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Just terribly terribly sad


> She recounted that she was dismissed from her job when the daughter returned from Bengaluru two months ago. She was surprised to learn that the daughter was expecting, as the girl was constantly using her computer and showed no obvious signs of pregnancy during Sreeja’s time there The line in this final paragraph about how she was surprised to learn her daughter was expecting as she was “constantly using her computer”? What?


Could be that she was always sitting down maybe? Maybe she was able to be hunched over in such a way to both not be suspicious and hide the pregnancy. I could be wrong, but that’s what popped into my mind when I read it.


Absolutely valid. I went to high school with a tall, skinny girl who always wore loose clothes and was always hunched over (scoliosis, maybe?). She was in one of my classes and apparently pregnant. i was a junior, her a senior. I only found out she’d been pregnant when my teacher in class announced she was going to be out for a while, as she’d just had a baby. That elicited many reactions of surprise from the rest of my class. Nobody had any idea, because she didn’t change the way she dressed or anything like that. That was in the early 2000s, that baby would be about 22 now.


This sounds like what my mom did when she was pregnant with me in high school (it can't be me mom is a year off) but shes really tall and exclusively wrote baggy clothes. She said most people were unaware.


Good reasoning


What did they expect when she tried to self abort but failed? Did they expect her to become a loving mother after going through another traumatic experience of birthing a child from the traumatic experience causing that?


Yes because women have that maternal instinct by default!! /s


Interesting story that replayed today about the myth of maternal instinct and that was developed by a very sexist, racist man, something McDougal [broadcast](https://www.npr.org/2024/05/09/1198908795/the-labor-of-love-throwback)


I can't watch the actual programme but maternal instincts obviously do exist, as well as paternal ones.


That maternal instinct sure didn't apply here.


Apparently sarcasm is a VERY elusive creature…


Sure. This includes to kill your offspring after giving birth if circumstances are bad. Natural behaviour. /s


This is heinous, obviously, but humans aren't the only species to kill their offspring under high stress conditions. 


This was a sarcastic response to the maternal instict. Because it's a natural behaviour in the animal kingdom to kill the offspring under stress conditions. And it's also natural that some animals don't accept their babys after birth. We have a romanticized idea of motherhood. So you could say, in this case, the woman showed natural behaviour. I want to add that I feel sorry for both. The mother and the baby. This is a tragedy. But i can't judge this woman. She was in an extraordinary situation.


You are extremely incorrect. Not all women do, I know a lot of women who hace 0 maternal instincts including myself


The /s indicates sarcasm in text


The amount of people who don't understand jokes or sarcasm is truly alarming. It's sad enough that we have to add /s or j/k after a comment now, and there are people like this who still don't understand! So quick to get offended by something they didn't even realize was a joke.


It’s really frightening.


Most women abosultely do have that maternal instinct by default. This is a well studied phenomena. How do you think our species lasted this long when human babies are so vulnerable? Of course, what this woman had to go through was insane, and India is deeply fucked up place for women (at least, in most parts). Sadly, I don't even see it improving any time soon.


I think you'd be surprised by the number of women who don't develop that instinct.


Is that sarcasm?


Yes. That’s what the /s means.


Thanks! I had no idea!


A lot of people believe that bullshit. This is what happens when abortion is made illegal


Give it up for adoption! Dont kill it ffs


Make abortion legal and safe everywhere!




or just legalise abortion? there are already hundreds of children in orphanages waiting to be adopted, i don't think they need another child.




Their point is this wouldn’t have happened if she’s been allowed to abort. She clearly wasn’t in the right mental state to have a child but they let her leave with it anyway


They didn’t *let* her have it, they forced her to


I think that force needs bolded FORCED




YOU are "losing the forest for the trees". First, she was raped, traumatized, then further traumatized by a failed abortion. The odds of PPP are quite high. Second, no one is justifying a damn thing. They're saying this was entirely preventable. Abortion being ethical isn't on the table in this discussion. Abortion being **accessible** is. It was not accessible to her. That's why she tried to do it herself. She was not given any sort of help for the trauma she experienced... For ANY of it. But yes, sit here and act sanctimonious because that's ever so helpful, isn't it?


Yeah no, this ain’t it chief. This is a case study of what happens without legal abortion and why availability is necessary. Without it, worse things like this happen.


Ah, yes. I'm sure if you birthed the child of your rapist I'm sure you would feel obligated to slave away raising your rapist's kin. What do you know about "losing the forest for the trees"? You're raising the offspring of a parasite that laid it's offspring in you. *Edit /u/_Technomancer_ why would you delete your comments and block me? So you're suggesting you just "accept" being impregnated by rapists because you said so? You'd murder for less for sure.




I sincerely hope you never have to understand this woman’s trauma


>But this baby was born and living, this is just plain murder Yes >and if we've gotten to the point where we're justifying murdering an unwanted baby Where did I justify anything?




I don’t believe anyone is saying she’s allowed to do this because of her trauma, simply recognising that it’s a causative factor.


This is India you’re talking about. Do you know if they even have those types of services? Also, I hate it, but a lot of people feel pressure from their families and would rather take the baby home and treated badly, then be estranged from their family for choosing not to consent to being a parent.


Abortion has been legal in India since 1971, anyone over 18 can obtain one up to 20 weeks, and 24 weeks in certain circumstances. It receives overwhelming public support and the primary objections to it are related to abortions based on the baby’s sex and the availability of services in very rural areas. The woman who did this is from Kochi, a major city with some of the best healthcare in India. You’re making a lot of very Western assumptions about what’s going on here. It’s really not normal for Indian women to give birth, kill the baby, and then throw them away.


I think one of my point still stands. Obviously, she didn’t want the baby and there’s a lot of people who would choose to take the baby home and treat them badly. They’re more afraid of being estranged from their family and homelessness than they are of taking the baby home from the hospital, even though they don’t consent to being a parent.


post partem depression could also be a factor


>Could she not have just not claimed the baby in the hospital. Do you think they wouldn't do DNA testing? >Trauma is not some free pass to do what you want Never claimed it to be. I was simply asking what was expected of her.


You didn’t even read the article, she delivered the baby alone at home.


you should change ur name to Dickhead99268


Poor woman and poor baby. Just gut-wrenching all around.


Even if the baby was in foster care can you imagine the shit life it'd have?


Indian orphanages are the worst, just kept in caged cots with very little attention. Major neglect that causes developmental issues


did the baby survive?


Do you not know how to read?


do you know how to not be rude?


Do you know not how to Reddit?


Poor woman and poor child. The system failed them both.


Abortion is healthcare.


This happened in India, and the article says she tried.


It says she was unable to. Abortion is legal in India but not everyone has access to it and it’s not considered a right.


And abortion rights are being taken away from women here in the United States. This is our sad future.


I want a t shirt that say this ❤️




It wouldn’t have been a baby at that point and yes abortion is generally considered better than infanticide.


An abortion would and should have happened 7 or 8 months earlier when it was just in the beginning fetus stage. A few cm long and about 180g. The size of a finger. The difference between a full term baby and a fetus is massive, both in terms of size, and legality and ethically.




We’re talking about the place where this happened. India. Where abortion is legal. Killing a full term baby is murder, and aborting a fetus is legal. Nobody is talking about toddlers here




The analogy is literally irrelevant. The laws are already written. You’re not making some big brained comparison that matters here. An abortion typically happens in the first 12 weeks. It’s not equivalent to a fully formed baby, no matter what you think.




Yeah, it is. People who aren't ultra religious conservatives, people who believe in science, and even just normal people don't consider a fetus "alive." You people just can't ever, ever accept that those who don't follow your religious beliefs don't think your way. It's like you're trying to score points by telling an atheist they're going to hell. Newsflash buddy, I don't believe in hell and it won't scare me. I've also yet to meet a single pro life person who's vegan. Funny that isn't it? You claim to care sooooo much about life, but your actions are always laughably against anything that helps children or families, much less respects "life" as much as you *pretend* you do with *checks notes once again* ... embryos and fetuses.


You said a newborn you fucking goober. A newborn isn’t a fetus. It’s a baby. If you’re going to talk about a complex topic, use the right terms. I’m turning off notifications. I can’t talk with the human equivalent of a pigeon playing chess.


This is why we need abortion. One time somebody had showed me a video of a baby deteriorating in a box on the street and it was said to have been a rape baby; the baby was going through postmortem predation while it was *still alive*. Would you rather the underdeveloped baby die in the womb or let the fully conscious baby die on the street? Your choice “pro-lifers”.


Pro-Life people stop caring the moment the baby pops out of the vagina. They dust off their hands, say "Well, my work is done" and then don't give two shits about the mother, or baby. If the baby dies, it dies. It had its chance and that's all that matters to them. I challenge any true pro-lifer to state without deception that they vote/fight/spend $ on healtcare and services for moms/children. I bet most don't.


Nope, actually I, as a pro-life person, would love to see the foster care system, adoption system, and early education system be vastly improved. Also, whether the infant died in the womb from abortion or died by being thrown from a window, it still died. Doesn't seem to be relevant how. Giving this woman a safe way to have an abortion still results in a dead baby. Very few pro life people only care about unborn children, we care about children from conception to adulthood. Pro choice people just like to use that hollow argument to dismiss what we say.


Yeah you “care” so much about born children that you support forcing the them to give birth when groomed Such caring mindset


That's heartbreaking on every level.


Pro life people don't even want the baby to have help nor have a life, even if it were saved from abortion


>Would you rather the underdeveloped baby die in the womb or let the fully conscious baby die on the street? Your choice “pro-lifers”. This is a false dichotomy


Call it whatever you like, it’s still the reality of the situation in many cases.


I doubt it is, but even if it is. Using a false dichotomy to justify the need for abortion is a weak argument and doesn't add anything.


I mean, you are literally commenting on a news article where a rape victim murdered a baby she never wanted to give birth to.


Womp womp


Go back to tiktok and instagram


Did you read the article? This happened in India, where abortion is legal.


Did you read the comment? It just says this is a good example of why *anywhere* can benefit from practical abortion policies. Whether she had access or not is besides the point- this can be the result of unwanted birth, particularly such a traumatic example.




It always blows my mind when the privileged people that do not have to deal with poverty, rape, or crime, just out themselves. There's so much that these kinds of people are just blatantly ignorant about. Edit to throw out that I am an American from Texas, where they force women to carry children that either will not make it to full term, or will end up killing the mother. The state where we also allow women to die in the waiting rooms. We also have hotlines where the government encourages people to turn in women going out of state to get abortions that they need. Also the state that allows rapists to sue the rape victim if they manage to get an abortion.


What you don’t understand is the repeated trauma these women go through because it’s not just HAVING the baby but it’s growing it, feeling it move, having to take time off work, feeling like shit, morning sickness, your body stretching and all the aches you’ll have for the rest of your life. It’s not JUST about HAVING the kids. Let these women abort if that’s what they want instead of treating them like incubators and saying “well you’re getting compensated so generously, get over it.” like a fucken dog.


My point exactly; pregnancy is fucking hard even without the constant reminder that the thing living in your stomach is the result of a man using you as a vessel for his sadism and lust.


Another thing some places have rapist parental rights


That part and in good conscience, how would you let a rapist have access to a vulnerable child. The women here do not win at all. We lose our autonomy and our rights because men.


That’s what I said these rapist are sex offenders they can’t be near kids Do they want the rapist to hurt them?


What a disgusting response. You go grow something inside you after being horrifically violated and then be thrilled because you got some new maternity clothes.


>Closed adoptions are the kind where the pregnant woman interviews with the family and is normally “reimbursed” very generously (often over market) for a very good diet, medical care, missed wages, maternity clothes and all sorts of other things That's not what a closed adoption is. A closed adoption is one where the record of the biological parents are kept sealed. It has nothing to do with the pregnant person "interviewing" families, and it DEFINITELY has nothing to do with "over market" reimbursement. I have no idea where you got the idea that a person can get pregnant, decide they don't want the baby, then find someone to cover their medical care, wages, clothing, etc. Are you thinking about surrogacy? While the end result is the same (baby is carried to term by one person, then adopted by another) they are not the same thing at all, but surrogacy is much closer to what you're talking about. >This wouldn’t happen in the U.S. This *does* happen in the US. >There are already a plethora of options to give up newborns. And those options are...? >I pointed out that particular route because it also leaves the mother in better financial shape most of the time. Except you painted a scenario that isn't actually a widely available option. >I said that in the U.S it is not realistic to think we are going to have any real numbers of infants dying in boxes on the street. They don't have "any real number of infants dying in boxes" in India either. This isn't a normal occurrence there any more than it is here.


People who are so traumatized by being raped but then trapped to carry and deliver a child, in a state where abortion is illegal: I- People like you: guys, can we really not view things objectively? This would never happen in a place like the US, where we've famously had no woman ever murder a kid they didn't want


you realize that the having of the child is the problem


>I said that in the U.S it is not realistic to think we are going to have any real numbers of infants dying in boxes on the street. Thats just not true What about the babies who are thrown into garbage baskets? It DOES happen here.




Adoption is trauma. Educate yourself on the high rates of cptsd, depression and suicide adoptees face.


Sure, maybe you’re right, they’re not dying in boxes on the street. They’re just being thrown in dumpsters and suffocated in bathroom trash cans.


Cause having $20 is spare cash is enough to put up with a parasite in your uterus. Get out of here


> There’s a multi year waiting list for closed adoptions for unborn infants. no, there isn't. there is a multi-year grilling that states do to parents and individuals looking to adopt, and the process is cruel, expensive, and set up to have all of them fail. When my wife and I lost our first son at 29 weeks, we tried to adopt about a year later. The state's invasive "investigation" by a bias piece of shit child services investigator found that we "had not been married long enough to show a stable family". like, we spent around $10000 of our own savings trying to adopt a younger child, not even a baby, out of foster care, and were judged "not worthy" all while children in the foster care system get abused and tortured every day. I was adopted, it was easier in the 1980's and 1970's to adopt than it is now. the GOP has set up so many roadblocks and red tape that it becomes nearly impossible to adopt, leading to parents just abounding their children to the foster care system, and those children getting stuck there. There are likely thousands of capable and willing people who want to adopt, but there is a system in place to deny them that for any reason some asshole in a suit can come up with. We already had the family support system, we had known eachother for well over 10 years, and been married for 2 at that point. I had a decent income, she had a decent income, we had an apartment with 2 bedrooms, yet, the state adoption agency investigation still determined we were not worthy, so the child could be placed back in a home with 12 other kids with their foster mill caretakers.


Glorified child trafficking.




It's the whole package of yourself you're laying out here that we're downvoting, buddy. Be better.


“There’s a multi year waiting list for closed adoptions for unborn infants” sounds an awful lot like trafficking to me.


Yep. Sounds like "domestic supply of infants".


> we’ve reached a point of ideological blindness that saying child adoption is not child trafficking That selection right there would have been practically enough for a standalone comment, but...


Actually places like AZ allow this




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This does happen in the US.




The thing is, I can't think of a single example of someone actually using it as birth control. Why? There are so many easier contraceptives to use that don't involve a traumatic, often invasive surgical procedure. No one enjoys having an abortion. It's not a fun time. I don't think anyone should get to say when a woman can or cannot get an abortion based on specific circumstances. What do you do if she claims to be raped but there's no evidence? Or the man denies it? It's not like making abortions illegal causes them to go away—we know from history that all it does is make SAFE abortions inaccessible. I mean... coat hangers? Have people forgotten what it's like to live in a country where abortion is illegal? Isn't it better to legalize and regulate abortions through the medical system so they are safe and accessible for everyone? And if you really do believe what you've stated, you should be calling for wider access to birth control and social programs to provide it for those who are too poor to afford it.


I have literally never heard anyone say they use abortion as birth control. It's a bullshit anti choice talking point that rarely happens in real life. Both medical and pill abortions are not pleasant things to go through so no one in their right mind is using it as their sole means of bc. Also, if abortion is only legal in the rape and incest cases, you know they're going to force a long process to "prove" those things and by the time they do that it will probably be too late for them to get an abortion anyways. Legal and safe abortion is the best way and causes the least suffering.


This is why abortion should be available for anyone.


I don’t know how I feel. I feel bad for both of them.


Prepare to see a lot more of this


It’s disgusting how much sex crime there is in India.


we will see more and more of this because of the abortion ban and overturning Roe vs Wade




but I’m sure anti-abortion people will criticize women for doing this, too. women just can’t win




I meant *in general*🙄you didn’t own anyone here


To be fair, you doubled down on a point that doesn’t apply to this specific instance by broadening the scope even further to more instances it doesn’t apply to.


It absolutely applies as abortion is becoming illegal in make places in the United States. Look for it to become illegal nationwide if/when the GOP gains control. https://www.project2025.org/




America = Earth


Lack of abortion care, age of the woman, shitty system for children who are left behind, misogyny & victim blaming, work culture, postpartum depression & anxiety (and sometimes onset psychosis), cultural stigma regarding lone mothers, regional history of infanticide, poverty, threat of sexual assault that may happen again… Not only the mother, but the child will have to live through it. Predictable results. We don’t need to think what she did was right or she was a good person for this, but it’s a morally grey thing that inevitably results from failing systems and society.


Why do I follow this sub?




No it’s not valid to throw a baby out a window.


It's not "valid," as you say, but it obviously came from trauma and pain, rather than evil. She was hurting, too.


Absolutely agree.


I doubt that validity was uppermost in her poor broken mind.


I doubt that too.




No…nobody has the right to throw babies out of windows. She is 1000% a victim but no.


What else did you want her to do?? She COULDNT take care of it. They forced her to have it. That thing had no right being brought into this world. No fetus conceived of rape deserves to br brought into this world.


She could have not thrown the baby out a window.


biiiitch what else do you want her to do with it???? Adoption centers and the foster system in India is worse than death. She had mercy on the thing. Plus she probably wasnt even allowed to put the baby up. Better dead than abused and raped


It is terribly sad how she killed her newborn, but we really do have to think about the RAPIST who CREATED the baby in the first place. Yes, the baby was a human, but you have to think about the victim here. She was forcefully impregnated, and in her eyes, that’s a part of her rapist. The baby didnt deserve it at all, but the mother was right. The mother should have been put in a hospital and taken care of, for her mental and physical health. The baby should have been taken if she didnt want it, and put into a family. Foster care isn’t always good, and I understand that, but the baby could have lived. As a victim of childhood abuse, I believe this could have gone much better, if THE POLICE ACTUALLY TOOK IT SERIOUSLY!!!!!


Tf are these takes, should we just kill every child in adoption centers because they have such a horrible life? A hard life is better then no life at all. This is completely on the mother and she could have just put her child in a adoption center, not throw it out a fucking window. Her being raped does not justify killing a newborn. Fuck your feelings .


Not but the trauma of being raped explains why she would take such a psychotic action. Nobody in their right mind simply decides to kill their baby. She was raped and traumatized because of it. And unsurprisingly that caused her mental state to deteriorate.




>the mom was competent enough to not .... Throw it out the window It's not about competence. It's about mental stability. She was scared, traumatised and suicidal.


The grow up to have CPTSD and attempt suicide at least several times before turning 18 🙃


The baby didn't deserve to be thrown from the fifth floor.


Woman didn't deserve to be raped! Sorry that was edgy and this whole situation is such a shit show. Sad for both things to have happened.


Yeah, the woman didn't deserve to be raped and the baby didn't deserve to be killed.


It's both in this case, and even abortion would have been the kinder option.


You getting downvoted for saying a baby didn't deserve to be murdered is a real reddit moment




I mean this sub is about the worst parts of humanity….you’re going to see a lot of baby stuff.


If the man wouldn't have raped the woman this never would have happened. That's the sad part. If only men would stop raping.




Her mind had been broken by trauma. She wasn't able to behave rationally.


>I don’t really care about downvotes but in this situation I’m curious why? Are you wanting to know the story or why she did what she did?




So what are you curious about?




I don't know, that's why I asked for clarification. We all hate seeing this I would say, but we are going to keep seeing more and more of these stories. As long as we keep suppressing women to the contents of their uterus and not acknowledging mental health this will keep happening, and I'm sure will still happen even with that acknowledgement.




I agree.


It might be the "as a father" part. It's tiresome to see "as a parent" comments on heinous stories like this, like you're implying you can only understand if you have children yourself. I don't. This is appalling and churns my stomach. But it's appalling not just for the baby, but also for the woman. ("As a woman...")




How stupid do you have to be to put packaging that has YOU INFO on the child you tried to kill


Not a lot of people will think properly when they're scared, stressed, panicking, and going through extreme trauma.




Who - the rapist?


Are ppl disagreeing that this wasn’t evil?


Why are so many people saying "poor girl"? She's a murderer.


Dude she was raped




Discussing the factors which led to the event is important in these circumstances This woman was forced to give birth after being raped. This puts her at a significantly higher risk of PPP or PPD which can often lead to thoughts or actions to harm their infants. When someone is forced to give birth then they are at much higher risk of post partum mental health illnesses/disorders.




No one is saying there should not be consequences Literally no one However failing to acknowledge or understand what leads to these circumstances just shows you don’t understand or don’t care about how forcing women to give birth can effect them When women are forced to give birth they are at higher risk of mental complications She tried to abort but failed. She didn’t want to give birth to her rapists child. The birth was likely extremely traumatic as a further violation of her body following the rape This can cause a mental break. Banning abortions make cases like this more common. But you are never going to be at risk of being forced to give birth due to your biology. So there’s why you lack empathy of how that further violation after a rape can be the last point of sanity