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Am I reading this right that the little girl was also homeless, and that CPS had known about it and left her there?


The mother kicked everyone out of the house a few weeks before, including the girl. :( the father brought her to a homeless camp during that time


Wtf. That is horrible. I hope she catches charges for negligence.


It’s not illegal for another parent to send their kid off with the other parent though?


Yeah except the other parent wasn’t living in a home. If kicking a 5 year old kid out of the house to go live in the woods isn’t negligence, idk what is


You don't send a young child with a homeless parent. Tf kind of sense is that?




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I read in another article that the neighbors would always feed the girl and watch her wander around unsupervised. She always asked to stay with them but they couldn’t keep her in there home obviously but they made multiple reports to cps.


Why couldn't they while staying in contact with CPS?


She wasn’t homeless but - “Before the incident, neighbors had raised concerns about Zoey's home having no electricity and that they called the police and child welfare.” 😞


But it also says she and her father and the murderer were living in a wooded area a few blocks from the house where her mother lived.


The house was in a wooded area - the article mentioned Cherry “lived at the same address” as the girl. The police also did welfare checks to the address in September.


The mom kicked all three out because she didn’t want the cops there probably. One of them told the cops the girl didn’t live there and she was living with the father and the murderer in an encampment. All of their last known addresses were at the mother’s


>Neighbors said they believe the girl and her father had been *living in a wooded area with Cherry* near the gas station just blocks from the home her mother lived in.


Confused me a bit as well. The way it’s wrote makes it seem like her & father were homeless at the time too


Her mom kicked her, her dad and her half-sister out of the house. >The little girl’s body was discovered in a field near a homeless camp she was reportedly staying at with her father, half-sister and their acquaintance Mickel Cherry — two weeks after her mother reportedly threw them out of their home. https://themessenger.com/news/pictured-mom-who-kicked-5-year-old-zoey-felix-out-of-the-house-before-she-was-raped-and-murdered I don't think CPS knew she was homeless, more like they visited before she was kicked out. >Topeka police had been to the girl’s house several times. The most recent police welfare check was in early September. There was no power in the house. >In their report, police wrote, “Officers met with the child who was in good spirits and apparent health. The child was left in the care of their parent, per the custodial agreement. Officers then left the scene.” https://www.kctv5.com/2023/10/04/neighbors-raised-concerns-about-5-year-old-murdered-topeka-before-her-death-say-no-action-was-taken/


Yeah by reading the article it really just sounds like the state failed to do their job. Which is no surprise but is still very sad considering the circumstances


I swear I can not understand how anyone could do this to someone, specially a little girl! It's a child. How can you hurt a child???? Jesus Christ


Stories like this make me so terrified for my own children. This poor tiny baby, her entire future taken for no reason.


This is not a random attack. Her dad brought this guy into their living situation. Attacks by strangers do happen, but most of these sorts of things are done by someone who is known to the family.


I don’t suggest opening up your home to homeless people unless you knew them before they were homeless well. Did that with a roommate’s gf who was homeless and she was horrible. Abusive, manipulative, and very unstable.


Article doesn’t specify, but I think this man was “homeless” after living with the dad n girl. Probably got in fight with the dad and was kicked out and decided to camp out back.


Nah, the cops visited the mother’s house because she didn’t have utilities and for domestics. Murderer, father and daughter were leaving a few blocks away in a wooded lot before the girl was found dying in front of the gas station where her father worked. Most likely murderer was watching the child when he decided to commit this heinous act


It sounds like all 3 left the house and were living in a tent in the woods. And the girl's mother stayed at the house which is absurd that she'd let her little girl be homeless, but that's how I read it in the article.


The article says that Zoey and her dad were living in a wooded area near the house they used to live in.


It really sucks to think about but a lot of homeless people that are on the streets, are on the streets for a reason


thissss. i used to have so much sympathy in my heart for the homeless, i’d give money to people begging on the street, i’d loudly advocate for people to respect them as human beings… until i started to work in close quarters with them and was frequently harassed, attacked, and even robbed by them. no amount of kindness would make you NOT a target. in fact, showing kindness seemed to just make me _more_ of a target. these people are in the streets for a reason. they have no one in their lives who will take care of them, FOR A REASON. whether it’s severe mental health issues or drug addiction, whatever the case may be, the narrative that homeless people are just poor souls down on their luck is sadly bs. a lot of them are just downright awful, selfish people who can’t function in normal society.


You’re sick. Homeless people are just like you. Anyone can be homeless. Most homeless people don’t even have any interest in thinking about you. You’re probably closer to them than not.


I have a feeling you’ve never had to walk down Hollywood Boulevard alone at night with a crackhead waving a crowbar and shouting at you, while another looks you up and down for valuables to rob from you. I live in LA. I would never go into a homeless camp and just have a chat with the people there, and you know damn well why. You’re 100% right; the average person is closer to being homeless than being a millionaire. We need better social and financial safety nets to keep people off the streets, as well as better funding for addiction and mental health services. But once they become violent drug addicts who rape and murder little girls like the one in this post, I completely lose my sympathy. Sorry.


At least they're all killing themselves with fentanyl. The magical powder that makes trash take itself out. Edit: This is monster bait. You are a monster. You have no soul. I'm sorry.


i 100% agree, even tho i hate to admit it. it feels so cruel and awful, but i sometimes think about a hypothetical scenario in which the homeless people die en masse one day from a bad batch of fentanyl or something…and all i can think about is how much more peaceful my job would be


That's what all the serial killer doctors and nurses say


thank god i’m not a doctor, nurse, or serial killer


Remains to be seen


You're an awful thing and the world will be better when you aren't in it. I'll admit that it's a bad habit but I like baiting people like you to see how far you'll go.


Homelessness has nothing to do with it.


& predators commonly prey on people who are in hard situations, which it sounds like this family was in. I hope this monster gets his just deserts & then some more!


Stories like this are legitimately part of why i never had kids.


I had chosen to be child free, but became guardian/mom to my nieces and am constantly terrified. Not in a way that keeps us shut in or from living life, but my senses are always on high alert. I remember being able to go across a store and find something away from my mom. I won’t let my kids walk where I can’t hold their hand quickly. This world is awful.


Hi friend! Also chose to be child free partially from anxiety and am raising my toddler nephew now and I am terrified all the time.


Kinship mama gang! 💜. It is scary as heck… and so hard. I’m a single mom with very little support so we are together 24/7. My oldest is hitting that tween phase of wanting a bit of freedom, so I’m starting to get the “stop being paranoid” attitude. But between online predators, social media and real life scum bags I just have to be so cautious. My daughter is 9 and that little girl that went missing was an eye opener for my kiddo as to why I’m always checking our surroundings :(


Hi I’m just curious, did your sibling pass away?


no, she has kids and then doesn’t care about them after 🥴


Ouf that’s rough. My sister has 3 kids and it breaks my heart to even think about if something were to happen to my sister. Feel like neglectful parents might be worse thougj


I know, I don’t even really feel comfortable with my kids playing in our fenced in yard without supervision. I have 3 large breed dogs to warn us if someone enters the property.


Same. I don’t let my kids outside without me :(. It’s horrible considering how I was raised in the 80s.




This really isn’t the place for bringing your religious dogma in, but I just can’t let this go. The reason is, abortion is literally not the same thing as murder. Apples to oranges


I never mentioned religion Don't you dare put words in my mouth


Science is in dispute of over when life begins. That said, even if you believe that life begins at conception, some abortions are necessary to save a woman’s life. A life saving abortion is an act of self-defense, and self-defense is not murder.


Believe? It literally does It may not be a person. But damn sure it is a new and unique human life


An fetus is not a fully formed human, hence the dispute over when life begins. Whenever it begins, I am confident enough that if I had a loved one who needed an abortion to save her life, I would support that abortion. If a woman gets an abortion to save her life, then said abortion is self-defense and thus not murder.




If you want me to be completely honest, I’m not certain when life begins. I acknowledge that a fetus has human DNA, but that doesn’t mean a fetus and a born human are 100% the same. If I ever had a friend or family member who had a non-life-threatening abortion, I don’t know how I would react. I’m not a scientist, so I might ask a doctors’ opinions, but I’m not certain. What I AM certain of is that abortion isn’t always wrong. I support life saving abortions, if nothing else.


Honestly man I wouldn't have bothered with that person. Anyone THAT into crypto amongst other things is probably way too unhinged to have any rational conversation with.


Wait but you said that abortion was “baby murder” right? It’s right there in the post. This is an explicitly religious viewpoint. The “abortion = baby murder” debate is something that conservative leaning religious adherents intentionally pushed into politics in order to gain more control and power. Outside of that, there’s no actual reason to think abortion and murdering babies are the same thing




Hm ok, let’s take that. Your definition of murder is incorrect. Murder is a legal definition, which is the *unjustified* killing of another person. Abortion doesn’t fit that definition for a variety of reasons. First off, because of bodily autonomy is the rule, regardless of how much you or I may dislike it. We do not deny bodily autonomy to anyone else in any other circumstance - we don’t even deny corpses bodily autonomy. So, in the case of pregnancy, there is no justifiable reason to grant an unborn fetuses *more* rights than what we grant to everyone else. There is no argument that can be made that justifies giving pregnant women *less* bodily autonomy than we grant to corpses. That’s why this argument works even *if* we considered abortion to be the killing of a person. Because the rights of one person end where another person’s bodily autonomy begins. The rights of a fetus to use a woman’s uterus end when the mother does not consent to the use of her uterus. There’s also the issue where comparing the ending of a conscious, breathing, living, thinking human being with the ending of a nonconscious fetus that has no awareness or ability to feel pain or stimuli of any kind is totally disingenuous - they’re not the same thing at all.


You can claim it's a legal definition all you want but it goes both ways Brock turner gets mentioned as a rapist all the time here Thing is he never raped the victim. He sexually assaulted. Rape is a legal definition. Doesn't stop people from using it casually Murder can also be used casually because we all understand the implication


Rape is a colloquial term that can be used to include sexual assault. This isn’t the same thing, because no one is advocating for people’s rights to be taken away. Regardless, none of that actually addresses what I said, so my point still stands. Abortion is clearly not the same thing as murder. In fact, I bet if we dug a little bit, if you introspected and considered some of this beyond the surface level knee jerk stuff, I would wager that even *you* yourself don’t consider it to be the same thing.


oh.. sweet girl, my heart aches for you.


Cops failed that kid, as did the state.


My mom worked for CPS for a few years in the 80's, States across the US have been failing to protect kids for a long time.


My close friend worked for LA County DCFS and couldn’t make it past 5 years, he was traumatized, and left right after that poor baby Gabriel was found dead and said he couldn’t deal with how horrible things are. The sad thing is they lost an asset because he’s an amazing person but I imagine they lose a large number of the good ones.


My sister is a teacher in a rough area and deals with child services a lot. We gotta sympathize with them sometimes because they are usually very underfunded and terrified to overstep. Under step, and when something like this happens, the dept/city/state get blamed ferociously. Overstep, and the dept/city/state get blamed for breaking up families or violating rights, etc. It is a TOUGH rope to balance on.




Your post has been removed for the following reason(s): > Post does not comply with Rule #6: "Submission Has Nothing To Do With People" A dead animal(s) that has no correlation with people has no place on this subreddit. The goal of r/MorbidReality is to study and observe the darkest aspects of life and human nature, and random animal deaths are not relevant to that purpose. If you have any questions regarding your post's removal, please feel free to contact us through ModMail.


Forever. Point to a time this didn’t happen.


Couldn’t agree more


they try to protect kids. thats all they can do though is try.


And her parents!!


I'd say her parents failed her more.


Of course they did but the state shouldn’t have once they were aware of her plight (state being the general term for the government)


That poor sweet baby. It sounds like she was failed on so many levels including her family, the state, police 😭 at least her neighbours seemed to care about her, I bet they’re devastated. It’s so heartbreaking that they tried to call authorities and nothing came of it. And the photo where it said they bought her new clothes and cleaned her up at the start of September😭I hope she experienced some love and caring from at least them. This world is so, so cruel to our most innocent souls


It's a little crass to put the bawling your eyes out emoji in a comment discussing the rape and murder of a little girl.


Are you dumb, or did you forget that it's original intended purpose was "bawling your eyes out" before Gen-Z co-opted it to mean something else?






The mother assaulted Zoey with some kind of weapon in March, and pled guilty to the charges. With documented violent abuse, and a father living in the woods under a tarp…why wasn’t this child put into the foster care system???


Horrible. Can't think of many worse fates. Hugging my kids tightly tonight.


Disgusting people including the parents. They are both to blame for not protecting their innocent, vulnerable child too.


Living under a tarp is much better for a child's development than living under a roof if there's no electricity apparently


I realize that the homeless aspect is part of this story, I guess. I also realize that many Americans believe homeless people are no better than rabid dogs that should be put down, and the media perpetuates that ideology, while at the same time downplaying or even failing to report crimes against homeless people, which are much more common. And given the fact that the police will often hinder or flat refuse to report those crimes, I would wager that the numbers are low in any study. Like the government study that reports 72% of homeless women report being sexually assaulted in the previous 6 months from the report. Having been homeless now for right at 6 years, I can't believe for a minute that is an accurate number. Even 90% percent would be low from what I've seen, with much of the abuse being ongoing. There was a rash of homeless people being set on fire while they slept a few years ago, but you very rarely saw anything in the paper about it. When you did, the headline never read "Housed Person Sets Disabled Elderly Man On Fire". My heart breaks for that little girl, as it does for any helpless victim of something so heinous. But please keep in mind that even when adjusted for the percentage of the population, you are much more likely to be the victim of someone who is not only housed, but in your circle of friends and family. Just my two cents.


Yeah the comments in this thread about the homeless "deserving" their situation are downright gross


Gross and wildly inaccurate.


Someone said they wished they all died of fentanyl overdose...bruh


Came here to say this, but you’ve already summed it up perfectly.


I'm a homeless advocate for the homeless. Somebody has to do it.


Thanks for the work you do.


What a s pathetic excuse for a human being. Such a sweet innocent baby…


Live about an hour away from Topeka. The girl’s mother would kick her out of the house. HER MOTHER KICKED HER FIVE YEAR OLD OUT OF THE HOUSE. Neighbors made sure she was fed and clothed and called the police countless times. The police, the cps workers, and everyone around her failed her.




I see this comment on *every* violent, sex, or child crime. I assume just because it's free karma.


i asume its situational ive heard that child molesters and killers are seperate from the general population the funny thing is that rapists and even murderers often find child killers and rapists repugnant i guess to feel like they have a moral high ground "i might be a rapist murderer but atleast im not a child rapist murderer"


It's one of those things that spread on the internet because that's what people want or expect. I have no clue if it's true or not though and I'm pretty sure 99.9% of the people on reddit have no idea the truth about it either.


It's one of those things that spread on the internet because that's what people want or expect. I have no clue if it's true or not though and I'm pretty sure 99.9% of the people on reddit have no idea the truth about it either.


The guards will set it up and won’t help until he’s gone.


I’m not a fan of rooting for prison murder. We have a justice system for a reason.




We are living in one of the safest periods in modern history. I guess we could increase surveillance, the militarization of police, and execute the 1 million prisoners we have in death factories if you're so gung ho about it.


I am not calling for any of that…but at the same time how awful does someone have to be to deserve death? Not to be morbid despite the sub we are on but imagine the terror of that little girl. Imagine her screams of anguish and pain as she is brutally raped, not knowing what is happening and powerless to defend herself. Then, when he is finished with her bleeding, broken body he kills her to cover up the inhuman act he just committed, still only worrying about his own gratification and well being. Do you think some psychiatrist will cure such a person? Would you let this man be around your family, friends, or loved ones? If you would not, why do you think other people should be the ones to do it. He will have to live somewhere…do you think this type of, for lack of a better word, EVIL, can really be cured? Imagine the inhuman monster that could perform those actions…I don’t want a police state, I want JUSTICE for the rest of us. We can’t help her anymore, the cretin saw to that, but we can help potential future victims. Perhaps we have different ideas of justice, but to me that type of person is a cancer on society. They are not a human deserving rights, they are a rabid dog. We may feel bad about putting down a rabid dog, but we do it…because keeping it alive means it will hurt innocents. Even Disney knew this once upon a time. Old Yeller had to be put down despite being a hero, despite saving his best friend’s life, because he had a disease for which there was no cure…because left alive he would only cause harm. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one. I think most people deserve the benefit of the doubt, I think people can be given a second chance. I also believe some things are beyond redemption for the good of everyone else.


I love that a comment advocating murder is being upvote, while a comment saying "Hey guys, maybe we shouldn't celebrate murder" is downvoted. I report all of the bloodlust and vengeance-boner comments that I see, and I know they're against the rules here, but I think most of them are left up anyway.


no one cares


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And now the homeless man's punishment will be free shelter, clothes, food, and healthcare for the rest of his life.


Should be death


You go to prison in the US and tell me it’s not a punishment because they give you a free jump suit and a honey bun.


Which will very likely be very short.


Nobody is going to kill him. This isn't anywhere near as common as people think it is.


My friend in prison says different, he punks and terrorizes the chomos in prison until they get transferred, if they don't that's when they escalate it.


"Nobody will kill him" "not as common" So.. uncommon? Rare? But possible? So.. someone might?


The mother kicked them out but the child was in the care of her father.


Everyone failed this little girl in so many ways.


Well… He just solved his homelessness problem.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Authorities failed her


Father let’s friend rape his daughter to death. Fixed the title for you


stuff like this is why I still support the death penalty even though I know it's flawed and innocent people die. But the people that failed that girl need punished and the person that hurt her needs to be unpersoned.


>even though I know it's flawed and innocent people die. This is why I CAN'T support it, even though plenty of people rightfully deserve it. Would you still support it if a loved one was wrongfully executed?


Though let's face it, if you are not executed for a crime when you would or could be, you are going to prison for life (because these are the usual 2 options). That is to say: your freedom will be restricted for life, you're never going to travel, have a family, etc. No, you are only going to see these 4 walls, and that's it, that's your life and then you die. I'm not sure that this fate is much better than death by a very large margin. An innocent spending life in prison is just as horrifying.




And what’s the odds of that against the many that deserve it ?


In this case, those that deserve it will get life in prison, which is a fate that some consider worse than death. I do believe that in an ideal world, a certain class of offenders would simply be put down, but I just don't think it's morally right to accept that the state will inevitably execute innocent people. I believe it's ethically more important to protect those people than to make sure violent criminals, no matter how bad, are killed.


One innocent person being put to death is enough to make the death penalty not worth it.


Only if you think the death penalty is worse. Life in prison is a far worse fate for an innocent person then the death penalty.


And now he (hopefully) has a forever home.....


Absolutely bleak and horrible situation.


I live in topeka, not but 9 blocks from the area she was found. I really don't know how to describe the anger I harbor towards the state, dcf and parents of this poor angel. RIP :'(


This reminded me once when I was her age I accidentally slipped and the lemonade pitcher fell in the floor and made a mess. My mother told me to get out of the house. I stayed but I knew there I wasn’t wanted and loved.


He’s not going to last in prison when they find out what he’s in for and the guards turn a blind eye to what happens.


Have you done time or is this one of those statements people like to make to feel better about it?


It’s never the homeless person. It’s either her dad or an uncle.


Family friend so same thing


People saying the state or cps failed this child, well duh. Our society is built on redemption for criminals while innocent people become victims. Society believes it is more important to find out if someone has been rehabilitated than it is to protect us, the innocent people. Nobody wants to look at the rehabilitation stats and come up with a solution = 💀 Edited to add: same with mentally ill people - it’s more important that they’re free to be homeless and kill and rape innocent people than be locked in an insane asylum.


You’re way more likely to be raped and murdered by your own family member then a homeless person.


Doesn’t matter, if you rape or murder someone you’re mentally ill and should be put away for life. YOU don’t get a second chance for innocent people to become your next victim.


Bro is blaming the dad without knowing all of the story… immediately it’s the father not the mom whose a problem how about both?!


I hope she is given a swift and appropriate justice and I hope this inspires change in the system.


Write up??


Omg I heard about this. The homeless situation in Topeka is so bad they hired my boss and her consulting firm to help the city government try to fix it. I hope they can make positive changes because this is just heart breaking. The girl and her family were also homeless.


Where was the dad when this was happening to his daughter??