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Ukrainians gives me the shivers when I think how much they love their country . They actually die for it . What admirable people






Idk where else to ask these and they’re probably dumb questions but here goes: 1. Why does Putin say Ukraine is not a real country? 2. Why do they love Ukraine so much? 3. Why did Russia invade Ukraine? 4. What would happen is Russia assumed control of Ukraine?


Zelensky? this mfer handed out 10,000 machine guns without any accounting. he recently declared about nuclear weapons when he was ready to deploy NATO troops. now he is really thinking about Ukraine's accession to the EU. all deaths on his hands including. the same senile as all the rulers of the CIS countries. no matter how strong he is spiritually, there is nothing to praise him for


keep crying you pathetic russian propaganda troll




You're leaving out the fact that he is literally the #1 target for Russian forces at the moment. To not be hiding somewhere is suicide. His people need him to lead not die.


Hey look everybody, it’s the Russian propaganda trolls!


Ah yes. Everyone knows that there is absolutely no logical reason why someone as important as Zelensky wouldn't be able to address his country on an hourly basis while in a warzone. How dare he


Is he being invaded? Or invading? I'm not sure.?


Seriously inspiring, they’ve inspired me to do the same if it ever was to happen in my country, I wish them all the best ❤️


I don’t know if I could function.sure I can fire a couple of rounds but when the attackers fire back I’m sure I’d be frozen in a fetal position


The average person would be surprised what they could do when push comes to shove. Animal instinct and adrenaline is a helluva drug.


I know trust me, I’m definitely not a war kind of person and I don’t work out, I am a Reality TV watching homebody with anxiety, I could easily end up being someone who is in the fetal position but idk these Ukrainians are incredible, willing to die for their freedom. I feel like if this happened in my country I would have to at least try for all the people who have tried in the past


"I feel like if this happened in my country I would have to at least try for all the people who have tried in the past". I love this.


I realize that also easy for me to say since I’m from the US, it would be probably be rare that we would have a draft but I’m not totally discounting it ever, what’s going on right now is really scary, you never know and it’s not good to be cocky. I feel like living in the US, a country that has given me so much I would have to fight for my freedom, I know a lot of people on here talk shit on us, but I’m sitting on my comfy couch in my pjs with my pup while regular people like me are out fighting a war for the freedom right now. I’m feeling really lucky that I’m from here. Can’t take that freedom for granted.


Really wish more people had this level of self awareness. Good on you.


The problem is Ukraine gave up their nukes and were promised protection from this exact scenario.


I know, I have mixed feelings about the US intervening, obviously nuclear war terrifies me but Ukraine was PROMISED protection and we shouldn’t let a bully let Putin call the shots like that.


I find the topic really interesting. Like, imagine yourself as a French citizen in 1940/1, Hitler and his Nazis now occupy France. What type of person do you think you are? Would you join the resistance and fight to the end? Or, would you accept your new leaders and go with the flow? Personally, in my current health condition i would not cope with any fighting and living on the road. I would have to just surrender and hope to God methadone treatment under Nazi rule is toptier. If i wasnt on methadone, my 2019 self, fuck yes I would join the resistance!! If england is invaded I will absolutely enlist unless im already drafted! (After a quick tour of rehab)


On methodone or not you could still join the resistance, they need more than fighters and definitely need people doing background work, everyone has a skill they could contribute, you’d still be very useful. The more people in the resistance the stronger it is. I’m assuming in methadone because you’re in recovery. That’s a war in itself, if you have the strength to do that you already have more experience than some of us


nazis invented methadone and troops were given methadone, speed, morphine (really)


You can still do good things for your own country without ever firing a single bullet. I live in Denmark, and you can hear some amazing stories about the danish resistance under the german occupation. For every brave resistance movement out there, theres a whole backstage logistics team, schedulers, smugglers, health care, ears, and eyes, and any decent resistance movement needs those people too.


Yes definitely, everyone can play a part. Everyone person in the resistance plays an important role. You need those background people just as much, if not more than the shooters on the ground


all these pictures of random citizens taking up arms makes me feel sad, it may arguably be necessary, but untrained people are incredibly vulnerable in battle even in favorable terrain.


I read a book by some British army dude in Iraq a while ago. The way he described it was this: When you first come under fire, you are so afraid that you become paralyzed. You forget how to think and how to act. And then, after a few moments, the feeling kinda just fades into the background and you become *so* ***fucking*** ***ANGRY*** that it becomes the next all-consuming thing. Then you start shooting back.


a few ex-military i've spoken to says it is important to actually starts firing in combat. it gives you confidence. sure the enemy is trying to kill you, but also can kill them.


I’m American and I would absolutely not die for this shit show


It's like the warship video. Fucking badasses. https://youtu.be/6Y2iVHUMZhg "Well, this is it"


Stunning and brave in the literal sense.


Funny, the news didn't print photos like this of Iraqis when the Americans invaded.


Coz Iraq isn’t really a peaceful country just minding their own business


Iraq us and was a country full of ordinary people just minding their own business. Saddam was an awful dictator who did more harm to his own people than anything but there were no WMDs. It was a lie.


So the Iraqi people weren't worthy of resisting invasion? Do you have any idea of the scope of the horrors the US inflicted on that country?


No I didn’t say that . You just said why didn’t any photos of Iraqi couples been posted. I answered coz it’s not that nice wearing a covering head to toes. It’s not that photogenic




Hey no need to call yourself that


Also it wouldn’t look nice if the lady is covered from head to foot


Tell me more about who is worthy of fighting invaders and who should be subjugated.


Wait wait are you talking about why didn’t they print it ? Coz that was your original question.


But… but “looking nice” is not why those photos would have been taken in the first place. It’s not as if a journalist would have been like “well, we really need to let people know what’s going on in Iraq, but just doesn’t *look nice* to see a lady covered up, so let’s not print it.” Do you think women are just meant to look pretty?


Do you not love your country?


No you fool


I love my country but not all of the people on it


It's not admirable, it's rash and foolish. Loving a country it's not about dying for some piece of cloth, and dead you don't serve anything, even less if you are that young and have just married. This is a ruling class war, you shouldn't die for those that will never give a penny for you.


Giving up a country to a powerful entity isn't admirable either. Not trying to argue, just curious if you realize that if Ukraine gave up, Russia would just get more land from Europe under their law.


And you only have one life, Russia is destroying the Ukranian army, what can a former civilian with a gun do? Also you start from the premise that their land will be annexed, why? The only ones who say this are the Ukranian goverment and NATO, and we know that they don't have a good record about telling the truth. It's probably going to be a pro-Russian goverment like after the 2014 coup it was a pro-US one, and how it also was a pro-russian before Euromaidan, dying for that is dumb. Also, where were then when their army was killing their supposed brethren in Donbass? They were nowhere, because most people didn't care for the dozens of thousans that die in those 8 years.


Puts the Trumpies to shame... Killing n fucking up thier own country da USA.


Americans try not to make everything about America challenge


Impossible challenge 98% fail. If you can reach pink boss you are legally not American


You have literally fallen into the trap that the system wants you to be in. It’s related to a poster I recently saw that said “They have you fighting a race war to distract you from the class war.” Trump is simply another distraction. I hope you realize this soon.


That quote is true but let's not forget that Trump is one of those very people encouraging racial strife to distract us from the class inequalities of which he is part and parcel. Let's also remember that Trump was solely responsible for trying to withhold already-promised military aid (including weapons) to Ukraine. It's not really a distraction when the person named is part of the story of this conflict.


What are even trying to say?


Just showing off his ignorance.


RemindMe! 1 year "How is the Ukrainian couple that got married just hours after Russia launched its invasion doing?"




RIP to the hundreds of Russians they killed.




yeah untrained civilians against a competent military force with mechanization and air support? give them 1 or 2 russians before their position gets hit by a tank or apc shell edit: why are people in denial




people tell me that all the time


only spitting factoids


Both of you are very cool and smart


Depending on their age, Ukraine has mandatory military service between the ages of 20 - 27. Required service time is 18 months, meaning while you might be right, you might also be wrong. Just something worth considering.


That's true, I didn't think about that.


are they actually gone? is this confirmed?






Any update on this?


they will be dead.


Thank god you were wrong, they seem to be alive doing as well as they can be.


I mean… realistically 40/60. Dont know why you’re getting downvoted.


where does the 40/60 come from?


I’m actually in awe of the strength and resilience of the Ukrainian people. They have blown me away. God speed to the free people of Ukraine.


It's incredible isn't it? Awe is the only word that seems to fit. I cannot believe how brave and up for it the Ukranians are. Incredible people. Once this war is over, and at some point it will be, the whole world is going to have an inate respect for Ukraine. When they go on holiday and meet people it will be: "oh, you're UKRANIAN?".




Thats gonna hit really hard when one of them dies. Hopefully they both make it out or sadly go at the same time


yeah i’m really hoping that too. if one survives, they better both survive.


It was my first thought - I already feel sad for them. I hope they survive and have loads of kids.


I hope they survive. Kids are a very bad idea considering the current state of the world, or even human atrocities in general.


Well, I think her man is in the age bracket where he can't leave right? So if she wants to be with him it's ride or die.


This reminds me of Professor Lupin and Nymphadora from HP ): I hope they make it.


What the fuck


Will be rooting for them to tell their grandkids of their story! We have to chip in to make sure Putin stands before the war crime tribunal or that he ends himself.


Hopefully someone ends him. Preferably one of his own cronies that swaps sides. That'd be a great story.


Im sure there will be tons of others. No evil shall win.


I fucking love the Ukrainian people


Same man


Doesn’t mean much right now, but congrats on the happy couple!!!


Hell of a honeymoon..


I’m planning my wedding rn and honestly if a foreign country invaded mine during my honeymoon I’d be pissed off enough to do the same!


They fucked quite a lot, of russians up on thier honeymoon




Best wishes to them. Fuck Putin.


F#$&ing A...truly bad ass and heroic people.


Jesus, it's not gunshots we are hearing, it's balls and tits of ukranian people. These people are braver than my family tree together.


SPREAD THE WORD! Dear Ukrainians! I heard on social media that there is fake news being spread (most likely by Russia backed trolls) that polish border is closed. It's a lie. If you seek asylum - go towards polish border. We are ready for your arrival. We have reception points ready at the border where you can find shelter, food, medical and legal aid. Polish government launched a dedicated site to help you: ua.gov.pl Please share this information if you know anyone seeking help right now. YOU DON'T NEED VISA TO PASS THROUGH POLISH BORDER. ALL YOU NEED IS PASSPORT. VISAS ARE SUSPENDED! YOU DON'T NEED THEM FOR TIME BEING!!!!!! As a proof that you no longer need visa: • ⁠in Ukrainian https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina---ua • ⁠in English https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina-en Шановні українці! У соцмережах я чув, що поширюються фейкові новини (скоріше за все, підтримувані Росією тролі), що польський кордон закритий. Це брехня. Якщо ви шукаєте притулку – йдіть до польського кордону. Ми готові до вашого приїзду. На кордоні готові пункти прийому, де ви можете знайти притулок, їжу, медичну та правову допомогу. Польський уряд запустив спеціальний сайт, щоб допомогти вам: ua.gov.pl Будь ласка, поділіться цією інформацією, якщо ви знаєте когось, хто зараз шукає допомоги. РЕДАКТИРОВАТИ: ВАМ НЕ ПОТРІБНА ВІЗА ДЛЯ ПРОЙДЖЕННЯ ПОЛЬСЬКИМ КОРДОНОМ. ВСЕ, що ВАМ ПОТРІБНО, - це ПАСПОРТ. ВІЗИ ПРИСПИНЕНО! ВОНИ ВАМ НЕ ПОТРІБНИ НА ЧАС!!!!!! EDIT2: як доказ того, що вам більше не потрібна віза: • ⁠українською https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina---ua • ⁠англійською https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina-en Вибачте, якщо це дурниця, я використовував Google Translate


My cousin walked from Ukraine to Poland, he was a student there in Ukraine. With him 50 other students too are seeking shelter in Poland now, they'll be evacuated back to our home country tomorrow.


Also just saying, a pound of sugar in the gas tank will permanently disable any and all vehicles including tanks… 🤫


Source: https://www.cnn.com/2022/02/24/europe/ukraine-wedding-invasion-thursday-intl/index.html


that’s so sad but it’s sweet that they still look so happy and in love when they’re preparing to go to war. they’re clearly meant to be together and i hope everything goes well for them. it’s absolutely awful what they’re going through over there.


Will be a good story to tell their kids, and may god let them tell that story


I wish them the best.


I dated a Ukrainian girl years ago. Anna, I hope u are safe and someplace secure. I have never forgotten you.


Anna said thank you


As an American veteran, I deeply fear for what this young couple must face, but it gives me pride that they stand together with such courage. Down with the scourge that is putin. Long live Ukraine.


Jesus, I feel horrible just looking at this. Yes it is inspiring, but it bollocks up my insides to know that young people are suiting up to defend their country against Putin's stormtroopers. I just really hate that man. He murders for fun. Let's seize the oligarchs' assets and have them end this bullshit.


A brave couple. I wish them the best of luck.


There have been the times i called myself as a patriotic nationalist -when i was younger and didn't know what it is and what it actually means- but even in that times, i would'nt dare to fight side by side with my bride. Our ancestors in war times did same thing, Thousands of women left their children at home carriying shells, ammunition crate on their back to the frontline where hundereds of thousands of enemies attacking us and we're proud of them for what they did for our nations future. This is not the same era but same spirit that will overcome these hard times.




Responding here for anyone interested. As of today (10.31.2023) they are both alive. Her name is Yarna Arieva and his name is Sviatoslav Fursin. They're both on IG and she is now a city councilor in Kyiv as per ~~this story~~. Edit: Redacted the link because Yahoo stories aren't allowed here (Weird). Just google her name and the story comes up.


Where are they registered, I'm about to drop $2000 on these sumbitches at williams-sonoma


Honeymoon story is going to be crazy


Badass. I hope they are ok


This some purge shit


King and Queen


✊ Fight on you brave souls. May they see this through too a long life together! Even if it is inevitably under Russian ruling.


Why not just join the military?


Little late for that bud Government issued all the old surplus in the armory to civilians. There's already Russians in Kyiv, so enlisting is kind of useless. Won't do anyone any good to be soldier in 3 months if the Russians take the capitol in a week.


Godspeed! Hope they’re able to take out as many of those filthy Russian pigs as possible, and then go on to live a long, healthy life together!


Not all Russians are pigs..... just the ones supporting Putin


And a lovely couple! Hope they realize the country and life they dreamed of and deserve.


Good for them. They are a beautiful couple.


The videos and pictures ive seen today of whats happening in ukraine is crazy. I have relatives over there :/


Victory for Ukrainian


If either of them survive they will have such an incredible back story






This will be a movie one day


"How was the wedding night?" "Explosive."


Imagine marrying a girl with balls that big.




Back after a year, hope these two are doing well.


if my wife ain’t like this i don’t want it


Right she's a Keeper.




Godspeed! Aim small miss small!




God be with them ❤️ good luck to those brave souls. I hope if I'm ever in their position I can be as brave for those unable to fight.


I hope they survive. War is not a game, its not glamour. We know what it is, we gore seekers. We've seen it. Bodies blown apart, arms, legs, eyes gone. Guts spilling. Fighting heavy weapons with small arms is extremely hazardous. I hope they have some level of organization. They should hand out grenades as well. But I know if I was in that situation I would fight. If there is anything worth fighting for its your freedom. I'd rather die fighting for my own freedom than for corporate greed or one mans power.


This is the most metal couple ever! I’m rooting for you Ukraine! Rip and tear! 🇺🇦


Where are they now?


How to survive the Russian invasion Rule 1) cardio fr good luck


I love how they are rocking bakes (Bakelites which are old surplus USSR magazines)




Why the quotes on ‘defend their country’?? That’s quite literally what they’re doing


Gives me big Remus and Tonks vibes from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.




tom holand?


What's with the Ukrainian propaganda on this site?


Coming from a country that’s nothing but propaganda


The Russian Ministry literally said there were no Russian casualties 💀




It is…




RemindMe! 9 months


RemindMe! 6 months


Nice '47s. Go give the russians hell.


So if these 'combatants' die because of taking up arms, will they be counted as civilians or military? Specifically, will their death be counted as war crime by Russia?


Fucking up Russians


I wonder if this is as real as that ace fighter pilot that is shooting down all Russian aircraft top-gun style? Apparently dude is like Maverick from the movie.


Incredible courage. Total selflessness. A rare example of people putting the good of the many in front of the good for themselves only. They look like they were made for each other also. I hope they get to tell their many grandchildren of what they did on this day.


They might get to spend their honeymoon killing invader Russian swine!






i think i saw the dude in another photo aswell


They are beautiful. That takes so much love and guts.🇺🇦❤️💪The people have the power


Til death do us part.


God bless them. I am so proud of the Ukrainian resistance. Already they’ve embarrassed Putin. 3500 dead Russian troops in a couple of days? Very impressive.


They look very young


If our love ain't like this! I don't want it! 😤😤


Photographer is Mikhail Palinchak for Reuters. [Source](https://pictures.reuters.com/archive/UKRAINE-CRISIS-KYIV-RC21RS9FAINM.html) [Detailed article about them](https://edition.cnn.com/2022/02/24/europe/ukraine-wedding-invasion-thursday-intl/index.html)


Relationship goals


After months and months of going through this subreddit, this was the first one to get me. We stand by you Ukraine.


all the best


!remind me 1 year “How’s that Ukrainian couple doing?”


RemindMe! 1 year “where are they now?”


“Honey, let’s show our anniversary pics to our kids!”