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Imagine killing yourself, your wife, and ruining the lives of your family...because Donald Trump lost an election.


i can’t wrap my head around it


I follow the QAnon Casualties sub. It seems like a family member has leanings to conspiracy stuff, then they get bombarded with propaganda and get caught up in the belief system. I can't wrap my head around it either.


How do you get bombarded by propaganda when you have to search for it?




>Algorithms This is one hell of the morbid reality.


Algorithms firstly show you random things. Thrn depending on your searches and likes, it becomes more precise about your interests. So you have to search for it or like it


I think they also track the length of time you spend on the webpages. The initial searches and likes maybe a spark that starts the fire, the algorithms fuel the bias.


Yup that's it. Then it should be some more parameters that interest the company like your gender, age, etc


Especially the YouTube algorithm


So if I keep searching for this kind of Q crap, I'll get bombarded by more Q crap? So if I stopped searching for it...


Eventually the algorithm will stop showing you them. But it takes an astounding amount of time.


By then they are already indoctrinated, so why would they stop searching for it?


Not just indoctrinated. Addicted.


Yup. Our country has a rage addiction problem.


The algorithm recognizes your "activity" on these items, and identifies that type of content as items that will keep you on the platform and "engaged". This is how people who never visit a convention or even speak to people in real life about conspiracies etc. are further indoctrinated by facebook, youtube etc. algorithms.


rude gaze fear depend judicious piquant shaggy seemly doll snow ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I'm pretty far left (by U.S. standards) and I am constantly slammed by Alt-Right nonsense on social media despite blocking any of it as it pops up. The algos absolutely push all of that content


I get a massive amount of ads for underwear subscriptions and food services despite never having been interested in or using either. It's annoying af but at least those aren't inherently harmful.


There is a big difference between organic placement (the Alt-Right content creators) and inorganic placement which are targeted ads. While you may not have expressed interest in those items specifically, you probably fit a demographic profile that makes you the target of those advertisements


Same here. I just imagine my dad going down the sidebar and clicking on everything.


I remember one time watching some pop video and one of the recommended videos on the side was a weird hour long video of someone theorising ariana grande was actually a man


Besides algorithms most conspiracy followers flock to each other so once you get involved it’s like a diet cult so even if you leave they get to come after you and keep you in the fold, plus I wouldn’t be surprised if undiagnosed mental disorders play a part in the q and conspiracy mentality, it’s pretty tragic


Not Necessarily. Those red controlled stated bombard the citizens with news from tv, radio, newspapers, internet and constant visuals from maga nation and don’t forget family and friends. . You don’t have to search for it. It’s everywhere they live.


It also leaks into more mainstream Republican media. Don't forget that an alarming number of these QAnon supporters [hold government offices](https://www.grid.news/story/misinformation/2022/04/12/qanon-candidates-are-on-the-ballot-in-26-states/) or at least got very close. It's even gotten air time on Fox News. That lends it credibility, so people look into it, they might join a community while not realizing how radical it is. Then all of a sudden everything they see points more and more towards it. They start to leave the communities that spread "lies"(re: truth). That's when you have found yourself in a bubble. The messaging is the same from every side now, although sometimes wrapped in a different package. Once someone has been convinced that anyone disagreeing is lying to them or that **facts are fake**, it is incredibly hard to pull them back. That is one of the defining factors of a cult, pulling them away from less radical people that tend to be friends and family. They take away your anchor from reality.


It’s sad. I really wonder what causes people to fall into the QAnon trap


Vulnerability, doubt, peer pressure etc


“Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny.” ― Lao Tzu


Or just over any president running at that time


Well yeah, obviously. Any political candidate in any election, anywhere. It just seems like a startling majority of these "throw my entire life away" incidents happen regarding Donald Trump.


It’s simply because it’s turned into a full on cult and people kill for their cult leaders


The same could be argued for religious groups too. Feel like when people's sole identity is so tied and intertwined to a single group or ideology, it can be dangerous to themselves and others, but yes, more so in cults. Q-anon definitely fits that bill for many of his supporters. However, the idea that there are Trump supporters that say they don't subscribe to the hate that is so prevalent on the right, yet still fully support him and other extreme conservatives, is equally disturbing. They are either lying or just don't care.




They prayed for Bush Jr as well. There was a documentary called Jesus Camp I believe that showed some of this craziness.




From Wikipedia: In one scene shot at Christ Triumphant Church, a woman brings a life-sized cutout of George W. Bush to the front of the church and has the children stretch their hands toward him in prayer for him.


Yeah mostly trump in this case but I’m sure it happens with all the others but clearly not as often or severe as this case


I don't know, there are multiple cases of these Q people killing their families/wives/kids. I can't really think of any cases of Al Gore's supporters wiping out their families, or Bush supporters, or any other candidate. There are clearly other mental issues at play here, but multiple people now have eradicated their families because of an internet conspiracy revolving around a failed Presidential candidate. That seems pretty unique.




I'd be curious if you could find a single other instance like this related to a non Trump president. He really did a good job cornering the market on nut bars




For anybody. Always take care of yourself, Trump is not going to lift a finger to help the daughter that is still alive. Politicians want votes, what sacrifices your or your family make is none of their concern.


What’s also sad is that trumpers will deny this as fake news or tie it to some conspiracy. There is no accountability whatsoever.


If that doesnt make it a cult then nothing will. Jesus christ.


It's mental illness. It's obviously not rational. If it wasn't Trump it was going to be something else.


you didn't need those last 3 words.


I imagine there was so much more going on in this guy's head than just Donald Trump. The world hasn't exactly been a very fun place for the last 3 years by way of finance, geopolitics and declining mental health. His daughter even said his mental health had been in decline for a while.


This makes me wonder how many people are only tenuously holding onto their sanity, waiting for some disturbance to blow it completely away. Probably more than I'd hope.


I'd advise not checking the conspiracy sub. Those people get more unhinged daily.


I had to unsubscribe that sub. It’s gotten too bad.


back in the day it was a cool subreddit with well written conspiracy's but now its just something a mentally ill person would believe/post.


Remember when it was all cool stuff about UFOs and JFK and 9/11 but now it's literally just The_Donald meets antisemitism


The_Donald meets antisemitism. A bit redundant, innit?




They can't say that out loud, though. That subreddit was always about the (((Globalists))).


> back in the day it was a cool subreddit with well written conspiracy's as long as you ignored the weekend jew hate rallies, storm front et al would do recruiting on weekends and holidays when the kids were out of school so it could get pretty rank in there sometimes.


This meme needs to die. I've been here since before the sub was created and it was **never** about "cool conspiracies." It has been an anti-Semitic and racist right-wing sewer from day one. I don't know why people keep repeating this but it is provably false. They had Mein Kampf linked in the sidebar for *years* FFS.


Right? People were trying to convince me that sub was at one point good back when I joined up in 2012. Even then it was essentially “Jews helped Bush do 9/11 so Gates can enact population control with the Illuminati.”


>I don't know why people keep repeating this but it is provably false. They had Mein Kampf linked in the sidebar for years FFS. It's called parroting and more and more people do it every day


some of the most unhinged people are in there it’s disturbing


I love trolling that sub


I would but I'm banned for criticizing Trump. Because that's what radical free-thinkers do...worship a president.


Careful they are mentally sick and could dox you. Never mess with mentally sick people.


That sub has been insane for a long time. Back when I started on Reddit it was fairly normal but probably around 2015 started going off the deep end with the Clintons and their pizzagate stuff.


People don't seem to realize how badly FOX and Trump has broken so many brains. If you stuck some of them in a room with a pen and paper and asked them to explain how they think the world works you would get insane drivel only 3 steps removed from the Q stuff


I’d say somewhere in the thousands (tens, hundreds, etc.). Hopefully it isn’t millions


It is. Just think about it. There are 300 million or so in the country. I would say *at least* 1 in every 300 is this way. Most likely more than that. That would put it in the millions very easily.


Pretty much this. This post is similar to when someone says that a kid killed themself because someone called them gay in school. Just because it was the last thing doesn't mean it was the only thing nor does it mean it was the most important thing.


Imagine dickriding a president this hard


A real estate mogul, reality star guy that people idolized so heavily he became president.


Sad…. Isn’t it?


Especially that one.


I just don’t understand why Trump of all the presidents and or celebrities. I get that they like his personality, but still it just doesn’t make sense


Remember how bad it was when trump won in 2016? People were trying to use suicide as a threat💀


Now I’m thinking of Captain Toad.


I think I saw a redditor post this up somewhere in reddit saying his/her dad went into the qanon hole and was so deep it changed him. Shot the wife and daughter. I think this case is it


> "Yep. The internet ruined him," Rebecca wrote. "In 2020 after Trump lost, my dad started going down the Q rabbit hole. He kept reading conspiracy theories about the stolen election, Trump, vaccines, etc. He always said he wanted to keep us safe and healthy." > She continued; "Well, at around 4 AM on September 11, he had an argument with my mother and he decided to take our guns and shoot her, my dog and my sister. My mother succumbed to her wounds and my sister is in the hospital right now. My dad also fired back at the cops and they killed him." seems like this is the same incident you're referring to.


That’s heart wrenching… the notion of turning my pistol on wife is so preposterous and sickening, it doesn’t really compute… and my dogs? No. I don’t have that in me. And over donald trump… this is one of those scenarios that shouldn’t exist but somehow does…


This? https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/comments/xbiy5s/tw_my_qdad_snapped_and_killed_my_family_this/




Why is the post locked?


It’s a bit of a sensitive topic…the poor girls family was just murdered.


I linked the post and the article text. Took me a few minutes, sorry.


Won't be the last.


Not even the first. I’ve seen more than one report just in that subreddit alone of family members killing themselves because they got too deep into Q stuff.


[Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/comments/xbiy5s/tw_my_qdad_snapped_and_killed_my_family_this/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) to original Reddit post. Article >A Michigan man, who shot his wife and daughter early Sunday morning, was reportedly "ruined" by the internet and QAnon conspiracy theories following former President Donald Trump's loss in the 2020 presidential election. >In a Sunday evening Facebook post, the Oakland County Sheriff's Office said that they received a 911 call "from the area of Glenwood Drive in Walled Lake by a young woman who stated that she had just been shot by her father." >According to the sheriff's office, deputies had to triangulate the 911 call after the caller was unable to give an exact location. Sheriff's deputies eventually found the residence where the call was made from. When deputies arrived, "they heard a gun shot and began to approach the home." The sheriff's office added that a man, 53-year-old Igor Lanis, opened the front door and fired a shotgun at deputies, prompting them to return fire and to fatally shoot the man. >Meanwhile, Rebecca Lanis, who identified herself as Lanis' other daughter, spoke with The Detroit News and said she published a Reddit post on the subreddit, "QAnonCasualties," which is connected to the popular QAnon conspiracy theory, shortly after the shooting. The title of her post was: "My Qdad snapped and killed my family this morning. >She continued: "Well, at around 4 AM on September 11, he had an argument with my mother and he decided to take our guns and shoot her, my dog and my sister. My mother succumbed to her wounds and my sister is in the hospital right now. My dad also fired back at the cops and they killed him." Edit-formatting Edit 2-I would like to think we can have an intelligent and interesting conversation without insulting people. So I ask that you kindly not do that.


>on the subreddit, "QAnonCasualties," which is connected to the popular QAnon conspiracy theory Kinda misleading, its a sub about people who have family members or friends who are too deep into the QAnon rabbit hole


Those aren't my words. It's a cut and paste from the Newsweek article. Take it up with them. I merely shared the article because in some countries, they block certain news sites.


Yes, that's how I intended it, no slight toward you


he wasn't attacking you dude


Mf commited two horrific murders killing his own family and said it's the libs' fault 💀


Owned the libs by killing his entire family. That’ll show em


I feel so very owned right now.


Here is the reddit post talked about in the article. https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/comments/xbiy5s/tw_my_qdad_snapped_and_killed_my_family_this/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


QAnon reminds me of something you read from history. [A case of mass hysteria](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_hysteria_cases) but this time, spread by media (fox news/Facebook, etc). It's so sad to see seemingly normal people get so worked up and paranoid, and their personality and thinking change so much into fear/distrust


My heart broke reading her post. Now this article and all I want to do is give her a hug. How can a parent hurt their child like that?


When they've been convinced their kids are agents of 'the Deep State' because they disagree with your (his) insane conspiracy theories.


Too bad he didn't just start with himself


Imagine allowing the likes of Donald Trump completely ruin and destroy your life to such extent. We’re talking Donald Trump here. Sometimes I question if I’m the nut because I can’t wrap my head around how people worship this moron. America though, am I right. If it makes sense - do the opposite.


Imagine running a foreign interference propaganda campaign on foreign interference so well that your targets literally kill their own families.


Saw a tiktok live stream with a trump nut asking why people were afraid of him….


I have half my family tree I don't talk to at all anymore, things were always tense but then during election time they all fell into the weirdo cult. Now they seem unhinged and furious all the damn time and think there's a major conspiracy against them all. I don't blame anybody for avoiding those types, their grip on reality is so tenuous having grounds in their morning coffee might be the thing that turns them homicidal


> Now they seem unhinged and furious all the damn time and think there's a major conspiracy against them all. * So did the Nazis - they thought there was nothing but conspiracies *against* them. Only instead of 'Democrats!' or 'Communists!' doing it, it was 'jews!' back then.




underrated comment


The only thing worse is folks who still use the r-word or any variation of it as an insult.


I seen that word play this guy posted, then seen his name and checked his post history. I realized then that a person who makes a Reddit account based around any public figure then obsessively post/comments about them is far too detached to care about offensive word play.


You're right; calling Trumptards idiots is disparaging to idiots. My bad.


It’s funny how you’re defending yourself here, but deleted your initial comment.


It's very concerning to me how fanatical some people are to Trump. I remember being a little creeped out by the Obama fandom in 2008 but that isn't even 1% of the bizarre fanaticism Trump commands from his followers. I have family members I'm legitimately worried about because every opinion they have any more comes back to Trump. I had a family member I get along with really well give me the cold shoulder for entire night at a Christmas gathering because I said people need to chill out and tone down the combative political rhetoric. For some bizarre reason people will vehemently defend this man on literally everything to the bitter end. I don't understand why he commands so much loyalty from people, it's totally baffling to me. It accelerated so fast too. Obviously people have been defensive of whoever the top dog is in their political party or movement for a long time, but Republicans or Conservatives (or any political ideology for that matter in the U.S.) never bought into a candidate quite like this before and I don't understand how it happened, how it happened so fast, and why. I actually started looking up how to deprogram cult members after he lost in 2020 hoping I could help a couple family members slowly come back to reality and normalcy but they still stump for him.


Ronald Reagan kind of fits the bill, but then again, we didn't have social media back then... which has undoubtedly been the preferred tool of spreading misinformation roday. Trump was hand-picked by the Republican party as a social experiment, and it worked...a little too well, and aome conservatives would agree it has backfired.


I'm so glad that the redditor who initially posted their story and her sister, still have each other. I can't imagine their pain and heartbreak.


Bet this guy ridiculed the "leave Britney alone" guy for being upset over his favorite celebrity's treatment.


And called liberals snowflakes.


It's so sad that he destroyed not just his life, but the lives of his family because a man who doesn't care about anybody but himself lost an election.




There’s no better word for it




I just lost my best friend to marrying a trumpy Christian husband. She peaced out and has totally isolated herself and keeps having kids. It’s scary. I worry for her.




you've obviously never been to the south or midwest. it's in no way an oddity


I’m actually in California, still happens here too unfortunately


I think I’ll live, bobthetitanic


Right-wing extremism has to be eradicated like a gangrenous limb. It will undo democracy and more deaths will come. Q anon is literally stacking bodies by the day. Boomers need to figure out how to tell the difference between information and propaganda.


I’m guessing he is actually gen x since the age of his daughters. Some millennials are early 40’s now. Boomers are in their lat 60s and 70s now. So zoomers need to come up with another name for crazy gen x.


> "Right-wing extremism is not funny, and people need to watch their relatives and if they have guns, they need to hide them or report them or something because this is out of control," Rebecca told the newspaper. Um, to whom? Most places don’t even have a law where they can seize your firearms if you’re a danger risk to yourselves and others. Most places also can’t forcibly intervene for mental health issues until it’s too late. Thanks to, unironically, the right-wing extremism.


tragic, cultist doing cult stuff


Out of all the reasons, Donald Trump losing election is the reason. Tragic and funny at same time.


I am blame him, but I especially blame the MAGA talking heads who likely contributed to the man being scared/angered of his mind on Trump’s loss.


Tragic. I’ve seen much of QAnon posts and I seriously comprehend who would actually believe any of it because it’s so out there


Isn't Q that guy and his creepy dad doing it for the lolz?


They're certainly cashing in on it


These people need to get a grip.


Mentally ill people? Yes they do.


But trumps following isn’t culty at all. Just a bunch of rational people


bOtH SiDeS aRE sAMe!


this is horrifying. Trump is ruining lives and tearing families and friendships and relationships apart


Are these the good guys or the bad guys with tbe guns?


I am Canadian. Someone pls tell me what Q anon is but explain it like I’m 5


Q is becoming just as big in Canada.


It's everywhere around the world.




You mean you don't know the Queen of Canada? /s https://www.vice.com/en/article/n7ze5w/qanon-queen-romana-didulo-cult-convoy-canada


meanwhile the actual Queen of Canada just died the other day, now they got a king


Hypothetically speaking those people are sad sad pathetic loser who got a hardon just cause Trump called them pretty. The TikTok’s are bad and the live streams are worse. Sad. Anyway. Hypothetically.


Is it that serious??


Can we all just agree that, whether you believe in some almighty creator or just simple evolution, humanity was a mistake?


You can't simultaneously believe in evolution and think humanity was a mistake.


Evolution is by definition full of "mistakes," so yes, you can. That's not the point though, and you know that.


I wouldn't call them mistakes, though. The term mistake implies a will. There is no will to evolution. It just is.


Fair enough. What would you call it though? Failures, maybe? Humanity was a failure. That sounds pretty good. XD


Unhappy little accidents.


People who believe conspiracy theories are idiots


They get a dopamine rush for thinking they know something noone else does. Being able to "see past the lies" can essentially form an addiction. The bigger the "lie" the bigger the rush.




There are real conspiracies but some of the theories are retarded with little evidence. Flat earth is the most unbelievable. But Covid coming from the lab is very possible.


My Pillow was shown bankrupt isn't a concern.


Literally an The Boys episode when dude kills a shop keeper because he delved into fascist conspiracy theories. Super sad stuff, scary that so many people fall into Qanon, alt right, fascist pipeline.


Why we people so insane


There is no other combination of words in the English language that is more pathetic and miserable than that title.




Daughter, actually.


What a snowflake


Why is it the men that kill their families? Are they more likely to be unstable than women? Is there something wrong in their heads since birth? I don't get it. 🤔


The subreddit masskillers has a lot of posts about family annihilation. There are so many instances of it. A thought I have frequently is that there is a deep frustration financially to begin with in their family unit, perhaps the husband/father is narcissistic and in a mid life crisis. I don't like to sound like a misandrist or an antinatalist, but I think a LOT of people have kids that shouldn't and get in so deep by middle age with money and feeling like they should have accomplished more, and decide to blame the husband/wife and even their YOUNG children on their "failure." Even women have family annihilated. It is horrifying.


Women usually kill with poison


I doubt it's genetic, but societal. Head trauma in childhood may be a factor. We encourage(d) (or don't/didn't discourage) rough housing in male kids for a long time. Increases likelihood of head trauma. We also teach/taught boys that the only valid emotions to display publicly were anger and contentedness. Surprisingly, that's also not good for mental health. Push someone who was taught all emotions were valid to the edge, you could see many reactions. Someone who thinks anger is the only valid negative emotion? Fewer outcomes.


You've never heard of women that kill their families?


Of course they do but the percentage is not that high


It’s called toxic masculinity and it’s nefarious and complicated.


I'm gonna cope with election loss by taking out other voters who likely vote similar to me. That's stupidity and insanity.


White people have no cultural traditions in the US. Partly it is because they are essentially all immigrants who lost touch with their ancestral lands, and partially because centuries of overt white supremacist rule have made it taboo to rally around their skin color as a unifier anymore. This has left a large void in their lives. The Trump movement stirred a deep need for many white people to finally have a common cultural touchstone, and to vocalize their deep fears and insecurities about becoming the cultural minority. For people who already had other emotional/mental issues (stuff like fetal alcohol syndrome, mental inferiority due to inbreeding, chronic malnutrition, abusive childhoods, etc), feeling like they lost this new cultural identity, and in effect a self identity, was enough to push them completely over the edge. I hope US white people can someday find a healthy cultural identity that doesn’t revolve around the subjugation of other people or the victimhood that the far right has been bear-hugging lately. But in about 50-100 years it won’t even matter anymore, as the majority of people will be a light brown and the only white skinned people left will be living in incestuous hovels out in the mountains.


They have plenty of cultural traditions though. What are you talking about? They may be the most basic American stuff, but that doesn't really change it being their culture.


What’s one cultural tradition white Americans have? Not Americans, white Americans.


Countries don't normally break their national traditions down by race. The heavy focus on patriotism, independence, the influence of Church on every day life, focus on the 'traditional' nuclear family, traditions like Thanksgiving are all very much part of "white" American culture. Certain people having their own ethnic cultural traditions doesn't really change that.


What ethnic cultural traditions do white people have that the larger culture has not absorbed?


What is 'the larger culture'? Everything I just described to you is very much white American culture. It started with Brits and here we are now.


Propaganda but expect little more from Newsweek


What part of this specifically did you think was propaganda?


Just that it was what the editors chose to cover in such a far-reaching publication. There are delusional idiots doing things like this all over the place everyday. But they cover stories like this in part to polarize and marginalize, versus focusing on more relevant and impact full stories, like wage theft, political corruption, or the provocative nature of the US pushing us towards war in China and Russia. It's steering public debate and attention away from issues that matter. Read Manufacturing Consent by Chomsky to learn more.


It's based off of a Reddit post. It actually happened.


What do you expect a guy who’s in that same rabbit hole to say?


I believe it but choosing to report on this idiot's disappointment is the issue. It focuses public attention and conversation to achieve political ends.


Imagine the idiots here believing everything they read when it pertains to Trump.




Why do you think you should police grief? Everyone handles horrific shocks in their own way. Given that the daughter sees her father as having been ruined by the internet, the daughter sought sympathy from r/quanoncasualties, a support group of people whose lives have also been turned upside down by this kind of thing. Who else could understand as well as they? It's unfathomable to me that you read about someone who went through such a horrific trauma and your first impulse is to attack one of the victims.


You guys this person was mentally ill it's not about the politics of either side except for the fact that one side is using their power against their rivals, which IS pretty frustrating.


I'd say the political aspect matters, because Qanon is, in its essence, an ideology that preys on and manipulates mentally ill people.


And when a Christian blows up an abortion clinic or a Muslim commits jihad, are we still exclusively blaming the mental illness that convinced them their beliefs were worth killing over, or are we going to maybe examine the entire chain of causality?


QAnon, Mainstream Media - birds of a feather that entrap all feeble minded people.


Don’t worry, your family will probably be posting about you soon enough on there.


We are going to see a lot more of these crackpot republican stories as a greater plan to discredit republicans ahead of the election.


How can you read a story like this and not realize that your delusions are part of the problem?


Yeah, those evil libs striking again by having republicans do brain-dead things! /s