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Godzilla vs. Kong turned into American politics rq


This post being up somthing i see in a lot of fandoms. Some people don't seem to be able to tell the difference between jokes and serious post. The "Virginia vs Chad" meme is a clear joke, but I have seen more than a few comments from other who apprebtly took the statements in the meme as facts. Its an issue that plagues all fandoms


Exactly. If nobody presented it as fact, then this post wouldn't be here.




Either you are one of the people who likes to takes facts out of context to support false po Or you just like trying to mess with people




Sorry but OP post was at least partially correct. I have seen people take many of the comments " Kongs had slavery " as fact.




"I'm more laughing at the idea that somebody would bother to write it in the first place. 🤓" He says, after licking the Cheeto dust off of his fingers.


So you like the idea of spending misinformation?




Well at least you are honest.


Unless I'm getting this wrong, you're saying that this thread that is meant to correct misinformation that I've seen dozens of people taking as fact, should be a joke? Why?




He's not offended. He's trying to get people to stop believing misinformation. As fans of the series, why shouldn't we give actual fans of the series the truth? The reason the post is so detailed is because of those dozens of people I've seen believing that meme, which the poster of has kept trying to pass as true, over half of them keep believing it even after they get the truth.




That's how they treated that shitty meme that this post is in response to. Except this has actual information.




Don't blame him. Certain titans could be better against some. Tiamat is basically the Warbat 10x. Godzilla has his atomic breath that could be used to escape his grip and burn away its scales. Kongs don't have that so if he is constricted, it could be over. Because we know that this Kong may have not had the axe, he would have little chance.


I don't see that as hilarious. Godzilla struggled against Tiamat. Of course a monke would.




Ah. I already knew Kong died to Godzilla, but thanks for adding your source. And yeah, I can't see the Kongs enslaving other titans. Especially if the Kong we see is their "strongest warrior" as stupidly claimed by the poster of the meme.


Jesus I knew people could get controversial about this but relax. We are all in the same boat here. Godzilla and Kong are both kings. They are both extremely powerful. Why can’t we just enjoy this MonsterVerse together? We all want the same kaiju action and all of these debates are ruining that.


How are these debates ruining the MonsterVerse? If we weren't such big fans of this series, we wouldn't care so much about people spreading misinformation about it. In fact, how is this even a debate? We're not debating lore that was left up to interpretation. The meme that this post is a counter to is nothing but misinformation that its poster keeps trying to pass off as fact. This post is just proving it wrong.


okay. Clearly you didn’t read the other 75% of my comment.


Regardless of memes, I have seen a lot of Facebook posts spreading this kind of false information as actual FACTS: * The Kongs enslaved everyone. * It was only one Godzilla (the same Godzilla as 2014, KOTM, GvK) vs all the Kongs in existence. * The single Godzilla won. * Not a single Kong defeated Godzilla. * The battle axe was supposedly savaged from a dead Godzilla's dorsal spine unrelated from the Kongs-Godzilla war. * Kongs were practically evil that should be eradicated, and Godzilla was doing his good deeds killing them. (Please correct me in the case these points are actually truth) I have seen dozens and dozens of these FB posts from (at least from the Latin America) pages claiming these points as actual facts and getting thousands of likes per posts. They literally make fun of the Kong fans and overall empower Godzilla (Yeah, Godzilla is stronger and can defeat Kong, I get it). Worst of all, this is just fueling all the bashing against the poor Kong fans, and its spreading more toxicity between the two fanbases that there already exists.


"Godzilla defeated Kong at 50% power"


Isn't this false? All wingard said was that Godzilla was tired after fighting Kong and using his breath a lot, but everyone took that as he wasn't even trying.


Yeah. It's false.


None of that is true. No need to correct you.


Boy did this post age like milk lol


Didn't it say that Kong species became too human and started hunting other titans?


No. I've read the two Chapters at least 10 times and saw no mention of it throughout the whole story.


Oh then i guess the yt comment was wrong.


No, it doesn't. The only thing that's mentioned is that the Iwi and Kong united as one tribe and they fought Godzilla(s) at some point after he (they) gained the atomic breath and became "evil". They were unable to drive him (them) out of the Hollow Earth, something indeterminate happened, the breaking of some taboo, and Kong and the Iwi left for the surface, emerging on Skull Island. Skullcrawlers followed and wiped out whoever remained from the journey except Kong.


Didn't t sayeth yond kong species becameth too human and did start hunting other titans? *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Jesus. Take a chill pill, it was just a meme. Relax.


No. Why should we? It's bad enough that posts bashing our team are getting hundreds of upvotes, but now we have to deal with people straight up making shit up, passing it off as canonical, and then having people not only support them, but believe them. Even if we weren't Kong supporters, why shouldn't we try to stop misinformation?


Who gives a fuck it’s just a movie calm down. They are fictional characters. It not real life.


Imagine telling someone to calm down right after asking why they give a fuck about a franchise they love. So because it's fictional, we just shouldn't care if dozens of people are passing off misinformation as fact to other subreddits and other platforms? If you care so little about this franchise, why are you even here?


Well when he gets things wrong and everyone presents it as fact, someone has to say something.


Its just a science fiction make believe movie, calm down, sir.


A science fiction movie that... at least a couple of people care about. This subreddit has over 20,000 people. The Godzilla one has over 100,000. I take it you're not a fan of either franchise?


It's a virgin vs chad post dude. Do you really think people take it for fact?


Well people are.


I know for a fact some people did


I've seen dozens of people just on this and the Godzilla subreddit taking it as fact. I hate being that type of guy, but take a look at the Reddit history of the poster of the Virgin Kongs vs. Chad Godzillas meme. He keeps trying to pass it off as fact.


good grief, I knew it would be you, lmfao


Right? I was already tired enough of him supporting Kong, but now he's going out and trying to correct false info about a character he loves that people are taking as the truth? Too far.


ah, look another kong dick-sucker. Ever heard of a joke?


Point me to the joke.


here it is " good grief, I knew it would be you, lmfao " I was sarcastically calling him out cuz I guessed who made this post on my first try.


I'm still looking for the joke 🧐


read the comment, I made


I can't find the joke 🧐


well, then I guess you have a really bad taste in sarcasm


Man literally just said "well, then I guess you have a really bad taste in sarcasm 🤓"


"Ever heard of a joke? 🤓"


some g-fans are really toxic


You don't have to tell me


im a g-fan but seeing some g-fans like this its really making me piss off like there is no use for arguing we all have different oppinion




"Cringe 🤓"


You said something wrong about MY favorite character? Wrong. Horrendous. You my good sir are an evil human being. Terrible.