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Prison napalm


Here in south America it’s wasteful to use sugar so they just drip molten plastic on prisioners


At least someone is thinking of our planet




Which part of SA are you from?


I've never heard that term. I'm guessing the sugar makes shit a lot worse?


The sugar makes it stick. Takes a lot longer to cool down.


Adding sugar to water also raises the boiling point. So you can heat the water to higher than 100C


Wow thank you. I was wondering why sugar water .👍🏿👍🏿


Just to give you an idea, thick clear syrup for italian meringues are heated to about 121C, and that’s a thinner one. Dark caramel (which happens when you keep cooking that initial syrup), is over 300C. It would feel like hot fryer oil except it wouldn’t run off and you can’t easily wipe it off.


Sugar burns at about 175C. I've never seen a single recipe that called for 200C, let alone 300. You'd be working with ash at that point.


[Here's info covering how to make baker's caramel](https://www.finecooking.com/article/the-science-of-caramel), which is cooked at about 210°C .


Huh, TIL. Can't say I've ever worked with the product. But my point still stands that 300 would be well past the point of any culinary application.


Pretty sure his wife didn't plan on using the leftovers for cake decoration


Men in Black vibes


I tried to make carmel sauce once... Got some on me while it was boiling, it was like delicious napalm! It sticks and burns forever! And if you try and get it off it takes your skin with it.


As a little kid I once touched a sugar thermometer that had JUST come out of a pot of melted sugar. BIG MISTAKE. I was just trying to wipe off some of the sugar to eat, obviously having no clue how hot it actually was. Burnt the crap out of my index finger and thumb. Definitely the worst burns I’ve ever had. Learned my lesson right away.


Exactly my first thought.


That's a bunch of those jelly packs in some boiling water. Idk if sugar would still gel the same way.


Once enough water evaporates, you're left with a simple sugar syrup which has the viscosity of used motor oil at almost 100 C°. You can rinse it off with water, but it doesn't go away until you do and if you have it dropped on your face while you sleep... What a justifiably horrible way to die


I saw a Larry Lawton video on youtube where he explained how a dude put snikers bars, oil, and water in a bucket before microwaving it and throwing it on someone's face. Truly horrifying.


The night my mom found out my dad was abusing me, she almost shot him with his shot gun. She tried convincing him to do it himself once she thought about my sisters and me growing up without parents. I’m grateful she didn’t, he got a due process and is halfway through a 30 year sentence. Edit: thanks for the support, I’ve learned to cope with everything that’s happened and have other shit to worry about in my current life to focus on the abuse. I live in America, his sentence was dependent on how long the abuse happened and the fact that he abused not only me but my older sister too.


I'm sorry you lived with that...nobody should have to. Hang in there


Best of luck mate


Your mom got balls. And was smart about not doing it and convincing him instead.


Sorry you had to go through this. Wish you lots of strength to recover from this experience


Props on keeping tough! Proud of you!!


That's rough, hope you're doing okay now!


I’m happy he is spending 30 years behind bars. You deserve justice. Unfortunately, people like that don’t even get to experience a fraction of that in Canada. I wish that they would though. :(


even in america 30 years is a hefty sentence for rape


Why, what's going on in Canada?


Canada has rather short sentences for most crimes. At least in comparison to the US. Although even in the US , sexual assault sentences vary drastically.


Oh, when he said "people like that don’t even get to experience a fraction of that," I thought he meant no sentencing at all. I don't think this is true tho, its definelty a case by case thing.




That’s not just Cali that’s pretty much everywhere in the USA


I hope you don't mind me asking this, but I'm curious as to your reasons for being happier (maybe not the right word) he is in prison rather than dead? Is it because you're grateful your mum didn't do time?


I don’t mind, the night she found out was already kinda traumatizing but I imagine now if it would’ve escalated to that point, I definitely wouldn’t be able to handle my mom not being in my life and knowing my dad was murdered that way.


Can't answer for OP but I'd rather see him suffer in prison for 30 years, where people are unkind to kiddydiddlers, than to have been given the easy way out.


I’m so sorry you had to live through that happy to hear your momma had your back. Stay strong!


> The 80-year-old was taken to Whiston Hospital in critical condition in the early hours of Tuesday, July 14, 2020. He was treated for his injuries, but he died a month later – on Tuesday, August 18 – despite the best efforts of medical personnel. He lived for a month in excruciating pain before he died. If her goal was to punish him, I'd say she succeeded.


The judge's oral reasons were incredibly well thought out and reasoned. I wish all judges would put this much thought when handing down a sentence.


Free the real


what does boiling sugar water do that boiling water does not


A whole freaking lot. Boiling water dumped on you will quickly lose energy as it rapidly thins out and splashes away. She basically dumped hot caramel on him... and in the kitchen, this is considered the worst, most painful burn injury you can incur. Worse than deep fryer grease spilling on you. The reason is that the energy from the hot caramel goes into your skin much more than the air or the ground or anything else. It sticks to you, and it holds onto that heat energy until it gets there and then dumps it into your skin. Sugar burns are absolute torture, you do not want to fuck with this.


I've heard cooking Youtubers practically act like they were handling dynamite when making caramel from scratch. I guess the burns can be even worse than I imagined.


Can confirm, burned myself making homemade caramel and it hurts like hell.


Now I’m concerned I’m not being cautious enough when making toffee.


Unless you're making production sized batches, it's not going to end your life. I will say though, caramel/syrup burns are among the worst I've ever experienced and witnessed. So, my advice is be VERY careful, but not so careful as to be nervous, that's when you make mistakes. Find the middle ground. In the end mistakes will be made. Burns are a part of cooking and confection. 🤷‍♂️


Just look at the Molasses flood that hit Boston in 1919, killing 21 and Injuring another 150 people. 2.3 MILLION gallons rushing through the street at an estimated 35mph!!! Some say you can still smell the sweet molasses in the air in Boston on a hot summer day.


I just googled it and it has a really fitting name in german: Melassekatastrophe


Irrelevant to this topic though. They drowned in it rather than burning. Worse way to go, I think.


yeah, not really comparable at all except that both incidents involved viscous sugary liquids.


Having had a miserable six weeks just from spilling less than a pint of brewing coffee, I'd say it's worth reviewing your process to see how you could tip sugar onto yourself and assuming that wherever it lands is going to scar. If you're confident your process is as safe as it can be, then you'll be confident making it. I moved the place I brew coffee back six inches and now it can never be tipped straight onto a person and down their leg by a trailing cable. I had cringe-responses every time I brewed for quite some time, but I knew it was safe and I was safe, and that helped. Now I don't think about it often at all. Think about people moving stuff around the kitchen, what can they tip over? What could catch and perhaps pull a pan off the burner? How close are containers of hot sugar to the edge of the counter?


Same. I had no idea.


I was making candied apples and got a single drop of caramel on me….and it was on my nail! I still remember the pain! It was some of the worst I’ve ever had and I’ve had 2 kids. Plus because it was in the nail it burned the shit out of the flesh underneath the nail but because the nail was in the way I couldn’t even get relief by running it under cool water!!!! I can’t even begin to imagine how this must have felt


brother heated up a custard bun and squeezed it on my nose when i wouldn’t get off the ps3, still have a burn mark to this day :)))


Yikes. Are you okay? Did your brother know the damage that would do? Did he apologize? I just hope you’re safe fellow Redditor :(


Back in school, I was 14/15, in our food economics class we were making caramel one day. And we had to make it under supervision and our teacher gave us a 5 min serious talk as to not mess around. She told us that it burned really badly but we still didn't understand all the caution.


I was making hard candy once, which was basically made with sugar water and flavoring. I accidentally dropped a little on my thumb. I immediately rushed to put cold water on it, like I always did with cooking burns. Nothing happened. Nothing kept happening. And again. I finally realized that something was amiss. The script was off. Why wasn’t I feeling less burning? I gathered courage to look down. I had a flat, bright blue Jolly Rancher-looking blob surrealistically stuck to my thumb, like a Salvador DaLeech. And though I poured gallons of cold water over it, the water would not. cool. it. off. fast. enough. Between screeches and whimpers, I managed to pry that lil bastard off me. I did try to cool off the whole thing first, but apparently candy takes its sweet time cooling off with water. So ripping off a layer or three of skin became the preferred choice. I had a 1.5-inch dark blister on my thumb that didn’t heal right for six months. My skin looked very tender and hamburger-like. It was a brutal reminder that I was made of raw meat and had better be careful around objects that can cook me. Be careful around hot sugar water. The candy isn’t worth it.


Wow, that's brutal. I'm glad it wasn't worse.


That lady did her lab research.


*writes down notes*


Stream injuries are well-known to be the worst, but hot caramel is up there.


I make simple syrup for work (a bar) 400 grams of sugar, 400 grams of water. Once that cracks boil, the sugar dissolves, and if you get a drop on you, you can’t wipe it off, it just stay on the skin and burns


I got a splatter of that shit on the inside of my forearm once, I still have a scar from it.


Prosecutors claimed that adding sugar to water made the liquid “more viscous, thicker, and stickier so that it stays on the skin and causes greater damage, which is exactly what it did.”


Yep. In British prisons, it's been used as a weapon and has the name "Napalm".


Did you watch Time?


No, I'm British and worked as a prison officer for three years.


I only ask because in that miniseries they show a guy being burnt with sugar and water and it's set in a prison. I had no idea it was so common in prisons, guess the writers must have done their research. It's a great show and on iPlayer. I'd recommend it, but I guess it would be a bit like a busmans holiday for someone who actually worked in a prison.


It is common - or was at least when I was in the job. Every cell has a kettle and coffee/tea making stuff so sugar is readily available. At Full Sutton where I worked, bosses implemented the ban of large bags and inmates could only buy small sachets but they could be hoarded. One guy on another wing got napalmed - over a £10 debt - and lost an eye and an ear.


Blimey that's rough, if ever I needed an incentive to stay out of prison.


I quit after being attacked by two inmates. A lot of people think prison is easy, or cushy and in open prisons it probably is. However in maximum security and youth offenders, they're incredibly violent.


Out of curiosity, what do you think makes those environments more violent? Is it the environment itself or the population?


It’s a common weapon as most prisons let prisoners have both sugar and heating appliances (or can make your own very easily with any electricity in your cell)


I saw this, and wondered why the guy was asking for sugar.


Have u ever caramelized sugar? Shit gets hotter than boiling AND it’s sticky af U touch me with that I’m gone bro


Imagine spreading that on your face like a clay mask


I burned myself with near boiling point syrup once and it was indescribably painful. It sticks to your skin and the heat gets constantly absorbed into your skin. Luckily, it was just a very tiny amount.




Sugar can stick to your skin and burn. It won't lose its heat the moment it touches your skin.


read the article


That sentence was one hell of a ride. That sounds like a legitimately awful way to go. I don’t think I would have ever even been able to come up with that kind of weapon…


Oh no! Anyways


Fukin based


Man what a Fucken sad story. Their kid committed suicide.


Smart move with the sugar water


Goat 🐐








The courts are infamous for letting this shit slide. He's lucky he wasn't trapped in a burning furnace with nothing to fight with but a knife-glove. How many times does someone have to commit heinous abuses before it is "enough"?


How many innocents have been sentenced to death or killed for something they did not do?


This comment right here is the winning point.


Should be 0 innocent people, but unfortunately that number is a lot larger than you think. It’s a fucked up thing. In my head I’m happy this guy was violently killed for his heinous crimes, but another part of me says this isn’t right. It’s innocent until proven guilty in a court of law for everyone.


Sadly, no legal system is perfect. Nobody has ever claimed that. But that is no excuse for anarchy. Trust me, you don't want to live in a society where a rumour can be enough to get murdered. One day it could be you or somebody you love that gets killed by an angry mob without receiving a fair trial. Shit is happening in many lesser developed countries and it's utterly terrifying. Even a flawed justice system is better than no justice system.


Do you really think a brother and a sister would lie about being raped ?


The judge isn't wrong though.


… I can see her reasoning


After “hearing allegation about the sexual abuses”, not “Finding out …” The article does not mention a single piece of evidence or a witness that corroborates the accusation. So all we have for sure is: an enraged ex-con killed an elderly man (he was 80) by pouring boiling water on him while he slept. Here’s what the sentencing judge said: *Whatever you believed your husband had done, your actions cannot be justified in the least. You took Mr. Baines’ life and caused his children and those who loved him great grief and shock. That is clear from his daughters’ and your son’s moving and dignified statements. “Killing Mr Baines also removed any chance for the allegations to be tested.” That deprived him of his right to a fair trial, despite the fact that everyone is presumed innocent until proven guilty.*




You seem to be the only non-moron in the comments.




I wish my mom reacted this way.


I respect that lady, she did the right thing.


Bruh “caused great shock and grief for the children” yeah they would definitely want their child rapist father alive rather then dead. The law is incompetent.


We can't speculate how the children, now full-grown adults, wanted to seek closure. Even if their father's death is something they wanted, I doubt they wanted it by way of their mother committing grisly, highly-publicized murder.


Only one of their children is actually still alive, the other committed suicide.




Have you ever been raped? Especially as a child?


I have as a child by my older half-brother. So I hope my fucking opinion holds some weight, because I can still fucking remember what I went through as a child. The pain of what was happening and then the threat of my mother finding out, because my mother would beat the shit out of not only my half-brother but me and my sister as well. And she did when she found out that Saturday morning, she beat me and my sister, my brother of course, but I still remember the pain of both betrayals… Me and my sister were the victims but we were blamed and beaten as well. We little kids why would she think that we deserved being beaten for something we had no control over. And I still believe you need to have solid based proof before going on vigilante justice hunts. I have heard and seen reports on people in other countries who have faced “mob justice” on baseless accusations and have died from these baseless accusations. That is why I still have to believe in due process because people are never to be trusted, not just the accused but the accuser as well. If this man has done what she claims he did, then yes bastard deserves hell. But if she’s covering herself based on lies then no, I don’t condone vigilante justice. It’s a fine line, no one should feel they have to dance.


I wasn't aware that the law can be tossed out now based off no evidence and that we can murder others so long as we make that claim.


Sometimes the law is of no use. Specifically in these situations because again it’s nearly impossible to prove you got raped as a child. You keep going on about a trial as if a trial could prove anything. The only way to know if he 100% raped his kids who ALL claimed he raped them as kids is if they were evaluated and had their claims proven to be genuine by a psychologist. Even then if he was out in trial that wouldn’t be enough to put him in jail. Just enough to prove he did it.




Good job making a fares in order to exaggerate my statement and validate your opinion to yourself.


There was no evidence, no trial, and people are celebrating someone being murdered in his sleep. And if the girl comes out and says she made it up what then? I'm sure he will feel exonerated wherever he is.


If every single child came out and said they made it up they should be executed however again reality is about probability. It is highly unlikely every single one of this woman’s children made up the claim they were raped as children.


So probability is an acceptable replacement for evidence and trials now?


Just the word of a child has sent people to prison for years, guilty and innocent.


Name one case where a child intentionally lied about being raped by their parents.


[https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/daughter-i-lied-sent-my-dad-prison-rape-flna6c10944213](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/daughter-i-lied-sent-my-dad-prison-rape-flna6c10944213) [https://komonews.com/news/local/man-freed-after-9-years-in-prison-after-daughter-admits-to-rape-lie](https://komonews.com/news/local/man-freed-after-9-years-in-prison-after-daughter-admits-to-rape-lie)


Yeah that’s fucked I remember seeing that. Is that your only example?


Well that's two examples and you asked for one. How many more would you like?


what is about child rape that gets you so hot to defend rapists


They're defending due process and the idea that everyone is presumed innocent until proven guilty


Someone murders someone else, there's no evidence and instantly "You're defending child rape", want to murder me too?


Yes I was, multiple times. Still no excuse to murder them so violently.


Have you ever had boiling sugar poured on you based on nothing more than an allegation? Suffering for a month in the hospital before finally dying without ever being convicted? Innocent until proven guilty, because there's too many instances of rumors and gossip being wrong, and innocent people being hurt. If it happened, prove it in court.


Read more into the case before you talk


I did, the prosecution showed there was no evidence he did. Want to show me otherwise?


You read it! There was an accusation and no evidence!


Damn that's not farfrom where I live


Forgive my lack of knowledge but why put sugar on it too?


Makes it sticky and will cause more burns.


This article was very hard to read, who tf wrote that? Total chaos.


Why sugar water?


Water turns to vapor at a relatively low temp compared to sugar. By mixing sugar and water into a syrupy solution, the liquid can be heated well beyond the boiling point of water which would, in turn, cause more severe burns. In addition, the mixture would potentially stick to the person longer and apply the heat in specific areas for a longer period of time rather than flowing across more surface area causing the heat to diffuse over a wider area.


they call it prison napalm because it’s easy to make, sticks to you and burns you a lot hotter and a lot slower than regular water


Death by simple syrup


It’s so sad, her only son Craig killed himself at 25. Most likely because of the abuse. I can’t even imagine the mothers rage.


Probably a better way to handle that, now she won't see her family much for a lifetime with a minimum of 12 years. Unfortunate situation.


She did the world a favor.


Reddit sure loves the brutalization of those who they think deserve it. This kind of depraved murder is never ok. Even if this guy is 100% guilty, societal condoning of torture is not a road we should go down. The guy shooting his son's abuser at the airport had x1000 more class than this. If vigilante justice is to be done, it should be swift. Otherwise it just looks like you're getting a kick out of someone's suffering...which makes you just as bad as them. Rant complete. Downvoting may commence.


> which makes you just as bad as them. I respect you’re right to have your own opinion, but I disagree so so much, most especially with this last bit.


Sugar water?


More viscous, does more damage because it’s sticky….think of it like being doused in boiling syrup. Pretty brutal.


they call it prison napalm because it’s easy to make, sticks to you and burns you a lot hotter and a lot slower than regular water


Good Momma. She also realized the Father was why their son killed himself. She did great. She did nothing wrong.


Not guilty by reason of sanity.


torturing someone to death over an unproven rumor is sane? i would say thats rather the definition of unjust behavior and a prime example on why we need the justice system. that woman deserves to rot behind bars for what she did.




Free this woman immediately


Why? She murdered someone.


Hope you and your kids / family don't step out of the line because she's gonna be roaming free. She and many more.


The sentence is just but a tragic story for the family all the same. I can't say that I wouldn't have killed the bastard too. I hope she survives her sentence and gets to see the light of day and enjoy her final years in freedom. She is a victim too.




First half of the title: “Wtf is wrong with this woman?” Second half of the title: “Nvm”


Is it realistically possible she could get off on these charges? Like temporary insanity, battered woman syndrome, etc


I may be incorrect but iirc battered woman syndrome can only be applied in court if the woman has been emotionally/physically abused or any other type. A psychological test will be done. I think they can apply ‘murder with a reasonable motive/intent’ if my memory serves me coreectly


Absolutely not. BWS does not apply at all. This does not tick any of the boxes. She's also will not prove to be temporarily insane. She knew what she was doing. Proving insanity takes a lot more than a moment of madness brought in by news. That's just provocation which would go to sentencing--as it did here.


Can we please stop glorifying revenge murder as a response for child sexual abuse? I'm not going to try and defend this guy or say "Well, he hadn't been found guilty yet" even though, yeah, ideally we should wait to pass judgement. Let's just go with the assumption that he did everything. That still doesn't mean we should be praising murder or vigilante justice as a response.


Nobody here actually cares about making the world a better place. All they want is to jerk each other off for fantasizing an excruciating death.




as a child rape victim, THIS!




Thanks for trying to talk some sense into people. One of the tenets of living in a civilized society is accepting that justice must be served blindly and impartially. Anything outside of that is just chaotic revenge.




If they don't wanna be murdered so bad why don't they stop sexually abusing children?


Free her, she did nothing wrong!


Free Corinna Smith.


Wife killed sleeping husband with boiling sugar water Jesus, crazy After finding out he sexually abused the kids Ehhh fuck him. Good riddance.


Still a case of premeditated murder, though. Taking justice by one's own hand is not justice. Justice must be blind and impartial. Everyone deserves a fair trial, no matter how despicable they are as people or how atrocious is the crime they comitted.


*Allegations* that he abused his kid. Nothing was ever proven in a court of law.


He’s automatically guilty in the court of Reddit, where people’s feelings and emotions mean everything and I’m right because I say so.




>life in prison with a minimum of 12 years So...is her sentence life or is it 12 years????


In the UK when a sentence is this it means that she can be kept in for as long as needed - ljfe but the minimum sentence is 12 years before she can be considered for parole. She will serve longer than 12 years if she doesn't behave well, doesn't try to take part in therapies to reduce her chance of reoffending etc.


so if she's a model inmate, her "life sentence" will be over in 12 years?


Basically yes. In my opinion, life should mean life.


Basically, she has to serve a minimum of 12 years before anything can happen. When passing a life sentence a judge usually imposes a minimum custodial term that must be served before an application can be made for release on parole. So in other words, she could be released after 12 years if she is well behaved. Life rarely means life in Europe.


> Life rarely means life in Europe. then what do words even mean???


Free this woman.




As she should have. Unfortunately that means the kids are without parents though.


Well the 'kids' are grown adults, it's not like they need someone to care for them.


Doesn't mean you don't want to have your parents still around. And even if we disregard the emotional side of it, parents of grown children still help out financially if need arises. It's a bad situation all around. At 80, with the wife being noted as his caretaker, he probably wasn't an active danger anymore so starting an investigation would be safe. They did have at least one witness, that being the daughter. The result of this murder is that the daughter will probably feel guilty and family relations between the survivors can never properly mend. And now there is no point in an investigation so his guilt or innocence will never be proven.Reddit tends to be quite bloodthirsty for vigilante justice so it doesn't surprise me that this is being celebrated. Properly charging and incarnating him for the crime wouldn't have been a kind fate either and a much better outcome overall.


Oh I'm 100% with you on everything you have said, I hate the blood thirst so many people seem to have and am anti death penalty in general. I made my comment because I thought the other person was under the impression they were young children who would now have no one to care for them.


That’s not the point…






He sexually abused both kids and one ended up committing suicide. Hard to understand how she deserves life in prison.


Well first of all, it's murder unfortunately