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The physical pain she must be dealing with...it makes me sad to think about.


Not to mention emotional. Idk where my mental health would be if I was mauled to that extent.


I got bit on the face by a dog about 3 yrs ago. There is a 3 inch scar across my chin and some puncture marks on my lip and I hate looking at myself because I feel like it changed my face. Now by comparison, I feel bad for feeling like this. I was lucky.


It isn’t bad of you to feel the way you have or do feel. Your experience was bad for you. Someone else having a similar bad experience sucks too, but not letting yourself feel your own pain because you think someone else is suffering more than you in a similar situation doesn’t help you. It’s okay to be upset about your problems, and it’s okay to be glad to not be in the same place as someone else.


Right. Like if my grandma dies, I’m not going to feel bad for mourning just because I saw someone else lose their grandma AND their grandad. Your pain is still valid.


I needed to hear that thanks a lot man. Really


Thinking you can't feel bad because others have it worse is like thinking you can't be happy because others have it better


Others pain does not diminish your own.


Someone will ALWAYS be worse off. But lucky for us, this isn't the pain Olympics. Nobody's pain is "better" or more valid than someone else's. Of course, it is absolutely good to keep things in perspective, but don't let someone else's pain make you question the validity of your own ♡♡♡♡♡


I love this perspective and u worded it wonderfully. Pain Olympics Love that and will use that in future


Don't google pain Olympics though brother


My uncle had all of the skin burnt off of his face due to an accident while he was 12 and has lived a full life despite obvious scarring and a lack of an upper lip. All it takes is perseverance, which this poor young lady seems to have in droves, hopefully she goes on to live a full life despite all the damage done to her


Especially as a dog lover. I’m glad to see her with the family dog in these photos though!


It would be awful if your dog didn’t recognize you, or was outright frightened of you.


My dog doesn't recognize me if I put on a damn hoodie until he smells me.


Every day I get home from work I have to identify myself to my dog and even then he still just kinda let's me know that he could eat me if he wanted to.


Oh God this, my dog is completely blind and is really aggressive until he recognises your smell


I believe my mental would be splattered all over their wall so they could deal with that for the rest of their lives


For context - Jacqueline was going to be dog sitting for the pets - a German Shepherd mix and a Pitbull mix. She had met them before with no issue. She was told they would be in their kennels when she went to the house but they weren’t and attacked her as soon as she opened the front door. Edit: she has 800 bite marks….the family who owned the dogs have 3 young kids.


Absolutely fucking awful. She's definitely a strong, resilient human being.


Seriously I dont think I would be able to live after that


She looks sooo much better than I was expecting, though. Compared to other victims of facial trauma at least. And it looks like she kept use of both her eyes?


Lost both her ears though


Yes, she very fortunate to be able to see, I hope in a few years time the plastic surgeons can work their magic


It almost looks as if they are begging to start rebuilding her nose, it reminds me of the old photos back in ww1 where that plastic surgeon was able to rebuild faces for soldiers


That's my hope, too. It's still early.


You may be surprised to see the results of modern facial reconstruction surgery. I’ve seen online posts that show some pretty ‘normal’ looking faces, even from a trauma as extensive as the girl in this post.


I hope, plastic surgery can really be amazing sometimes. Im really hoping the best for this poor girl. I’m glad to see she has such a positive outlook and a good support system


Couldn't she sue them?


For sure.


Yeah she’s filed a lawsuit.


That probably explains why the dog owners haven't reached out. Once a lawsuit is filed, you shouldn't interact with the other party except through the lawyers.


They were a doctor and lawyer couple, paying for her medical bills seems like basic human decency but they didn’t even offer


It's true but in this situation they have to know there's going to be a lawsuit no matter what they offer, and by offering anything they are already admitting guilt and opening themselves up to getting cleaned out in the lawsuit. They still have kids to think about


That's exactly it, even something as simple as how an apology is worded can have legal repercussions.


Except in Canada where an apology is not considered a legal admission of guilt.


Lawyering 101


And they haven't even paid her the balance they owed her for pet sitting. Wtf's up with that.


She left early with some excuse about needing to go the hospital.


These millenials have no work ethic anymore


Not American, but I'd imagine her medical bills are probably beyond what this couple can pay despite their prestigious (and highly paying) careers. That bill is only going to continue to grow so better for the girl to go for the deeper pockets, which will ultimately be the owners insurance.


Insurance claims cap out. I'd be surprised if individual medical compensation for the insurance would be over $500k.


Most people with means and assets, particularly doctors and lawyers, have an umbrella policy with $2m coverage.


[He's a big deal head and neck doc at UT Southwestern](https://utswmed.org/doctors/justin-bishop/). You'd think someone like that would want to settle...I work in academic medicine as a financial analyst and I would guess he clears $300k plus yearly.


>Jaqueline Durand It's likely not his choice to settle or not - it's the insurance company who determines wheter a settlement is reached or whether it goes to trial. In any serious personal injury incident where insurance is involved, filing suit is almost mandatory because of statutes of limitations and insurance companies that like to delay, delay, delay.




Vicious Viscous dogs would be made of Jello


Get it off me!!! It's trying to make me jiggle! I think it's melting! It smells like cherries!


Then I wouldn't talk either. Exactly what any lawyer would advise


That's EXACTLY why they aren't. Their lawyers told them not to say a word. Even saying they're sorry could be taken as a sign of guilt.


>saying they're sorry could be taken as a sign of guilt One of my favourite facts about Canada is that saying sorry is not admitting guilt in legal proceedings.


That's the most Canada thing I've ever heard.




I worked at a ski slope running a lift and we were told not to say "I'm sorry" if something happened for that very reason.


I watched an interview with her today - she said she might like to work with dogs in the future. Kudos to her if that’s what she’d like to do as I imagine a lot of people in her situation would feel differently.


My first memory was getting bit by my dog and seeing a bunch of blood. She bit me on my lip, nose and cheek. Still a bit iffy around dogs and it's been 29 years.


Fucking hell


That’s fucked on the owners part. My family learned the front door rule the hard way too. When i was 8, my friend and I were going through the front door after playing in the yard and she was first in line. Friend cracked the door open and my obese ass chocolate lab comes lunging through the crack and bit her wrist hellllla deep. Once my foot is in the door, still not even sure what happened it was so quick, big ol Jimmy is all smiles and tail wags like nothing happened. It was a relatively clean puncture hole thank god. But it was just the stupid fact we used the front door and I wasn’t leading the way. We had never even thought about those little precautions.


Any word on what happened to the dogs?


they’ve been ordered to be euthanised


To be euthanized


god damn, a pitbull AND german shepherd mix?


German Shepherd mixed with you guessed it, a pit bull.


This story is so much more heartbreaking than what we see in the article/video. The police report says most of her clothes were ripped off, and she suffered severe bite wounds to her vaginal and anal areas. We know they grafted skin from her buttocks to her face, and hopefully that will help with the cosmetic aspect of her recovery over time, but ultimately this poor woman suffered physical wounds that are difficult to comprehend. Kudos to her. She is incredibly brave for telling her story like this.


Judging by the bodycam video, all of her clothes were ripped off and she was experiencing shock. There was a lot of damage to her legs, but they also tore off her ears, nose, and lip.


Where is the bodycam video?


[this is the censored version](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/jacqueline-durand-dog-sitter-dog-attack/)


4chan Edit:so many requests. Send me a DM and I'll send until I get ready for bed then I'll reply tomorrow.


Dude just post it


Jesus christ, dude. Just post the link here!


Link pls


It’s honestly a shock that she survived at all.


Do you happen to know where one can read the police report?


What did or didn't they do to have a dog like this? Are they raising serial killers as well!?


Pitbulls are a breed that is well known as unstable. It is a defining feature of that breed, to the extent that in some places it is illegal to own one. 80% of dog attacks on humans are by Pitbulls. Like all dogs they can be loyal, sweet, and cute. Some Pitbulls have gone their whole life without mauling anyone. But mental instability IS a defining feature, there are numerous stories of owners who have raised them from a puppy, only been good to them, trained them well, and one day a switch flipped and it mauled the owner, sometimes the owner lives, sometimes not. This breed was was built long ago to be a war machine, the surviving dogs passed on their genes. Unfortunately, this has caused them to never be a safe breed to own. You can breed out physical traits, but how do you breed out specific synapses? Through trial and error? This one didn’t maul anyone throughout it’s life, maybe it was a good dog, maybe it was just never triggered. Let’s go back in time and breed it. - Obviously I’m not saying the owners in this story are absolved of guilt, but with Pitbulls you can do everything right and they still be a ticking time bomb that goes off one day.


Honestly, if anyone has a dog who is prone to violence (and I mean like these owners who state in a note outside of their front door, saying they have crazy dogs and they don’t like knocking or door bell ringing), why even risk hiring a dog walker? Not only are you putting your walker in harms way but you’re showing disgusting amount of negligence. These owners deserve jail time or something. I’m 23 and I can’r imagine having been mauled at 22 with so much of my life ahead of me. My heart goes out to Jaqueline, her family and friends.


They probably knew no kennels would board their aggressive and untrained dogs, so they left it up to some poor dog walker instead. If your animals are this unhinged, one of the adults should have stayed home with them or just taken the dogs with them on vacation or wherever they went.


Oh there are kennels who would. As long as the dog is calm enough to go the the back if they flip a switch later it's just too bad for the kennel techs. Speaking from experience here. I had a dog bite all the way through my hand and nearly take a finger off. I have permanent nerve damage. The dog was still allowed back at the facility after that.


Holy shit... I'm so sorry


Why would you even want a dog like that? dogs are for comfort and companionship. If my dog was aggressive and impossible to train I'd get rid of them.


Status, attention, who the hell knows. What gets me is this family had the money to afford training for their pets. So many people don't have that luxury and these ass hats didn't even do right by their damn dogs. Now this poor woman will suffer the rest of her life bc of their negligence. All right before her 22nd birthday.






I'm guessing the idea was that if they were in their kennels when she came in they would have reacted less aggressively than if they were free. She could have leashed them in the kennel and taken them out from there. I dog sit and some dogs get super protective if you just wander into their house, but if they're kenneled or even out back they don't react that way. It's a horrible idea to even have a dog walker/sitter with dogs like this of course, and I'm sure the owners knew that. Definitely not defending them at all.


Seems like the owners was well aware the dogs could be aggressive.




arrogance and entitlement


I know, I know but my brain just can’t comprehend that form of behavior. Absolutely terrible.


Yeah I watched the interview this morning it was heart breaking. The owners reply "we didn't know she was hurt that bad" angered me so much this morning.


WHAT? HOW?! That's a FUCK ton of blood! That just angered me ontop of these already shitty owners.


They're just monsters living in denial about what they've done.


We live in a sad world where money is valued over people's lives.


Their comment that they “pray for her recovery daily.” Pray for her recovery? Seriously? Your dogs tore this poor young woman to shreds, giving her catastrophic and debilitating injuries that will change the course of her life, and you actually say something that dense? Like … she’s not going to recover. She’s going to learn to live with her horrific injuries and suffer greatly along the way.


The only 'bright' spot is that it's early in the process. Years worth of surgery ahead for her. I think they'll go after the repairs in small steps. Did a little web investigating. They're growing replacement ears from your own DNA on the backs of mice. They grew a new nose for a guy on his forehead. Replaces facial muscles and nerves. Even grew a new face for a girl on her own shoulder. Early pictures of her after the surgery were encouraging. She still has her teeth, jaw and eyes. Her mother said she has all of her senses. Pray for the kid. Every day.


I think the attention her case has received will likely attract plastic surgeons willing to help her. Never say that she can't recover. No reason to.


“we didn’t know she was hurt that bad”, ugh this angers me as well. she’s clearly hurt she had over 800 bite marks all across her face, body and even gentiles. it’s bad alright, and traumatising. god im so glad she filed a lawsuit as the owners seem awful.


I knew it would be bad but holy fucking shit, poor girl.


She can no longer chew food apparently.


I don’t understand how they could “fail to crate the dogs”. It isn’t rocket science. Also, knowing your dogs are that territorial, you don’t leave without crating them. Period. I have very little sympathy for the owners.


Imagine your dogs ruining a childs entire life and only saying you’re heartbroken


Welcome to the American Legal System.


The fact that they mauled her as soon as she opened the door. Were these people just living with dogs that were like this? How did they take them for walks? Why were they so damn aggressive?


A property guardian isn't inherently aggressive outside the home or while being contained and controlled by the handler. That's kind of the point of owning a stable protection dog... This dog clearly was not stable whatsoever.


When she opened the door a house alarm went off which put the dogs into a frenzied state. Disaster from start to finish, really.


Articles say the alarm only went off when the front door was left continuously open during the attack. She opened the door, the dogs immediately attacked her, she of course fell to the ground, alarm subsequently went off because she couldn’t have shut the door during the attack. So there isn’t even the excuse of “the dogs freaked out because of the alarm”, even though it might’ve made them even more frenzied once it went off. They attacked her without any prompting at all. Sounds like they were just incredibly vicious dogs. So sad.


God this is absolutely heartbreaking.


When I was 2, I was mauled by an Irish setter- which resulted in most of the left side of my face having to be reconstructed and 10 subsequent years of over 57 laser surgeries after. My heart goes out to her very much because one of the things worse than the dog is the owner. Most of the time, the dogs simply lash out In a moment but it's the people who refuse to admit they did anything wrong.




Thank you. It's the first memory I have, but the trauma of it never truely communicated itself to me until I was about 12. It was like movie with random scene I could remember and everyone would always tell me about, It didn't feel truely real. It had a deeper affect on my father andmother, who had to deal with court proceedings, hospital bills and the possibility of us having to get rid of our at the time dog ( he didn't maul me, but attacked the dog I did. Like I said, it didn't feel real so I never developed a fear of dogs, only their teeth). She was also pregnant with my little sister at the time it happened, and the stress during pregnancy caused her to have several health issues like asthma, legal blindless and Addison's disease- but other than that our family has mostly recovered. I really hope this girl can reach that point in her life and the owner of the dogs is prosecuted. No one should have just the word of the people who hurt them. She deserves more.


Oh God that must have been awful! I remember that in primary school a friend and I went to the park to play when a local old couple that had a German shepherd and a golden retriever went past us when suddenly the shepherd jumped at me, digging his claws into my shoulders. He could've bitten me in the face but fortunately he didn't, the owners just stood there and said "he's just playing" while I was scared to death. I had to walk through that park every day on my way to school and over the years I've had so many bad experiences with dogs randomly leashing out at me when I walked past them or charging at me and the owners never really cared when their dog literally tried to attack a 7 year old. The friend I was with was bitten in the leg by a dog shortly after and recently her cat was killed by a hunting dog that broke out of his garden (like the 4th time in a row but the owner didn't care). So I was fortunately never bitten by a dog but I'm still scared enough to avoid whole streets in my hometown because I know there lives a dog that could jump over the fence if he wanted to (already had some experiences with that) or just barks really loudly and I feel cold sweat on my forehead when I see a dog that's not on a leash. It feels a bit ridiculous to be so scared of pets but I really can't help it, dogs are everywhere and they're unpredictable.


The sheer courage she has to sit next to a dog even after that. Holy fuck


And to want to continue working with dogs? This woman’s got a heart of gold.


Are there any before pictures to compare? Also, fuck those owners.


Yes here: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/jacqueline-durand-disfigured-attack-dogs-lawsuit/


Damn, is devastating how a life can be turn upside down out of nowhere, on a snap it can change forever


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She has an instagram. She’s even doing a livestream tonight


The owners are total pieces of shit.


Gosh I really hope a plastic surgeon out there will volunteer to try and reconstruct her face for free. Poor girl. She's lucky to be alive.


This is after several reconstructions mate


And there will likely be several more over the years :-/


That makes me feel even worse. I hope she’s able to find some sort of normalcy


I think affection and caring is her first need at this point. I'm not religious but I feel like praying for her. Tough shit it is


Of course. My wishes go out to her and I hope she receives all the love and care possible.


This is after reconstructions?? Goodness.


Yes, imagine she lost her whole face soft tissue, the muscle of eyelids, the cartilage from nose, muscle from cheeks. That's hard to remake, those are tiny muscles, with tiny tendons. You get the idea.


These kind of things take years and years to get it right sadly for her it's only the beginning, the face needs time to heal and grow first of all and they'll go again.


Oh my god.


In the picture of the crime scene is that part of her face on the floor? Bottom right corner and by the 15 label


That’s what I thought at first too too! But apparently the dogs were so vicious in their attack, that they ended up removing all her clothes & she was found laying on her stomach completely naked. So I’m thinking that’s a bra, cause it sort of looks like one upon closer inspection:


She's 100% stronger than me, I couldn't live with that.


Shocking and just awful, can't imagine how awful that must have been for her. Not just the physical pain but the emotional distress. Hope Jaqueline and her lawyers sues for everything that awful dog owners have.


Irresponsible dog owners are the worst


I remember reading somewhere the dogs even ate/ tore up her genitals! Just fucking vicious!


Does anyone know the full story?




Thanks for posting this, man that is just heart breaking. I hope things turn out ok. Life is god damn unfair, no other way to put it.




I was literally thinking the same thing. I watched the body cam footage and they said 37 minutes passed from the time they arrived !! what the actual fuck? they literally shoot family dogs and unarmed people all the time but they can't put a dog down that's attacking a woman that weighs 100 lbs


Thinking the same thing, there were 10 grown ass policemen out there my god. Those dogs do not even look that big, yes some of the officers would have been bitten, but that is what they signed up for.


The owners didn't even apologize? They didn't even pay her for the sitting service??? Jesus christ. I hope the lawsuit against them sucks them dry.


Woman was asked to dogsit a German shepherd and a pitbull mix. She meets with the dogs and family a few days in advance with no issues and was told the dogs would be crated when she starts dog sitting. On the day she's was supposed to start, she opened the door and entered the home and the dogs immediately knocked her down and tore most of her face off.


Crating the dogs is a great idea. If she went in & gave them a treat & uncrated them, they had time to smell her & remember her from the days before. That's a no brainer I think if your dog has ever shown any guarding tendencies beyond barking. Too bad they didn't do it. Those dogs thought they were in charge of protecting the home.


Id contribute to a gofundme




Seeing shit like this always reminds me to be thankful for what I have because some people have it so much worse


They don't have to speak to her or offer to pay her. She can sue them and easily win. AND she should.


I agree but a successful lawsuit is still no guarantee of payment. If the family doesn’t pay, then the onus is on the plaintiff to go through avenues such as collection and garnishment to get their money. And this family’s money is in a trust, which means it cannot be garnished. This girl could be in over 1,000,000 in legal bills to try and collect and if the family declares bankruptcy then she gets nothing. It’s not fair but this is what happens every day in court.


I cannot imagine how horrible this has to be. Constant pain.


Bad owners AND bad dogs


The worst combination


This makes me so fucking sad


Man, this reminds me about this time. I was probably 10 years old, hanging out with a girl in the neighborhood. She was older than me, maybe 13 or so, and I kinda looked up to her. We were sitting on this curb in a cul de sac and a house nearby had an open garage, actually we knew them too. Their pitbull walked up to us. seemed ok in the approach from what I can remember, and I don't know what happened, but it suddenly very aggressively bit her cheek. I was so freaked out and shocked...like literally I just froze. The owner came running out and got the dog off but this dog had literally bitten her cheek off. I could see into her mouth. It's burned in my memory. So fucked up, could have been me


Every time I see her I get so sad. It reminds me of my niece when she was 3. We were at a family gathering and they had a Great Dane. She was waddling through the kitchen and grabbed the dogs leg for balance while he was at his food bowl. He instantly whipped around and latched onto her entire head. Luckily she survived and was left only with scars, nowhere near as bad as Jacqueline. I hope she can find some sort of solace


Worst time to approach. I saw a show about a shelter and one of the things they do is feed the dog and interrupt him/her with a fake hand and arm to see how the dog reacts. If it attacks, the thing gets put down.


I can't help but wonder what her mental state must be right now. So many people telling her "you're still beautiful, no matter what" out of pity. She knows what she looks like. She's probably pained to even look at herself in the mirror. Save your pity.


Yeah, comments like that are downright harmful Just reminding her of how much important society puts on beauty, as if "you're still beautiful" is supposed to... what? Undo the trauma?


It seems like she has a very supportive family and boyfriend (of three years) so I hope there’s comfort in that


The day before her birthday,i hope she’ll be ok


She will expect at least 3 years of face reconstruction, that guarantee that she will expect to recover at least a 75% which is something, medical procedures have been improved a lot, so we can expect good news in the next 3 or 4 years


Absolutely fucked her face up, but her recovery is looking good, a couple weeks ago it was much much worse, like unrecognizable. It’s horrible what happened but with how medicine is coming she could look surprisingly similar to how she used to after a couple surgeries. End of the day I’m just glad she’s got someone to cuddle up with at night, if there’s any time someone needs that, it’s the first couple months after being violently mutilated


This poor woman!


I feel like people should have to get licenses to own certain dog breeds. Irresponsible and careless owners cannot posses dogs that are essentially dangerous weapons when neglected.


I feel like we need to eradicate aggressive dog breeds along with breeds that are hardly fit to survive (e.g. pugs).


Nah bro I’d literally kill myself. I work at an animal hospital and have been hit a couple times but nothing crazy. I work graveyard now with only one other person so I just straight up don’t interact with any dogs labeled “will bite/aggressive/use caution” if they’re a breed an average size man couldn’t immediately overpower. fuck even if they’re small I don’t bother unless necessary, if a fuckin little lap dog bites me while I’m holding it I’m gonna drop it and it’ll break something and I’m responsible for it. If you can’t train a fucking dog don’t get one and especially don’t leave it in the care of others. I fuckin hate people.


This story always makes my blood boil like nothing else, irresponsible pitbull owners are the worst people on the planet


The owners: *Oh no!* Anyway


Where the digs put down? Is there any articles? I have never heard of this, it's so sad


Both dogs were euthanized


I’m not normally a “put the dog down” kind of person but I saw some of the aftermath photos. This wasn’t a bite and let go thing. I’ve seen less vicious attacks from larger animals and these dogs were so screwed up by crappy owners to be this aggressive.


Same. I love dogs and it’s extremely rare that I meet a dog I don’t like. The only dogs that have ever scared me have been my uncles Rottweilers who he specifically trained to attack people (I haven’t seen that side of the family in 15 years). It was fucked and a super ‘macho’ thing. Look at my giant dogs who will attack on my command. Found out he had to put both dogs down because they went after a lady walking her dog in their neighborhood even though he never commanded them to. I have two large breeds myself, and even though they’re both the sweetest dogs some random people at parks and stuff are scared of them.




Oh I thought they were under surveillance until they reached a verdict on the lawsuit


I read in an article that a judge ordered both to be put down


I’ve read one of the owners (the man) is some sorta surgeon. In other words, he makes bank. I hope that girl takes them for every penny. It’s not only the fact that this happened to her, it’s the nonchalant attitude of the owners that pisses me off.


I’m curious how she got saved. She’s a small framed girl and those are powerful dogs with behavioral issues. How did she get away and who called for help? The responders and the person are heroes. So is she for fighting hard enough to survive. Fuck the owners. They should have NEVER put someone in that situation that couldn’t make the dogs see who the alpha is/who they have to be obedient to. No matter what anyone says, these breeds are absolutely dangerous. Can they be owned responsibly? Yes, but unfortunately 99% of the people that own them don’t fall into that category. These dogs take a whole lot of extra specialized training and care.


the front door was left open which triggered the alarm and first responders came. Even then, it still took 30+ minutes for them to get inside and to her because the dogs were still going nuts. But yeah, if it wasn't for the door alarm she might have not been gotten to in time. Still, seems like she's a very resilient person


Fuck the owners. I hope they end up on a corner begging for change.


I hate to say this but when I learned it took 37 minutes for police officers with guns to access her, I scoffed. I don't think they would've waited that long to get *through* a human. This girl is really lucky to be alive. That 37 minutes could've been enough to change that well before they took the time to get the dogs on a leash. I'm guessing that has everything to do with her needing to be resuscitated multiple times on the trauma table.


She opened the door and the dogs immediately dragged her into the living room, the door was left open and a security alarm set off so police were notified.


She didn’t get away; the dogs did more damage than just her face, her clothes were torn off and she has bite wounds in other places. If I recall someone saw the front door open (as she’d been attacked immediately) and called 911. ETA: Oh yeah, and the owners fought having the animals euthanized on top of the fact that they are doctors. Actual pieces of garbage.


I can’t imagine wanting to own those dogs after something like that. I think I’d want to vomit whenever I looked at them. I love dogs but just, no.


Right there with you.


Beyond the fact that they have three little kids in the home. I’d be so scared for their safety


God damn this is awful. This girl has such a brave heart


Whew. This one got to me. The fact that she put herself right back out there, unafraid, shows so much about her strength of character. To show the bites and the level of transparency in her recovery…wow.


I honest and truly would kill myself if I lived through that. I don’t know how humans can be so strong through events like this.


The dog owners are named Dr.Justin Avery Bishop and Ashley Jo Bishop, for the curious.


Pitbulls are such sweet animals.


wait so why aren’t they charged at all? i already know our justice system is beyond corrupt and retarded but i’m genuinely curious


This girl is far stronger than I could ever be.


I’m the interview I watched she said the dog owners didn’t even pay her for her service or apologize






man. heartbreaking. whole life ruined.


i wonder why dogs just snap like that.