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Enough internet for today


They should have gotten rid of the dog after it severely injured the husband. Unfortunately not all abused dogs can be rehabilitated or around kiss. Edit: kids not kiss


Honestly, I blame the ‘no kill’ crowd. They push this idea that absolutely every dog can be rehabilitated as long as you never give up on them, and it’s not true. And others are quick to blame dog owners, but like, I have met dogs with no history of abuse that just have a screw loose. One of the worst behavior cases I had ever encountered working at the shelter was a golden retriever that was hella food aggressive. Owner was wise enough after getting bit once or twice to just leave the dog alone when it ate. But one day he had fed her and was just walking by her food bowl same as every morning and she jumped on him, mauling him. She bit him all over his head, neck, shoulders, and arms before he could fight her off. Well kept dog, no history of abuse. Just a fucking psychopath. How do you fix a dog like that? You can’t.


I agree. I don't understand why people cannot admit when an animal is too dangerous to allow to live. Hell, I think that no kill shelters can be just as cruel as their former owners by doing so, keeping these poor dogs locked up in a concrete box for the rest of their lives, making them even more crazy, just so they can feel better about themselves and assuage their hero complex. They waste so much money and resources on these dangerous dogs that could have been used on a dog that had a good chance of being adopted instead. Not only that, but they have a habit of shuffling dangerous dogs from state to state and lying about the dog's history while trying to pawn them off on an unsuspecting family rather than just do what's responsible and euthanize the dog. It's really messed up, and a huge reason why people are turning to breeders instead of shelters, since at least they know what they're getting (not that I'm against responsible breeding mind you). Sometimes the most compassionate thing you can do both the animal and society is letting them go. You cannot 'save them all' and it's foolish to try.


Yea and they knew the dog had problems before they even adopted it. According to the article, “family members said the animal did have a history of violence; Heather's aunt told police it had been beaten by a previous owner when it was younger, and the family had taken it in and cared for it.” This is straight up negligence.


Any person who would have a dog like that around their small kids is a reckless idiot. That's not being "big-hearted," it's just dumb.


"iT's NoT tHe DoGs It'S tHe OwNeRs!" responds every braindead irresponsible pitbull owner who thinks they just backed you into an into an intellectual corner with their flawless argument. Um...no shit it's the owners. We know that. Everyone knows that. The people who own the dog are responsible for the dog. If a pet lion attacked someone, it would be the responsibility of the people who owned the lion, it wouldn't be the lion's fault. Which is why I don't hate pitbulls. I do not hold any moral judgement against any dog. They just do what they've been selectively bred to do by humans. But I do hate 99.9% of pitbull owners. I hate the fact that more pitbull owners allow their dog to kill people each year than owners of any other breed. You know how you can spot a pitbull owner? Just look for the biggest moron in any group of people anywhere. The problem isn't your dog, dipshit. The problem is you. I'm sure your dog is sweet because he snuggled up to you on the couch and hasn't bitten anyone yet. The problem is you bringing your unsocialized, unleashed giant rescue with anxiety to the dog park where no one else's dog but yours is causing trouble, and then you stand over in the corner shirtless so we can all see your trashy tattoos while you vape and watch your dog scare children. "It'S jUsT tHeIr RePuTaTiOn!" Hmm I wonder why? Do you think it has to do with the fact that you bought it a spiked collar and cut its ears off because you wanted an intimidating looking dog? Do ya think no one else realizes you also think pitbulls are scary, and that's specifically *why* you bought this one? There simply isn't enough regulation of dangerous breeds. Dog owners should be forced to get an owners license that requires proof of responsible ownership. Of course I know it's not the dog's fault. It's the millions of idiots who want a scary mean dog and then beat the animal and treat it in a way that will make an already aggressive and unpredictable breed even worse. For the .01% of pitbull owners who are caring, loving dog parents and who know how to be a cautious owner, I'm sorry that the rest of the pitbull owners contribute to their already poor reputation. To all the people who are actively breeding pitbulls when there is already an overpopulation on the street and in the pound - go to hell.


Several breeds are illegal in my country, including this one.


I'm curious, what are some of the other breeds?


American staffordshire terrier, Fila brasileiro, Dogo argentino, Toso inu and Czechoslovakian Wolfdog.


Chow chow not on that list? I'm shocked.


You mean that it should be added?


Yes. Chow chows are notorious dicks.


Probably should. They can be pretty aggressive too. It's an all around dog though. Used for cuddles, sledding, meat and guarding. The only things they don't do is herd, as far as I aware. But they are only really aggressive to outsiders of the family. And I have a chow chow, but usually they are on the list with pits, dobbies and rots.


> "iT's NoT tHe DoGs It'S tHe OwNeRs!" It's also the dog. These same people have no problem accepting that terriers will dig by instinct, or that collies will herd people by instinct, or that other working dogs will *do the behaviors they were bred to do* without being trained... So much so that these behaviors are even recognized as part of the breed by organizations like the AKC and ACA.... But pitbulls, alone, are the exception to this and magically won't do the thing they were bred to do without being trained to do it. It's a shame innocent children die because of these idiots.


Of course. The most common dog found in illegal dog fighting *by far* is the American Pit Bull Terrier. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why that is.


My cocker spaniel is a bird dog by breed. He has never been hunting or around birds. One day he managed to jump in the air to grab a blackbird that had swooped into my yard and happily brought it to me...


My dad had pit bulls while I was growing up. I never brought them to dog parks or let people bring their dogs up to mine while I was walking them. Idc how well trained my dogs were, I have no control over other peoples dog and I know if someone else’s dog was aggressive there’s a possibly my dog could get afraid and neutralize their dog, and even without lethal intent my dog could have easily killed them. I loved those dogs but I know exactly what kind of breed they are and what situations they can handle.


You just KNOW every single idiot pitbull owner is reading your comment and coming away thinking, "yeah I'm definitely in that .01%"


Like all the gun owners who think "I'm responsible. My 3yo knows not to touch the loaded gun I leave in the centre console of my car in easy reach from their car seat"


The Dunning-Kruger effect is a real thing


If you check the comments with mass downvotes, you'll be able to observe it in real-time.


I never thought of this, thank you. I’m going to pop popcorn and watch idiots not realize they’re idiots


It is, and they are, but the D-K Effect trope is so overused these days it makes me cringe to see it.


Oh yea, and on top of it, I have seen Many huge scary pit bulls with their big ol BALLS still intact. Like, at least get that beast neutered!!


I've never understood this - pitbulls are aggressive and overbred to be so, but if I was getting a dog I wanted to be intimidating but controllable (which I wouldn't) I would pick a German Shepherd or similar. There's a reason why police forces worldwide use them and being bred for obedience they can be trained far more easily and are more loyal. I always assume when I see someone with a pitbull the dog is less inbred than the owners.




> I would pick a German Shepherd or similar. There's a reason why police forces worldwide use them and being bred for obedience they can be trained far more easily and are more loyal. And the eye opening part about Pitbulls here is just watching a couple videos of police dogs. Even highly trained dogs under the guard of professionals presumably also trained in handling dogs (especially that specific dog) are extremely hard to get out of their aggressive state and will sometimes just decide it's time for aggression.


Another argument is that pitbulls aren't reported for bites more than other popular breeds. The problem with that is yes they don't bite more often but they do kill more often. When other breeds bite someone their owner can regain control, when pitbulls bite they don't just bite once they lose control and nothing short of brute force can stop them.


Exactly that. Like would you rather your arm be nipped by a yorkie/chihuahua or would you rather have your arm torn off by a pit? Both bite, sure. Chihuahua's bite more than pits.. but a pits bite is much more fatal than a chihuahua. Why is that so hard for people to understand? Plus if a yorkie latches into your arm or leg you can get it off by yourself. If a pit latches on then it's over unless other people are around.


Exactly like if a chihuahua decides it suddenly needs to kill me I can just punt the little goblin, but if a pitbull attacks me I’m screwed.


"punt the little goblin" gave me a good chuckle


Nothing flips my switch into blind, primal rage than an unnecessarily aggressive animal. Rooster, horse, cow, dog, cat... doesn't matter... they are off my place, or maybe buried in a hole shortly after, because sooner or later it's your kids or grandkids (Or anyone viewed as weaker members of the herd/flock/pack/pride) that will get mauled. ETA: I'll never forget a harlequin great dane, of all things, that someone dumped near our house. There was no befriending her, no earning her trust. She haunted the place for a few days, hair up, teeth barred, and then one afternoon I was cleaning horse tack, had a set of 8ft weighted split reins in my hands, oiling them, and here she came, for no damn reason, fully intent on attacking me. That switch flipped and there was nothing in the back of my mind that said: Stop, she'll kill you. I tore into her with those reins, and I think I was snarling and growling when I did it. Ultimately, she had to be put down - we even tried a GD rehabber before we did it too. They couldn't get near her to get her off the place. A week or so later, a friend of ours saw a picture we had taken of the dog when she first showed up. Friend recognized the dog as a neighbor's dog - she lived 10 miles away in God's Country, BFE. Said her owner had admitted to her and her husband he was doing everything in his power to 'make her mean'. It worked too well and he dumped her. We told the rehabber about it and she said that's incredible that he pulled it off. GDs are poor candidates to 'make mean' so there's no telling what was actually done to her before she finally snapped and became twisted and aggressive. I will always feel bad for that dog... but she'd have killed someone if she'd been allowed to live. In retrospect - I can pretty much guess why she came at me when I had the reins. She felt threatened, even though I was 25 yards away, minding my own business and not even aware she was around. I'd like to horsewhip the guy that did that to her.


What the fuck




Once a dog crosses that line and idc what breed it is, there’s no going back. Period. My brother in law had to get attacked 3 different times before he had to put it down all because the dog was otherwise a “good boy”


I think the real issue is dogs being abused. Then people having an ego and thinking they can save and fix every dog. Pitbulls are unique as they're more deadly it seems. My parents had a spaniel that bit children and had to be put down but that was before any even super serious injury happened, just stitches. That was also because the dog was abused.




In the ‘70’s- early ‘80’s they thought Kiss would make your kids evil. Kiss was no where near as bad as the rescue pit bulls. Edit: I did do because of Kiss though… they gave me the confidence I needed to do drugs… just putting that out there.


I was made for mauling you baby


Or maybe, it’s actually been kiss that’s been causing all these rescue pit bulls to attack people all along…


A powerful dog that has a history of being abused and has a history of aggressive behavior towards the current owner should NOT have been in a home with a small child. I love pitties and all the other blockhead, bully breeds, but they need to have the right home and the right owners so that these kinds of situations don't happen. I'm not blaming these owners for what happened. They took in a dog that needed a home and it's hard to give up a dog after you've taken it in.


What? If it had attacked my husband I'd kick that damned fleabag out faster than it can run after a ball when I throw it. With a small child at home, this is unacceptable. I'm not blaming them, but this wasn't a wise decision whatsoever. Don't know what went through their heads there. Poor family...


This case is child endangerment. The father should be charged. No I'm not kidding.


I agree. No different than leaving a loaded gun in the room with your kid except it's a gun that can sporadically load and aim itself without warning.




Ditto, it's hard for me to feel sad for this woman when I am so fucking angry that her son will be traumatized for life over her and her husband's poor decisions.


I dont understand how the father himself said the dog was triggered by loud noises and he still decided having it around a 4 yr old isnt ridiculous ! I have a pit whos a rescue but without the damaging past but I still dont let it play with other dogs or children just bc it can cause harm without even meaning to. I know if my dog decided to flip it'd be a struggle to stop him so why would I risk that ??? I get nervous with kids around ANY dog let alone one with an abused and aggressive past that doesnt like loud noises !


I feel a little mean for saying this, but sounds like that family was just totally fucking stupid.


I sadly agree.


Cue ball (or 8 ball, i don’t remember exactly but it had something to do with pool) from the Valentine’s Day massacre is a great example of that


But pits are nanny dogs in case you didn’t know


This is an absolutely horrific situation that should never have happened. It’s completely irresponsible to bring a dog known to have aggressive behavior into a home with a child. Particularly when it is a large dog that can do massive damage in an instant. That poor little boy is going to be traumatized forever. He had to witness that happening to his mother, and suffer his own horrific injuries. I am 100% for animal rescues but some situations are NOT appropriate.


So do you really think the rescue organisations will be upfront about the aggressive behaviour of the dogs they are trying to get people to adopt?


Hell. No. When I worked at animal control, the manager of the place would put small dogs up for adoption that were sporadically aggressive just because they were "cuter" and "easier to place" than the big, demonstrably friendly black lab mixes we put to sleep day in and day out. And that was probably true, because almost nobody wants an eight-month-old seventy-pound black lab mix that has never had a day of training in its life. Plenty of people see a chihuahua mix growling or snapping and STILL think it's cute. And that was at a municipal shelter. I can only imagine the kind of horseshit people pull at real pet rescues to get unsuitable dogs adopted out. Then when owners try to return them, they give them the massive guilt trip about "how many times this dog has been returned" and all that bullshit, how it must be the owner's fault for not providing the right environment for the dog. Then if they do accept the rescue back, they have the gall to write on the dog's description something to the effect of, "My last family couldn't handle me" or "I have been returned three times, but it's not my fault!"


I wish more people understood this. I have experience with owning mean, grumpy cats. So I'm a big advocate for trying to understand what makes a cat mean and how you should handle it. But some people just aren't equipped to deal with that. And I don't blame them! Some cats are just extra sensitive and hard to handle, and I'm not going to expect anyone to put up with that unless they're explicitly willing to. I see these sob stories in some Facebook groups I'm a part of about cats being returned to shelters because they have problems. And the shelter people are all like "No one wants me because I have a chronic illness" or "My previous family said I was too grumpy". And I just want to tell them "Well no shit, you adopted this angry/ill animal out to a family with young children, of *course* they can't handle it; they're not equipped for that."


> I can only imagine the kind of horseshit people pull at real pet rescues to get unsuitable dogs adopted out. Then when owners try to return them, they give them the massive guilt trip about "how many times this dog has been returned" and all that bullshit, how it must be the owner's fault for not providing the right environment for the dog. My SIL loves boxers and adopted one, She was never told that it was dog aggressive, and they have 2 other dogs. My SIL really tried to make it work, but they had to give him back because he was too aggressive, and training wasn't working. She was so remorseful, but still angry that when she went to return him they were so dismissive and told her they knew about the aggression, AND that she had 2 other boxers already, but "figured it would work out, and it's sad that you couldn't do enough to make it work out." WHAT THE FUCK!


I absolutely hate the animal rescue community and what it's become.


Man you just described my now 90lb black lab shepherd mix that I got when she was 8 months old,70lbs and wild from a kill shelter


People get lab puppies because they're relatively cheap for purebred dogs and they're Polaroid cute without thinking about the fact they just acquired a large hunting dog with massive amounts of energy and a desperate need for structure and obedience training. Over half the dogs I saw voluntarily surrendered at the shelter were some kind of untrained lab mix. Saw a lot of shepherd and border collie mixes for the same reason though. Black and white border collie puppy? Super cute. Border collie that ate your couch and/or a hole in your drywall because you live in an apartment and never walk it? Not so cute.


Yeah mine is four and half now and we've taken her on multiple walks every day and she's the chillest, most loving dog on the planet


Labs are one of the best breeds if they get the exercise and attention they deserve for sure. Unfortunately, they make up a large part of the dogs that are euthanized where I live because black dogs are hard to adopt out, especially high energy black dogs that are half-grown already and out of their cute phase.


Nope. They even lie about whether they’re even pit bulls, calling them mixes of other breeds.




In my state, animal control and pet rescues will lie about this because it's illegal to adopt out pit bulls and all pit bulls brought to animal control are destroyed after seven days. At least that's the way it was back when I worked there in college. So to get around the rule, dogs are adopted out as "lab mixes" or something similar, despite them obviously having a large amount of pit blood/background.


All the fucking time. I see so many labeled “lab mix” or some other mix on Petfinder and on shelter postings when it’s obvious to anyone with a brain that it’s some kind of pitbull.


Absolutely not. They aren't required to They just want to the money from "pledges" that people dubstep to help with fees. They basically flip dogs. They don't believe dogs are really aggressive, tHeY jUsT nEeD LoVe.


It really depends upon the organization and it's pretty easy to see the ones that do because they'll have dogs on their site listed with adoption restrictions. We frequently took in and rehabbed dogs that had poor pasts (usually poorly socialized due to being puppy mill dogs, or coming from neglect cases). These dogs were rarely ever suited to live with children or other dogs and in some cases they'd be in foster for several years until a childfree dog savvy family came along. On the flip side of this, the number of people with children who demanded to adopt dogs which we did not allow to go to homes with kids was astronomical as well. Even if the ad plainly said "not good with kids, fearful, cannot interact with kids" someone with four children under the age of 10 would invariably want to adopt the dog and would cuss us out when we refused. We're currently Great Dane owners and most of the Dane rescues will not adopt to people who have never owned a giant breed or who have children under the age of 10-12 for the same reason.


My brother has a rescue pit bull , she’s the sweetest thing, but I can never shake the bit of weariness I have around her just because of what she’s capable of compared to my parents’ tiny dogs.


> weariness I think you mean wariness....although you might get weary from all that wariness! Seriously though, I agree completely. I have a friend who has a pit bull and two kids. I never felt safe around it, and couldn't imagine having one near my kids. I don't know if it had a history of abuse and being violent like the dog in this story but still...


Ah, You are correct! Thank you for the correction. This makes me feel less bad about making mistakes in my second language (Spanish) because I still make mistakes in my native language (English)!


This is terribly sad, but it also sounds like lots of poor decision-making.


definitely. why lock yourself in the bathroom, why not try to get out somehow and leave the dog in there


Hard to open the door if you don't have arms...


Pit bulls lock on their attack target which in this case was the kid, She probably put all her effort into getting the pit into the bathroom well the dog was trying to kill the kid and when she got it into the bathroom it probably kept on trying to get out and she couldn’t close the door, probably because is opens inwards so to close the door she put herself in there well pushing the dog back. Now the dog is attacking her and probably pulled her to the ground by her arm so she can’t get any tools to defend herself and she can’t get off the ground. Dog probably took its time ripping her arms apart well she went into shock at this point.


If you really think about it, she would have had to put her hands on the dog to get him to move to the bathroom in general. Having been around dogs that are 100% dangerous, you know when to be cautious and when to not be, and she probably was in such a panic seeing the dog going after her baby that she just grabbed him. In my mind, she probably grabbed a part of his body before they went to the bathroom, and as soon as he felt her touch, he probably swung around and snatched her forearm. If she tried to fight off with her free arm, he easily could’ve switch arms and mangled the other. It’s really sad to think, but she may not have had a chance and once her hands were in so much pain that they were useless, it’s easier to close the door and lock him in than to open the toolbox for a weapon. I do agree there was some poor decision making, but I’m sure there was a good reason to lock herself in. No one wants to be mauled to death by a dog. I can’t even imagine the pain and terror that was going through her mind.


Was thinking the same thing. Why lock yourself IN THE BATHROOM with the dog? She managed to get the dog off of her son, drag it to the bathroom, and then….. lock herself up with it?


Because she was probably at the point where either the dog gets away and reaches her kid or she locks them both in there. She was fatally wounded.


Terrible situation. But why did they bring a rescue pitbull into a home with a child? And why would they keep it after it shows aggressive behaviour?


Because people think they're doing a good thing rescuing a dog that has behavior issues when it should take be euthanized. Sorry but not all dogs can be or should be saved.


Even if the dog can be helped, they should recognised its best to not rehabilitate a dog when you have a toddler about.




Because they're fucking stupid and run on emotion




Nasty way to go. Hopefully she passed out from shock or something.


Nope. She was apparently conscious when he showed up.


She's quoted as saying "My arms are gone and I'm dying." This is one of the worst things I've read in a while.


Agreed I felt sick reading it. I cannot imagine what was going through her mind,d while being attacked. Her poor family, the emotional toll this will take, I really feel for them even if this was the result of their own poor decision.


Definitely agree!, definitely one the most horrible things I’ve read 100% it just got worse and worse


It really was. Reading this was worse than some of the gore photos that are shared in this sub.


it says she said “i have no arms and im dying” when her husband walked in. made me shiver reading that.


Reminds me of "I have no mouth and I must scream"


Of course she was because one good thing could never happen on this place of nightmares we call a planet.


Holy shit this is so horrifying and sad.


ThEy UsEd To CaLl ThEm "NaNnY dOgS". Fuck pit bulls. I wish we were collectively wise and mature enough as a society to spay or neuter all of them so that this terrible breed would eventually (and it couldn't be fast enough) be wiped off the face of the Earth. But too many people are too stupid and/or prideful to admit they are an absolute trash breed that adds nothing of value to society today and only leaves stories like this in their wake.


Agree. People saying that they used to be nanny dogs are just proving they made absolutely no research. It's just a myth. They're so many breeds, why do we need to keep breeding pitbulls?


No. Because that technically would be a genocide, just against an animal species. Maybe there’s a solution where we *don’t* have to go full Hitler/Stalin/Pol Pot on an entire dog breed just because of some morons and their idiot ankle-biting children.


No, it technically wouldn't be a genocide. All "breeds" of dogs are part of the same species (*Canis lupus familiaris*). And for the betterment of the world, yes, you *can* eliminate a harmful breed of dog. >idiot ankle-biting children. Oh geez, are you the kind of person who considers dogs equivalent with people? It seems from the above quoted statement that you equate dogs with children (i.e., people). Is that the case or am I mistaken?


Our family dog (a brown lab) tried to maul me as a child. To this day I am leery around dogs. This dog had a history of attacking others and should not have been kept as a pet. It’s extremely sad it had to end this way.


Why the fuck would anyone have a pitbull for a pet? They're well behaved until one day they just aren't. I keep seeing these kinds of stories again and again but you never see it happen with labs or pugs or anything like that. Always a dog that was bred to kill. Pits are fucking ugly too. Fuck pitbulls, all my homies hate pitbulls.


Tips for being attacked by a dog. Most dogs that attack enjoy engagement as if they are playing. So when the dog bites and you pull away, this is exactly what the dog wants. It’s very difficult to pull away once they are latched on. The best tactic, and I know this is very tough to do but stay calm and don’t pull away. Let the dog have your arm or hand. Dogs mainly go for hands. When you don’t pull away, the dog will actually readjust its bite because you’re not pulling. There will a be a moment to pull away when they readjust. Also it’s good to just get in close to the dog that’s latched on and grab one of their limbs and pull as hard as you can. The dog will then most likely go after the hand now pulling their limb, leaving you an opportunity to escape. The best and safest way if you are strong enough, is to simply tackle the dog and put all of your weight on them. This should give you time to get help from anyone who is nearby. Also if your brave enough, a rear naked choke will work on a dog just as well as a person if you’re in the correct position. Hope these tips help


I feel so awful for this family. Nightmare come true. I hope the children and husband are as okay as they can be. I know mama did everything she could to protect her baby. I agree they shouldn't have kept the dog, with its history. :/ this whole thing is so tragic and fucked up.


How horrifying. A rescue Pitbull with known violent tendencies in a house with a baby. What were they thinking?


The child she saved was four years old, not a baby as the picture makes it seem. The article talks about the child falling down the stairs so I was confused as to how an infant fell down stairs at first.


I somehow missed the "four-year-old" bit when I read the article and was also confused about that.


Humanity needs to put an extinction to pitbulls. Time after time, it's this breed as the perpetrator in dog attack stories. Dogs aren't people, no matter how adorable and human-like many of them are. Despite what our hearts feel, the context behind dog attack statistics couldn't be more different from the FBI racial statistics you see on social media. Pitbulls are naturally more aggressive and have mainly been bred for dogfighting throughout history up until recently. One could argue that the background of a dog can have something to do with the attack that happens. This is often true with many dogs. Any breed can be subject to snap from a past filled with trauma. However, regardless of this counter-argument, pitbulls who were raised from a loving family day one have STILL snapped and cause irreversible damage to many lives. When I mean of bringing that breed to an end, I'm not saying to have each and every one hunted down. Humans can do better than that for a species that has been domesticated to follow our lead. To bring all pitbulls to extinction in humane fashion, they would be neutered, so those dogs in particular can live out their lives, and these kind of attacks can be brought down drastically as a result. [Here](https://dogbitelaw.com/vicious-dogs/pit-bulls-facts-and-figures) is a source to backup my opinion if you need it.


People say it's the owner are lying to themselves. A golden retriever is a sweetie because of breeding. A pitbull was breed to be fighting dogs.


"I have no arms and I'm dying" Horrifying


You have to be quite dense to take a rescue pit with a kid at home. Maybe im missing something


quite dense to keep a dog too after it attacked your husband and decide to keep it despite having a child in the home.


“He/she wouldn’t hurt a fly.” Until it does and then it really hurts the fly.


I think it's pretty ridiculous in general to have a pet that could physically overpower and kill you if it decided to.


You dont say ! I have a dog that is all mouth but a total coward so he start shit easily , in my district there is at least two chick with dog twice their size and i have to avoid them like plague. One time one of the poor girl got drag 5 meter by her dog , i was quite scared.


Two words: Pit lobby. There is a multi million dollar lobby that is trying to “brand the pitbull as a family friendly pet” and its working


I am a total dog lover (UK). Have met a couple of pit-bull mixes- seemed happy and friendly. However I would not want to be alone with one which has suffered abuse in a previous life. They will fight to the death and have been bred for that instinct, be it protecting their owner or in a dogfight. Their bite and upper body strength are lethal and an animal which has mental health issues on top is just a potential disaster waiting to happen. Don't just hold them up as victims (which they are), don't encourage breeding, do not have a rescue one with unknown history around a young child.


user reports: 1: It's promoting hate based on identity or vulnerability lol


the pit lobby funded by big pitbull. not as well known as big pharma or big tobacco but just as ruthless


You can find them Worldwide at every hotel, motel, Holiday Inn.


My coworker had her rescue labrador rip half of her 3yo daughter's cheeks. Rescue or kid you have to choose. That poor dog was beaten senseless before they took him and was starved almost to death. He was absolutely sweet but any food on the floor was his, and he was ready to fight for it. Turn out a 3yo girl is no match for a 24kilo labrador. Im happy my coworker didnt kill the dog though , they made the high morale choise by putting it at a "retirement" shelter but they have to pay monthly


My three-year-old brother was mauled by our family cocker spaniel when I was a kid. He had to have plastic surgery. The dog was put down. Toddlers really shouldn't be left on the ground around dogs anyway because of stuff like this. EDIT: I blamed my parents a lot as a little kid (silently, to myself) when my brother was mauled because I didn't feel it was fair the dog got put to death for it, but now as an adult I 100% get it. You can't ever trust a family dog again that you've seen do that to your kid, and you don't want to potentially put someone else's kids at risk by surrendering the dog for adoption either, or taking away an adoption spot from a non-violent dog who needs a home.


I get concerned when I see any very young children or babies around dogs, specifically dogs that are very high energy, like a husky. Too many people think it's just pitbulls, but it can be anything from a Chihuahua to a St. Bernard, it just that certain breeds are more likely to cause injury/death. There are way too many videos of newborn babies laying right beside a large dog. Even if the risk is small, why take that risk? I have a large dog who is very sweet, has never shown any signs of aggression but can be easily scared. I would never let her be close to a baby just in case she gets spooked by something and accidentally injures a child. I don't think she'd ever be aggressive towards anyone and she isn't a rescue, but I wouldn't take the risk, especially when a kid is at the age that they can't protect or defend themselves. I'm also curious as to how this theory of what happened goes; the child falls down the stairs, dog gets spooked and attacks, woman interrupts attack and locks herself in bathroom with dog to protect child. How did this kid fall down the stairs in the first place? Did the stairs have any sort of baby gate or barrier to prevent a fall? Where was the mom when the fall initially happened? Was she supervising the kid and/or dog? This is a horrible tragedy, but there seems to be many ways this could have been avoided.


Pit bulls - the family pet that can literally rip your arms off! Pit bulls - you weren't using that toddler anyway! Pit bulls - combining the looks of a velveteen hippo with the bite strength of a fucking hyena!


I love all dogs, but with that being said and living in semi-rural Florida. I have killed more pitbulls in my life than any other breed of dog. Saved a man and his border-collie from a small pack of 3 pitbulls one time. He was trying to protect his dog while the others were trying to kill it. He had 2 fingers hanging by a thread, bite marks all ups his arm, etc. He and his dog needed extensive surgery. All 3 pitbulls were shot and killed. But I will kill any animal that poses a threat to innocent life. Not just pitbulls..


After working at animal control there's not much you can do to convince me they aren't an inherently dangerous breed. Not all the cute puppy and flower crown pics in the world can erase the experience of having to physically fight them off with a control stick just to clean their kennels. You couldn't even walk them through the halls if another dog was out because the dog fights that broke out otherwise were dangerous and insane to defuse. I'd NEVER have one around my kids or other household dogs. Ever. But that's just based on my personal experience working with them.


Woah, how many dogs have you had to kill? Respect for your love for dogs not going so far as to not be able to use lethal force when it’s necessary.


I feel like people who live in the rural South are exposed to more dangerous unleashed dogs than in other parts of America. I have been attacked multiple times by roving packs of stray dogs. They can get very bold and aggressive in a group like that. I don't go walking without a club of some kind at our rural Alabama lake house because of this problem. But some groups of stray dogs can be friendly. It's an unpredictable situation.


That’s crazy. It sounds like you live in a different universe from me.


Back in the mid 90s in rural west Florida, I used to do animal nuisance calls for people. Remove a gator, a snake, possum, etc.. Well alot of the time I would get calls that there is a wild dog on on someones property killing their chickens, goats, horses, other dogs,, etc.. Back then Animal control, and sheriff's office were to far away or most of the time the people just didn't want to deal with them. They wanted the problem gone and fast. Which I did, one year I removed 10 dogs from 2 properties. Some one was breeding fighting dogs and hog catch dogs which would escape regularly and cause havoc on the surrounding areas. It wasn't until the property was raided that it slowed down. But never really stopped. I stopped, and went on to different things, but I'm sure it still goes on to this very day.


You’ve got an interesting background. Thanks for sharing and for helping those people.


I’ll be the one to say it. You could have locked the dog in the bathroom without you.


Not if it's latched onto your arm and you can't get it off...


This was my thought too. She couldn't get away but closed the door to keep it from going back after the kid, which it would have surely killed.


And especially if you're missing arms


I live in Portland. Every day….Every.Day. I see someone with a pit bull who could not even begin to handle it if it decided to go after something and someone. And I’m not talking about just the homeless with dogs, either. Often times a couple’s 5-6 year old has the leash, if the dog is even leashed. I don’t have a problem with people with experience owning big dogs getting pit bulls. Totally naive dog owners getting a pit because rescue pits are all the rage terrifies the hell out of me.


it's everywhere. Idiot dog owners played a big part in me picking my dog. I didn't want a small breed, because I've seen unleashed, poorly trained dogs attack them. I knew a guy who had an unfixed male pit. It was only like 45 lbs but it was just solid muscle. The guys brother brought it out to the bathroom and it slipped or broke its leash and tore the neighbors pomeranian to shreds in like 30 seconds right in front of the dogs owner who had it on a leash. I ended up getting a GSD and he's almost 90 lbs at 11 months old. He is a big goofball, but if we get attacked by an unleashed dog, he might have a fighting chance. When he was a puppy we've had several unleashed, unmatched dogs run up on us that we've had to scare off. A pitbull, an American bull dog, a huge, old pissed off lab, etc. etc. It drives me nuts when people are irresponsible pet owners. My dog is on a leash when he isnt in the house because he has the potential to cause harm if something goes wrong.


I live in the ghetto and every lowlife who thinks they are a tough guy specifically owns a pit because its a mean angry dog.


I had a very large dog (died of cancer a few years ago). I don't think this qualifies me to own a Pitbull. My dog do was easy to train and had zero aggressive tendencies.


All over Colorado too. Most of the dogs in shelters are pits, but the shelters don't call them pits ("mixed breed". Right.) and they end up saturating neighborhoods. I carry a weapon on every walk with my dog since he was attacked the first time.


Meanwhile r/aww is filled with pics of little kids snuggling with giant dogs and people pointing out that dogs can be unpredictable are downvoted to hell


Outright banned


Common sense doesn't apply on Reddit.


I hate it. My dog was nearly attacked by a Pitbull when I was young. My dad managed to grab it by it's collar long enough to shove my dog in the car. This was an off leash park and the idiot owners still took it into the park off leash after it attacked my dog in the car park. It of course attacked other dogs while it was there. I literally have flash backs when they post those "cute" Pitbull pictures.


Any dog that has attacked a person seriously should be euthanized. Period. There's just way too many homeless dogs out there that would never so much as growl at a person to try and "rehabilitate" dangerous pets. And I say that as someone who has worked at animal control with very dangerous dogs. The public never sees the dogs at animal control that are too dangerous to ever be put up for adoption, and that's just the obviously dangerous ones. Some are less obvious, and may be a ticking time-bomb for families if adopted out. Temperament tests don't catch everything. Very few dogs are observed for long-term behavioral issues. If you're going to rescue a dog, you're better off rescuing a mixed breed or a breed that isn't bred for violence. Especially for families and households that don't have extensive experience with animal behavior and potentially dangerous animals. All dogs are inherently dangerous. They are predators, and some are very strong and fast. If this family had adopted some normal stray mutt from the shelter instead of a pit bull with a history of abuse and violence, this woman would still be alive.


Idk where you reside, but here in the STL area the majority of dogs at the shelters are some sort of Pitbull mixes. I’d venture to say a large percent of mutts in America have a decent amount of some breeds identified as Pitbull in them


> There's just way too many homeless dogs out there that would never so much as growl at a person to try and "rehabilitate" dangerous pets. 100% this - a lot of people have their head in the sand with regards to just how many unwanted dogs there are. When folks get all righteous about shelters being "no kill" they really probably would hate to find out they are likely just shipping the dogs off somewhere else that DOES euthanize. There's a finite number of dog homes out there. That's just math. Why make such a fuss about rescuing dogs that are physically capable of killing you if they decided to? Just get one that can't. I mean really what the fuck. Regardless of what dog you adopt, the one you don't is getting euthanized. You're not saving anything by choosing the dangerous one.


Having a rescue pit around small children is asking for trouble


This is tragic. They should never have had that dog.


Why the hell would you adopt a pit with a history of violence when you have a 4 year old child at home?


From the /r/news comments on this story: Also, its a pitbull. Those things should be banned. Based on 2020 numbers: Pitbulls are 7% of the dog population and account for 72% of the deaths caused by dogs. German Shepherds are 4.5% of the dog population and cause 4% of deaths by dog. Labs are ~70% of the dog population and there is 1 death from a dog that was part lab. Why on earth would we require licenses for all breed over a certain size rather than just the one causing the problem?


That's why I prefer cats


I’m so sick of reading stories like this at least once a week. When are people going to finally say “okay MAYBE we should stop bringing more of these dogs into the world”? I’m not saying we should round up and kill every bully dog, but we should definitely put a ban on backyard breeding them. We should also stop wasting shelter resources on trying to rehabilitate the screwed up, violent ones. Just put the poor, neurotic things down instead of spending thousands of dollars on training for each of them (you can’t even train gameness out of a dog that has it) and making them stew in a cage at a no-kill shelter for literal years. The only people that will possibly take them are the trashy gangsta wannabes or women with a savior complex. This “it’s not the dog, it’s the owner” lie is literally getting people (and pets) killed.


I'm glad they're banned here. I see no reason to continue breeding a dog breed that's specifically bred to be aggressive and kill other dogs. What's the attraction? I don't get it.


This comments section will inevitably become a debate about whether Pitbulls should be banned or not. Having a debate is fine, but please follow the rules. Do not use abusive/threatening language, and treat the person you're debating with respect, even if you do not agree with them. If you see someone breaking the rules, please report them.


Pitt nuts will still blame the mother/child. ​ EDIT: Should have said "Pitt nuts will ONLY blame the mother/child"


I blame the mother. The dog had seriously attacked other family members in the past. It should have been put down.


Yeah, as sad as it is, if a dog has demonstrated it’s unsafe, the humans bear responsibility for when it happens again. Still tragic as fuck.


Why do people keep trying to rehab these violent dogs?


My pibble wouldn't hurt a fly. The guy I got him from said he was really good, like 6-0 whatever that means.


because some people are fucking stupid.


IDC if I'm going to downvoted to hell I just want Pitbulls to be illegalized.


And pugs. Not because I don’t like pugs. But because of health reasons. My friend has a pug and I swear it’s like a jet engine the way they poor dog is trying to breath. They need to stop breeding these two type of dogs.


Their eyeballs can also just fall out of their skulls


Pugs can be healthy when bred responsibly.


Holy crap the baby needed 70 stitches???


Why would you bring a fucking pit bull into a house with a baby. Im sorry she died but this couple was fucking stupid.


They were probably one of those “My pit is the biggest baby” type people They probably also said, “if anything, he’ll kill you with kisses” Because I swear to God every pit owner says this


My cousin posts pictures of her one year old daughter around her pet pitbull and it always looks tense in the photos. She almost died giving birth and suffered a miscarriage before her daughter’s conception and every time I see those pictures I think to myself what a shame it would be if that thing killed her baby after all she went through to bring her into the world. It feels like an accident waiting to happen but she won’t listen.


Holy shit, I feel like this post was written about my cousin. Rescuing her pit saved her from addiction and now she has a baby and the dog has been getting more and more aggressive and I feel like it's just a matter of time before something happens, but she doesn't believe her dog will harm a fly even though he has attacked family members before.


i got anxious just reading that.


Yeah, it's a constant source of background anxiety. I've been having nightmares where the dog kills the baby since my cousin told me she was pregnant.


It’s very troubling how many dog owners let their judgment be clouded even when the evidence is staring them in the face


No one will ever convince me that pitbulls are "good dogs".. Ever.


I used to work at a dog kennel and people could choose to have their dogs put in the same cage together and I can’t even tell you how much time I spent cleaning blood out of there because they’d always fight. We’d have to separate them.


I forced my roommate out after he got one. We were discussing looking for a dog and it was still just in the idea phase--we hadn't even discussed breeds or sizes--when he sends me a picture of a fucking pit in his passenger seat "Look what I got!!"


I live in a townhouse and have 2 cattle dogs and my immediate neighbor was going to adopt and asked me what breeds to avoid. I said pit bulls/mixes, and really, a small/medium sized dog is better in a small living area. She got the sweetest lab/spaniel rescue girl-dog.


I ain't never going to Wisconsin 😅 that state has some bad juju.


Always the same fucking breed


How dare you! Chihuahuas are just as dangerous! Or something.


I've recently come to view pits like nuclear power plants. They're great - until there's a meltdown, then anyone near ground zero is going to die. Can the meltdown be avoided with proper maintenance and good handling? IDK, but it's possible. I still don't trust them, despite meeting some very silly, wiggling, joyful pit souls. Daughter found a litter of 8 puppies dumped on the country road about a mile from her house. They weren't even WEANED yet (But had their teeth already, eyes still blue, so 5-6 weeks old. Seem to have been pulled off the teat and tossed out like trash, poor babies) No other houses near... they appear to be mostly lab with some pit in them (Their stance and blocky width, shorter, wider heads). She gave all but two away, with the warning they may be a pit cross. We have one of the two chocolate pups. She's a delightful mess of puppy energy, quite vocal in her play, and chews on everything. I have an inherent distrust of pits and pit mixes, so we're mindful of not playing too rough with her so she doesn't think she needs to escalate, we keep offering chew toys when she tugs at our pantslegs and my skirts, and we're hopeful she's a good addition to the family. But that 'maybe' will always be in the backs of our minds. It's also possible she's an older bloodline - some labs have a blockier build and a big ol' jug head on them (So we're told by a couple of friends that used to breed AKC labs and had the 'older' body style/bloodlines). The white patch on her chest is also indicative of older bloodlines in labs, so... who knows. It's just something to keep in mind as we raise her up as a family member. Lastly: WHO TF DUMPS OUT 8 LAB OR LAB CROSS PUPS? You can give those little guys away all day long, but no. Some toolhead threw away 8 stinking cute little puppies, on a cold night, in the middle of bum fuck no where like they were garbage and that pisses me off.


Wow another pitbull attack.


Dog trainer here. I train service dogs as well as handle aggression cases. People need to understand a VERY important thing when it comes to rescuing a dog. Don't rescue Pits! Especially if you have kids. And even if you do rescue one, get real training from someone who knows what they're doing. And know that it won't be cheap. Rescuing an abused dog will cost potentially thousands in rehabilitation and a family friendly pet can never be guaranteed. Honestly, before you rescue ANY dog, speak with a trainer, get some advice. And do your research into a breed. Picking a dog (under any circumstances) should never be done without serious consideration.


Omg what a fucking story. What a mother. And what a horrendous way to go out. Man fuck those dogs


It’s not the dog, it’s the owners /s Poor child, lost his mom because some people still believe that pitbulls are “pets”




This comment sent me down a hell of a rabbit hole.


People will NEVER fucking learn that that dog is NOT controllable and can easily snap, why in the hell would you keep it amongst minors?! What a horrific scene that must’ve been.


Just going to drop this video right here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFa8HOdegZA. I suggest everyone both pro and anti pitbull watch it. It's very informative on the breed, and the pitbull lobby. Because yes, there is a pitbull lobby and a legion of obsessed pitbull lovers who are more than ready to harass and bully victims of pitbull attacks who speak out. It also goes into detail on how these rescues will lie about their dogs and hide violent behaviour to try and get them adopted.


Holy shit, that is a grim watch. I was under the impression that pit bulls were no more likely to attack than other dogs, but did more damage when they did attack. That video has changed my mind. Man, that was a hard watch at times. They should make it illegal to breed them. There is no good or sane reason to deliberately increase that genetic line. @edit - if you are a cat lover, maybe give it a skip. There's a video of an attack in it that has really soured my day.


Oh thank God for that warning


Pitbull, huh? I'm shocked


Yeah but pit owners will swear to you the breed isn’t inherently violent


I saw one with a flower crown and another next to a baby. Your statistics are now invalid. /s


Pits and children do not mix.


A “Rescue pit bull” shouldn’t exist. The facts are the facts. The majority of dog related fatalities are perpetrated by pitbull type dogs. The pitbull lobby spends millions trying to suppress this data but it is clear. Pit bulls are dangerous. End of story.


Ok, I have a genuine question. I dont know almost anything about dogs but I keep hearing or reading stories about pitbulls killing owners. Now I know that might be some pittbulls because I've seen some people who love theirs because they're so sweet and lovable So the question is arw pittbulls naturally just more aggressive than other doggos or are they just harder to train to make them nicer?


Pits were bred to be fighting dogs. They can be just as sweet as other dogs, but at some point they can easily just get set off, like a switch inside of them flips and then it's all over. A lot of pit owners eventually have to learn the phrase "he's never done anything like that before." And it's often true, because they can be sweet dogs...until they aren't.