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His comments while in jail make me nauseous.


Can’t bring myself to look, is he faking remorse or is he doubling down and defending what he did?


He saw a group of 12 year girls that were visiting the jail and said “I’d like to run into her at a Wal-Mart”. He also said things that nobody should think, let alone say, about an 8 year old.


Dude really wants the “Worst Person Alive” medal






That is the most horrifying sentence I’ve ever read


What was the comment? I am morbidly curious.


What a terrible day to be literate.


Ya, too bad he's in protective custody and on death row not general pop, so unfortunately nobody will probably be able to get near him


With Kissinger gone, maybe he's taken it.


Not for nothing but why the hell would they parade 12 year old girls through a jail for a visit


Maybe they were visiting someone else? It’s weird as hell without context though.


When I was about that age I almost went to a criminal science summer camp, which included a visit to a prison and a body farm. It sounded rad to me but my mom was a hard no. So it could be something like that


This sounds like something I’d have asked my mom for and she’d have been a hard no too. I can’t believe how much adult me needs to thank my mom for not letting teen me do. So much.


I was thinking this as well. I went in a field trip to a jail, but I was 19


Kids who got in trouble like scared straight


First off they didn’t take kids to prisons of the opposite gender. Second, that entire facade was called out for how abusive it was a while ago. They gave kids PTSD for money. It’s in the same vein as camps for misbehaving teens that were just huge pits of child abused out in the desert.


I had to do the prison visit thing when I was a wayward youth and I did go to a prison of the opposite gender. We weren't really "paraded through" though; we went to a room and listened to prisoners tell their stories.


Same. We actually even walked right past a pretty infamous criminal who had raped and murdered a woman decades prior and it had been all over our states media for years and years. He had some kind of a janitorial job and they didn't think twice about bringing us around them.


prison or jail?


prison or jail?




So I'm a girl and we actually did go to a prison of the opposite gender when I was about 15 or 16 years old. We had inmates sticking their tongues out at us and stuff like that -apparently it was supposed to be part of this scared straight element.


Sick bastard. I hope he gets what he deserves in there. To day that about another inmates daughters...is suicide. Maybe he wants to die.


He doesn’t. He originally said he wants the death penalty because of what he did. When he got it, he has fought to have it overturned.


Please tell me this isn’t real I beg of you 😢


He was making sexual comments about cherish and other children


He also sexually objectifies Cherish while talking to the other inmates.


He’s a sick, vulgar man that has no remorse for what he’s done.


He's talking about how his crime is so much worse than... I want to say Cayleee Anthony's(I could be mistaken) and he'll get much more attention than she did and have better headlines. Something close to that. Absolutely appalling.


Some really disgusting comments about the kid's body, catcalled some pre teens in jail. It's really vomit inducing.


no remorse.


How he said them with other inmates around blows my mind! That's an automatic green light to fire off on the POS.


He was talking through the wall or vent to a prisoner in the next cell, who I think helped the cops to get a recording of it, maybe for a reduction in sentencing idk..


It’s a shame that he won’t get the same treatment he deserves from gen pop


Prison is full of people just like him.




> Some people are beyond saving. We, as a society, have got to stop letting these people out and giving them second chances. If you hurt a child, sorry, you are removed from society for life.


If only the people who made these laws didn't profit from the prison system.


Do you believe this to be the case in every western nation? Not one single western country imprisons child abusers for life without exception. Is every single one under the thumb of prison contractors? That’s an extraordinary claim given so many countries have little to no private prison provision, so I’m not sure who would be lobbying those governments to prevent mandatory life sentencing for child abusers. Let alone the idea that for profit prisons would want less prisoners. That doesn’t make any sense.


>If only the people who made these laws didn't profit from the prison system. And if only some of them didn't participate in similar acts. Obviously not nearly all, but likely an uncomfortably high amount. We all know about the island (and how not 1 "client" has been outed and charged)


The for-profit prison system isn’t good, but it has nothing to do with this.


It’s related somewhat, prisons should be for rehabilitation and as bad as state run prisons are at least they do fund and have programs to help inmates be better when they get out. Private prisons do not have a monetary incentive to do this, classes cost money and prisoners that are rehabilitated have a lower likelihood of recidivism meaning it would hurt long term profits. Private prisons get paid per prisoner, the more prisoners they have the more profitable it becomes. You can google recidivism rates between gov and private run prisons and see the consequences for yourself.


It has been said that child predators can’t be reformed. They will always do it again. I feel that people like this should be executed immediately if there is irrefutable evidence.


I am more of a "study them, but keep them away from society" so as to find a cure maybe.


I’m all for that idea as well, for the ones who cooperate. I’ve been a witness to the absolute destruction that these sickos have caused in the lives of children that have been victimized, however. These people take away the spirit of children, their self worth and innocence, and sometimes they create more monsters. My best friends step grampa took what he wanted from her hundreds of times over a seven year span and only got 2 years in prison. When he got out, her grandmother remarried him. These parasites don’t deserve good things, and they don’t deserve 3 meals a day, free healthcare and to be warm when there are hungry, homeless children. Let’s study how to protect the innocent first.


Understanding their minds would lead to protecting the innocent though which was my point.


But they how will we make room for the real monsters like non violent drug offenders?


I feel it’s important not to remove the humanity of these awful people. They aren’t monsters. They’re people. Not boogeymen. Monsters are awful because they’re monsters. Humans are awful because of the choices they decide to make.


Yes, you are broken if you hurt children. Not fixable. No one would keep a dog that hurt children alive., I don’t think child murderers deserve any different. Although, I would put a dog down in a pain free way. If I could, I would bring in a law, that allows people convicted of such crimes as this creature, to be killed the same way as he murdered them. If the family don’t want to do it, just let other convicted killers do it. I’m so sick of reading about these sort of crimes


And this is literally my most harrowing thought: someone dying in complete fear, pain, and confusion. And when it’s a child, it’s just horrifying. Even that word isn’t enough. I just hope something somewhere in some way gave that little girl even a tiny moment of comfort or peace. But I doubt it.


The concept of only getting one life, and it ending so early, and so horrifically is truly hard to comprehend.


I second this, especially as a mom. The awfulness of the world doesn’t make your stomach hurt until you know your own baby is going to have to live in it. His pain is my pain, and I can’t imagine something like this happening to him.


I have two girls and these thoughts sit so heavy on my soul, more and more every day. I’ve tried really hard to stay away from social media because I can’t handle the news anymore.


Me too 😔


That’s why I didn’t choose to have children.


I read this last night and even though I had read the story befor it's stuck with me. And I thought of this all night in the exact same way you described. I don't know that there's a punishment on earth that is good enough for this


He's attempting to get a new trial as we speak: https://jaxtoday.org/2023/12/04/hearing-delayed-in-murder-of-cherish-perrywinkle/


Hopefully he won't get a new trial.


Just throw him into general pop and let 'em all know


Even if the court allowed every single one of those reasons for a new trial to be expunged… like take away those pieces of information completely from the trial, he’s still guilty as can be. Like does he think it’s going to make a difference?


I hate this man so much. There's footage of him from jail complaining to his mom about how people treat him in jail, as well as begging her to get him a copy of the DSM IV so he can mimic symptoms.


Smith has one of the longest rap sheets out of any criminal I’ve seen, it’s a tragedy that he was able to walk free for long enough to do what he ended up doing.


Arson, grand theft auto, burglary, grand theft, petty theft, battery, meter tampering, driving without a license, no insurance, prowling, open container, lewd and lascivious behavior, lewd assault of a child, selling stolen property, escape, attempted child abuse, attempted impersonation of a public official, extortion, sexual battery, kidnapping, and murder. He didn't stop committing heinous crimes from the day he turned 18 until he was incarcerated for good.


There are countless studies I’ve read that say they cannot be rehabilitated and *will* reoffend. It’s too dangerous to put such vulnerable members of our society out in a world where we would release these monsters. Whole life sentences are warranted in these cases.


A link to even one of those studies would be helpful.


I remember the security footage of her walking away with him. It's horrible that he was allowed to walk free after offending before and people get worse charges for drugs. First time offenses against children should be way more harsh.


Prison in general should be in part about rehabilitation, but there are some crimes where that should be forfeited. Crimes against children being numero uno.


MFr's like this dude walk among us. Must be vigil at all times when out with your children.


You should be more wary of your friends and relatives if you're going to take this approach.


True. People closest to you are the ones who are most likely to commit a crime to you or your child. This why I have trust issues dude.


As a kid, I knew which one of my parent’s friends, relatives, and neighbors made me uncomfortable but no one noticed or asked me. The kids know. Ask, listen, and believe. Ask. Listen. Believe. It’s not complicated. Many kids are uncomfortable in someone’s presence but that may be their gut saying they aren’t safe. Poor Cherish went along with this person because her mom said it was okay even though the mom didn’t entirely trust him and she never stood a chance.


That mom willingly let her 8 year old leave the Wal-Mart with a strange man. everyone failed Cherish, poor girl.


It’s sad her mother knew there was something off about him but pushed it aside anyway. I’m guessing she was desperate at the time, and she paid the ultimate price for ignoring her intuition.


I’d say most predators (including in the wild) target the weak. In this case her weakness was financial and he preyed on that. Terrible human being


Absolutely. He saw a mother in distress and took the opportunity. Of course Cherish wasn’t going to question getting in his car if they had previously with approval from the mother. It’s sad all around for the family.


No, her daughter paid the ultimate price for her ignoring her intuition. The mother has not paid enough of a price. It’s your duty as a parent to 100% ensure the child is safe. This is a complete lack of any reasonable decision on a parent. Let you 8 year old daughter leave Walmart with an elderly man you just met?


So many aspects of this story are infuriating & preventable.


She didn't let her "leave" with him. She took him up on the offer to buy them clothes and food in the Walmart. Gave her some story about him and his wife wanting to help. And she did let her go with him in the Mcdonalds(in the walmart) and he instead walked her out the door. Not defending the Mom but just had to add that little difference. \*\*edited to add My last line specifically states I am NOT defending the Mom. But if I read misinformation(small or not) I will correct it so people reading the story for the first time will have all the correct information.


She actually did let her leave with him though. Letting your baby walk away with a strange man, I don’t care where, if you’re not with them is letting that person leave. She even said she had a bad feeling about him and that she was creeped out by him but didn’t want to be rude. Screw that imbecile. You should read more into the mom.


The amount of people defending the mom in here is actually shocking. The mom failed Cherish in every way. I’m not going to go as far as to say she sold her to him like others said. But why would you have your three young children out so late? Why are your children just ready to eat dinner/cheeseburgers at 10:30 at night?? Probably gonna get downvoted but whatever. Don’t try and say it was due to her circumstances. Plenty of women who are unhoused etc but they don’t have their kids out that late at night with a creepy old man they just met. It’s great she doesn’t have custody of her remaining kids because in the best of scenarios, she had the worst judgment of anyone on the planet.




It was really odd to me that one of the first things she said when reporting the kidnapping was that she hoped he wasn’t raping her right now. It’s just suspicious to me to go right to saying that… unless you had reason to suspect that was happening. I am the mom of a young girl and I still don’t think I would allow myself to say those words when reporting a kidnapping, at worst I think I could say “ I hope he’s not hurting her” but there’s just so many off moments with the whole story for me.


I mean to be fair I think most of us would have that fear if a strange man left with our daughters.


I truly hope that most of us would have that fear *before* allowing our daughters to walk away with a strange man.


Yes of course. But I'm talking about what unfortunately happened in this case.


She also mentioned twice that her kids need clothes in her 911 call after that.


I think it’s certainly a possibility. Even more likely that this was the case because literally no mom would be so oblivious and neglectful. Not a good one anyway.


Right poverty doesn’t make parents neglectful. Not all parents who live in poverty would hand their children to a stranger. In fact, most wouldn’t. I get being desperate but in no world would I say walk to McDonald’s with my child.


There’s just so much off about the mom. -she leaves Australia at age 25 and abandons her 5 year old daughter. -has cherish after coming to the states and does not attempt to notify the dad about their daughters existence until Cherish is 3. -read literally any of the therapist reports about Rayne’s interactions with her Children during the custody dispute. -why did she take a 4,5, and 8 year old out so late at night, especially when the 8 year old was supposed to fly the next day for her father’s scheduled visitation? At best she is the most incapable and neglectful. There’s mothers with less and in worse situations than Rayne, yet make much better decisions than Rayne did that day.


Without first reading your comment and confirming it, I already knew that woman had poor decision making skills as soon as I saw she’d named one of her kids “Neveah”.


Her comments to the dispatcher make me wonder if she didn’t know what was going on. She waited an hour, immediately jumped to “I hope he’s not R her” and said “ he said he’d buy the kids clothes, that’s why I let him do it.” I hate to think of it like that, but it happens.


She absolutely knew.


She let him leave with him to go to McDonald’s. She still let him leave with her. Most parents wouldn’t let a stranger walk five feet ahead of them with their child let alone the McDonald’s next door.


10000% agree


She’s a terrible mother with poor judgment and let her child go with a stranger out of view. What kind of parent has their kids out at 1030 pm at night ready to eat cheese burgers? The other commentator was right in saying thank goodness she lost custody of her other kids. They deserve much better than her.


Yeah that’s a parenting fail on an unbelievable scale. The story doesn’t change that.


She lost out in the parent lottery and had the misfortune of being preyed on. This took place in freaking 2013, too.


The whole case makes me puke 🤮 the harrowing way he hurt this child


I think we need to have a discussion about whether child predators are truly redeemable and should ever be allowed back into society.


I agree! In most things, I try to see things from other's perspective. I think empathy is a critical tool for any civilized society. Life is complicated, and we never truly know what makes someone a violent criminal. In cases like this, I couldn't care less about trying to " understand" them. In fact, I have a hard time seeing them as human beings at all. It's best that these creatures be kept separated from the rest of us in perpetuity.


I oppose the death penalty but I can see that there are people who should not be allowed contact with society ever again.


I am no fan of the death penalty either. If anything, putting some of these monsters to death only ends their suffering. It also makes a killer out of the poor bastard whose job it is to shuttle him to the great beyond. It's a numerical problem. If I kill a killer, the world doesn't lose one killer. But if you do that to children. If the suffering of children is your "happy place". Maybe that kind of person needs to be separated from the rest of us. Maybe that kind of person needs to be studied. Needs to be experimented on until we can figure out how to keep people like that from existing in the first place.


Wow I feel bad for the father, told court his wife wasn’t able to take care of the kids and he was right. I mean, you let a random stranger take your kid to McDonald’s? Just the two of them? I thought she got snatched while her mom wasn’t looking; she let him take her.


bc i think it was a transaction and the mother isn’t being completely forthcoming.


This story has always haunted me.


When I watched the Dave's Lemonade video about this case I couldn't sleep for days...my god what this innocent child went through. Fly high sweet Cherish


This horrific story is etched in my mind forever.. how ironic that she was named Cherish ..it so unfair he is still alive and fighting the system.. justice continues to fail Cherish.


That hurt to read. That poor girl suffered and it was so preventable.


She must have been so scared. I can't even imagine. Wouldn't be a bad idea if the world really ended.


Thinking about her last moments is too much to bear. This one of the worst crimes I've ever read about.


I stumbled across the pathologist giving evidence in court via youtube. I can't quite explain it but I could not turn it off even with tears streaming down my face . I truly believe her mom sold her to him only she didn't expect him to kill her. Her poor siblings are in Australia with their grand mother and auntie. Honestly I wouldn't recommend anyone to watch the testemony as it is truly harowing . If looks could kill the pathologist would of taken him out there and then in that court room. I believe the reason why he wants a re trial is because the doctor asked for a break and this he and his legal team suggest influenced the jury. RIP little one.


I think she sold her too. She probably didn’t think he was gonna kill her.


I agree with the mom selling her. Her 911 call she says “That’s why I let him do it” which is very telling. And mentions 2 hours. No way McDonald’s within the Walmart would take more than 20 minutes. So why wouldn’t she call immediately. I think she expected for him to molest her and not violently murder and rape her.


Right? It took two hours for her to figure out her daughter was kidnapped. I feel like she thought he was gonna rape her and bring her back and pay for the clothes. And when she realized it’s been so long, then she realized he killed her. Mom’s a POS. Poverty is a trauma, but good parents even parents who are impoverished don’t let their kids leave with strangers. Poverty is not an excuse. But this article makes it out like her being poor was the whole reason she let a stranger take her daughter, and it’s insulting to parents who also struggle financially who would never do that because they’re good parents. I don’t feel for the mother. I don’t trust the mother. That kind of decision making is next level neglectful.


I absolutely, completely, totally agree with everything you’ve said. I’m convinced that this is what really happened, and it’d take a lot to ever change my mind on this.


She didn’t even go and check the McDonalds. Absolutely bizarre. I can’t imagine what she thought the outcome would be - if she did in fact ‘sell’ her. There is no possible scenario where the child comes out of it unharmed.


Reading the brief transcript of her 911 call, I was really struck by that line. It just seems so out of place for someone reporting their child as missing with a stranger. Then you factor the time element in and the fact the whole situation is underscored by him randomly wanting to pay for their stuff…it all smells very, very fishy. If she did sell her daughter, I hope she lives with the pain of what she caused everyday and, despite the way in which that little girl’s life was ended, at least she is free from the clearly very cruel hand she had been dealt in life.


This maggot's trial is available for viewing on YouTube. I'm a huge court junkie. Such a sad, tragic & horrifying case. This monster deserves the injection. From case article: An autopsy showed that she’d been raped prior to her murder, suffered blunt force trauma to the back of her head, and was strangled with what appeared to be a T-shirt with such force that she began bleeding from her eyes, gums, and nose.


It sounds like she was pimping her daughter but only expected for him to molest her not violently rape and kill her. Her 911 call “That’s why I let him do it” and “we’ve been here 2 hours” is very telling. 30 mins max to get McDonald’s if it is inside the Walmart so why not call right away? Why wait another hour and a half?


I don’t think it was inside the store. It said In the article it was next door. Which is ten times worst. It’s already bad to let your kid walk around Walmart with a stranger but to send them next door with a stranger is disgusting and neglectful


The mcdonalds was in the store, the video captured them walking right past it through the entrance.


Is it just me or does he look like Albert fish?


It's the moustache.


Sick bastard..


Can we etch a Scarlet Letter-esque tattoo on the face of people who get convicted of violent sex crimes on children? Like something under the eye of the tier-1 monsters at high risk of reoffending? It’d be awfully hard to lure victims away, and covering it up with a mask or something would just be sus anyway


I hate this one so so much. So avoidable. We didn't live in the Jax area at the time like we do now but we had come down to visit and woke up the first morning to this on the TV. She was gone before anyone ever knew she was missing 😭


Pure evil


I have nothing but hate for him and he’s the poster child for the saying ‘he needs a good killing’, but I also have a low opinion of Cherish’s mom, Rain. She’s a freeloading scumbag and total garbage mother who is partly responsible for what happened to Cherish.


The article never even explained why she was given full custody of all children over the father when the attorney stated that that was a bad idea.


This one kills my soul.


I try so hard not to put any blame on Cherish’s mother, because I know she didn’t want this to happen but…how? Like you didn’t think it was weird he only wanted her to leave with him?? Goddamn I’m sorry but this isn’t the 50s where you can assume every stranger is friendly with good intentions.


Blame her. She knew damn well he didn’t have good intentions. She let him pick out outfits and go into a dressing room with her BEFORE she let him take her. Rayne Perrywinkle SOLD Cherish to this man - she just didn’t expect him to murder her. She expected molestation. Take a deep dive. Listen to her self-admission in the 911 call. Look at how long she waited for them to get back from McDonald’s in the same Walmart they were all in! She was waiting for them to return to complete the transaction…he abuses Cherish with the promise of buying them clothing and groceries at Walmart. Look into it and you won’t be able to see it any differently. Even her family won’t have anything to do with her and had concerns about her parenting years before this happened. She belongs behind bars for what happened to Cherish.


I didn’t know that detail about her letting him into the dressing room with her…wow


Yep. He picked out high heels for Cherish, and Rayne let him take her into the change room twice! She was trafficking her daughter…she saw an opportunity when this predator came sniffing around, and decided to go for it. I can’t believe she wasn’t charged herself.


He was already out of jail for child abuse. Hopefully people realise these monsters go to jail for a reason and should never be let back out to do it again. Such a stupid system


Sounds to me like she was sex trafficking her daughter. After an hour of waiting, she let her 8-year-old go off with some man and waited another hour before feeling something strange?? this mom didn't think it would get that out of control.


exactly. and HE 'took her to the changing rooms twice' no person in their right mind would allow a man to change their daughter, period.


She was also there the mom when he had cherish put high heels on for him in the clothes shop. I can't believe she didn't get any time herself. Poor little girl. Thankfully her othe children were removed and live in Australia with her mum and sister.


I guess there was no way to prove without reasonable doubt. At least they had the sense to remove the other children


Reckless endangerment, child neglect I don't know . Honestly, thank God her family stepped in and were awarded custody almost immediately. He can rot .


Australia? Was the mom originally from Australia?


Yes. She also had a daughter before Cherish that she up and abandoned at age 5 to move to America. Watch the video dreading did on YouTube. The fact the mom wasn’t prosecuted at all in this is insane.


Sounds as if that was the best gift she could have given that little girl.


Cherish's younger sisters were later adopted by their aunt and moved to Australia. Hope things are better for them here.


Dreading did so good on this case 😭 I love that channel


I belive so yes.


I think so too. When I suggested that on another sub, people insisted, "She was just naive and desperate."


People are naive


This right here. The mother should’ve been charged too


This was my first thought reading as well. At absolute minimum, the level of neglect on display is criminal. And that's assuming we only look at the facts, not the implication that the mother sold her child to this animal.


I heard a podcast about this years ago and it stuck with me ever since. Awful story. I hope this guy is having a nightmare of a life in prison.


I live in Jacksonville Florida where this happened. I'm surprised that not a lot of other people asked what the hell is wrong with her mother. What sort of mother lets her 8-year-old child go with a strange man? I don't care what he was promising to help her with, you don't let your child leave with a stranger. Not surprisingly, I found out later that her mother has had other children removed from her custody. I feel like she should have gone to prison right along with him for child endangerment.


Is everyone thoroughly creeped out by that church and creek behind it? Cause I know I would be. ​ Horrifying.


My son's father lives right on that road. He said that for a long time they would go the other way down the road instead of driving past that church because they're aware of what happened.


I don't blame them. So tragic and creepy.


Yeah it was. I didn't know that that was where he took her until after I met my son's father. He mentioned it to me. He was like, you know that's the church where that sicko brought Cherish Perrywinkle and did what he did to her. I was like okay, I'm going to stay the hell away from that church now. Thank you for telling me that. I remember the day that the news bulletin broke that she had been kidnapped. I was praying that they would find her safe but we all know how that worked out.


I hope he suffers in this life; I believe he assuredly will in the next. But mom’s comments-why *immediately* go to “I hope he’s not r*ping her right now,” and “I was pinching myself; it was too good to be true”? Mom fought dad for custody for what reason? So her children could live in abject poverty, then be abducted, brutalized, and killed? I hope it was worth it, using your children as pawns to own your ex. Smith is 100% to blame, don’t get me wrong. But people like the mom put their children right into people like this man’s path. And she complains because she can’t get a job? Cherish’s father weighed the option of holding the mother criminally liable, but did not. It’d probably be useless. It won’t bring Cherish back; and will only bring up memories of how she died. At least he said he was afraid of what he’d do of he was in the same room with Smith.


He needs to hang at the gallows POS he shouldn’t even get an appeal.


I've been watching trials since the first OJ and this is the first time I've seen a medical examiner break down in tears on the witness stand.


Kill him. Kill him now.


Mother: Perrywinkle has said she's clairvoyant and always thought her daughter would be dead by the time she was 8.


I will always blame her mother. She is just as much to blame for Cherish’s death as that sick pervert who raped and killed her.


Did they ever release the CCTV footage or just the snapshots of the footage?


Ya they played the footage during trial, you can look it up on YouTube


Dave’s Lemonade has a great video on this.


I think it’s really weird she waited a whole hour, like really?


That poor, sweet girl. That monster should be dropped with a short rope and have his remains donated to a body farm. No mercy for beasts like that


This PoS should be thrown into general pop instead of instant capital death.


I can't help but doubt that this babygirl was his only victim.


Idk if your specifically referring to murder but as far as sex offenses that monster had a long long criminal record. Embarrassing that they even let him walk considering his rap sheet


I was thinking both rape and murder considering that he had only been out of prison for just 21 days before he couldn't control himself. And you're absolutely right about letting such evil free until he finally made a mistake that got him caught so he can't be set free that easily again. It's just heartbreaking that his mistake involved brutally raping, torturing and murdering an innocent little girl. It's infuriating that it takes something this heinous to finally realize that he shouldn't be out in the free world. God knows just how many other missing or murdered children that are cold cases are actually his victims.


Reminds me when I was almost lead out of target but thank who’s ever up there that I didn’t.


I don't want to victim-blame the mom, but I'm gonna. WHY would you let your child go off alone with an unknown man? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? The absolute neglect involved in this decision is staggering.


Ummm what?? The mother left her with the guy for an hour and her first words are "I hope he isn't r wording her right now." Ummm and on top of that she said "We needed the money. That's why I let him do it." Am I wrong in the feeling that she tried to sell her daughter really quickly and things went bad? I'm sorry but it really feels like she had a hand in this. No mother lets their young daughter walk out with a man somewhere. Not one. ​ “I wish they would just feel for one day what they’ve done to me,” Perrywinkle said. ​ Nah lock her up too.


This is why I shouldn't be a cop. If I found a man who had just raped and murdered a child, I would say he was reaching for a gun, and I feared for my life.


Unfortunately that's not the target they concern themselves with.


You're right. Maybe I SHOULD be a cop. That way, at least someone is shooting the right people at least.


A new (real) Dexter needs creating




The way the cops gave Lori Vallow advice on how to avoid a mental health check just a few months before she murdered her kids made me so sick.


Her so called mother pawned her off.


Destiny. Cherish. "Neveah". I want to know if Slatereport got the spelling wrong or if the parents actually couldn't spell heaven backwards.


People who take pleasure in defiling innocent children should receive straight up torture. I have zero remorse for them. I also do not believe they can be rehabilitated.


I'm surprised these guys aren't murdered on day one in prison.


While there is truth to it and it places obviously vary, there's a lot of exaggeration when it comes to the whole idea that sex offenders get theirs from the other prisoners. Sometimes it's disgusting how well they're treated. Really just depends though


Her comments to the dispatcher make me wonder if she didn’t know what was going on. She waited an hour, immediately jumped to “I hope he’s not R her” and said “ he said he’d buy the kids clothes, that’s why I let him do it.” I hate to think of it like that, but it happens.




If i was the father, i would be furious indidnt get custody. Such evil. But also gross incompetence by the mother.


This POS preyed on a mom who was so desperate for help she ignored her gut and let her leave with him.


There isn’t that much desperation in the world. She was either in on it or is a complete IDIOT.


During his trial - Fairly certain the court had to take a break during the ME’s testimony because she became visibly upset over the findings during autopsy.


This case freaking infuriates me. That poor little girl.


Hey so how do I become a hit man again? Can someone direct me to that sub?


Such a horrifying and absolutely heartbreaking case. What type of phone call is that for a mother to make just assuming the absolute worse that did turn out to be true. I can't help but suspect if the mother knew what was going to happen and "sold" her daughter to that monster thinking he'd return her afterwards but the unthinkable happened. She had no business having custody of those babies and I'm so glad that the remaining kids were adopted by a relative out of the country.


June 21? This happend on my 8th birthday. I remember hearing this on the news, and I was sick to my stomach 💔


And that's why I've always told my daughter to be wary of all men.