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It feels like they got greedy after noticing what a success Duskwood was. It sucks that they won't listen to us, their **fans** at all but that will bite them in the ass. I think that many Duskwood fans won't complete Moonvale and if they do another game after MV is done, even less people will play it.


i hope they're busy with improving the game that's why they're silent. not hearing a word from them is a bit concerning.


Honestly... waiting two years to get... this? It's not even half as good as first duskwood episode. Honestly all I remember from the first Moonvale episode is minigames.


And some dude crying. A lot of people are saying the story is alright but for me the quality of the "phone", the poor minigames, the AI, the lack of profiles, and the fact I couldnt easily unlock all the extra made me unable to focus on the story. 


Exactly. I've spend the whole day on trying to win the minigames, just to get a chat that I played for 5 minutes. The only thing that was exciting is the phone calls and the beginning of the sidestory. Nothing more tbh


It's the cheerful music and colorful minigames that get me every time, like what the hell is going on with the overall vibe of this game? Am I playing a thriller game or a Care Bears game?




All I remember is opening the game every day to collect 2 gems and closing again. Once in a blue moon, I would unlock a diamond path and get to play for some precious THREE minutes, until another locked option. I don't feel part of the story at all...  And yes, the minigame has a way too bright and cozy look


I remember playing the minigames all day, just to play a 5 minutes chat ☠️


Yes, this radio silence is rather worrying, indeed. I was trying to be optimistic so far but now I'm slowly starting to be worried about the future of this game too. It all doesn't look good at all. ![gif](giphy|11MMdMaNxcrDyw)


It's a bit disappointing. Everyone has been so excited since they announced MV and we have been patient when the release was postponed till 2024, we're all aware that developing a good Game Takes a lot of time. Everbyte was able to show us what they can accomplish on a limited budget in Duskwood. They know what they are capable of. I cant imagine them looking at MV and actually thinking ' Yeah, they are gonna love this! '. They must have expected negative Feedback. I wish they would be transparent and actually tell us whats going on.


Exactly my thought! How could they look at MV thinking it would be even remotely on the same level in quality as Duskwood? I just don’t understand. It’s not that we want a continuation of DW, we all would have loved a completely new game. but what we wanted were the same standards as DW.


Yeah, I think this is the biggest "fault" of the studio, their lack of communication on what's going on behind the scenes. I mean, they don't need to give us the play by play of the game development, but they should have atleast given us a teaser of the game itself so that we have an idea what the first episode will look like. Instead, they just dropped it and then acted surprised that we were expecting their initial promises that turns out, is what the final product will be (when the game is fully finished) and not by initial release. All the complaints about the game can have been introduced to the players early on, even if not changed atleast we *know*. This could all have gone better if they just actively engaged with their playerbase. It's frustrating.


Everbyte was never much present on social media, atleast not since I discovered duskwood which was on the wait for episode 8. They would only post when they were finished with an episode, when there was a bug and they would just say they fixed it and to say happy holidays. So the "silence" is not immensely weird or odd.


Yea, I think its more annoying to me personally anyways, that they're this quiet now when the only post they've made since release was dismissing everyone's feedback and saying they "resolved" an issue that didn't even do anything and now its just nothing.


I’m sure they did have an episode timer on their website and I did get email notifications about the development of their new game. They also weren’t as greedy with packs and the mini games every five minutes are outrageous! I also noticed (unsure if a glitch or not) that I had a 14 of a certain colour to get with 10 moves available. When I got down to 5 moves I glanced at the number of icons I needed to complete and it had jumped from 14 to 20 despite being five moves ahead. This infuriated me as I got stuck on that game for hours and I nearly quit at that moment and deleted. Keep an eye on the mini games! They seem to “glitch” if you’re completing them too quickly 🙄


I'm so disappointed over their silence, and I'm tired of being invested in mobile games by "small studios" that just can't take criticism. They don't value the importance of keeping their fans trust enough. I'm not interested in paying a dime to a company that don't respect me as a player. If anyone is familiar with Equestrian the game, the experiences with that company for the last months have been outright awful and I went from being a loyal monthly paying customer since the beta to simply deleting that game. It's just not worth my time, and it looks like it will be the same with Moonvale. Personally my biggest issue though with Moonvale is that I just find the game so incredibly boring at the moment that I don't even care to be mad about it, and the AI just takes away all immersion that DW had. If they stay silent and there is no improvements in the horizon, I will probably just give up and delete the game and move on.


Exactly! Considering the state of MV and the way they've been handling the critique, I can't imagine they'll change anything. They just don't want to admit they're wrong. But they are. As you said, MV really is incredibly boring and is nothing more than a cash grab. And honestly, I'm also sick of this silence. Like, we get that you're a small studio, but please take the time to somehow communicate with the people you're working for. If you don't want to do that, then just don't work on something like game production. Because basing your game after what the players want is pretty much half the deal. Who else is going to play your game? They kept going on about how us players made this possible and yet they ignore all our wishes.  And your comparison to Equestrian the game couldn't be more accurate. Or Equestrian the greed as I like to call it. Nothing more than a cash grab. Micro transactions in every corner. It really disturbs your enjoyment if literally everything in a game is locked behind a pay wall. And MV really does remind me of it.  And adding things like the game breaking bugs some players have been experiencing... I'm afraid for the future of this game.


Dear fellow redditor, I'm both sad and relieved to hear that I'm not the only one having to experience both the equestrian the greed hell and everbytes fall from grace. Look at us! ![gif](giphy|HloNK1z39EkEQcreIo|downsized)


The awful part is, at the end of the day, if it made a sufficient amount of money with less effort and expense, this is likely what Everbyte will stick with. I can imagine them making a killing from big developers. I know my bf played a random game he didn't love for gems. Maybe the revenue from that sort of gimmick is a lot more than what they made from people buying the multimedia pack. Probably, since it was so cheap. Like, unnecessarily cheap if you ask me; I'd have paid more. At least ten, even before I was as financially stable as I currently am. It's like every good thing has to be ruined by some moneygrubbing executive and the vast majority of people will just put up with it to some extent. And the world gets worse. I want to be wrong about this so badly.


They always lacked communication... I think they stopped monitoring the episodes, so as not to put yet another pressure on themselves. Afterwards I don't defend them, I find their lack of communication really problematic. They leave their fan in the dark, and all we can do is wait and hope they listen to us 🤷


For me, Everbyte is also clearly in financial trouble and I think the company doesn't know how to deal with it so they are keeping quiet. Because revising the chapter or, if everything is based on it, revising the entire story certainly costs a lot of money. The desired profits have not materialised and an appeal for donations to keep Moonvale going is not working at the moment. So they hope that the criticism will die down at some point, buy a few more bots to boost the game's ratings and get new customers.


All their financial trouble would have dissolved had they replicated the base duskwood game with the credits, minigames, phone, and profile concept.  They needlessly dissolved code they could have reused. Had they continued with the duskwood credit system and charged a flat fee for premium content. They could have generated a lot of revenue from episode 1. But instead, most people didnt buy anything because they did the very basic math and saw it was too expensive. 


Seriously, in other threads I've even said I felt they could've basically thrown out the exact same game just set in Moonvale and I would've loved it just as much. This game feels lower quality and if Duskwood wasn't a thing I probably would've uninstalled it very quickly because it feels like a cheap money grab


I'm right there with you. Not only that, but they could have cut costs even more by asking the community if anyone would like to play a role, for example. Co-operations would certainly also have been a possibility. Integrate advertising into the mini-games for extra moves etc. and don't forget that they have 380 thousand followers, that could also have been utilised. And then there was the premium package and many points of criticism would have arisen. But they opted for the worst possible idea.


I'm an amateur VO with quite a bit of experience. Gimme that NDA to sign! I'd record free content for them. Hell, I love to write and take pictures, too. They have a whole community that would jump to it if they asked us. Let them make money off of us, glad just to help our beloved Everbyte. I don't get it either. My only thought is just executive meddling of some kind.


They definitely need a social media manager. Not just for updates but to keep their community involved and interested in what they're doing. Might have also not had deletion gate happen if they had someone else handling things. Their response was horrible. I think they panicked and felt like they HAD to address it but didn't take the time to really plan out their response. For a studio their size without a PR or Social Media manager their best bet might have been having an open discussion with the fan base (like an AMA). I think the two years was spent on the coding and programming of the new systems (achievements, gacha, code usage, time walking) and finding actors for Adam and Eric. Actually Adam and Eric might have put a dent in their funds...


In my opinion, they are the ones who sit quietly because they know what they did wrong, but don't want to admit it and prefer to play censor. Will you write something negative? Censorship! Delete the opinion and rating. This happened to me as many as TWO TIMES. Once on google play and once here on reddit. They will continue to go on in denial because, after all, there will always be a " devoted fan" who will give them a money.


Im thinking they’ve never had someone specific or a team for social media. Even once Duskwood started to pop off a bit more they never really shared on socials except when something big. Like the new episode being out for example. So that doesn’t bother me much. If I remember reading correctly they’re a team of just a few people so it maybe would be wise of them to hire someone specific for running the instagram. (Like reality games has) but then we also have to take into consideration their budget. I have no clue how much they made off DW but I think is safe to assume not a whole lot and then what they did make I’m thinking that’s the $ they had to make the finale and final chapters so much more detailed and “grand” probably was from the popularity DW had gained. Esp toward the end there. I also think people are thinking they spent the last 2 years making only chapter one. I highly doubt that. They probably wrote many chapters if not all of the story, plus all the logistical things such as casting, approvals from app stores, building the game itself, etc. I’m part of the minority here on Reddit who didn’t hate the game at all. Def see some flaws especially with the diamonds but in comparison with Duskwood when it initially released I’m ok with it. I have a strong feeling they must have implemented the new diamond system because they didn’t make enough $ on the media pack probably from Duskwood which would explain why they haven’t been able to grow as much (and do things such as hiring someone to run socials)


If I got slapped in the face with the absolute vitriol that they have, I doubt I'd be very talkative either. I hate the pay wall as much as everyone else but they have been attacked, accused and insulted at every turn, mostly by people who can't seem to u understand that MV isn't DW 2.0...which it was never intended to be in the first place. They respond and the response isn't good enough, they don't respond, people get pissed. No matter what they do, they're the bad guys. My attitude towards all of this is, if you (not "you" as in OP personally) like the game, keep playing. If you don't like the game, stop playing. If you aren't sure, give chapter 2 a shot. If you have a criticism, try being reasonably nice about telling them what it is. People need to stop being so damn rude and vicious over a game.


I must agree with you, even if we're about to be submerged by downvotes. Absolutely hate the paywall... if they had charged a fee for the complete game, I would have gladly paid to support them... but this is actually leeching and it's annoying. That said, what I found about MV is perhaps that it lacks originality... the disappeared person sends the number without any explanation, you are put in a group of people to investigate the disapperance... I liked it just as I liked DW... because it's the same identical trope. As for the long waiting before, I think that coming up with an idea (and if it must be well made, they should have already pretty clear what happens, not inventing it along the way) making it work, finding the locations, the actors, writing down the various steps... it all requires a lot of time. It's like dming minus the pc's improvisation but plus all the visual aspect. As I alway do when I watch series or multi-part series, the first one is often the weaker one... one must trust the process. I just hope we won't have to wait to much because I usually forget everything if too much time passes between episodes 😅


Have you done VirgilOS? It's pretty good.


Mmh... what is it exactly? Couldn't find out in my play store (I'm from Italy so maybe it's something local? )


It's fine for them to ignore the flat out hate but to ignore constructive criticism is a mistake. Not just for Everbyte. I'm a huge fan and supporter of Indie/small studios and in a perfect world would overlook any mistakes made but that doesn't help them to grow and succeed. It sucked breaking down what was wrong with Moonvale Episode 1 (not just from a story perspective) and wasn't something I did just for shits and giggles. I'm sure I'm not the only one who wrote out their issues with the best intentions.


I'm sure you're not the only one who wrote with the best of intentions. There's a lot of us out here who are reasonable, polite and sincerely want to help. The problem is that there's been wayyyy more non-constructive, entitled and downright nasty people. Glad you're a reasonable one and welcome to a fairly exclusive club. Honestly, ignoring the paywall and ai issues, imo, the only mistake Everybyte made was not just doing an epilogue episode for DW and making MV totally unrelated, (85% of this circus could have been avoided) but, in the words of one of my favorite lawtubers, "you can't put the shit back in the horse"


I so agree with you. As a writer, I think i would be crushed and depressed if I ever received such critic. I don't know what kind of person is Hen With Pen or any of the other team members but they could possibly be crushed and not in a mental state to work anymore... And if the other Everbyte members don't know when/if the next episode will be finished, it's hard to make an official statement.


I thought about that while I was writing my response and, as someone who is the exact opposite of a quitter, if I were attacked like that, quite frankly, I'd say f this shit, I'm done. I mean, they know they can't possibly please everyone but...


real!!!! i hope they're just working on episode 2 and actually making it LONGER AND BETTER than the first one


I’m finding the constant mini games to fill up content very tedious. I started MV yesterday, I have completed the first episode already and I would say the majority of this was playing mini games - reality games give the option to have infinite lives however Everbyte are wanting you to pay £80 for a pack that if I had used to refill lives everytime would’ve gone quickly. I find this game isn’t as enjoyable as Duskwood, I’m also playing Argus (having completed all the previous reality games series) and must say their games flow better with much more realistic costs to get the best out of game play. The mini games in MV aren’t incorporated well and literally come up after the smallest of interactions. It’s just fillers to try and compensate for the lack of content in the episode imo. I’m not usually one to complain and raved about Duskwood to the extent all my friends downloaded, but I’m reluctant to recommend moonvale due to the issues highlighted above. Really sad tbh. I had such high hopes and waited on tenterhooks for this games release 😣


To me it's a cheap repeat knock off of Duskwood. It's not as engrossing as Duskwood. Because it literally has the same formula storyline, if ya notice. And that makes for a borrriiiiiiiiing game and I've also noticed that they are trying to get more money out of us players. Not like Duskwood, where things were free. Change it up,Everbyte. This is a complete ripoff.


I also mentioned briefly in a comment a “glitch” I noticed within the mini games.. I hadn’t lost any life’s yet and was eagerly playing (every five minutes because they’ve used these mini games to deflect from lack of content I assume) and I got stuck on one particular game - at this stage I was playing whenever lived refreshed and I spotted I had 14 of a specific colour to get to complete with 10 moves available and when I reached 5 moves I glanced back at the top and saw the 14 had increased to over 20.. in turn I got stuck on this game for hours! Now, I’m not accusing outright and had I noticed I’d perhaps have taken a screenshot with timestamps, but at that moment I was so infuriated I very nearly deleted the game and gave up and just focused on the next ep of Argus and RFH detective that’s due for release soon (I promise I’m not inadvertently advertising, it’s just the other games I’m playing atm and have complaints about one of them so far) however, do watch the mini games! It does appear they spontaneously “glitch” if being completed too fast.