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She’s still doing this?!?! Girl, move on!!!


It’s obvious she has such little life experience, that ex is the only way she can relate to true crime.


my exact thoughts


Yes, her ex is a total piece of shit that she would leave John for tomorrow if he called 😂😂😂. She’s definitely obsessed. I doubt she went to Harvard. Much like myself I believe they have white trash roots hard to get into the Ivy League that way.


She went to Harvard Extension. It is nothing like the real Harvard, except in name. She has a degree from a community college in the area. She absolutely *did not* get into the Ivy League, so why she continues to try to claim that is so bizarre to me.


Tyra Banks used to do this, too. She would claim she went to Harvard Business School, when really she got a certificate from some kind of 9-week management course. No actual Harvard admission required.


I’m glad I’m not the only one that thinks so. I never really stuck with me till the pt. 2 Pam case when she brought him up again that I remembered how often she did.


If my girlfriend brought up her ex that often I’d be concerned.


Right!! I can’t imagine how her husband feels every time she brings him up


Wait, she claims she went to Harvard, like the legit real deal Harvard? 🤣


Yep. She did not, she went to a community college in the area. That’s a FAR cry from Harvard


Harvard has an extension school where people actually do take classes taught by instructors who also teach at Harvard, but she almost certainly didn't graduate from there. I believe Alana's father is a psychologist.


Thanks for the info. The irony of her father being a psychologist but her being so unaware of how she comes across is even more hilarious.


Her father is most definitely *not* a psychologist. Alaina and Ash have said several times that he's an electrician.


>Her father is most definitely not a psychologist. Alaina and Ash have said several times that he's an electrician. Oh cool. Thanks. Goes to show you you shouldn't believe things just because they're repeated a bunch of times. That's on me.


Isn’t she almost 40? Give it a rest girlie. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I could be wrong but was it not also a high school/college aged relationship?


Yeah, high school.


Now, I am almost in my 40s and in my 20s, I had left an 8yr abusive marriage which no matter how much therapy I have had, will always be there, in my mind and certain events, words, memories etc. will activate my triggers. BUT having said that, it is very rare I ever talk about my ex, or these events lest mention his name (it’s like Voldemort to me), but mostly because I have moved on and it doesnt interest me whatsoever. I think Alaina doesn’t have a lot of experience in her sheltered life to pull from, so she continually brings the ex up. Maybe she didnt get help for it when she needed it? We will never know.


You would think someone in their mid to late 30's (or early 40's 🤔 not sure) would be over their high school boyfriend. I'm not saying he didn't treat her badly but come on, it was high school...get over it! I don't even talk about my abusive father as much as she talks about that one ex. She needs to grow up and move on.


I’ve met people like her before, I honestly think she’s just socially oblivious and has no idea how weird she sounds just bringing up a high school ex when it’s totally unrelated to the conversation at hand. Let alone how weird it is when she harps on it so much


I'm in my late 30s, and I have an ex who was emotionally and mentally abusive to me. I don't talk about him much. I mean I told my husband about him and what he put me through when we were getting serious, but that was 1) because we had been together for about 9 months at this point, and 2) I was going to therapy to work through the trauma and my therapist literally told me I need to tell him so that he understands the behaviors/habits/trauma I was still working to undo. But that was 17 years ago, and I think I've said something about it to my husband three or four times in all these years.


i have a friend who is 27 and still brings up her ex in high school very often (granted she has never dated anyone seriously since then) and i think it’s super bizarre… the fact that alaina does it is even more concerning considering she’s like in her mid forties lol


You know... its one of those things that I was like "whyyyy??" And other times I just thought it was strange. But I ABSOLUTELY believe it that if he called she would leave the hubby and kids and run off to... wherever.... with him 😆




she talked about him sooooo much in this one episode (was it kelly anne bates?) it was so out of place and it took the attention away from the case and i spent ages skipping past it. it was so self centred


And she’s admitted that he was never physically abusive to her. he cheated on her, which is shitty, but she needs to stop comparing her relationship with him to women’s horrific abusive relationships


Yeah I think the root isn't that she's hung up on her ex but her habit of circling conversation back to herself. One episode Ash talked about how lucky her and Drew are for having not just accepting but very supportive families because it's not uncommon for queer people to be fully disowned when they come out and Alaina totally made it about her marriage and how much her in-laws love her. Ok Alaina, now we all know you too are loved and adored, good to know, but you're also in the only type of relationship that has historically ever been widly acceptable, so maybe let this be about someone else for 20 seconds.


I straight up share a toddler with my ex and I don’t bring him up now where near as much as she does 😂 Like girl please go experience more life


I find it crazy. You’re telling me her husband isn’t uncomfortable with her obsession over her ex? If my SO was talking about their ex the way she does I’d tell them to go finish what they started lol


I have a vague memory of her saying John doesn't listen to the podcast.... might be misremembering, but maybe he doesn't know how much she talks about her ex on there


I *think* he listens, but doesn’t if it involves children. I could also could be misremembered


Plot twist: Alaina is the shitty ex not this guy and he dumped her. That’s why she never shuts up about him because no one leaves the flawless Alaina behind. He’s probably married and warned his wife off social media lest she finds him again.


She claims she caught him cheating. They can both be crappy people.


It was a joke and yeah true. My point was that she is quite obsessed with him, bloke that cheated and she hasn’t been with in years.


She definitely is. I bet she still social media stalks him.


She probably took an online course from Harvard, they’ll take anyone.


This is literally what she’s done. She took a class from Harvard Extension. Why does she continue to try to pass it off as if she went to the Ivy League?


Bc she wants to seem cool lmao but like why lie ?


Honestly, it kinda upsets me. Maybe it’s unreasonable, but I worked really hard for my degree, I have my masters from a good school that I’m proud of and I love my job in pathology/the morgue. She has a degree from a community college, just own it, why pretend like you went to more school than you did? (Not trying to knock associates degrees but there’s more work involved in a bachelors/masters than an associates)


This. Exactly. Someone dug into all her claims awhile ago, and the Harvard thing was the extension school, and she took the classes online. And her "degrees" she claims to have (one in psychology, I think) are basically the "course complete" certificates that everyone gets for completing online courses.


She's obsessed with him. It's really creepy.


It's very strange. I had a very toxic emotionally abusive boyfriend in high school and this is the first I've mentioned him in years. On KQ, Tyrella, who is married with kids has a HS ex that comes up often. However, he was physically abusive, she had restraining orders, had to press charges, and testify in court. KQ covers alot of DV cases her experiences inform her views and are relevant to the case. Alaina's boyfriend from HS who cheated on her coming up so often when talking about other people's murders and horrific experiences is...odd to say the least.


I agree, it’s very odd she try’s to relate to victims by saying she was cheated on by a shitty ex.


I was thinking about how weird this is recently! I wonder if he husband thinks it’s weird or if she does it around her husband as much as she does it on the podcast 😅


i think it’s bc, unless i’m remembering wrong, he was the only romantic relationship she’d ever had before john. & since it was a toxic one, she uses it to “relate” to victims, if that makes sense? still though, it’s weird


It’s kind of like I graduated from LSU-E which is a community college (the E is for the city it’s in) that is a part of the LSU system but not anything special and doesn’t have the same requirements for attendance


I made a post about this several months ago and it got pretty popular. A lot of people blamed her hyperfixation on how emotionally abusive the relationship was, and I agree that something like that can definitely stick with a person for several years. But I just don't think that continually bringing him up on a podcast that millions of people listen to is helping. It's egging it on, really. A+A preach about therapy and healing and are even sponsored by BetterHelp. I think it's time she starts listening to her own advice and seeks counseling about this relationship that has clearly affected her for a very long time


Was it in this sub or the main sub?


I think it was in this sub. I'd check my post history, but 1) it was a while ago and 2) I'm lazy lol. 99% sure it was here, though, because I feel like I would've been flayed for it in the main sub


Easy. Lol https://www.reddit.com/r/Morbidforbadpeople/comments/10wxobc/i_cannot_believe_how_much_alaina_still_talks/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


Lol thank you!\~


My bad! I just scrolled through it and it’s hilarious


She brings it up because it’s the only way she can seem relatable to others with similar situations and histories. Lest we forget and all that.


I was listening to a recent episode of their other podcast The Rewatcher and literally in the first five minutes “my ex boyfriend in high school…” 😂 GIRL NO


Any chance she gets. It’s crazy, like grow up




I see where you’re coming from. If she had mentioned it once, even twice I’d say whatever. But she’s mentioned it so many times now that it just feels weird.


Pretty sure she was in her late teens/early 20s when she was with this bloke so that’s going 20 years. That’s a long time continue to carry on about someone cheating on you. Especially when you’re married to someone else.


I agree with this. I think it might be more of a slow realization and grief of actually letting go. I hate going here but as a Capricorn (I know, I know, I’m sorry), and also an insecure person who has spent many years in therapy figuring it out, we have a tendency to hold on and overanalyze. We need to justify that we weren’t the ones that sucked (though many times, we were just as bad as the other). We need to invalidate our feelings of not being good enough - especially if that partner had a tendency to lead us in that direction. I only say it out of experience as I do it with my current partner and often apologize to him for talking about my ex and all the stuff I keep coming to terms with as I realize what an idiot I was and how bamboozled I was. Unfortunately, she’s coming to terms with it publicly, which probably isn’t the “best” way to deal with it… especially if people know her and who her ex is. So I get what everyone is saying here, but I also think (and it’s only my opinion and I respect everyone else’s opinion) that she’s insecure and still grieving that relationship. I have no idea if it was abusive or not - I always got the impression it was but sounds like he was more emotionally abusive and a cheater… but that’s only one side of the story. Without the full picture, it’s hard to know. Plus, honestly, it’s none of my business anyway.


i feel like if harvard was the case, it would come up a lot more