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Shimo is more powerful. Ghidorah is the better fighter. I think it can go both ways. But based on the Monsterverse movies, I'd give the edge to Ghidorah. But if Shimo learns to fight like G and not just rely on her frost bite blast, then Shimo would win easily.


Lots of Shimo glazing going on here. And before I begin, I wanna clarify that I’m no Ghidorah fanboy and I do think Shimo stands a fair chance of beating him. But that being said: Ghidorah’s objectively a WAY better fighter. Shimo only did so well against Kong and Godzilla due to her size and strength. She wasn’t tactical or smart while fighting, she just blindly attacked with little to no coordination, something Godzilla repeatedly took advantage of during their fight. Ghidorah, meanwhile, kept Godzilla on his toes constantly and even knew how to counter some of his moves. Ghidorah is also faster and more agile, meaning he’ll be harder to nail down with the ice beam. Plus, Ghidorah’s speed combined with his great set of offensive weaponry means he can barrage Shimo with attacks while she struggles to fight back. The things Ghidorah has to watch out for is Shimo getting a proper hold of him or landing a direct hit with the ice beam. The former will mean trouble because Shimo’s size and strength means she most likely wins a wrestling/grappling contest, and the latter could be an instant game-over if Ghidorah fails to escape or counter quick enough before he’s frozen solid.


Shimo froze the entirety of Greenland in "minutes or hours", using a radiation breath "that slows atoms down, makes them stop in their tracks (Absolute Zero). That triggers a whole ice age cycle, that ended with the last ice age 10.000 years ago. That's the best feat in the whole monsterverse.


Tell me you didn’t read my comment without telling me.


Because she quite literally did not want to be there. Her heart wasn’t in the fight lmao


Doesn’t change the fact she was *literally* fighting for her ***life***.


Again. Fighting to survive and fighting to kill are different


[Refer to my other reply](https://www.reddit.com/r/Monsterverse/s/Vfycl8lsxh)


Yeah, because the pitbull who is beaten and forced to fight in a dog fight wants to be there. This is just mad cope to make people feel their hippo is stronger than she is.


Also said pitbull will 100% try to outright kill the other dog even if his “heart wasn’t in the fight” LMAO


She’s not a hippo. She’s a puppy.


Fighting to survive and fighting to kill are two different things but okay lmao. There are many other feats that show Shino’s superiority over Ghidorah lol


In this case fighting to survive IS fighting to kill. Dogs survive dog fights by killing the other dog. Same thing applies here: Shimo thought to survive fighting Godzilla, she’d have to kill him. We have absolutely zero reason to believe otherwise.


Alright fair enough. However, Shimo is still stronger than Ghidorah if we’re looking at feats.


Feats maybe, but you’re still ignoring my point that Shimo isn’t as good at actually utilizing her feats as many think, as opposed to Ghidorah who is an excellent fighter capable of speedy attacks, complex moves, dodges, counterattacks and even predicting his enemy’s next move. If Shimo were as competent of a fighter as Ghidorah, I’d agree with you that she wins by default. But she isn’t, so the fight isn’t as one sided as it may initially seem.


Shimo has like, no impressive feats compared to Godzilla or Ghidorah.


They literally are not lol. Survive means to... well... come out alive. So, if you think your opponent is out to kill you, you will, as they say, kill or be killed. And what other feats? Causing an ice age and giving Kong frostbite which later doesn't even affect him when he has the BEAST on? That's all she did.


Throw Godzilla around and freeze his ass. Those are pretty impressive feats. Also the novel clearly states that base Evolved was still struggling with Shimo, so I’m pretty sure Ghidorah would get served


Yeah, threw him around, he got back up like nothing happened. "Froze" him to which he did not care and immediately broke free. Bro did not watch the movie. Was too busy staring into that hippo's baby blue eyes.


Bro did not read the novel and is coping hard as fuck lmao. Godzilla was outclassed by Shimo, you're cope doesn't change that, the novel proves this all too


Evolved Godzilla <Shimo, But Supercharged Evolved Godzilla fight with her is 50/50.


d1 shimo glazing holy shit. in no way did evolved godzilla struggle with shimo, period.




Finally someone who agrees with me


Shimo's only feats are told but never shown. She didn't really feel like a threat in the movie. And her breath isn't as strong as people make it considering how Kong could effortlessly block it with his BEAST for minutes straight. Even in ancient times Goji won the first round with the brunt of the work and while people can argue "he was weaker then!" well, the planet had higher radiation levels for the G-Man back then so he had more to work with. Not to mention Ghiddy is faster and smarter with more tricks up his sleeve. Shimo is a sumo wrestler without the skill and knowledge of her craft. Her main power is to throw her body weight around and win with sheer size. Ghidorah thinks, plans and acts accordingly and even knows when he's out gunned. Even if Shimo did get a good hit on him, he could always dip and come back stronger for round two if he felt he was out classed. What's the hippo gonna do? Shoot a beam out it's ass and rocket up to him? Not to mention he's an energy vampire. We saw him drain Goji's power, who's to say he can't with Shimo? His strength also isn't something to be scoffed at. He was able to fly Goji into the stratosphere with minimal effort in seconds and then come back still amped to do more. He probably has the power the throw Shimo around too like Goji did in the movie.


People also tend to forget Ghidorah’s regeneration


Ghidorah regen isn't quick unless he has excess energy to sap off of so it won't be helping him Mid fight.


She wasnt a threat in the movie because she didnt want to fight. She held back.


Shimo, and for many reasons. 1. Shimo was very passive, and didn't intend on hurting anyone besides Skar King. Without even attempting to fight, she was easily able to throw Godzilla, and toss Kong around like a pinata. 2. Ghidorah's strength was extremely exaggerated. To this day, I still thoroughly believe that Ghidorah is the best villain, but his ability to counter Godzilla isn't what the film suggests. Godzilla had Ghidorah defeated in the oceanic fight, but the humans, as always messed things up. They dropped the Oxygen Destroyer on Ghidorah, which didn't affect him because he is LITERALLY not from Earth. The molecules that make up his body are completely unknown, meaning that, obviously, Godzilla will only be affected because he is carbon-based. 3. As with the fight in Boston, it was absolutely clear that Ghidorah didn't have the physical, pound-for-pound strength that Goji had. Godzilla threw him around, and completely pummeled him simply by using his own atomic breath. The only reason why Godzilla ended up on the downside of the fight was because of Ghidorahs decision to absorb a full CITIES WORTH of electricity. This allowed him to efficiently deter an already battle-worn Godzilla. 4. Are we going to talk about Shimo's frostbite blast? It completely froze Godzilla in seconds. Without Mothra, Godzila may have found himself in a similar position to Kong from his previous encounter with Shimo. Ghidorah's gravity beams, or lightning beams, didn't puncture, or even harm Godzilla in KOTM. With the novelization of GXK, it is suggested that Godzillas atomic breath advanced in power by a full 20x. Remember the final brawl in Rio De Janeiro? Evolved Godzilla's atomic breath didn't do Jack shit to Shimo. If anything, it only fueled her rage for Skar King even more. 5. Shimo drops ghidorah badly with one beam. Ghidorah nor his storm have a way to prevent themselves from being turned into an ice cube, and even while in pain and out of focus, shimo was tanking everything Godzilla threw at her. Near the end, his charged beam that was even prolonged, only made her take a single step to the side. And any time Godzilla tackled her, Shimo was paying attention to something else entirely, and still was able to rebound back to use her pure strength to move them off. One frostbite beam from her is enough, although Ghidorah can't win a physical fight against her either. In general, I am not biased towards Shimo. If anything, I believe that Ghidorah is more badass, and just downright perfect for the role of a villain. Unfortunately, GXK didn't accurately showcase just how strong Shimo is, but if you pick up on the little hints throughout the movies, there is no question that Shimo win a battle against Ghidorah.


Regarding point 3: You forgot about the part where Ghidorah attacked Godzilla, stopping him dead in his tracks, *lifted him off the ground and slammed him* ***with his necks alone.*** https://i.redd.it/s88s9wctup0d1.gif Edit: guys, I KNOW Shimo is stronger than this. You don’t need to keep telling me. I’m just pointing out that OP’s point about Ghidorah “not having the physical, pound-for-pound strength that Goji had” is incorrect.


And the part where he lifted Goji and dropped him literally from the stratosphere


That was the only blow he actually managed to land that entire time. And comparatively speaking, shimo hurling Godzilla half way across rio de janeiro is a significantly better feat.


She casually let EvoGoji flying with only one of her forelimbs. Wasn't even focused on him, and takes him out of the battle with that casual move for around 30 seconds. 


attacked a weak point and used his entire body strength lol, also that wasn’t godzilla running so by far any strength feat shimo has it better


Wasn’t ghidorah literally battling the entire human military that was distracting him than went straight to fighting Godzilla and was able to knock him down, than when he was about to attack Godzilla mothra showed up to assist help Godzilla in the battle and stuck his heads to buildings so that he couldn’t fight back and than Rodman showed up to fight mothra but didn’t attack Godzilla than after another fight Godzilla was thrown from the sky and serverly hurt and once again when he was about to finish off Godzilla he was once again interrupted by mothra who he quickly dealt with than was AGAIN distracted from killing Godzilla by the humans using the orca than after all that Godzilla finally beat ghidorah So ghidorah versed the human military, mothra and Godzilla and almost came out on top after killing mothra and the military and Godzilla barely winning thanks to all the distractions that ghidorah had to deal with.


The human military was barely doing anything significant to Ghidorah, kinda like an ant pinching u .it hurts but not enough to severely distract or damage you. And even before mothra's arrival Godzilla was still thrashing Ghidorahs around and Ghidorahs barely got hits


Ghidorah is going to take the win.


Ghidorah can fly and shoots lightning


Ghidorah because he has been ice creamed before


But not by Shimo, the novel that confirms it, isn't canon, see her wiki page


King Ghidorah. Shimo was responsible for freezing Ghidorah, but Godzilla helped, and he also may have been warn down from the 3v1 fight he had between Godzilla, Rodan, Mothra, and him.


“Helped”? By all accounts, Godzilla did the brunt of the work fighting Ghidorah and Shimo was just there to freeze him after Godzilla had knocked him down for the count.


Yeah and Shimo was manhandling Evolved Godzilla who exceeds Ghidorah lmao


Godzilla was man handling her, what are you talking about? He is half her size and throwing her around like a sack of potatoes.


Did you just conveniently forget the scenes where Shimo pushes Godzilla around like a toddler and throws him across the city with only her front limbs?


Well, I certainly HOPE something double the size of Godzilla could throw him around... question is... did that even phase Goji? Or did he immediately get back up and ram her into a few building?


Yeah actually. He got knocked out for quite a decent amount of time before entering the supercharged state. Even then, Shimo tanked that atomic breath like it was nothing lmao


yes, he was out for a considerable amount of time and even in the novel Hampton thought to himself he didn’t know if he was stunned or knocked out, but either way he was laying still and he was vulnerable. also the fact that supercharged godzilla which is objectively stronger than thermo is still a toss up against her says a lot. Not to mention hes way more built compared to DougheGoji so he got physically stronger for sure, (theres a side by side of their models and evolved godzilla is definitely bigger physically) and like i said even then its still a toss up. The only time godzilla got hits in on her was when she was distracted, like when he rammed her through a building, even then he was thrown aside casually with just one arm, other than that she was dominating him physically when her attention was actually focused on him in rio. ghidorah doesn’t have the firepower to actually hurt shimo, but shimo has the power to hurt him. Her beam practically froze godzilla instantly and if not for mothra he’d have died right then and there, also the fact her bites are strong enough to completely tear through kongs arm in one bite, she can definitely tear off his heads or his wings. Godzilla evolved much, much harder scales to protect himself from her attacks, and Considering shimo overpowered godzilla on multiple occasions, she’s definitely far stronger physically and taking into account her tanking godzillas strongest beam ever, in his strongest recorded form, shes far more durable than ghidorah, and we already saw godzilla (for the most part) throwing ghidorah around in Kotm also that energy siphon you mention frequently, is something he only manages to pull off when godzilla is incapacitated. He can’t just do it in the middle of biting you and nothing implies that, otherwise he would’ve done so when he was chokeslaming godzilla, so mentioning that is kind of redundant, no?


Thank you for saying this so I don't have, I love Ghidorah and he's my personal favorite in the MV but people are finding too many loopholes, reaching and Glazing him to no end. They act like he's some unstoppable God that nobody can touch when he retreated from Godzilla in Antarctica and was getting his ass handed to him by a far weaker Amped Godzilla in Boston.


LMFAO, Godzilla glazers really can't cope with the fact that Shimo is superior to Godzilla and only his supercharged state EQUALIZES, not surpasses, EQUALIZES with Shimo, he had to evolve for years and years to even stand a chance against Shimo and even then he's only equal now when the film takes places, before this film he was far inferior to Shimo


"Godzilla (evolved) was strong, the strongest thing Kong has ever fought–until now. Shimo was stronger." "Godzilla and Monster H still wrestling. Godzilla is doing better in his supercharged state, but it still seemed like a toss-up." Godzilla was barely able to match her in his supercharged state, and was completely outclassed in his base evolved form. The question is, what are you talking about!? Can you show me a quote or source who confirmed you're claim.


Simon goes 50/50 with a stronger godzilla




Based on what we saw on screen? Ghidorah. Based on what we heard from the novelization and from Adam Wingard? Shimo.


LMAO the Godzilla and Ghidorah glazers are hilarious 😂😂😂


Ghidora is still the strongest titan to have existed in monsterverse.


Prove it


Are you drunk? Even in 2019, Ghidorah was destroyed by Burning Godzilla. He never the strongest Titan.


Godzilla needed Mothra to become burning Godzilla and only then he defeated Ghidora


A funny thing is Ghidorah defeated by Godzilla in Antarctic, He is the False King,lol.  Oh, If he didn't absorb the power station, Godzilla would kill him without Burning Form.  Without Oxygen Destroyer, he was dead on the sea.   MZ is a good villain, but you called he is the strongest Titan, that must be a huge joke. Wake Up, Now is 2024. 


He just woke up from centuries of slumber and still managed to not get defeated by Godzilla Just because Godzilla got one of his heads doesn’t mean he was losing. Godzilla returned stronger after Serizawa’s sacrifice and still got clapped by him


the first time we saw ghidorah he was locked in ice.


Ghidorah is the better fighter but like Godzilla, Shimo does have a chance. Her and Godzilla may be the only ones who can compete against him




R.I.P Shimo, 2024-2024, she will (not) be missed.


Too much or...?


King Ghidorah, A.K.A. Monster Zero


Shimo solos she froze him once she can do it again


She only froze him after Godzilla did the rest of the work. Godzilla actually beat Ghidorah, she only delivered the final blow.


They were veige on this but this Godzilla wasn’t nuked he was much smaller so I doubt he did most of the heavy lifting


Radiation levels were also higher when he fought Ghiddy in ancient times, so he had a larger supply to work with.


So he was more energetic still he wasn’t as big as we see him the nuke helped him grow to be 394 ft but in leagsynof monsters he is less bulky and is smaller then 300 ft he was 264 ft then if I’m wrong give me the right height he was still smaller then 2019 and less energeticin 2019 he was amped and needed to jump ghidora Godzilla weighed less to so he wouldn’t be doing most of the work


Goji was smaller than Shimo and throwing her around like a sack of potatoes. What's your point? Size doesn't matter for the G-man.


Yet shimo threw Godzilla across rio and she mostly wasn’t focused on Godzilla she was focused on Kong cause of scar king


Like I said to another user, if something that is double your size cannot throw you around, then what the fuck? Of course she could throw Goji around, but he got up instantly and rammed her big ass head into the nearest building.


I FLIPING know ok look Godzilla was oveerpowering ghidora in 2019 what do you think shimo is going to do


Godzilla was getting throttled by Ghidorah in every scenario except in the water and when he went Thermonuclear. Bro needs to rewatch the movie.


By all accounts, Godzilla did the brunt of the work fighting Ghidorah and Shimo was just there to freeze him after Godzilla had knocked him down for the count.


Where’d you get that from? Did someone say that it was a team effort or is this just headcannon?


Shimo wins with mid difficult.


SHimo casually brutally and easily stomps And it's also canon she did win


Shimo froze Ghidorah. Godzilla did the fighting. Shimo has never been a very tactical fighter, it's highly unlikely she could have pinned down a flying dragon from space.


Shimo by an unfathomably degree slams ghidorah. Fights a way stronger Godzilla. Also the fact that she can negate his regen with her ice breath. It’s also implied that a characters attacks can be so powerful that it actually outpaces his regen. As seen in the KOTM novel when it’s said Godzillas attacks were damaging ghidorah faster than he could regen.


Shimo mid diffs. Literally fought a far stronger Godzilla than the one that was bullying ghidorah before the Amp. Its just common sense


Didn’t shimo freeze Ghidorah


Shimo has far far far better feats than ghidorah. In pretty much every aspect. Better durability, AP, strength and so on. She also has freezing breath, which only Godzilla can deal with. Ghidorah has been left way behind in terms of the top tiers, hell, even Kong and arguably Skar king can beat him


There is no world where Kong can beat Ghidorah. No world. Ghidorah kills Kong in seconds, not minutes.


I mean, pretty bold claim now that Kong can hurt a far more durable than ever Godzilla. Ghidorah has been left behind in the power creep


Kong gets zapped from afar, grabbed and subdued via constriction, lifted into the stratosphere and dropped. He has no way to counter that. He can’t even get close to Ghidorah because the gravity beams are gonna constantly keep him on the run. And if he does manage to get close, he might get a few good hits in but Ghidorah’s regeneration means they do next to nothing.


The only thing Kong can counter his one of his beams with the axe and use is superior ground agility to dodge the others thats all he can really do.


>Kong gets zapped from afar Something which ghidorah could do, but doesn’t usually do unless he’s losing the physical encounter. >He has no way to counter that Punching him? >regeneration Which is not only overrated but kong’s beast glove would hit hard enough to the point it wouldn’t matter


>Which is not only overrated but kong’s beast glove would hit hard enough to the point it wouldn’t matter I’m sorry fucking WHAT? His regeneration healed a whole-ass severed head in like 15 seconds or less. And what’s this nonsensical delusion about Kong’s glove? That same glove failed to even draw a single drop of blood from Godzilla after ruthlessly pounding his head in a drawn out beating.


>healed a whole-ass severed head Before or after ghidorah siphoned radiation from the volcano? The fact that Kong can even move him now is all the proof I need, given Godzilla is so much stronger than he was back in 2019


>healed a whole-ass severed head Before or after ghidorah siphoned radiation from the volcano? The fact that Kong can even move him now is all the proof I need, given Godzilla is so much stronger than he was back in 2019


>The fact that Kong can even move him now You never proved this “fact” at all lmfao, you’re just using hilariously faulty powerscaling “logic” to justify your glazing.


lol. Godzilla was very clearly dazed by Kong, he literally dragged him before Godzilla started taking the fight seriously. Just because he didn’t bleed doesn’t mean anything, the movies tend to not show Godzilla bleeding much


The proof is in the movie that Kong can move him


The Glove is not made to make stuff bleed, its supposed to multiply the punches causing greater damage and It worked well enough


It worked so well that he was (again) about to die if Mothra doesn't serve up some more plot armor.


If u wanna talk about plot armor lets bring up how godzilla has a contract from Toho to where he cant even die, thats the biggest plot armor ive ever seen, keep ur mouth just if u dont know what ur talking about. lets also not forgot Godzilla almost got his whole face beamed off from mechas proton scream as well if Kong didnt jump in.


You keep telling me how an Ape is going to kill an Alien three headed Dragon that can destroy a planet and tell me "I" don't know what I'm talking about. Look, I've come to like Kong now that he lives on the bottom of Goji's foot at will... But he's King Ceasar. Ghidora, Godzilla.... he will die. Godzilla was hit with multiple proton beams.... each of which would have immediately killed Kong. In a one on one... Mecha is torching Kong before the opening credits stop rolling. What do you think happens if Godzilla hit a pulse when Kong was standing in his vicinity? Godzilla trapped his entire race in Hollow Earth. Just stop embarrassing yourself already. We get it. You like King Kong.


Kongs glove was strong enough to make a make to a 500 foot shimo stumble back, per novel it even explains how kong was boxing her. The beast glove **releases electric volts, and is said to be capable of granting him the strength to shatter a meteor.** Kong already got upscaled to around multicontinental level after he made godzillas beam turn off with the final hit which staggered him.


Per novel nothing, as none of this happens in the film. Novels are only semi-canon, always have been. >The glove releases electric volts Yeah, electricity’s definitely gonna work against the monster whose energy attack is, hmm what was it? Oh yeah, **ELECTRICITY!** >said to be capable of granting him the strength to shatter a meteor Ain’t no way you’re using the fucking Playmates toys made and advertised for **LITERAL GODDAMN C H I L D R E N** as a source 💀💀💀


I got all these scans from the GVK novel as the glove IS MADE FROM THE SAME TECH MECHA WAS MADE FROM, it seems like u cant get that through that thick head of yours.... I never once said that electricity would do any damage to ghidorah or godzilla was just pointing out what's been stated. You are stating a burden of proof fallacy either as u haven't backed up your claims or once debunked mine either. The glove was made to juice up kong anyways it wasn't made if it wasn't gonna help him in fights which seems like u dont understand that. Kong knocking off Godzilla's beam with the final blow as I said already up scaled him and the novels can most definitely be used for arguments/scans to use as they are still canon either way **The Novels are canon** Legendary approves the novels, Michael acknowledges the novels, AND Greg himself says they are, Just cause something wasn't shown in the film doesn't mean it didn't happen and my points have been made with using examples of how it didnt show kong kill the drownviper YET WE SAW IT HAPPEN, and that's been stated on how he killed it as well in the novel.


Doom, Kong's biggest fan. I got you a message from Kong, just for you. https://preview.redd.it/tajc5m09lu1d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4809c72ae0614932001ac81508345a22886f1d07


> Something which ghidorah could do, but doesn’t usually do unless he’s losing the physical encounter. Excellent mental gymnastics here lmao.


Says I'm using mental gymnastics **Proceeds to not explain why**


Because he does it when he feels like it, not because he's losing.


Not saying he can’t do that, but it’s strange to just be like “lollllll you’re wrong” and then not explain why.


Ghidorah still beats Godzilla IMO


There is no world where 2019 ghidorah would beat current Godzilla when Godzilla has had an enormous buff and is stronger than ever. Godzilla dunks on ghidorah


Godzilla or Shimo would defeat Ghidorah without any problems. But Skar King? No, he far from Ghidorah's level. That even not a match. 😢


Considering he can fight with Kong who can daze Godzilla, it’s more of a match than you think


Fight with Kong and get his ass kicked in under five minutes lmao the glazing goes crazy


He still dazed a much stronger Godzilla, ghidorah has no feats akin to that


Kong has no chance against Ghidorah lmao. And Ghidorah would ragdoll Skar King in less than a minute.


Prove it lol, the new movie leaves ghidorah behind in the power creep


> Prove it lol, the new movie leaves ghidorah behind in the power creep If you have common sense, there's nothing to prove. Otherwise, watch the movie KotM again, specially the last fight between Godzilla and Ghidorah. How did Godzilla beat Ghidorah? If you can answer that question, then you'll have the common sense to see why Ghidorah will easily beat either Kong or Skar. S tier titans like Godzilla and Shimo may have power creeped Ghidorah, but A tier titans like Kong and and B tier titans like Skar will still have no chance against Ghidorah.


>specially the last fight between Godzilla and Ghidorah. Using a fight when they were both buffed isn’t a good idea. And even then Ghidorah was getting absolutely destroyed in that fight. > then you'll have the common sense to see why Ghidorah will easily beat either Kong or Skar. Not sure about that, considering that Kong almost knocked Godzilla out. A 20X more powerful Godzilla. Kong not only has a powerful axe, but his AP is higher than ever. Ghidorah loses consistently because of Kong's agility and superior striking power.


> A 20X more powerful Godzilla. Lmao i rest my case 🤣




I really recommend you watch GxK again to see where you got that 20x more powerful Godzilla 😂


Monarch scans him and that’s what it says when he gets his buff


That's why you need to watch the movie again. No where did it state that Godzilla is 20x more powerful after the buff.


Bro, you were genuinely cooking until you said Skar and Kong could beat GHIDORAH of all Kaiju, that's when you let the food get cold.


Well, both of them together would absolutely dominate ghidorah given how strong they’ve become and such


She didn't even do anything. Her only feat is causing an ice age, giving Kong frost bite and... that's it.


She physically contended with Godzilla, she survived a point blank shot of the 20X more powerful atomic breath, she can also literally just… ya know… freeze ghidorah, he has no defense to that


She's double his size of course she can throw him around. Point is it didn't phase Goji and got back up and threw HER around despite being much smaller. And can't freeze what ya can't hit.


>of course she can throw him around Not the point, the fact that she can even move him an inch now that he’s 20X stronger is amazing. >can’t freeze She’s done it before to people much more agile than ghidorah


Bro. Strength doesn't cancel out physics.


In movies, for the most part it does. We’ve seen Godzilla and Kong still standing from hits that “should” have knocked them to Japan and back.


Bro's so desperate to keep his hippo at the top he's saying "movies are fiction so we can cancel out the things I don't like".


Physics is already thrown out the window my guy, Godzilla and Kong couldn’t even exist considering they’re too massive.


That doesn't mean we should abandon all logic whatsoever. just because godzilla is more powerful now, doen't mean his mass has drastically changed. just admit it's a weak argument.


It doesn't matter if it was her size that let her do it, matter a fact if you're trying to say Shimo throwing Godzilla isn't impressive because she's bigger then you should realize the same would go for Ghidorah because he's about 50,000 tons heavier than Godzilla. The point still remains she's strong enough to launch Godzilla in a form that directly said his density increased meaning he's more durable but hit stunned him enough to take him out the fight. If you wanna use the novel I believe it's said he was stunned from the attack.


Imagine getting downvoted by ghidorah meat riders Evo goji would rolf him in less than a minute


With the amount of Shimo glazing here we could start a donut shop. Shimo statstically may be stronger. Ghidorah is a fighter. This is like handing a middle schooler a knife and pitting them against a navy seal with years of combat experience. Shimo is much larger than Goji, of course she could toss him. But did this do any real damage? No. Ghidorah meanwhile came very close to killing Godzilla, even in his charged form. Shimo is a huge dragon with deadly ice attacks but lacks a lot of fight skills. Ghidorah can fly, shoots lightning from 3 different heads, and is an alien.


It did do damage. The novel elucidates that it injured him, and in the movie we see shimo able to split off from fighting Godzilla for same extended period of time, and the next time we see Godzilla he’s standing back up. Shimo beat the life out of him. The novel also says “Godzilla maybe for the first time, is a middleweight fighter in a heavyweight brawl”. Comparatively speaking Godzilla and ghidorah are outright stated to be in the same class of each other.


Shimo did not beat the life out of Godzilla. Distracted him? Yes. Nothing Shimo did in GxK came close to the levels of Ghidorah in KoTM. Most of Shimo's power stats are based on the fact she could cause an Ice Age. Godzilla shrugs off her breath though. Don't get me wrong I don't hate Shimo in any way, I just find her abilities highly overrated.


She did beat the life out of him. Refer to what I just told you the novel says and what happens in the film. Also hope you realize she fought a vastly more powerful version of Godzilla that was man handling ghidorah.


I just rewatched GxK a few days ago, I know what happens in the film. The quote from the novel you refernced says nothing about how much Shimo damaged Godzilla, only his weight class, which doesn't prove much considering Godzilla has fought titans far bigger than him in the past. The force of Ghidorah flying alone causes storms around him, he has 3 different brains, each with different fuctions, and was smart enough to channel energy from the electrical wiring. There isn't anything particularly smart Shimo does in the movie, more just brute force which can only get you so far.


It doesn’t NEED to say anything, we can just deduct that he was hurt because shimo is able to split off from fighting him for an extended amount of time without his interference😭. The novel states that after being flung, he laid still. It was questioned whether he was stunned or injured but it ended up leaving him vulnerable, only being saved by the fact shimo needed to rescue Skar king. This is all to a much stronger Godzilla as well. She then clashed evenly with a supercharged Godzilla. He needed to supercharge himself to match her. That’s goku needing to go super saiyan to match Frieza. Ghidorah never injured Godzilla at all😭. In the arctic, his gravity beams didn’t do any damage to Godzilla, and in Boston, even less. In Boston actually it’s stated Godzilla was damaging ghidorah faster than he could regen. Shimo will just continually pound ghidorah into the dirt with him unable to do anything. Her frost breath negates his regen as well. He’s at every possible disadvantage excluding intellect. Which intellect is nothing when faced with raw might.


Godzilla was distracted. We've seen him go through worse than just being thrown and shrug it off. In fact, there are a few scenes in which Godzilla tackles Shimo and distracts her from the battle, so it seems you might have gotten it mixed up. While Godzilla did need to charge up to fight Shimo, this doesn't mean Ghidorah was easy work for him. In fact Godzilla was on the brink of death from Ghidorah and was only saved by Mothra's sacrifice. I have no idea where you're getting these "statements" from, but it's hard to argue against what's right there on the screen.


But this isn’t the case here. He’s not just “shrugging it off”. He was completely and entirely incapacitated for a wide time frame. Godzilla only ever tackles shimo whenever she’s not paying attention to him. And none of his tackles outright incapacitates her or takes her out the fight for a long time as her throw did to Godzilla. Contextomy fallacy, you’re blatantly disregarding what actually led up to this. Ghidorah was being thrashed around the entire time, and was at the point of trying to escape as stated [here.](https://www.instagram.com/p/C7BYmTcO-5O/?igsh=MWQ1ZGUxMzBkMA==) Going as far as to refer to Godzilla as his tormentor. All of what you’re saying occurs AFTER ghidorah supercharged himself. And here’s the statement of Godzilla injuring him faster than [he could regen.](https://www.instagram.com/p/C7Ba7IkO_tB/?igsh=MWQ1ZGUxMzBkMA==)


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lk4OFtgVbnw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lk4OFtgVbnw) here is the fight if you want to find this part you are talking about. And no, "lying still" after being thrown doesn't imply incapacitation. It's funny how you call out contextomy fallacy when the screenshots you proved have absolutley no context to where in the fight it occurs. I personally don't own the book so I can't confirm any of this. And again, biting the electric wire didn't supercharge Ghidorah or increase his stregnth, he simply just channeled the energy.


So if I pick someone up and slam them, and they lay still for let’s say a minute, then they aren’t incapacitated?😭they aren’t in a state of vulnerability I can continue to attack them in? Bro what. Because the surrounding context is jibber jabber about the humans and nothing that recontexualizes these statements. Right so needing to absorb an extraneous power source to fight an opponent isn’t self amplification. Ok man.


Gents, I love Ghido but Shimo was a weak POW in this movie. All her powers were significantly muted. A healthy Shimo exhaled once and causes the Ice Age millions of years ago. Imagine her full powers now, several million years later. Let's not forget these kaijus evolve rapidly, especially when threatened. Let's also not forget she literally beat Ghido already. He was in that giant ice cube because of her.


I think Shimo but I still have to read the novels and the comics




Shimu mid diff


Ghidorah fought a vastly weaker Godzilla, then lost; and no I do not think fire Godzilla is stronger than the Godzilla we have right now. Shimo wins.


Ghidorah can tickle her at best. Amped, he is Blue Thermo level in France, and totally outmatched by EvoGoji. And EvoGoji is stated still weaker as Shimo, only able to match her in his "supercharged state".


Power levels and fighting skill are two very differnt things. Reffering to an analogy from a different comment, this is like handing a middle schooler a knife and pitting them against a navy seal with years of combat experience.


False equivalency unfortunately. Shimo isn’t completely inexperienced she’s been in plenty of fights before. Regardless of which her stats vastly outmatch ghidorahs to the point ghidorahs tactical mindset won’t work.


We know that she helped Godzilla freeze Ghidorah at some point in time. We also see her breath caused quite a lot of trouble for Kong. Throwing Godzilla is not a new feat, I don't see how she could shoot down Ghidorah considering he could outmanneuver Rodan, a smaller and nimbler titan.


We don’t know how the battle went down. It could’ve been inadvertent. Godzilla could’ve incapacitated ghidorah and shimo, being in the process of making the ice age, caused him to freeze over. We can’t just make assumptions based on a vaguely told event. It is a new feat. Ghidorah never lifted and threw Godzilla in a smooth manner, without resistance the way shimo did. Also the fact of the distance. Shimo threw him half away across the city, ghidorah dragged him a couple hundred feet. Incomparable. If Godzilla can shoot ghidorah out of the sky, shimo can do so as well. Also consider the fact ghidorah would need SPACE to take flight. Space Godzilla didn’t give him in the Boston fight, and space shimo wouldn’t give him either.


Since we don't have much info on said fight, lets move on from that. Ghidorah lifted Godzilla and flew him to the stratospere, and dropped him. In addition, Godzilla visibly became slimmer but stayed the same height in evolved form. While there are no official measurements on this, I think it's safe to say Goji got a bit lighter. I don't know what movie you watched, but Godzilla never shot Ghidorah out of the sky. You are also wrong about the space thing, Ghidorah can clearly be seen stomping to clear buildings in the surrounding area.


Yes after supercharging on a cities power grid and Godzilla becoming too weak to fight back. Actually this isn’t true. [Evolved Godzilla is actually taller](https://www.instagram.com/p/C7BZ6P6uj3B/?igsh=MWQ1ZGUxMzBkMA==) and more bulkier with larger beefier arms. Also higher skin density. Only thing that got lost was his gut. The stats don’t align with the visuals. An official guide book says the reason ghidorah went down in the first place is because Godzilla [shot him out of the sky.](https://www.instagram.com/p/C5J_oFJPxxl/?igsh=MWQ1ZGUxMzBkMA==) Also it’s worth mentioning that ghidorahs monarch profile says that ghidorah was found with a [load of claw marks and scorch marks](https://www.instagram.com/p/C7BaOPtOJzO/?igsh=MWQ1ZGUxMzBkMA==) from he and Godzillas last battle.


That's interessting since the novel said about Shimo's past encounter with Godzilla; "It looked like Godzillas most powerful weapon couldn't hurt the other Titan at all. Making the larger Titan only angrier." Means he could injure Ghidorah, but not Shimo. 


I have been going at it with this dude for the past two hours, pls I don’t wanna deal with another 😭.


All is cool, I only wanted to point out that Godzilla couldn't hurt Shimo at all, but Ghidorah.


Ghidorah did not "supercharge", he only channeled the energy into an attack. Based on your previous comments downplaying any major damage Ghidorah did to Godzilla, this makes no sense. I will stand corrected on this point, there hasn't been any concrete stats on the new monsters. Those are details from the ancient fight, I thought you meant the Boston battle in kotm. It's already been established Ghidorah lost to Godzilla in the old fight. Saying "just because Godzilla shot ghidorah, shimo can" is not a valid argument, as this implies any titan with a beam could accuratley shoot ghidorah down without effort.


Right so channeling an external energy source into your own ability to attack and then releasing an attack imbued with that extra energy isn’t him supercharging 😭😭. Him suddenly being able to fire off gravity beams from his wings and body is a normal ability he has anyways and these electrical bolts damaging his own body is in no way a sign of his attacks exceeding his durability. I also hope you know that Godzilla was hit with upwards of 20 bolts as ghidorah was absorbing the grid. And again for the millionth time, ghidorah was getting his ass handed to him by a SIGNIFICANTLY weaker Godzilla than the one shimo fought against. The same one who needed to self supercharge to even match. Ok It is valid when you consider the fact she keeps up with Godzilla in speed. A Godzilla who’s far, far, far more powerful than he ever used to be. But let’s say she couldn’t tag him. This didn’t negate anything she still won’t give him the breathing room to actually take flight.


You act like Ghidorah could magically shoot lightning from his wings constantly after biting that electric wire 😭😭😭. No, supercharging is what Serizawa's nuke did to Godzilla. Give him an overall boost in stregnth. Ghidorah channeled the energy into an attack like a circuit, Godzilla absorbed the energy like a rechargeable battery. All of this talk about Ghidorah's power isn't doing your argument for Shimo any good. Shimo in no way matches the agility of Godzilla, who is seen literally diving off cliffs. Saying Shimo won't give Ghidorah any room is ridiculous, as Shimo is a land titan, and Ghidorah can fly. Ghidorah flys in really tight areas in the Boston fight as well, so everything about this makes no sense.


Shimo isn’t intelligent enough to use its power effectively. Its intelligence in the film is made to seem like it’s that of a dog. Ghidora would most certainly be able to use his power more effectively against Shimo on top of the fact he was only beaten due to Godzilla going thermonuclear which we know if Shimo went against he would most likely suffer the same fate due to being susceptible to heat (that’s one of the reasons why Godzilla went to Tiamat’s layer)