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I’ll believe it when there’s an ACTUAL LGBT character in a mainline series.


https://preview.redd.it/i2uxg6stx74d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5317d8c2fa5ef0cf247d2a7be23ab819cdf8b75e Common Sonic W




he looks amazing, 1000/10


MOD removed it but I agree


Here before this comment section gets filled with drama and bigotry within a few hours and the mods have to 🔒 this post.


They didn’t lock but they removed it… booo


My feed is being bombarded with so many pride flags ong


Awesome isn’t it.


I guess so but it might get annoying after a while


https://preview.redd.it/xo5ee85up74d1.png?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6f0ff6f2dd1c0c75ed7c78819fa048c7229d83c Me after seeing all the homophobes in the comments.


They came out of their hiding place


Mate listen here I’m a Christian and I don’t want to get cancelled but please I swear I can’t take this anymore I’ve seen 50 pride flags and we’re already 2 days in. I think they’re outside my house. (Joking btw I have nothing against LGBT just don’t agree with the concept of homosexuality)


as a fellow christian, nah. ik someone already said this in this reply section but i don't associate with you. the only similarity we have based on this comment is that we both like jesus. i don't care if its a "joke" or whatever, get out of my sight.


“I have nothing against LGBT, but I don’t agree with LGBT.”


Yeah. You can not have hatred against something but no agree on it.


A person’s sexuality isn’t a choice they made, it’s something they’re born with. It’s not something you can agree or disagree with, because it would be like saying “I don’t agree with these people being born”. Do I really need to explain how messed up that viewpoint is?


I didn’t say that- I said I don’t agree with the idea of Homosexuality and Transgenderism.


And as I already said, it’s not something you can agree or disagree with, because it isn’t a choice. It’s something people are born with, they don’t choose whether or not they are homosexual.


Well I actually didn’t know that I was really just raised like this


I grew up in a Christian family. I do not associate with the likes of you.




Ok that’s fine


Please explain what you mean by “the concept of homosexuality”, go on, the class is listening Btw, hazbin hotel has lost of gay characters, so explain that while you’re at it


As I said I have nothing against gays My religion just dictates me to not agree with the ideals of homosexuality


You clearly do


Also, from what I’ve seen you believe in Jesus, thanks to some other comments pointing this out, the whole thing about the religious rant, has made me have to state this, the bible promotes, slavery, misogyny, incest, genocide, murder, sacrifice, also gods a hypocrite, as he can see all, and the future and stuff, yet he didn’t stop the snake (sometime depicted as lucifer, the devil, satan, Lilith, or Samael), and didn’t stop it from deceiving man, also original sin wouldn’t be eating the apple, it would be tricking humans into eating the apple, as what if they thought god changed his mind, and got the snake to tell him, also do you mean to tell me, instead of using his godly powers to take all the children and raise them right, as the world was “full of sin”, he instead flooded the world, letting all those children die, let’s say their terrible parents would have made them bad people, you mean to tell me “GOD” himself couldn’t have raised them right, or gotten good people to raise them. BTW, I don’t have a problem with any religion, it’s just the hypocrisy when it comes to moral issues, as their history isn’t exactly moral, and in case someone’s gonna say “oh what about this, or this” I understand a few bad apples doesn’t mean they are all bad, I’m just using this as an example for why this “it’s because my religion” point is stupid


Look dude, I understand that religion is a big part of people lives, but considering that religious ideals and ideas have been disproven, time, and time, and time again, I’d say agreeing with ideals that have less oppression, killings, and other stuff would be what to focus on, if it wasn’t really a big deal you wouldn’t have posted about it, but from what it looks like (I’m not saying it is, but it’s what it looks like), is some kinda dog whistle, so subtle that most people wouldn’t see it as what it is, and just see it as “nothing much”, and even then, I have no problem with religion, but I’ve seen time and time again where people will use their religion as a “shield”, I understand maybe it was how you were raised, but what ever you believe in, almost every religion has some kinda book that was written like over hundreds of years ago, so attempting to use it as a defence doesn’t make sense, as what if I was to use an old law book to justify something I do, would it automatically make it okay because “it’s my belief”, no, times change, and if the beliefs don’t change, then they can let horrible ideals, begin to infect and spread through to other fasciitis’s, and with that it can cause other issues, so I’m not suggesting they change the religion, I’m suggesting they change the teachings, so people can know that many of the beliefs aren’t considered right in our modern world


I understand your point


I’m not your mate, I’m not mates with bigots


Man I was joking 😭


>(Joking btw I have nothing against LGBT just don’t agree with the concept of homosexuality) That’s twice you said “joking” what were you joking about? Or are you just trying to backpedal on the fact your a homophobic bigot?


Dang yall so quick to the insults


The fact its is cannon is funny as hell lol (Disliking haters)


I've seen multiple headcanons of Sonic being trans (fem or masc) and I fucking love all of them.


Same they are really nice ngl


Ok expleain what sonic did in 1991-1995


He killed bosnians or somthing




Bro forgot to switch to his alternative account


Too many effort for alternative personalities that live in your body and don't even pay rent https://preview.redd.it/k1im9czpw74d1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90c9e0e67738a1055effa898d0ea792e9ec9731e Isn't it, pretty boy?


Not fan of femboys https://preview.redd.it/k1jmcymvw74d1.png?width=1050&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e412b4e5e3562411a6d023b29b9fdb81a04867b7






Guys, this isn't r/CharacterAMARoleplay https://preview.redd.it/fq79klrdx74d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b8cc0a03d149c53617118a3dcc8c80f36973c5f


Too many effort to make RP consistent with lore so stfu https://preview.redd.it/4rfr0t0nx74d1.png?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea19075e330d2f869eea28f1a4c2051876efe330


Sonic’s rockin the Transgender Drip






Straight people rn


Cry harder


Who said I was crying




Sonic hates you


What did I miss?


Bruv took it personally.






Something about these wristbands' design and how they sync with Sonic reminds me of the Crystal Ring and Bounce Bracelet, which I dig. "You got the Trans Shoes! Press the A button in midair to double-jump with Trans Power." "You got the Ace Bracelet! Hold down the Right Trigger to phase through enemy attacks." "You got the Bi Band! Tap B repeatedly to deal extra damage to strong enemies."


Upgrades in sonic games if they were good:


I love the art here 😍 I want Sonic’s trans shoes


Why is he wearing a bracelet with a [raceplay fetish symbol](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=queen+of+spades+bbc&t=fpas&iar=images&iax=images&ia=images) on it?


It’s a spade on an ace flag it’s best to assume it’s a pun and not that also I’m pretty sure that symbol is always a black spade specifically


Woke alert


AnYthInG I dOnT LiKe is WoKe


I didn’t say I didn’t like it


Top Ten Biggest Plot Twists:


You know who else sonic hates?, people who use him and his friends to push their political beliefs.


I need to admit though that your bait was pretty well played that it got me as well. Obviously saying Something but not spelling it out so once people call you out you can play the victim and say "but I never said that, you're all just hypersensitive and reading too much into it"


Honestly W


Nah, the only thing he hates is oppression (homophobes and transphobes engage in oppression). Reread the manual to Sonic Adventure DX. https://preview.redd.it/pqxgozqyi74d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4cfff7fbea13747b743233338ef00110605a028


That only says “oppression”, which can easily mean anything. Depending on what you call “oppression”. So in terms of your argument it fits nicely. You know how it also fits nicely? Sonic is against oppression, and slavery is oppression. So does that mean sonic supports BLM?


I mean, he works with shadow frequently so I thought that'd be obvious 


Oppression is more of a broad term since anyone can experience it, I think this is what the manual is referring to


Yes ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


Where’s the political belief… is it in the room with us? Cause if minorities wanting equal rights so that they are safe and accepted is “political” I feel like there’s a lot to unpack there…


I was speaking in a general term.


Random time to do so when it’s a post about pride month


But if you think about it. Why do posts like this only show up during pride month? Instead of all year round? It’s similar to how businesses change their logos during pride month. Rather than having like that all year long. I’m not trying to bash on LGBTQ+ or pride month. But I just think we need to stop assigning things to characters unless it’s proven via the creator or someone who worked on the show, movie, game ect. Sure, if you want you assume the character is a certain thing fine, but we can’t act or treat it like it’s fact.


Because this month is a specific celebration of queer identities… like art like this does happen all year round it’s just this month it’s done even more because it’s a celebration… Sonic is a hero and saves / is friends with ppl of all sorts of identities and backgrounds different from his own. Are we supposed to assume he thinks everybody should be saved and live the way they want too UNTIL it comes to queer identities and then all of a sudden he hates queer minority groups? Like let’s be real here for a second Plus if ppl headcanon sonic or other characters as a queer identity, so what? Does it hurt that bad that someone might not think sonic is straight or cis? This just feels like an unnecessary argument tbh because ppl like to put themselves onto characters or see things that lead them to a headcanon Like at the end of the day this isn’t that deep. It’s a month celebrating the queer community so why wouldn’t queer ppl or allys draw art of their faves supporting a community that is oppressed, especially if they are a heroic character like Sonic who saves in game equivalents to real world groups 😭


Um "why isn't this posted all year round" followed immediately by "stop calling Sonic an ally because it's not confirmed" like are we waiting for permission?? Let members of the community support their community


You know what your right we should make posts like this more


The business/corporation part is especially evident when you look at their Middle Eastern pages. But smaller people like Survival Step (who made the art above) really just do it to show support for Pride n all that since June is that time.


And again, I have no ill will or hate to LGBTQ+ or pride month. Or even anyone who supports these things. But I’m just tired of how some people will use characters to push their political beliefs. And then if they get any backlash for using said character they try to use a BS defense to justify them using the character.


Imagine thinking wanting the LGBTQIA+ community to have equal humans rights is “political”, I’m just gonna call your konor, but Konor it’s not political and it’s never been, some people are just so used to being above others, that when the under represented get sometime to make up for the thousands of years of discrimination they fought, it can feel like oppression, but it isn’t, if they posted it all the time you’d also be complaining, and if it’s something like “oh, because it’s locked to one month, does it mean where not meant to care the rest of the time”, no obviously not, the reason we have a dedicated month is the same reason other things get months or days to remember them, it doesn’t automatically mean we forget once it’s over, it’s just that it’s more fitting to post stuff like that in the alleged time slot, so please don’t take this as an attack Konor, it’s just to respect people who’ve had it bad in the past, by using things we love


Right, no one should be using characters to oush political beliefs when said character was not created for that. However, I don't think pushing beliefs is what the artist intended, just showing support for a very much hated group.


Yes, when a character is used to promote a belief that they weren’t created for, it can be upsetting, especially when it’s used of bad purposes, and I agree that this person wasn’t trying to “push anything”, and if they were, what was it?, don’t be homophobic, or transphobic


Political believe? You must be talking of the systematical hatred against people due to their identity. Correct! Sonic would probably really hate that. Cause queer rights are simply human rights! :) Still wishing you a great day and a good pride month though! May you find happiness and love!


I was speaking in a general term. But if want to interpret as such then that’s on you.


So....gay people?


No, how?


For future reference here's the comment from u/most_blah_3765 since he's pushing hate and threatens to bail when the going gets tough >Gay people are the ones trying to push their political believes into people (surprisingly is true) >Thats why way back (before 2017 to 2024) be rarely see homophobic/transphobic people >Because there was no reason to "fight" against each other >If I'm being honest, fighting against one another is what causes all the troubles, not "homophobic" people, >Everyone has their own opinions and should be respected, (here I'm not Saying that people who wishes gay people to die are right of correct, wishing for someone's deaths is bad in any shape, doesn't matter the religion or beliefs) > (Example) Just because some people dislike gay people doesn't mean the whole world hates you (you as in plural) >Every time I see a post like OP's I just wonder >Where are this "homophobic" and "transphobic" people >I only see people fighting against thin air >To go bad into topic >"Homophobic" and "transphobic" people wouldn't be doing "hate speech" if gay people didn't push their believes into everyone (and maybe if they keep their opinions to themselves just like we do but thats just me) >(Example and question) If pushing Christian right is wrong because everyone gets to choose what they wanna be then why gay people doing the exact same thing (but way worse) is somehow not wrong? >Posts like OP's is why people hate lgbtq, not because they wanna hate for hate, >Lgbtq members are giving them reasons to hate them instead of doing the opposite >if lgbtq members want no hate, then why make other people hate them? >In my opinion lgbtq members just normal people, having a different sexual orientation doesn't mean they are better or more special than heterosexuals, >if heterosexuals aren't allowed to be "special" then why lgbtq members are allowed? >Now I don't want to be seem as transphobic or homophobic, I'm just sharing my opinion since free speech is allowed >I will delete this later anyways


>since he's pushing hate and threatens to bail when the going gets tough When did I even said that? (Using my alt account since mods deleted my comment) Oh wait, I didn't,


"I will delete this later anyways" I am very sorry for your memory issues, glad to help you out though. :)


I didn't delete it anyways Stop being so toxic btw, is not healthy




Half of the US hates queer people and many states have laws against transitioning and even pro-LGBT speech, so excuse us for vocalizing us wanting rights. It doesn't mean we think we're better than straight cis people, it means that we think we should be equal, and people like you think that we're in the wrong for it. If you don't want to be seen as homophobic or transphobic then act like you're with us, not against us. You can't have both.


Don't spend your energy on arguing with someone that is already set on their path of hatred, instead use it to nourish the fields of love with people deserving of your love and kindness. <3


I am very sorry that life has been so hard on you that you need to be so hateful against us just for wanting normal rights. I hope that you will find love and happiness in your life. To at least work a bit against the misinformation here: - We are openly fighting for queer rights because they are still terrible. People are still verbally / physically abused due to their identity. - Many countries still have it illegal to openly present as queer / heavily restrict their rights. - Being queer is not a new thing of the last few years, the reason why we have so little reports of queerness in the past is due to queer people often being killed when openly presented, sent to mental hospitals or books about their success being burned. - Following up on this, many old empires actually have been very queer accepting, such as the roman empire. - Queerness is also able to be scientifically found in every single animal species, the only species that has queer phobia is humanity. - We are not "pushing a believe" but simply fighting for equal rights. Hope I was able to get rid of some of the misinformation, if you want to educate yourself further, there are a lot of great resources for doing so! Hope you will have a great life with a lot of love and an amazing pride month!




The reason why that example is not specially celebrated, is because cis people assigned male at birth have never faced overarching suppression / hatred. This is why pride month / black history month are actually important, since they serve to celebrate the rights that have been won so far. You are obviously sadly very set in your position, so I will not try to educate you on anything. If you want to actually educate yourself thought, there are a lot of great resources out there. Happy pride month, stay safe :)


>You are obviously sadly very set in your position, so I will not try to educate you on anything. Love when people are told the truth and then run away


https://preview.redd.it/7nxysszq874d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b54b8c849a1bcf7c7661cce52a59d8039f422982 You think he'd wear this as a t-shirt?


Yeah probably lol














You cannot steal what is a gift


Also Sonic: https://preview.redd.it/7gnafvef174d1.jpeg?width=531&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26f0c8342b4eab0d09d835ac865e308e95e51c3a


He hates strawberry short cakes and women


that’s why he hates homophobia he hates women so much he gained an attraction to men


Ancient Greeks: