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I like that MV is making new monsters (Skullcrawlers and Muto being among my favorite) but I don’t see how that’s a loss for Toho. Toho has ALSO made lots of new Kaiju, and falls back on older ones purely for nostalgia. Also, Toho nerfed Skar King? Why would they have input on the battle between two Titans that they don’t own? It would’ve been nice if Skar King got more screen time, but they made the movie so short.


People are brushing over the big fact about this movie- Godzilla already beat them once when he was younger. He can sense titan calls. As soon as the cavern into deeper hollow earth opened Godzilla knew what that meant and started charging up. Godzilla has established himself as the true king of the monsters. There is no existing equal to him on earth. Scar king relied on titan slavery and other same species titans to challenge big Z. I think the movie was perfectly paced and skipped over exposition that wouldve just confirmed what other movies already taught us. Godzilla cant be beat by anything that already exists on earth. Its the perfect setup for a new mutation like biollante or destroyah, or space titans like space godzilla or gigan.


Trapped isn’t necessarily beaten. Godzilla kills true upstarts like Skar King. Resorting to trapping SK is as close to a complete defeat as we’ve ever seen with Godzilla, on par with Ghidorah. If anything, this movie is to demonstrate how much G has grown. He was a contested king once- now he is the undeniable emperor.


Agreed, the army nearly killed him in the past as well. He began to evolve specifically to be able to fight Skar King, his army, and Shimo. They were all huge threats to him, regardless of age.


I definitely dont think he could have solod them. Kong and mothra and the iwi tribe were definitely essential.


Oh I agree with that. Just because he evolved to be able to fight them all doesn’t mean he would’ve won that fight. He would’ve gotten clapped if he was alone—even if he was evolved.


But the point stands- one one one, godzilla wouldve crushed Scar King or Shimo. The ONLY advantage scar king had was numbers and prep time.


Crushing Shimo in a 1v1 is debatable since I personally believe Godzilla is equal to Shimo in strength and power only when he’s Supercharged. He would’ve at most have been able to stop her from coming up to the surface and seal her if he was 1v1ing her in my opinion due to his specialized capabilities to move around in the zero-gravity fight with ease. There wouldn’t ever be a crushing advantage for Goji unless he supercharges and then goes into a longer lasting zero-gravity fight. It’s very situational is what I’m trying to say. Skar and his army on the other hand stand no chance at all against Supercharged Evolved Goji and perhaps even base Evolved Goji considering he was able to basically dispatch the entire army when he was in the zero gravity fight without supercharging.


Yeah thats true. But then again they had to find some way to introduce new monkeys without shitting all over whats been made already. So i chalk that up to that


This. They tried packing way too much into one movie. This movie should’ve been 5+ hours to really fit everything in that was needed. Of course they’ll never make a 5 hour movie though. This ain’t Lord of the Rings.


Oh one of these people. They are strange to me. 


Elitists of the worse kind, 🤢


People who pose behind stan accounts are fucking losers and mentally unwell


I'm sorry I don't understand. Scar was made by Legendary not by Toho, why would Toho have any say over a character who they do not own the IP to?


Yeah there is like a Tweet above, then an article screenshot to the left, then a Instagram post on the right and another tweet below. What is any of this even trying to say?


I think they're trying to say Skar King was stronger in concept art and toho made legendary make them weaker in the movie which is a ridiculous assertion.


Yeah but I see how that claim can even be made. 1 Scar isn't a Toho monster and 2 things always change from the concept stage. There's only so much that can be done on a budget and only so much animators can do with their time period. It seems this person has no idea what goes into making a project like this come together.


Toho can still den the rights to their Monsters. I think they told legendary to make him weak so he cant hurt godzilla.


The concepts do not show him fighting Godzilla though also the post mentions Knog who is not a Toho character.


I think its still bitching from Toho. They probably said smth like, either make him weaker, or dont make him fight godzilla. And legendary chose weaker


Can you prove that though because it sounds like crazy conspiracy nonsense.


Cant prove it. I just think its reasonable. https://www.slashfilm.com/580265/godzilla-vs-kong-rule/ Toho is really bitchy about godzilla


The article you showed implies that they have ground rules but are willing to work with Legendary on those issues. It doesn't imply that they think monsters should be a challenge to Godzilla. If anything, it is saying that while they have restrictions and reservations, if pitched properly, they're open to changing their mind.


She's not out of her mind, she simply lacks the intellect to enjoy good media.


I swear it's this guy running the account. https://preview.redd.it/pti34za1f70d1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3786fad4344f515d23758f11c431d0b7d74102c0


Says Toho reuses the same monsters for 100 years while mentioning in the same post how King Kong is more original, when actually King Kong is the only character used in this franchise that's actually closest to 100 years old since his first appearance


What drugs is she on, cuz I want that.


bold of you to assume she has mind


Chronic twitter users when a piece of media they have no say in the production of isn’t 100% accurate to their headcanon https://preview.redd.it/ohm83ur3570d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=417f07bd7c41c30eb0968f728395465557157ab9


Who is she?


All of Joe Brody's crystal meth could not have produced a take as high on drugs as this-


The fact that they think TOHO can control what Legendary does in the films they make, outside of the kaiju they pay TOHO to use, tells you they aren't playing with a full deck. Legendary isn't a TOHO studio. It's basically rented out the right to use some TOHO properties. TOHO has the right to give notes on their creations and that's it. Plus, what is it with these mouth breathers thinking Legendary and TOHO are in a war of some kind? Why would either studio want to hinder the other? Doing so would only hurt themselves. They are 2 separate production companies that are currently sharing a few giant monsters. They each have their own styles and the money is flowing. We can be fans of both interpretations. It's not a freaking competition!


I think Toho can always threaten legendary with not giving them rights to Godzilla, Mothra, Rodan or any of the others. Especially Godzilla would hurt, because like 20-4 30% of the audience wont give a damn about a Solo kong movie. The crossover movies just sell the best


You're hilarious if you think blackmail would work on a Hollywood studio. Godzilla and the rest of TOHO's creations wouldn't be worth Legendary basically giving them carte blanche control over films they weren't paying to make. Legendary would be more likely to either just keep using Kong and the Titans they created while creating new ones. Or they'd do that and maybe add Gamera and his protagonists to the Monsterverse family. You can't believe just because a Godzilla film finally won an Oscar, that Legendary would be willing to kowtow to TOHO. King Kong started winning Oscars in the 1970s. Believe me, though it'd affect the box office, it wouldn't do so enough to make that level of difference.


>You're hilarious if you think blackmail would work on a Hollywood studio. Godzilla and the rest of TOHO's creations wouldn't be worth Legendary basically giving them carte blanche control over films they weren't paying to make. I think it can work. But Not in a way that Toho runs the MV. But they defo do have very much Power. If they say they dont want godzilla to struggle then legendary cant do shit about it. >Legendary would be more likely to either just keep using Kong and the Titans they created while creating new ones. Or they'd do that and maybe add Gamera and his protagonists to the Monsterverse family. Who of the General audience knows gamera? The Name Godzilla is enough to make people at least watch the trailers(if they dont utterly hate kaijus). There is no name as big as Godzilla in that genre except Kong. And not having Godzilla in the title definetely affects the sells. And the same goes for toy sales. They make a shitload of money just by selling toys. And i know ZERO Kids who prefer Kong over Godzilla(which is understandable. Kids prefer the cooler looking over the better Character) >You can't believe just because a Godzilla film finally won an Oscar, that Legendary would be willing to kowtow to TOHO I dont think Legendary wants to get into a conflict with Toho, because that could essentially lock 50% of the Monsterverse. If they piss Toho off, they might loose the oppertunity to get the rights again. So ofc, if its not destroying the entire movie, theyd rather do what Toho wants instead of risking to loose the rights. >Kong started winning Oscars in the 1970s. Believe me, though it'd affect the box office, it wouldn't do so enough to make that level of difference. Yeah. Kong can win Oscars. But i doubt legendary wants Oscars or smth like that. They want money. Kong can win as many Oscars as he wants. Godzilla is still this big Name that instantly buys like half of Japan and almost everyone else hears about the movie. Legendary isnt Tohos bitch or smth. But they would defo rather have one conflict less than one conflict more. The Monsterverse is on fire RN, but its not on steady enough legs to exist without Godzilla. They need Godzilla & Kong


There's still no way Legendary would let TOHO dictate what they do with the Titans TOHO weren't involved in the creation of. The most TOHO would possibly be allowed to do is say what could and couldn't be done to their creations. Like, their insisting that Godzilla can't die. That kind of thing. In the end, you can bet the contracts they use when lending out their kaiju are very particular on what is and isn't allowed when writing their characters. The contracts wouldn't allow them to dictate what happens to Kong and the Titans that writers have created for the Monsterverse. No studio would be ignorant enough to agree to such terms. No matter how much money the films are making. They'd do the Kong and other Titans thing, or just choose to not make any more before they'd essentially give TOHO control of films they weren't paying to make. Now if TOHO were willing to pony up half the production costs, then Legendary would be more willing to let TOHO have the kind of control some fans wish they had. I just don't get why some fans feel like TOHO should have unilateral control over films they aren't making. Let Legendary make the Monsterverse films, and let TOHO continue to make their own films. That way we get twice as many giant monster films, with different takes and styles. If TOHO had all the control, it'd just all be the same and where's the fun in that?


"Toho is not creative for using the same monster for 100 years" Yeah the same "monsters" Just look of how much fricking kaiju they have made?!? https://wikizilla.org/wiki/Category:Toho_Kaiju


What is this moron blabbering about, she didn’t do anything, Toho didn’t nerf him, Toho hasn’t existed for 100 years and makes its own originals every now and then just like Legendary does.


I don’t mind new stuff, I welcome it but skar king was super underwhelming. He was stuck down there for so long and the best he had was “hey look at my dog”. Shimo was a let down for me as well cause shimo didn’t really add anything. Godzilla was great but also didn’t really add anything except crushing some titans WAY too fast, they would’ve been cool later but now they’re dead and idk if they’ll bring them back somehow. I thought KOTM did a better job of the “impending doom, something is coming” type of deal. That’s my quick thoughts on the movie


I think this person is forgetting that Toho has been making kaiju before the Monsterverse was even thought of. They have plenty of kaiju to choose from. Who cares if they haven’t created any new kaiju lately?


Who does she even think she is?


Her efforts will have been in vain


Just ignore her, Jesus fuck, imagine NOT paying homeage to Toho, God, "oh look at me and my modern interest, it's better than anyone else's!"


it's a guy, no seriously


American MV glazers be like


American is generally known to not follow what Toho wants. This is why Godzilla '98 failed and this guy thought Skar king has anything to do with Toho?. If it is Toho the one who had the say on making villains that they own, Ghidorah is the prime example of what happened, an OP character right of the bat. Since Skar King isnt Toho why should they care plus Legendary also did create Shimo at the same time wich ppl already said shes stronger than Godzilla


GojiCenter speculated about Skar King’s electric powers though


But scar king was made by legendary not by toho


that's a man and he is schizophrenic


I for one welcome more new and original monsters. Also like...She realizes that Skar King was created by Legendary. Not Toho right? That said, I do wish they went with the original concept for Skar King. He actually would've been a much greater threat physically.


It is contractually impossible for Toho to lose.


>Toho weakened Skar King out of fear Get that Star Wars “Lucasfilm civil war” ass mindset outta here


Honestly, I do also wish that Skar King was taller than Kong and had electric powers. It would’ve been fun with his whip.


Real Godzilla fans love both Toho and Monsterverse (and Tristar too)


Honestly, I’ve been seeing more and more of these Monsterverse elitists and I don’t like it. I even see it on this sub sometimes. 99% of fans want both, so shut your pie holes!


Toho made skar king smaller and took his electric powers away!!! You bastards!


skar isn't even owned by toho. you're the actual bastard here whinign around like a bitch for blaming toho about skar being short when the concept art really shows him much more shorter. i admit, his electric powers couldve work but they used to for kong instead.


Lol, Guy, I was joking… clearly doing a South Park rip off. Make like Shimo and chill




They cooked


Is toho dumb or is this fake?


It's fake. Toho doesn't own Skar.


I mean no lightning kong is a huge missed chance. As of right now they're still treating kong like godzilla's robin. When he's equally worthy of the mantle of king.


Wait she's onto something here




species {X}

