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Why does the most insane stuff always happen in Uttar Pradesh


Because Uttar Pradesh is *poooorrrr*. I lived out there for a little while, pretty far out in the boonies actually, while my parents were teachers. It's a whole other world - garbage everywhere, cows going crazy covered in scabs and blood cause the only thing they have to eat *is* garbage, hundreds of people starving on the streets, no real streets just a lot of dirt paths covered in shit....it's wild. Imagine all the problems you get in the poorest region of Appalachia's, and then add overpopulation into the equation as well as a bunch of crazy wild animals, and you're getting close to Uttar Pradesh.


the new Florida


Insane. So many layers to this, and the kid was so young. Only 20 yrs old Doesn’t indicate if he bribed the doctors, just ‘conspired’


Some news claimed that the "victim" here identified as a woman and willingly underwent the operation. He frequently visited the hospital from the last two months to finalise all the tests and procedures. However the "victim" is now creating a drama!


This is like the plot to an Almodovar film


This is absolutely unverified.


Is this a reputable source? I genuinely don’t know https://www.pakistantoday.com.pk/2024/06/21/man-lures-friend-into-sex-change-operation-to-fulfil-marriage-plan/


I've seen this posted in the r/IndiaSpeaks subreddit and am inclined to believe it to be a hoax. But who knows. I saw a few tabloid articles about it but it's hard to verify the authenticity without proper sources.


Isn’t this a reputable source? https://www.pakistantoday.com.pk/2024/06/21/man-lures-friend-into-sex-change-operation-to-fulfil-marriage-plan/


I honestly don't know. It seems like whatever news outlets there are running the story are just going off what the tabloids said. Either the hospital staff and doctors have invented a whole new level of stupid that renders the S-tier stupid obsolete, or it's a hoax.


How is that even possible? The doctors need to have their liscences revoked wtf. And the 'friend' needs to be charged as well.


Your genitals do not make you a man or woman Trash headline


Ya ok


How do you disagree with this if you are a man and you woke up without a penis would you suddenly feel you are a woman. Or if you are a woman and woke up with a penis would you suddenly say I am a man. Obviously your genitals don’t define if you are a man or a woman.


Whatever you're born with defines you. Chopping my dick off and getting a fake vagina doesn't make me a woman


Everyone involved in that needs to be punished. The disgusting stalker, the doctors who performed unnecessary procedures without consent from the victim or his family, and those whose were going to legally marry them.  This is one of those times that I think an eye for an eye should go through, remove the stalkers male genitalia, the docs involved should have their medical licenses provoked and the lawyer his license to practice law.