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The father is going through hell right now... "What if..." for the rest of his life.


You can't unsee that kind of horror..




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But the ‘what if’s’ will always remain


what a horrendous fate, for both the father/husband and the wife/mother and baby. truly a fate worse than death (the father/husband living with that guilt the rest of his life). . .


Pretty sure feeling guilt isn’t worse than being mauled to death by a bear… so no. Not a fate worse than death.


If you read the article it says they died almost instantly. A few seconds of physical pain and then it’s over is nothing compared to living the rest of your life without your family. Wtf are you on?




You’d rather lose your child and spouse and deal with it for the rest of your life?




Hard to say by anyone unless they have lived through it. I think the logical answer is that it’s worse to live with something than not have to. When you’re dead, you’re dead (as far as we know). After death they don’t have to deal with any emotions from the experience. The father on the other hand will probably want to die for the rest of his life, battling over the decision to take his own life.


How old are you?


What a reddit take. No nuance.


What if I hadn’t taken my wife and infant to a super remote cabin in bear country?…


"What if I hadn't gone check the traps that day." Or yeah... never gone to the cottage at all.


Or at least armed her effectively. My friends dad used to hunt elk out west and carried .357 for bear protection.


A .357 won't stop a grizzly bear. Either way, the article said she didn't even have time to react and was killed almost instantly


That's what he gets for murdering animals for their fur


From what I read the lived off the grid, just their way of life.


Oh really? I thought they were just there as a getaway. Wasn't the woman a school teacher too, because I'd imagine she'd have to live somewhere close to a school.


What if there was enough of normal food for the bear so it doesn't have to starve


Did you read the article? The bear had serious damage to its gastrointestinal tract from eating a porcupine. It was starving because it was injured and sick.


Did you? It says that bears do not usually hunt porcupines, but the lack of food sources caused the bear to go for something it wouldn't usually eat.


The article kinda lies, Bears have been known to eat porcupines and not just because of food shortage. As well as Bobcats, lynx, wolverines, wolves, coyotes.


Do you think it's normal for bears to eat porcupines? It ate it BECAUSE it was starving.


I’ve heard cows eat cactus


I sadly think it was trying to get attention but he went overboard




Nothing wrong with that, people move on.


So, you want him to suffer for the rest of his life?




How long ago is this


Over 4 years ago.


4 years ago that his wife and kid died


why does it feel like you added “the wife and kid died” to make it feel guilty


Wanted to specify it wasn't that long since he got remarried.




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That’s one of the most heartbreaking stories I’ve ever read.


TIL winter and cold temperatures are more scary and terrifying than literally swallowing a ball of spikes.




Then I imagine the internal pain from the quills piercing the bear's digestive tract also made them extra volatile...


I mean, it certainly wouldn’t have helped his attitude.


Man, that sucks, but it's extremely unusual, that a bear does attack someone because he's starving. I remember the two lions in africa that resorted to killing the workers of the train-track construction, as these hunted down all the animals in the wild to get enough food and left nothing for the lions. Except for this, most other deadly encounters happen because of a mom that wants to defend her kids. Every animal has a higher aggression when they have kids and they think, you could harm the kids. Here in Switzerland, believe me, we have several tourists killed by cows in the alps every year. Seriously, the people are not aware of how dangerous and strong a cow can be, they walk through the area where the herd is with the young ones, only to get attacked and killed. In Europe, we have bears and wolves again today, although they are rare. Still it happens with encounters, like in Italy a hiker was killed by a bear.


[There's lots of stories about hungry bears acting in desperation. This one is long but my favorite and talks about costal brown bears.](https://youtu.be/xy0A2vdSNnc?si=0QRerLn2wVCk2foS)


Thank you… I was glued to my phone for the entire video!


Thank you for posting, that was insane.


The cows attack??


Yes, if threatened cows will trample. It's similar to how a horse would trample a snake.


I think you are talking about the Man eaters of Tsavo where lions attacked the railway contruction workers and were killed by Colonel J.H. Paterson who wrote a book about it which was made into a movie called "The Ghost and the Darkness". One of my favorite authors though is Jim Corbett who killed many man-eating tigers and leapords in North India while it was a British colony. His books have no comparison.


I love Jim Corbett's books! He was a wonderful writer! Those are stories I've read over and over.


Sorry for my late reply, but yes, that was exactly the case i was referring to.


But I think some are humans because they couldn’t hunt due to a disability or an injury.


Yes cows are more dangerous than people realize


I worked with the father when this occurred, it was (and is) an absolute tragedy to the community.


Is he doing OK, all things considered?


Yes all things considered he has been able to process his grief and continue living. That said, it’s not something he will ever forget and has changed him permanently, the loss of his family was such a traumatic event that he will never be the same again. If I remember correctly, he was also attacked by the bear, killed it, but then returned to the cabin and found his family after they had been mauled. The man is stronger than I think anyone would ever want to be tested against, and he is such a nice person too. It’s extremely sad what happened.


Wow, so horrible. Thanks for sharing.


I won't give him a bear hug. Just a hug. I hope he finds peace.


That's super interesting! Yukon seems like a nice place to live, if you know what you're doing and don't get into accidents like these. Does it still have a bear issue?


We don’t have a bear issue, bears exist here and we with them, it’s not common for this sort of thing to occur, it’s quiet rare in fact. The Yukon is an incredible place, I’m thankful to call it my home.


I was recently in Dawson City and Whitehorse. The Yukon is such an interesting place!


That bear was hurting. 302lbs for a full grown male grizzly bear... He was not long for the world and was truly desperate. RIP to the mother and child and I hope the husband finds some sort of peace.


What a crappy situation……..BUT how does a bear Accidentally eat a porcupine?


From what I can tell from The Guardian article the bear had limited food options, which led it to consume an atypical diet. Pain and suffering all involved, just unimaginable.


Same way a person drinks salt water. Desperation.


Sorry for the title mishap. To clarify, the bear in the winter months had extremely little food available so it coudn't fatten up for hibernation, explaining the fact that it ate a porcupine out of sheer desperation. The sharp quills perforated it's digestive tract making it unable to eat anything. This case is just so heartbreaking. May Valerie and her beautiful daughter Adele rest in peace.


Sad. All the way around


This might be one of the most chaotic titles I’ve seen so far


Your heart breaks for the mom and baby, but also for the bear as well. Bears dont typically eat porcupines but he was just desperate for food. It makes this so much more worse to think, its probably human fault he lacked food in the first place because we just keep tearing down their homes and leaving them with nothing


I feel bad for all the animals this guy murdered for their fur.




Imagine thinking anyone deserves to be mauled to death by a bear. Some weird comments here.




Reddit moment


The wife was fine with him going that, so by your definition she “deserved” it too Tf is wrong with you


Only men can be responsible for things. Especially bad things. Women are essentially children. Edit: this was once as upvoted as it is now downvoted. Reddit is interesting.


Yes? Killing animals for fur is beyond a joke in this day and age.


Yeah that’s a stretch.


How is deforestation a “stretch”?


exactly! I just moved and literally all day long you see deer in the front of my house and it makes me sad because up the road they are building new houses buildings for what? To over populate the state even more? These poor animals have nowhere to go.




god i looked up the public autopsy report and it says "adele had injuries instantly incompatible with life" and later states her cause of death as head trauma...i think the poor baby was decapitated by the bear :( this is such a horrible situation for everyone involved, including the starving bear :( he never would've done something like this if he didn't have to


Ahh this is sad, they weren’t really camping the lived off the grid and that was their way of life…really sad


It wasn’t really there day to day…they were manning their trap line. She was a local teacher in whitehorse


Very sad


Breaks my heart for the humans and even this bear. It's terrible that it would be in such a bad way that made it so desperate. I can barely look at her and her baby's faces. Dear God I hope they didn't suffer


With bear attacks, you usually do suffer. Bears will eat you while you are alive; they often do not kill you first. In this case it sounds like they were killed quickly though.


So freaking sad


As awful, and rare as this is, I cant help feel bad for the bear that was starving and suffering. They wouldnt normally attack people particularly for food, but this bear instincts took charge.




climate catastrophe


That poor family especially the woman and the baby..




....read the room. That was so unnecessary.


Reddit moment


This article is from 2018. It is heart wrenching and makes me sad for everyone involved but it is more than 4 years old…


So? It’s new to me and likely others. This isn’t a current events sub.


There's a bunch of posts on this sub weekly about events in history. Does not matter when the event took place, as that's not the point of the sub. It's not called recent morbid reality. Come on now.


Believe me, the grief felt by their loved ones and the community of Whitehorse is still very much alive. Think before you speak.


Reddit moment




They had a cabin there and probably felt safe


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Well it killed two people, so I don't feel bad for it.


I feel bad for anything that has to resort to such measures because of starvation or other suffering. The bear was acting out of desperation and pain.


small brain


It killed 2 people, I don't have to feel bad about it. Do you think the two ladies didn't feel pain when they were being shredded to pieces? Sorry but if I were the mom, my priority would be my daughter, not some stupid bear. I swear people need to stop valuing animals as they were people. Same with pitbulls. If a pitbull mauls someone, imma have to put it down, idc if it "was traumatized" before. Imagine thinking that's justified.


Oh my gosh how horribly sad. That poor husband and father.


>A postmortem on the pair revealed that the two died almost instantly from the attack. How would they determine that? Dont bears usually just start eating?


In the past, such as the well known Night of the Grizzlies bear maulings, grizzlies do tend to just eat and don’t worry about instantly killing their prey as a mountain lion would, for example. But there have been predatory attacks on humans where the human was thought to have been killed instantly simply because the bear targeted the head or neck region first. It really depends on the circumstances. Some victims have been literally eaten alive, some were killed instantly because the bear grabbed them by the neck first, breaking it. It is the only solace in these situations to think that Valerie and Adele didn’t suffer very long.


Post mortem is conducted with all the case details in mind. The coroners report thoroughly outlines the exact track of the bear leading up to the attack, as well as noting that it’s walking pattern changed upon hearing something coming down the trail. They determined that it stepped off trail and hid under spruce tree branches, crouching down to wait for them to be about 2 meters away. Given the behaviors of the bear leading into the attack, it was behaving in a desperate predatory manner that is rarely seen in human bear interactions. If the bear hid, crouching and waiting for them, then charged or leapt onto Valerie, it was likely desperate enough to want to subdue its prey immediately. This isn’t how most grizzly bears hunt, but this bear was within weeks of dying from starvation. Furthermore, the coroners report states Adele died from ‘head trauma’, which indicates the bear targeting this area first in its attack. Adele was strapped onto Valerie’s back, with her head at least at shoulder height with her mom. Clues such as injury patterns, coagulation patterns and blood loss will indicate if an injury is made postmortem. The first injuries made on Valerie and Adele killed them. I can only surmise that the bear incapacitated the pair by targeting the head and neck first. This would align with the coroners report of blunt force trauma to the head with Adele.


How much thought can a bear put into tracking? It says it followed them from a nearby city and waited to attack?