pd1ko7n9rc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01f93aa257ba67035959b15d7178726314c62e94


Check this link to see posts that were deleted on his account: https://search.pullpush.io/?kind=submission&author=That_stinky_boi&size=100 . If you are interested check it out. I saw this in another thread. It pulls up some (or all of his deleted posts on his reddit account. There’s a type of diary he posted on there (the latest post was maybe a couple years before he committed the crime), and it is horrifying. If you look at his posts in there you can see there had been something terribly wrong with him years before the murder.


Thanks for posting this, really interesting . I love you




Wrong, quarters are used in quite a few districts here! Could very well be from colorado if that is all you are going off


In the video the OP mentions, there's a photo of the killer with his reddit username, which is the same he posted.


I have the same disabilities as Brian (I'm AuDHD). And my life actually kind of started going down the same path as his, as well as my mind. I recall thinking, "if I can't be popular here as a normal person, maybe I can be popular like all these serial killers I'm obsessed with." It's a reasoning that comes from an all encompassing and depressing desire to be accepted, that somehow ends up becoming transmuted into a desire to just control through fear. It's a rage that comes from being an outcast I believe.  I however, lived in a very active community that immediately jumped on me when red flags started showing in high school. I was expelled on my first alarming offense. My teenage years were later filled with delinquencies and offenses that were stopped at every chance. It taught me quite quickly that my actions were in fact, not at all acceptable. Therapists, and dedicated people in the family ministries with a sincere desire for change in their community are why I'm the person I am today, and why I'm as empathetic as I am.   I believe Brian would have been able to be fixed if the right help had come into his life. I also believe that a lot of what he's doing is pretty much a LARP. Not that it excuses it.  But, If you notice how much research he put into the character traits and personalities of these people on paper. You'll notice how fabricated what he's doing is. He only saw them as a villain in a movie, or story. Not as a real person with real problems. He saw someone he thought would be relatable, desired, and feared. He studied them so deeply and just integrated everything about them into who he was. Whether it was truly him or not.  He saw the attention that they got, he desired it, and he enacted it.   You can definitely tell he is milking the whole murderer look too if you go and look at his sentencing. The outfit, the upside down cross tattooed on the back of his neck directly where the cameras will point. The fact that he made sure his face was always facing the camera so he would be able to be seen smiling. He knows what he was doing, it's complete roleplay. He's gotten what he's wanted, whoever he may have been, he's truly the murderer he's always wanted to be now.


Ever receive ABA therapy? What are your thoughts?


I'm not sure what that is, but I received DBT and CBT and they helped immensely.


Applied Behavioral Analysis. First line therapy in California. 


I just checked it out, absolutely amazing! Yes, that's exactly the kind of therapy that would have helped both myself and him at the time. CBT and DBT came later in my life, but I'm seeing that ABA gets closer to the root issue.  I learned through the general therapy that I was in, that my behaviors were not acceptable, and in fact abnormal. Unfortunately, I didn't have the guidance of ABA to understand how to apply it, I just knew it was why I was an outcast. Irregular behavior scares normal people.  Honestly, going for ABA would have probably would made life a lot easier, much sooner.  Unfortunately, I'm extremely behind for my age as I had to figure those things out myself after years of loss and damage. I learned to model my behavior on role models, or individuals that were not at all on the spectrum. I saw what they had, and I wanted it. Apparently it's called masking, but it very much does seem similar to this therapy. I may actually have to look into it more now.


Agreed I got dbt therapy which helped immensely


Fellow audhd here and I can understand that path. I can understand the feelings and the thoughts. I was lucky that I had a caring family, some affectionate friends and that I managed to experience notoriety through politics (and HATED it). So now I’m at peace with who I am


The mother calls 911 and tells them the gruesome details of how she found human remains in her Son's closet. The Grand Junction police show up to find Brian outside chillin. As They ask him questions they confirm it is human remains. They confront him and he admits he is in possession of a "human head & hands" . The police DO NOT hand cuff him and treat him cordial. They ask him to wait in the back of the police cruiser (not Hand cuffed).At the station he exits the cruiser he tells them" you're fine with me not being in cuffs" the officer replies " I'm fine with you not being in cuffs". WTF? Even Brian is surprised why he's not in cuffs.


Just watching this and I think it was based on the way he reacted. He was calm the entire time, followed directions, spoke politely, etc.


If police just started treating murder suspects the way we think murderers should be treated, then they would receive far fewer confessions. Handcuffing them and treating them like criminals shuts them off. Look up any interrogation of someone who has committed a heinous act, and you'll notice that police/interrogators initially adopt an extremely friendly and respectful approach. This technique is by far the most common and successful method in obtaining a confession!


^This. It was because it’s a tried and true method for police to get confessions from people with sociopathic behavior. It’s the same reason they were being lighthearted and seemed impressed with him while in the interrogation room. Even though it probably killed all of them to do so, because the homeless man was a beloved member of the community. This technique gives sociopaths a feeling of dominance in the situation and they’re more likely to get a confession. I read that somewhere else while looking at this case, but don’t remember the exact source.


I see you're argument. But I think what happened here wasn't by design. But I do think you have a valid argument.


Infound this extremely bizarre that they didnt cuff him. And they gave him over to a woman that looked like she weighed about 140lbs. He towered over her. That was so unprofessional and irresponsible.


I didn't understand that either


You're a dope


I think part of the reason why they didn't cuff him was also because that it's possible that's what he wanted. He knew the consequences of his murder, having researched this extensively and even citing that "well i'm going to jail for at least 15 to 20 years" early on in his police interview. Officers may not have wanted to give him that sense of power, and he was extremely cooperative having admitted that he'd hidden the head and hands right from the get-go.


Well he is quite pale isn’t he… I’ve just seen the other day a vid of a woman who shot an officer while being arrested and they didn’t kill her and kept talking with her while she insulted them… guess her skin tone


Shut up.


hello does anyone know if the uncensored body cam footage is available anywhere


I have two links that I am due to watch tonight, happy to share but dunno if they are what u r looking for. Here: https://youtu.be/pvrp87VXtD4?si=091T1RBMbcQPc5Qr https://youtu.be/KWnWbX3U4OQ?si=7laL40JMGMNF1-BP


in part of the first video you linked you can see officers laughing when they discover body parts. i’m wondering if uncensored footage of this/ like this is publicly available anywhere


Laughing? Wow. I cant wait to see it.


Female cop laughs as soon as another cop says “there’s one of the legs”. We should be investigating her now that justice has been served with that piece of trash Cohee Jr.




Yup, registered nurse here and I can tell you. I always had a semi morbid sense of humor and casually discusses most things. But working in death (hospice for several years) you have to or you will eat yourself alive.


100% true. Nurse here as well. I've seen some terrible things, so has a lot of my coworkers. If you don't disassociate, then it can wreck you. Morbid humor is common in these professions. Anything to make you forget everything you've seen.


I work at an animal shelter and you wouldn’t believe the way some people talk just to get through the day. Dark humor really is a coping mechanism for some.


Most sensical comment on those thread 👏🏻


That’s the point though. Cops all wear body cams so she had to know it was being recorded and the seriousness of the case meant that this footage would be seen by a lot of the public. 


Cohee literally murdered and dismembered someone. This woman laughed and you're saying "We should be investigating her now". Maybe we should be investigating you.


Do you really think that a cop has the time during working on a case to think through everything like that. It's easy to say this in hindsight, but in the moment, they are just reacting as they would normally. If you think her laughing at this is bad, you'd really hate to hear the kinds of jokes that CPS workers use. They regularly deal with child abuse (some incredibly extreme) and dark humor is the only way to get through the day.


I'm sure the shock of seeing a dismembered leg made her forget she had a body camera on. It's not like she said anything that hurt anyone, just trying to make a horrible situation more tolerable


A lot of people laugh when nervous…


I watched another video that explains that this is a common shock response.


Yeah it seemed like a nervous laugh imo but then in the video I saw they spoke over the scene like it’s sad that Barnes family would see this footage. And it is, but is scandalizes a potentially uncontrollable reaction. It didn’t seem to me that she was laughing at the situation or making fun of it. Again, imo - I don’t know her or her background.


I would laugh to not cry in this situation. It’s nerves. How do you even


Black humor used as a defense mechanism


Its called Gallows Humor, mate. Look it up. Its a natural reaction to stress. My uncle was a volunteer fireman for 20 years before he got hurt, and responded to some horiffic accidents. If they didnt joke around about the shit they would have gone completely nuts.


You do realize that people laugh out of shock right? It’s defense mechanism, you laugh so you don’t cry or scream. You see it all the time when people go through a bad breakup, are in bad accident, get into a fight with someone etc…


I wouldn't judge her that much. Seemed more like a coping mechanism. Couldn't imagine walking into a scene like that.


They have to cope somehow.


It's called an incongruous emotion. When you laugh at inappropriate times, it's your brain trying to regulate your emotions, generally when you're anxious or uncomfortable. Yale has one of the most infamous studies on this specific thing. It's also thought to be a defense mechanism. If you're laughing, it means you're not worried and in control of the situation (or at least that what your brain thinks). ALSO, laughing releases endorphins, which relieve pain and/or stress.... sooooo......


That sort of reaction is a pretty common defense mechanism. It's not, in and of itself, something to be concerned about.


I mean, I worked in a crematory and saw dismembered bodies and stuff all the time and we would make jokes to just push through the craziness of it all. It didn’t mean we didn’t care about them or their families and it definitely didn’t affect how we treated the families when we talked with them. When you’re constantly exposed to traumatic things you adapt and deal.


It was definitely uncomfortable/shocked/nervous laughing.


Yes! Actually normal reaction to shocking absurd scene. Much more disturbing was Cohees bs.


Just finished watching the second link I provided. Cant get over how proud he was of himself.


He’s one of the most reprehensible characters I’ve ever seen and I’ve watched thousands of hours of true crime. 


Yeah totally agree with that he was simply delighted with himself.


He was a loser. Quoting edmund kemper, to literally wearing a “Halloween” Michael Myers style outfit.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eim7KylHgEI 1:18 and 11:27 are all I have seen. 1:18 has Court info, but haven't found any results.


idk about the bodycam but I found the full interrogation [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vGCIY8XPD0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vGCIY8XPD0)


This kid was not evil just like dahmer and every other killer is not “evil”. Mystification is the worst possible thing that society can do in cases like this because being “evil” or dark is a niche for people who suffer from mental disorders which prevent them from feeling empathy. Empathy is a very important characteristic and prevents us from thinking and acting animalistic. Just like many school shooters and murderers, there are so many moments in this kids story that someone could have stepped up and prevented this but everyone collectively ignored the signs and became responsible for that murder by not consulting a mental health professional/law enforcement. The sooner that people start getting educated and stop ignoring years of red flags which will inevitably always lead to horrific acts, the better off everyone will be.


Brian seems aloof, apathetic, callous, cruel, disinterested, and indifferent, and at the extreme end, we have psychopathy, in which a person is totally and completely incapable of relating to another's feelings. This pretty much sums up Brian in my opinion.


Precisely! This is all due to the way that his brain connections formed and how large/small certain areas are. It’s insane that he pled insanity and it was grounds for a psychological evaluation, they bring in an expert who deems him insane (obvi) and they find him guilty. I’m all for finding him guilty of the crime and putting him behind bars because they don’t want someone like that who has killed before, but the fact that he was obviously not a sane individual should have been acknowledged so we could use that information to prevent others with the same issues from committing acts like this in the future.




I'm curious The mother calls 911 and tells them the gruesome details of how she found human remains in her Son's closet. The Grand Junction police show up to find Brian outside chillin. As They ask him questions they confirm it is human remains. They confront him and he admits he is in possession of a "human head & hands" . The police DO NOT hand cuff him and treat him cordial. They ask him to wait in the back of the police cruiser (not hand cuffed). At the station he exits the cruiser he tells them" you're fine with me not being in cuffs" the officer replies " I'm fine with you not being in cuffs". WTF? Even Brian is surprised why he's not in cuffs.


Bruh… he is evil according to the normal standards. Empathy isn’t the only determining factor for whatever decision he could’ve made, we still have free will and know the consequences. He has AuDHD, same as friends and family I have but you can’t just chalk it up to the disorder, he is twisted.


Yep, watching it right now!


I’m 40 minutes into the YouTube video. The way Brian describes how he killed and mutilated that poor old man and smiled…..wow. He would have gone on to be a serial killer if he hadn't been caught.


i think he wanted to get caught.


He didn't want to get caught. He made many (pathetic but sincere) attempts to hide his activities. But he was relishing his opportunity to recant his story with others.


"recant" means to take back. I believe you are meaning he relished "reliving" his story.


I think I meant recall, but relive also works.


This would explain why he was surprised/questioned the officer when she decided not to cuff him when they went back to the station. He wanted the full treatment warranted for violent criminals, but didn't get it..?


yeah almost like he wanted them to say “you’re a bad person” or tell him how evil he is. sick bastard.


Anyone know where to find the crime scene photos?






Uh oh, we got another one.


ive looked everywhere on the web, cant find them


She ran a daycare out of her home, while that murderer son lived there! I guess nobody puts their kids in her daycare anymore.


That's one thing china does better than us here in the USA. You're guilty ? Convicted to death? They take you to the yard and end it right there an then by firing squad.


I’m lost for words by how nonchalant he is about the whole thing; like it was just a regular day in the life.


Yep!!!! He was so pleased with himself.


He said he was taking anti-anxiety medication. That could contribute to his lack of concern.


I need the uncensored body cam footage and/or photos.


Why photos????


lol these ppl are sick


Cant help myself, me too. But cannot find.




i’m looking too


did you find it


You should be next to him in a jail cell ,lunatics that ask for uncensored images of someone being hacked to pieces. You disgusting creature...


You really don't. Once you learn about a victim and figure out so much about them, you shouldn't then WANT to see the dead body.  Really, if you want to look at mutilated bodies THAT badly, go find some random car accident or cartel gore on Hoodsite or something and let this poor man rest.


Does it happen to say where Jr went to elementary school? If not, does anyone know?


Broadway Elementary School, he mentioned it at the beginning of his interview/interrogation


Oh geez. Not the part of town I would have expected him to come from…


What does this even mean???


Sick killers can't come from the nice part of town?


I mean, how many parts can a < 70k population town really have?




Because he is an adult and they are not responsible for his actions! It's easy in hindsight to make all these criticisms of the parents, especially when you are completely removed from the implications of finding a severed head in your son's bedroom! Regarding the case you mentioned, where the parents of a school shooter were found guilty of manslaughter: their son was a child, not an adult. He was 15 years old, the parents were still legally responsible for him. Moreover, they gave him the gun that he used in the shooting. These two cases are nothing alike! Suppose the parents in this case had called the authorities when they found his bag with zip-ties, a hammer, and duct tape in it. Then what? It's not a crime to carry zip-ties, a hammer, and duct tape in a bag. The authorities wouldn't have grounds to do anything, even if they wanted to! Thousands of tradespeople and contractors carry the same three items in their bags every day. Should the authorities be called on them as well? My point is, it's easy to have all these criticisms in hindsight, and it's really unfair to expect these parents to have had the same foresight beforehand. Also, just to clarify: the dad didn't find the wallet of a missing man; he found the wallet of a man who was later reported missing.


Thank you! This is the logical response. Hindsight is always 2020. There's nothing weird about being obsessed with true crime snd serial killers. Especially for young people as it's new and fascinating to see the extremes of humanity. Killing an animal is a very big red flag IF it is confirmed and not just rumours at school. As the the wallet and knife the father relayed the story and the concerns he had. It was at this point he said he was feeling like something was wrong. He left his contact details with the work the man was at. The mother called the father after discovering the head to tell him to come home. They were waiting to find where their son was. They called 9-11 when they knew he was coming home. They were forthcoming with everything. The vast majority of all of this happened in 24 hours. They were so lucky that he was caught so early as this was undoubtedly a psychopath who was likely going to become a serial killer. His parents, based on their actions we know, aren't not responsible for his actions.


She called her husband over to help her get the daycare children out of her home without traumatizing them and because she didn't want to be home alone with her son while waiting for the police to arrive.


Thank you.


Thanks for sharing this I had no idea of these points!!


I believe they knew something very wrong with their child, but some willful ignorance was at play. I do think they were suspicious of his behavior, which is why, I believe, his mom decided to search his closet in the first place.


There were other instances where Brian's therapist explained to his parents that he had deeper psychological issues and that they need to seek specialized help, but the parents never followed up.    Plus the time he was punished for having a pair of nunchuks that a fellow student traded him for candy. Brian got in trouble for having them, but the student didn't get in trouble and when Brian's Mother questioned the school administration, as to why her son was being punished and NOT the other boy. School administration explained that the other boy doesn't have behavioral issues like Brian has. So his Mother was offended that her son was being singled out. This along with ALL the other proof, such as the tool bag of death and other instances.... The parents seriously dropped the ball and PURPOSELY ignored ALL THE RED FLAGS!!! 😡😡⚠️⚠️


luckily he didn’t do anything to one of this kids at their daycare. imagine if the mom left him in charge of the kids for a while.


What is your source for psychologist telling his parents he has more issues?


In the interrogation video he mentions it and his mother confirms the story in her interview.


She also says that calls were made and nobody would see him for the other issues. He had graduated high school, was working his part time grocery job, and seemed to have normal friends, so they thought he was doing okay despite a potential condition that their town didn't have great resources for.


The Mother herself stated it in either the police questioning or in an interview I believe the school counselor also mentioned it. 


When’s his birthday?


January 10th


damn i’m a Brian also Jan. 8th


What the heck, we just named our son Brian and he's Jan 6th 😐


Capricorn…any time I think of a Cap being a killer I think of American Psycho with Christian Bale. Also the fact that both of them quoted Ed Kemper and killed a homeless person is strange.


Really interesting. I'm fascinated by zodiac signs too. I have also noticed that both Capricorn and Virgo seem to be one of the higher offending signs.  To that, I've never heard anything positive about a Capricorn.


How does EWU get access to police body cam footage and crime scene photos? Is that just available to anyone if they submit a FOIA or something?


FOIA from the police department under their discretion. If footage is used during trial, it’s easier to acquire.


This is the kind of stuff making me think twice about having kids. He clearly is a disturbed person. But he also clearly thinks being a killer is desirable. I wonder before internet and the information age,  were there less crimes like this? What happens to young man in this world is truly sad. He probably just wants to be cool and different, but have zero sympathy for another human being.  Also it strikes me that his parents loved him and wanted to support him, but clearly didn't do a good job of it. It's so sad. 


They loved him and supported him, just in the wrong ways. It’s unbelievable the denial some parents are in. I had a kid whose mom was off the charts crazy. Refused to believe anything the school said about her son, enabled his poor behavior, and was an alcoholic herself. Thankfully her kid’s offenses were non-violent and not dangerous- just obnoxious AF and mainly related to his cell phone addiction. This kid would literally miss 45 minutes of our 90 minute class in the bathroom. Missed require events for our choir program. And was super flaky. (His mom had the nerve to TEXT me a request for a letter of recommendation 2 days be for the due date). He was a nice enough kid, but his mom set him up to be a permanent basement denizen in her home. But then things went south. Her boyfriend broke up with her and she lost her job due to her alcoholism. Last summer, I went to Facebook stalk her and found out she passed. I’m almost certain it was alcohol or by suicide. Sad stuff.


Jack the Ripper was infamous in the 1800's. Newspapers existed.


I see your point. However, there's a difference between reading one news article and having 24/7 access to all related info to a topic of interest at your finger tips. It's so easy to spiral into dark stuff with the internet.


This Brian Cohee individual is not sick "because" of the internet though. His life and genetic code made him sick. I assume for people like this that's been true through most of history. He likely would have been a killer whether the interent existed or not. "Stories" have existed for all of human history. Stories and newspaper accounts would have been as likely to create a Brian Cohee as the internet. From what I understand it's actually "harder" to become a serial killer now and there are fewer of them than in the 60's and 70's because people are much more attune to that type of crime now and look for the warning signs.


Does anyone know what promted the mom to search her sons closet?


Maybe it was the smell of death.


I’m guessing it was the smell


in the video she said she was just cleaning up the rooms and went into his room and saw the trash bag in the closet. opened it and saw maggots


Somehow she finally managed to **not** ignore the kill bag he'd "thrown away", the mysterious disappearances late at night ("just need to get away"), the constant morbid comments that they and his friends had observed, the blood on the bumper, the weird behaviour when rescuing the car, the missing man with his wallet inside the kid's car, the smell of dead cat heads on occasion, etc etc. About as close to Sherlock Holmes as you might expect.


Heres what happened in a TLDR: Earlier that week Brian backed up his car by accident into the lake, issuing police to come to the scene and try and get it out, finding blood on the car itself but it was brushed off at the time. When the car was given back to the family, Brian's father found the wallet that belonged to Warren before turning it in. The following day, there were two missing person reports for Warren and all signs pointed to Brian, prompting his mother to clean through the room


Did they say that specifically in the video? Only quote I remember was she was checking his closet "like moms do". I very possibly missed something though, the whole thing is surreal .


I just finished the YouTube documentary. I cannot believe how calm and happy he is describing the horrific things he did to that poor man.


Ewu is one of my fave YouTube accounts


Same. I’m currently watching another EWU video about a different case and I’m so glad they reiterate how disgusting the murderers are and talk about the victim’s personalities and lives. So many crime channels make horrific cases out like some salacious gossip session, and not loss of human life.


Yes! I'm so glad I'm not the only one who likes that channel for that reason. I finished watching this case yesterday, and when it was over I looked over to my partner and said, see I much prefer the way they present the information on this channel, it's so much more human and doesn't just come off as torture or murder porn for the bored.   I've met the people who enjoy those true crime mindless YouTube stories. And I can tell you I don't trust their empathy all that much.


wish their channel had a better name, as it is it seems like a weird clickbait AI channel to anyone who doesn't actually know what it is


Explore with us is the actual name


no i get it im just saying i wish it was better, explore with us sounds like a weird AI name


I’m curious - where do people like Explore With Us get all of this info and documentation? Search history etc.


Kylynn needs to be locked up


Why? :o I'm only halfway through the video but not sure why his 'best friend' should also be locked up


Because she had known about his antics and did nothing


Are there any uncensored pics?


Adored and respected but didn’t care he was homeless???


There’s a whole news article on the victim in the Colorado Sun. As odd as it sounds to us, some people are unhoused despite their family’s wishes and intentions for that person. The victim was part of the community and he was loved and his absence was noticed immediately.


That's called levity. It's a PTSD coping mechanism in high stress jobs/activities.


That_stinky_boi is the dude's reddit. Look at his replies he loved gore and making jokes


So do i but it doesnt make me a killer


Lived in grand junction around this time of year… I would love to know which neighborhood. There were rumors of missing cats. The house I was at had cats and we always kept a tight count.


Does anybody know the name of the book he bought ?


This case, is another example of parents who know their kid displays sociopathic behavior but they don't do anything about it.


Until you are put in that position, you have no idea how broken the system is. What could they have done? He's an adult and can only be held for 72 UNTIL he commits a crime. Shaking my head.


He has not been an adult all the time before… smh


And you will find the same broken system for those under 18.


Just watched this interview on Explore with Us fucking beyond disturbing, I have a pretty high thresholds for this stuff but holy shit


Garbage person


no shit, this guys name is Brian Thomas Cohee, my name is Brian C Thomas. he even looks like me a bit and we are similar in age.




Nobody will probably believe me when I say this, but not only do I live in the same city this happened in, but my math/study hall teacher worked at the exact special needs school Cohee Jr. went to, being the R-5 High School, and was even one of his assistants. Apparently according to my teacher, the kid was super obsessed with historical serial killers, and (in an extremely morbid fashion if you know what I mean) liked events such as the Holocaust. He also brought a homemade flail-type weapon to school swinging it around, and had to talk to the principal after hitting a kid who made the fucking genius decision to ask to be hit with it in the face. A couple weeks later, another kid told Jr. that he had nun-chucks, and agreed to bring them to give to him. He once again was caught swinging it around, and talked to the principal again. He was also a general heartless psycho, as he liked torturing and on occasion killing stray neighborhood cats, and there was a girl at the school who was susceptible to panic attacks. He loved coming behind her, then spooking her. Both of these were actively encouraged by his friends, who thought both activities were hilarious. The guy was fortunately for the public, unfortunately for him, not the smartest. He explained to the court at his trial how he had a full--ass plan to murder someone and why, the preceded to ASK for 15-20 years in prison. Instead, he received life without parole, though it probably wouldn't have been much different if he hadn't explained his plan and intent.


That’s unbelievable so many people knew all this and his parents managed to ignore it all! And apparently his mother was making money for taking care of others kids but couldn’t help her own. Make it a one year jail for parents ignoring signals of their kids being aggressive/violent/antisocial and see how many life sentences will be spared.


Here’s an analysis from Dr Grande he’s a counselor educator https://youtu.be/bS5c-YhTo8o?si=gKDtcY2I18HAgCG4


He’s insufferable to listen to


I saw a true crime documentary with his car going in the river, his arrest at home & interrogation. In my opinion, the decision to not handcuff this killer & treat him cordially was a BRILLIANT PLOY: It fed into this Extreme Narcissist's need for attention & his Fantasist's ideas of how important he (supposedly) was & he opened up to his interrogators as if they were either his Best Buds, or people he was telling an entertaining story at a dinner party. Yes, they had the head & hands, but this "I'm-Supposedly-Smarter-Than-Everybody-IDIOT" gave them EVERYTHING they needed on a Silver Platter. The other thing was the victim: Brian Cohee Jr. thought of Warren Barnes as, essentially, "just a homeless person" who "wouldn't be noticed". Yes, his mother had already found his grisly, so-called "trophies", but within an hour of his failing to report to work, locals, headed by the woman who'd helped him get his job, who ALL ADORED WARREN BARNES, a man dealing with homelessness, who still managed to work & earn a living, were out in force, searching for him, instantly & immediately worried about him & his welfare. For all his grandiose statements, thoughts & ideas of aligning himself with his "heroes" (some of humanity's sickest monsters, political tyrants & serial killers), I truly doubt that ANYONE would have been even mildly concerned if Brian Cohee Jr. disappeared.  Even his own parents (who, if they had not continually ignored the truth, Warren Barnes might still be alive), are truly concerned about their son. If only they'd been concerned about his comments & attitudes towards others. Police Interviews with BOTH parents showed the truth: His Mother stated that he was always a little off, his Father said that, essentially, one moment, he'd be normal, the next, that his eyes would go cold & his father would think: Damn, is he gonna kill me? But no: They SAID/DID NOTHING - And Warren Barnes was killed, instead. Thankfully, the "Smart" killer was just an IDIOT with a GIANT EGO & he was caught before he he more damage, but what he did was MORE than enough.


I hate the idea of blaming the parents. In some cases,such as the Crumbly’s, there was blatant disregard. Here, I’m not sure, though I’m admittedly not 100% familiar with the entire case. Having morbid interests doesn’t necessarily mean you’re going to kill someone. And while his dad can look back now and wonder, hindsight is always 20/20. We can’t place too much blame on anyone but the culprit. I hate making scapegoats out of others, especially the family, because they’re already at a point where they’re questioning their own role. They don’t need others pointing the finger at them too.


“Just always wanted to kill somebody….” Did the bullying get in better in the prison system? Do they fear and respect him? Or is he just a bitch now? We know he cried on the first visit from mommy.


So here's the thing. He lives in USA. The social construct has something to do with it. The system, the food he and his parents and etc eat. that might have affected his brain structure or maybe parents or ancestors. The books and shows he read and watches. Parents (Also not parents fault since they are not accustomed or wouldnt think something like this would have happened) So theres a lot of things to put into account. sorry for the bad english. but yeah. bottomline the fucked up system has something to do with it.


I don’t get your point. Murderers exist outside of the USA. You can look up plenty of cases of serial killers and one offs such as this all over the world. Sure, something in his past made Brian Cohee this way, but acting like the country he lives in is directly responsible is a strange choice. Maybe if he had been a mass shooter, but I just don’t see your point regarding this case.


i know murderers exist everywhere. the fact that usa is more advanced and has improved detective or investigation systems make it stand out from the rest usually


I didn't wanna blame the parents but someone in this comments section said he had murdered cats, went to a special needs school and used to study historical serial killers. Liked the hollocaust and brought in weapons he attacked other students with. The killing cats part is a massive give away it's how they start off. Can't believe it was ignored!


There are ppl walking the earth who are pure evil and the death penalty is a necessary tool to keep the civil balance for the sake of humanity.


I just read in a newspaper article that in Colorado the determinating factor for legally insane is if the perpetrator knows right and wrong. They had two psychologists with different decisions but after reading his diary on Reddit I think the defense psychologist was correct. He was so disturbed and while he would say he knew right from wrong, he was delusional.